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Low density icosahedral (H2O)280 cluster

low density icosahedral (H2O)280 cluster, ES

Water Cluster Conclusions

link Overview of the structure of liquid water
link Introduction to water clustering
link The icosahedral water cluster, (H2O)280
link Evidence for the icosahedral cluster model




'We live in the hope and faith that, by the advance of molecular physics, we shall by-and-by be able to see our way as clearly from the constituents of water to the properties of water, as we are now able to deduce the operations of a watch from the form of its parts and the manner in which they are put together.'


T H Huxley, On the Physical Basis of Life (1869)  

The icosahedral water cluster is a highly symmetrical and aesthetically pleasing structure, but is it important? In this site, I have shown that there is a sufficient and broad evidential base for its existence, including the ability to explain all the 'anomalous' properties of water. The icosahedral cluster model offers a structure, not possible with other models such as a random network model [261] on which large molecules can be mapped in order to investigate their interaction with water within a three-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network, and offers new insights into the ways biological and non-biological ions and macromolecules interact with each other in aqueous solution. It also provides explanations concerning some strange dilution effects and the way some organisms produce low-density water to protect against desiccation [278] and high temperatures [279] and pressures [280].




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This page was established in 2000 and last updated by Martin Chaplin on 16 September, 2018

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