Passenger: L. PADILLA Date : 25 FEB Flight : LH 4702 From : FRA To : MAD Seat : 8F Class : Q Number : 024
%VFRAMADLH 4702 MPADILLA/L. 8F ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||| | |_ Flight|_ Passenger | ||_ LRC ||| |_ To Seat _| |_ End sentinel |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%V 056 ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Day of the year ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%V 024 ?* ^^ ^ ^^ || |_ Number ||_ LRC ||_ Format code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%VH**** ?* ^^ ^ ^^ || |_ Alphanumeric code ||_ LRC || (the same one for the same day) |_ End sentinel ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
Passenger: L. PADILLA Date : 04 OCT Flight : BA 3351 From : MUNICH To : MADRID Seat : 05C Class : M
%VMUCMADBA 3351 MPADILLA/L. 05C ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ||| | |Class _||_ Passenger | ||_ LRC ||| | |_ Flight Seat _| |_ End sentinel ||| |_ To |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%V 278 ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Day of the year ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%V 054 ?* ^^ ^ ^^ || |_ Number (same meaning as LH?) ||_ LRC ||_ Format code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%V ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
Passenger: L. PADILLA Date : 07 AUG Flight : JK 816 From : MADRID To : SANTA CRUZ DE LA PALMA Seat : 20E Class : M Number : 132
%WMADSPCJK 816 M 219 20E ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||| | |Class _| | |_ Seat ||_ LRC ||| | |_ Flight |_ Day of the year |_ End sentinel ||| |_ To |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%W ***** 132 ** ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Number ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W PADILLA/L. ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Passenger ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
Passenger: L. PADILLA Date : 12 JUL Flight : IB 3951 From : HAM To : MAD Seat : 20B Class : W Number : 014
%SHAMMAD IB3951 W12JUL PADILLA/L. 20B X 014?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||| | | ||_ Date |_ Passenger |_ Seat | ||_ LRC ||| | | |_ Class Number _| |_ End sentinel ||| | |_ Flight ||| |_ To |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%SHAMMAD IB3951 WPADILLA/L. 20B ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ||| | | ||_ Passenger | ||_ LRC ||| | | |_ Class Seat _| |_ End sentinel ||| | |_ Flight ||| |_ To |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%S ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%S 01412JUL X ?* ^^ ^ ^ ^^ || | |_ Date ||_ LRC || |_ Number |_ End sentinel ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
% ?* ^ ^^ |_ Start sentinel ||_ LRC |_ End sentinel
% ?* ^ ^^ |_ Start sentinel ||_ LRC |_ End sentinel
% ?* ^ ^^ |_ Start sentinel ||_ LRC |_ End sentinel
Passenger: PADILLA/L. Date : 26 MAR Flight : IB 569 From : SCQ To : MAD Seat : 22E Class : K Baggage : 062 Code : IB006869
%WSCQMADIB 569 K 086 22E IB PADILLA/L. X ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||| | | Class_| | | | |_ Passenger ||_ LRC ||| | | | | |_ Airline |_ End sentinel ||| | |_ Flight | |_ Seat ||| |_ To |_ Day of the year |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%W X ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%WSCQMADIB 569 K 086 22E IB ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||| | | Class_| | | |_ Airline ||_ LRC ||| | | | |_ Seat |_ End sentinel ||| | |_ Flight |_ Day of the year ||| |_ To |||_ From ||_ Format code |_ Start sentinel
%W XXX XXXXX 062 XX086 IB006869 ?* ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code Baggage _| | |_ Code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ Day of the year |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%WX XXX XXXXX 062 XX ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Baggage ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%W PADILLA/L. X?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Passenger ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
Passenger: PADILLA/L. Issuer : 78225921 PNR code : 1A/ZMY2V3 Class : KDTUR3 Fare : SCQ IB MAD 82.00 EUR 82.00 END Tax 1 : EUR 4.23RS Tax 2 : EUR 1.33QV Stock : 95415463220986 Document : 0 075 4119684825
%L 1A/PADILLA/L. ?* ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code | |_ Passenger ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ First part of PNR code |_ End sentinel
%LEUR 4.23RSEUR 1.33QV XKDTUR3 ?* ^^^ ^ ^ ^^ |||_ Tax 1 |_ Tax 2 |_ Class ||_ LRC ||_ Format code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%L X 1A/X ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ First part ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel of PNR code |_ End sentinel
%L 0754119684825 ZMY2V3 ****78225921 ?* ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ || |_ Document |_ Second part |_ Issuer ||_ LRC ||_ Format code of PNR code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%L 95415463220986 ?* ^^ ^ ^^ || |_ Stock ||_ LRC ||_ Format code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%LX00754119684825 ZMY2V3 ?* ^^ ^ ^ ^^ || |_ Document |_ Second part ||_ LRC ||_ Format code of PNR code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%LSCQ IB MAD82.00EUR82.00END ?* ^^^ ^^ |||_ Fare ||_ LRC ||_ Format code |_ End sentinel |_ Start sentinel
%L ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%L ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%L ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%L ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%L PADILLA/L. ?* ^^ ^ ^^ ||_ Format code |_ Passenger ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%X ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%X ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
%X ?* ^^ ^^ ||_ Format code ||_ LRC |_ Start sentinel |_ End sentinel
;:88881234554321=001234567800=31=0><* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ | |_ Partial | |_ Money || |_ Field separator | account | left ||_ Next row to write | number |_ Field |_ Field separator |_ Start sentinel separator
;:099998888771234554321000123456780231<* ^ ^ ^ ^ | |_ Account number | |_ Next row to write |_ Start sentinel |_ Money left (last two digits are cents)
=099998888665544433301234567800701000000000000?* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ | |_ Partial account |_ Money |_ Next row ||_ LRC | number left to write |_ End sentinel |_ Field separator
?7>>3*****00011600000000000206?* ^ ^ ^ ^^ | |_ Photocopies| ||_ Special LRC (odd, for bytes starting in byte 7, 8 or 9)? | left now | |_ End sentinel | |_ Photocopies left before last use |_ Special start sentinel (end sentinel with wrong parity bit)
1100000011011110011111100001111111111000001001This bit pattern would probably change from room to room and after every guest change.
