> temp > à-trier > thunderf00t-at-the-great-american-eclipse-2017

Thunderf00t at the Great American Eclipse 2017!

Thunderf00t - 2017-08-23

Yes a 'go to dr dino dot com' creationist did turn up and start preaching at people during the eclipse. 

Other than that, I chose the site about Casper WY about 3 weeks ago just to see if you could see the moons shadow moving.

Eclipses are a difficult subject to record.  There is a huge range of contrasts meaning leaving the camera on auto expose is going to go wrong.  Similarly you have to turn auto focus off.  I did that with mine, but nudged the focus during totality.... which is why its out of focus :-(

In the end, I had one fixed wide angle running,
One whole sky timelapse
one distant angle timelapse
one videoing the sun in the H-alpha
and a handheld camera to point at stuff...

Oh and of course a pair of binoculars...... to watch the interesting stuff!  -A busy 2 minutes! :-D

Many thanks to all those who support this channel and make videos like this possible!

Andrew Kovnat - 2017-08-23

Half the video consists of dozens of "Oh my God"s.

Orn Jonasar - 2017-10-14

Tell me about it!!! When my friend and I were watching Nik Wallenda do his tight rope walk across the Grand Canyon, we had to put it on mute because we couldn't stand the sound of the sermon...

Steve Evans - 2017-11-19

It is curious that such a god-fearing country seems so keen on a blasphemous phrase to express astonishment - although maybe in this instance I guess they could genuinely be praising their chosen deity for pushing the moon into place... As predicted by science... Hmmm...

Benjamin Drasin - 2017-11-19

"Oh my God" isn't blasphemous per se. "God fuck me" would be...

djbare9 - 2017-11-24

Yeah, I had to mute to enjoy this spectacle of nature.

Attick thadon - 2018-08-31

Andrew Kovnst God is the way the truth and the light. Those that believe in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 28:3

Rob - 2017-08-23

Does anyone wonder if that woman's vocabulary consists of any more words than "Oh my God!"? 🤔

soh loh - 2017-09-13

OH MYY GAA OH MY AAD evidently cant fathom the WHOLE word God all at once

Roy Madewell - 2017-09-22

She got it right at the end; "Holy Shit..."

Steve Evans - 2017-11-19

Did amuse me that TF resorted to a "Shhhh!"
(Didn't work for long).

DJ Four - 2018-01-21

Did you see totality? It's pretty fucking amazing. I was in a more rural area and so only heard some "woo"ing in the distance but I can't exactly blame someone for being excited. It was truly mind blowing.

redstone craft guy - 2018-10-26

Kind of like groot

ye ye - 2017-08-23

can we get an awmahgawd counter

Scott Maday - 2017-08-23

5% constructive comments about the eclipse
90% i hate Americans oh my god omg omg oh my god why does everyone in America say oh my god
5% other

Turbo Encabulator - 2017-08-26

Scott Mayday
No, the other 5% is hating on Muslims saying allahu akbar.

Nii P. - 2017-08-28

Can't find the 5% constructive comments... I think this kinda fake news, huh? ;)

unfortunatebeam - 2017-10-26

It's not like it's everyone in America saying oh my god. From what I heard it sounded like it was mostly coming from a couple of dumb bitches doing it non-stop to a point that was so distracting it probably did compromise the expereince for a lot of people.

Luis Se - 2017-08-23

It's sick how many times Americans say "Oh my God"... they sound like Muslims.

Luis Se - 2017-08-25

I really hope so. The worst cases are those who say "Oh my Gosh"... because they can't name the bearded man. Oh boy...

IThinkWithMy Dick - 2017-08-25

+password 789 Agreed. BTW: it's "cliques" not "clicks".

Vin McGill - 2017-08-25

Luis Se btw, i'm from america, it's not literally meaning God.. it's just a phrase that's embedded in our culture to express amazement. I'm athiest and I'll say it on accident sometimes.

Sandcastle • - 2017-09-08

Rekn Ralph wait, Americans can't say anything other than oh my god, that's pretty gay.

