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Stephen Wolfram's Introduction to the Wolfram Language

Wolfram - 2014-02-24

Stephen Wolfram introduces the Wolfram Language in this video that shows how the symbolic programming language enables powerful functional programming, querying of large databases, flexible interactivity, easy deployment, and much, much more.

To learn more about the Wolfram Language, visit http://www.wolfram.com/language/ 

For the latest information visit:

ahuachapan2 - 2014-03-03

getPorn['Redheads', 'Czech', 'Amateurs']

Mobin Shakeri - 2018-08-23

GetPorn. g is capital in wolfram.

uploadJ - 2019-12-09

I wonder if the CIA uses this?

Mathematica that is, to do spy work ...

Iron Charioteer - 2015-09-23

*Picks jaw up off floor, puts back in place, starts exploring Wolfram...

uploadJ - 2019-12-09


Ark Malhotra - 2020-02-21

Is this a rerun from r/rareinsults ?

John Rapp - 2015-06-08

Did he mention it's symbolic?

greje656 - 2017-12-30

lol! funny :D

Tut Ninin - 2016-10-16

I feel unprecedentedly stupid now. Thank you.

AirplaneRandy - 2014-03-02

Yea, but can it run crysis?

Ben Caunt - 2017-03-15

yes but unfortunately only at 1.25 billion FPS on max settings...

mohit hota - 2018-08-08

Yes, symbolically!

Andrea M - 2017-05-01

New drinking game: drink every time Stephen says the word "Symbolic"

TMAH - 2014-03-03

He seems to have developed a TTS accent. 

rgab - 2020-02-10

what makes you think he is a real person and not just a symbolic link to a function of the Wolfram language?

Simon WoodburyForget - 2019-02-28

Far too many specific functions and types, and far too many potential edge cases.

TheDeadlyAvenger - 2014-02-26

I loved the part where he said "symbolic" :D

Philip Sheldrake - 2014-02-27

Is it me or did the world just change?

Jason King - 2014-02-24

I don't know what it is about Stephen Wolfram's way of presenting something, but it always seems like a "but wait, there's more" infomercial.

Having said that this truly is a spectacular creation and my head is swirling with possibilities on how to use it.

I think you'll especially like this @Runar Bjarnason 

dadadaddyoo - 2019-03-04

I know what you mean, but in this case there really IS more. I've been programming for over 30 years and I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.

Bryce Andrew - 2014-02-28

I thought Wolfram was going to be a software that could teach me how to talk and communicate with wolves. That would have been a lot cooler, in my opinion.

Ben James - 2016-07-17

Soooooo smart!!! The real life Tony Stark. I want to be him!

Harvinder Singh - 2016-05-22

its not a programming language,its god!

Igor Bondarenko - 2014-03-01

Awesome! That's how programming should look like.

Robin Lindh Nilsson - 2014-02-26

5:28 "It all just works"
Research something for 30 years and miracles start to happen!

Burke Holland - 2014-02-26

I do not understand what I just watched.

Alan Reynolds - 2014-02-27

Mind = blown

Richard Hobson - 2014-02-27

My biggest worry with this is that like everything else Wolfram it'll be prohibitively expensive to do anything fun with it. Which makes it inherently uninviting to learn what it's all doing. That said. I have always been interested in the potential that Wolframs products have. Maybe one day I'll be able to afford them. 

Fat Cole - 2014-04-05

Wow, I'm so happy I spent the last year learning Java...

Neil Boyd - 2014-02-25

03:25 I didn't know that Douglas was the Capital City of Scotland.

Adam Bellas - 2014-02-28

Watching this video made me excited to be a programmer all over again.

Jesbus - 2014-07-23

I'm going to use this for all my embedded PIC projects! What's the superfunction for toggling an LED?

Kruthika Vishwanath - 2014-02-26

What is this :O

Eirhardt - 2014-04-19

And thus, SkyNet was born. 

Cathrine Bonaparte - 2015-02-16

der absolute megahammer!

Shoaib Khan - 2014-02-24

One of the most amazing technologies and one of the most brilliant minds!
I have been a big admirer of Wolfram Alpha and Mathematica for years and I am sure that the team at Wolfram is doing a great job, help people create amazing things and of course, push the scientific knowledge forward!.

Bravo to Stephen Wolfram and his team.

Johnny - 2014-03-05

Stephen Wolfram, you are a genius ! Keep on the fantastic work :)

Rey Alicea - 2014-03-04

The beginnings of Star Trek's LCARS!!!

David Whittaker - 2014-02-25

LOL at the comment in the code at 10:32 - "This is all a huge mess, need to redo it from scratch." Seen that one before. 

Arun Pandian - 2014-02-27

Mind blown!

Siddhaarth Rajkumar - 2014-02-27

I like the idea that it can be run on a raspberry pi!

Arun Pandian - 2014-02-27

@Siddhaarth Rajkumar yeah... It's amazing that every algorithm ever invented and every piece of information on the internet is accessible via a palm sized computer.

Silvia tormo - 2014-02-28

You have become one of my modern idols! i'll keep learning what your doing, thankyou very much!

Javis Sullivan - 2014-02-28

Wow, wow, wow the ultimate leave me alone i'm exploring/creating excuse

agush22 - 2014-03-05

wow this is amazing!

Stopstalkingmecreep - 2014-03-01

you sir just saved my future...college bound!!.......start......slow....clap

Kirill Titov - 2014-02-26

This is amazing!

Naveen Sahu - 2014-02-26

What sorcery is this !! :O

Glen Oakley - 2014-03-04

Absolutely beautiful, removing the overhead from a tool designed purely for computation by using the functional paradigm.

Chicken Nation - 2016-10-11

So.. this was Wolfram Language! Amazing!

pennicles - 2014-03-04

Welcome to the future

Sherlock Holmes - 2016-07-25


santosh kumar - 2014-04-13

simply AMAZINNGGGGG.... eager to make my hands dirty on it :)

Win Wang - 2014-02-28

This is some amazing technology happening right in front of our eyes. Props.

Mike Maloy - 2014-04-08

Color me intrigued. Amazing demo!

compuroni - 2019-08-31

Is there a mathematical program where we can solve systems of equations with literal coefficients? Thank you.

Matthew Irwin - 2014-02-25

Bravo! Thank you Stephen. Thank you so very much...

Korth Luo - 2014-02-26

Cool!, it look so amazing

Masato Fujii - 2014-03-05

It's incredibly amazing.

retro - 2015-06-04


Maoh Lynx - 2014-03-02

I've used this program all through out my math courses, huge huge help. really helped me understand what the problems mean. been using wolfram alpha since alpha.

dan smith - 2014-12-06

commence mind explosion in 3...2...1...

Yukio Usuzumi - 2016-03-25

@Wolfram I love you

Sergio Cárcamo - 2014-04-10