10110010000010000000000001100000000100000000000000000000110100110100011011110110000001000011000000000100101101000000000000000000100000000000000000000000000000000001000011111000010000000100010111111111 AA *************** ****** ******** BBBB C C.E.V. * ******** AA = 01 BBBB = 1011 C = 1 for zone A-- *** Bits changing from ticket to ticket 00 0000 0 for zone AV- 10 1111 0 for zone AB-
0104 MADRID-2 7541 ENT: 16.10.02 12:59 PAG: 16.10.02 14:56 0308 CONT E 0.00 incl. 16.0% IVA E 0.00 8116 1h54
a7 57 87 00 00 00 00 00 77 0e -- ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 1 |_ LRC
a9 f1 24 45 60 04 08 d5 80 0e -- ** * * ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC
a7 30 0d 00 10 00 00 00 8a 0e -- ** ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 1 |_ LRC
a9 c5 ce 69 a0 7e c6 20 f3 0e -- ** ** ** ** ** ** ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC
a9 f1 24 45 60 04 08 d5 80 0e (same as stripe 1, track 1, record 2) -- ** * * ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC
a9 57 87 00 00 00 00 00 79 0e (same as stripe 1, track 1, record 1, but for SS and LRC) -- ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC
a9 c5 ce 69 a0 7e c6 20 f3 0e (same as stripe 1, track 2, record 2) -- ** ** ** ** ** ** ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC
a9 30 0d 00 10 00 00 00 84 0e (same as stripe 1, track 2, record 1, but for SS and LRC) -- ** ** -- -- |_ Special start | |_ Special end sentinel sentinel 2 |_ LRC *** Bytes changing from ticket to ticket
Cercanias Madrid A B1 28MAR03 06:58 T. GENERAL ***0.95EUR Tasa inc. 1635094445 ALUCHE A SENCILLO ENTRADA 07:14 AC A * : =
Bonotren A B1 *660PTS 1215099858 DE 17FEB98 AL 16MAR98 MOD. 0150.9346 048L 049D 049L 050D 050L 051D 051L 054D 054L 055D AGO- 141E 0B4O 132E 0B4O 124E 132O 143E 0B4O 131E 0B4O TADO
00111100100000111100010100100110100111110011110010110111001111110101001111111111111111111111110000010111010011110 AAABB ****** CCCC********** ******************************* ************* DDDDEEEE*****FFFF AAA = 111 Zone A CCCC = 1011 DDDD = 0011 January EEEE = 0011 Year 91 FFFF = 0111 Normal/Zone A 001 Zone B1 0001 1001 February 1001 Year 92 1001 Normal/Zone B1 100 Zone B2 1101 0101 March 0101 Year 93 1000 Normal/Zone B2 101 Zone B3 0100 1100 April 1100 Year 94 0110 Normal/Zone B3 1000 0000 May 0000 Year 95 0101 Young/Zone B1 BB = 10 Normal 0010 1010 June 0110 Year 97 01 Young 1110 0110 July 1110 Year 98 *** Bits changing from ticket to ticket 0110 1110 August 1001 Year 02 _ 1010 0010 September 0101 Year 03 | It seems to repeat for each decade 0000 1000 October 0000 Year 05 V 1100 0100 November ^ 0101 1101 December |_ This first bit is for months Jan-Jul, it is reversed ^ ^ for months Aug-Dec. | | |___________|_ The first bit is reversed, otherwise CCCC and DDDD are identical.
011000101001011100111110001010011100110011111011001001101000011100100 **** * * ** ** *** * ** ** * * * ** * **** *** Bits changing from ticket to ticket (at least)
27.02.95 12:14:53 AM/01 000778 27.02 13:16 00 6959 0 450720 002/06087 PARKING AMARILLO EDIFICIO MUEBLES
0 0 0 104 1 0 0 0 250 0 0 50 150 AAA ** ***
0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 104 1 1 60 101
0 0 0 250 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 207 247 AAA *** *** AAA = 250 for 250 copies cards *** Bytes changing from card to card 100 " 100 " "
130 (pause) 21212301212121212123030303030121230301230123031 (pause) 2121212 (pause) 2 (pause) 230123030301230123012303030303030121212303030121212320312123203121212320312121212320332033203320330