InfinityDz - 2017-09-12

muslims would say "Allahu Akbar" which means God is greater (than whatever they are witnessing). Hey at least it has more semantic meaning than "Oh my god!"

WKaliberr - 2017-08-23


IThinkWithMy Dick - 2017-08-25

Oh my God-ot! She was AWESOME in "Wonder Woman"!

Dump Chump - 2017-08-30

I'm glad I wasn't there, that vacuous "oh my god" woman would've mysteriously gone quite in the darkness.

goeiecool9999 - 2017-08-23

5:15 "Told you god did it!"

buddyltd - 2017-08-27

Didn't even hear that the first time around! And the debate they were having beforehand about "No, evolution started at the Big Bang!" Hilarious, and very sad.

upinarms79 - 2017-08-29

I wasn't at a church, I was at public parking, and there were people from all over the region there, as well as many out-of-towners. No one was there policing anything anyone was saying and I don't think most people gave a shit as long as you weren't screaming obscenities at the top of your lungs. My point was that I just don't think most real people behave as stereo-typically as some people that like to comment on this channel would have you believe, even in the deep south. I like Thunderf00t's channel well enough and think he's a pretty reasonable guy, but he has a tendency to draw in the euphoric, fedora-tipping, angry basement dweller crowd who seem to have very different ideas about how the world actually functions from what is reality. I'd imagine it's mostly because so many of them have actually spent very little time functioning in it, especially if they react to people in real life the same way they do on the internet.h

ady gombos - 2017-09-20

upinarms79 Isn't it cool that your anecdotal evidence is all that matters in life?

upinarms79 - 2017-09-22

Isn't it cool that your per-concieved stereotypes about people you've never actually met or had any interaction with is all that you think matters in life?

Nathan True - 2017-11-30

jesus just let people believe

Sean Nanoman - 2017-08-23

I simply couldn't watch with the volume turned up.
Why did someone let that severely autistic screeching woman run loose?
She says "OMG" more than a nympho at a gangbang.

Dar ker - 2017-08-25

Plottwist: She's a nympho and this was a gangbang :Ü™

Dave Cockayne - 2017-08-26

Well a lot of men with cameras were filming where the sun doesn't shine...

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-26


Anonymous user - 2017-08-23

Thunderf00t: "the clouds are disappearing"
Crowd:"awmahgad awmahgad"
Thunderf00t:"look at the diamond ring"
Crowd:"awmahgad awmahgad"
Profound bunch
Edit: just like this comment section. Awmahgad comments are really reaching saturation point.

Mark Bellwood - 2017-08-23

I'm pretty sure no matter what Thunderfoot said the crowd would OMG>

Thunderfoot, "I just shit my pants"
Crowd ecstatically, "Oh my Gad"
Thunderfoot snickers
Crowd perplexed, "Wait,,,,,what?"

metatech - 2017-08-23

So technically, Thunderfoot was preaching?!?!? I BELIEVE!

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-23

+Julius Bernotas Now THAT would have been FREAKIN' HILARIOUS if Thunderf00t made an equal pest of himself to counter the christurd by shouting "Allahu Akbar" repeatedly loudly over & over throughout the eclipse!!

Vampyricon - 2017-08-24

To be fair, if everyone says "oh my god" 3 to 4 times, you'd get what happened in Tf00t's vid.

Jester Azazel - 2017-08-24

This is why I can't enjoy shit like this in public places. Best part is when TF told them to shush.

Travis Dunningham - 2017-08-23

Audience: "Oh my god!" God: "Shut up the I'm watching the eclipse."

Rangers Videos - 2017-08-23


Someguy: "Evolution starts with a big bang"
Thunderfoot "No it doesn't?"

*Thunderfoot*: "Shush!"

Gold Fingers - 2017-08-23

On behalf of all Americans, I humbly apologize for every "oh my god" uttered in the presence of Thunderf00t's camera.

Razar Campbell - 2017-08-24

Hearing twat-brains incessantly yelling "Oh my god" reminds me of those vids of Syrian rebels scoring victories against ISIS and yelling "Alla Akbar" over and over and over and over, ad nauseum...

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-24

The proper antedote to counter a lethal ingestion of "Oh my gods" or "Allah Akbars" by muslims is an army of vuvuzela-blowing soccer fans.

Philip Malaby - 2017-08-23

Turn the sound off. You can thank me later.

Setekh - 2017-08-24

AW MA GAWD! I could have thought of that myself and I DIDNT! AW MA GAWD! Thanks anyway! :)

Hercules Rockefeller - 2017-08-24

awmahgad, why would you say such a thing??

Mandragara - 2017-08-24

Thank you

TheCloudhopper - 2017-08-24

Ahwmagad Awhmagad thanks!

gsenski - 2017-10-13

Thanks bro.

Paul Genovy - 2017-08-24

Did the people around thunderfOOt make a pact to chant "oh my gad " before hand?

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-24

Yes. They all knew Thundy was coming to film and make a video of this, so they made a deliberate effort to swarm him and drown him out with "oh my god"s.

MELONAZEPAM - 2017-08-24

I love (hate) how everyone says "aww muh goooood" simultaneously

Ian Swartz - 2017-08-23

somewhat spoiled with all the "OH MY GOD'S", I counted 46+ in 6 minutes, was even contemplating downvoting the video because of it lol

Clowny Moose Bean - 2017-08-24

Have a thimble of light beer everytime someone says "Oh My God".

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-24

Better make it a drop from a pipette if you want to not die from alcohol poisoning.

Simon Hudson - 2017-08-23

Oh my gaad, oh my gaad, oh my gaard

Drew Dastardly - 2017-08-23

Oh my Gad. This is so Saad.

(edit: Obvious edit is obvious! lol)

LMcAwesome - 2017-08-24

Good one, though i think the first "oh" is more like "nauw" or Gnyow mah gaaard"

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-24

Oh HELL naw!

sockcutter - 2017-08-27


warmfreeze - 2017-08-28


The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-25

Would somebody PLEASE thank the one who REALLY deserves to be thanked for this:
GOD, by which I mean, MATHEMATICS! (Math = God)
More specifically. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS and Newton's Inverse Square Law for all this and basic geometry!

AlphaOmega - 2017-08-23



The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-23

People were confused: they thought the moon was eclipsing the sun. Turned out to be Thunderf00t's neck.

rndm - 2017-08-23

""OH MY GAD"" - Every american thot

Alan - 2017-08-23


IMDRanged - 2017-08-23

Oh yeah... Solar Freakin Roadways!

Exploatores - 2017-08-23

Oleg: did you have to blow up the sun :)

Nilguiri - 2017-08-23

At least learn how to spell it.

John Bezz - 2017-08-23

It is spelled "I T" what do I win?

SquireRassilon - 2017-08-24

ow myy gawwwd

InnerCityPigeon - 2017-08-23

I am so glad where we went the people were mostly silent during totality. This is almost obnoxious. We had about 2 and a half minutes of totality in Kentucky of pure Zen.

Terran Republican - 2017-08-24

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God..."
Shut up already -_+

Justin _ - 2017-08-23

"oh my gawd" "oh my gawd" As an American, I am shamed by my people.

The Awful Trumpeter - 2017-08-30

"The clouds are vanishing, the clouds are vanishing over there!"

Thunderfoot you sound like a madman!

Karl Napp - 2017-08-24


Julio's Evil Twin - 2017-08-24

lol I very much doubt TF can bring 0.1% of what deGrasse & Krauss have already contributed to Rogans show, TF would be just guy with a cool camera talking about his, camera... :| heheh

cutez0r - 2017-08-23

In the beginning of the video I read a few comments and said to myself "People get annoyed over every single thing nowadays, even someone saying a general expression like Oh my God". I'm sorry for passing judgement on the comments, they were right.... those women were annoying as FUCK!.

Otto Reuter - 2017-08-25

It's the cunts applauding that annoyed me...

JewTube - 2017-08-25


The Ultimate Reductionist - 2017-08-25

+Aquatic Llamas Not everybody feels the same way about the same experiences.

silverharbinger - 2017-08-26

When you go to a popular spot during any event you are going to get stupid people who say stupid crap (*Oh mah gawd!* / Evilution is a lie). Idiots are naturally drawn to giant crowds and huge wait times, and tbh, the way Phil was acting in this video was about as dumb as the rest.

I also saw the eclipse, but I did my research. I found a spot that was very convenient to my home (within 40 minutes), had very few people around (and one brought their telescope and camera rig). It had fantastic views, a restaurant/air conditioning (it was a hot day in August as usual). Most importantly, it had fast and easy access to the highway so I could quickly make my way straight home before the people who were many miles away from the highway because they made the mistake of going to a remote park full of yahoos could hope to get there.

I did all the right things to avoid so many unnecessary hassles and distractions from my enjoyment, and the lucky part is that the weather worked out and it was a clear sky. It's all to say that if you make a plan, and plan correctly (aka. get as far away from crowds as possible), you'll win, all-around, every time.

Andrii Muliar - 2017-09-07

Muslims would cry "Allah Akbar" instead.

rolmops - 2017-08-23

LMAO "Evolution starts with a big bang" - "No it doesn't!"

LMcAwesome - 2017-08-24

"Nyaw mah Gauwd ... Nyaw mah Gauwd ... Nyaw mah Gahwd! ... Nyaw mah GAHWD!"

Fucks sake...

MidnightSt - 2017-08-23

0:10 am I the only one who can hear "Told you god did it" in the background?

mutley365 - 2017-08-24

That woman continuously exclaiming, "oh my God!" irritating.

Daniel T. - 2017-08-24

How about "beautiful", "wow", "amazing", "cool", "awesome" or just the sweet silence of apreciation and enjoyment for that rare moment?

MrPsygo - 2017-08-23

"Oh my God" woman needed a throat punch.

kodeeey - 2017-08-23

someone re-upload this with an "oh my gawd" counter please

Proboscis - 2017-08-23

I'm glad you showed us what was going around you more than how the moon was covering the sun through a filter (Plenty of high end Nasa equipment level got that covered).

TheGreenKnight - 2017-08-23

the whole video was me being annoyed by the lady saying "OH MUH GOD"

Turd Ferguson - 2017-08-23

They're eating her. And then they're gonna eat me.

TristeRobot - 2017-08-23

Oh my god, enough with the "oh my god"s

ewerybody - 2017-08-24

I liked the part where someone said "Oh My God" ...

Herp Derpingson - 2017-08-25

Step 1: Press mute
Step 2: Thank me
Step 3: Praise the sun

radwizard - 2019-09-25

Like omg, is the sun like God, because omg omg omg!

Maccrdon - 2017-08-31

How to be an American when something exiting or scary happens: "OOHHH MY GOD!"

Joseph Cayse - 2017-08-25

I'm glad everybody I was around in Tennessee just went silent with awe instead of "oh my gaaaaad"

Exobyte Monolith - 2017-08-24

I loved hearing in the background noise
Bystander: "Evolution starts with a big bang"
Thunderf00t: No it doesn't

matrixrory - 2017-08-23

2:23 "Evolution started with the big bang." "NO IT DOESNT." That did make me laugh

TheAtheistPaladin - 2017-08-24

"Evolution starts with the big bang."

That comment made my teeth itch. How could you not say anything?

Pac0 Master - 2017-08-23

The Drinking Game.

Take a shooter every time someone says "Oh my God"

Master Penquin - 2017-08-26

I had to drive my gf to the hospital due to alcohol poisoning

Will Welsh - 2017-08-27

That's 37 shooters, good friend.

than217 - 2017-08-28

The Ol' 9/11 Drinking Game.

Mastouril - 2017-08-28

i'm gon die bitch

austin turner - 2017-08-30

Dies from alcohol poisoning