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Intro to Economics: Crash Course Econ #1

CrashCourse - 2015-07-08

In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill launch a brand new Crash Course on Economics! So, what is economics? Good question. It's not necessarily about money, or stock markets, or trade. It's about people and choices. What, you may ask, does that mean. We'll show you. Let's get started!

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Sweet "T" - 2015-07-09

My entire life, I didn't smoke, I always applied sunscreen before going outside, I was conscious of what I ate, and I exercised regularly. Now none of that matters because the comments gave me cancer.

BigBad Braxien - 2017-08-16

Sweet "T" sunscreen is unhealthy

Ahlam Taha - 2019-01-15


DjeieA KeksekI - 2019-02-04

Sweet "T" lolllllllll

Col - 2020-02-26

By saying that i hope you actually get it.

Erica Tillman - 2020-04-03


ffish - 2019-06-12

ECONOMICS is the study of people and choices.

OPPORTUNITY COST is whatever you give up to do something.
SCARCITY is the tension between infinite wants and finite resources.
INCENTIVES is a set of external (rather than intrinsic) motivators that explain people's choices.
MACROECONOMICS is the study of production, employment, prices, and policies on a nationwide scale.
MICROECONOMICS is the study of how consumers, workers, and firms interact to generate outcomes in specific markets.

erin marks - 2020-03-27

i love you

Bea Beee - 2020-03-28


chloe pup - 2020-03-31

@Someone Else wait what teacher

Marize Soliman - 2020-04-01

thank you dude!

natistal - 2020-04-02

thanks! i’m studying this at home and like to write notes, this is helpful so i don’t have to keep pausing! :)

Riley - 2020-03-31

Let's be honest lots of us are here watching this video only bc our teachers are forcing us to watch this video bc of corona. Also why are these comments so dry😑

sanchia francis - 2020-04-03

I'm here for school too hah

FF Enea - 2020-04-05

im here bc school doesnt teach me about money so i will learn about money in internet

Sofia Alvarado - 2020-04-06

Riley lmao yess my economics teacher just assigned this to us😂😂

Lindsay Gammon - 2020-04-06


frumAZ - 2020-04-11

I'm 26 with a chemical engineering degree, and I'm just trying to round out my knowledge base. I just finished all the world history videos!

Karan Garg - 2017-05-28

I swear this channel is a gift to mankind

Black Nigga - 2019-10-04

David Carlson soy boy spotted

vanessa de sousa - 2019-10-07

Karan Garg clearly isn’t

Kshitij mehta - 2019-11-11

Drone Better

Fabrobin - 2020-03-24

@David Carlson ok Justin

Swapnil Kale - 2020-03-31

A blessing of the Gods

TheDreadfulCurtain - 2020-03-26

Coronavirus hits and I would like to repeat “those air craft carriers could be hospitals and roads.”

Jason Trotter - 2020-03-31

Same here

Nami H - 2020-03-24

when your GCSEs get cancelled, so you have 5 months to do whatever tf you want, but you're taking econ for A Level without doing it at GCSE, so you decide to get ahead bc you have nothing better to do.. ;)

sky - 2020-03-27

uno what same

aisha - 2020-03-29

on ur side hehe

雨 - 2020-04-03


Nelly T - 2019-05-21

Taking economics this year, PREPARING EARLY

Omar Khan - 2019-08-26


Laurena Mestry - 2019-11-12


jep - 2019-11-12

same hope it's not necessary to take Micro before Macro lol

Scott McDonald - 2019-11-15

Speaking from experience, I can tell you that's a good idea.

Ly Ly - 2020-01-23

I am thinking about taking AP Econ, should I?

cumpozer - 2019-12-05

..."That computer you bought"...
Me: "how did he-"
Also me: "oh"

Elitkatana Phat - 2020-01-08

Hahaa! that's good though!

Ishita Bajpai - 2019-05-26

This guy speaks so fast that I gotta play back everything 😂

Ireanna Straw - 2020-03-03

why don't you put on subtitles dummy

Ireanna Straw - 2020-03-03

And just go to setting if you so dumb

Rishi Verma - 2020-03-14

@Ireanna Straw nobody asked you to suggest 😒

Dusty Ballsack - 2020-03-22

They’re both on speed

Vaibhav Pardeshi - 2020-04-07

irritating at times

AlphaChocolateTruffle - 2016-09-19

when you lose an argument so hard you search youtube to learn economics.

Zack Duffy - 2019-08-19

Yo. Everyone remember this saying "If you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all." We really need to learn to stop hatin and start LOVING!

Siksha shankla - 2019-09-09

Omg yess

Squinizzle - 2020-01-24


prt 2498 - 2020-02-03

yes yes hahaha

ZummyIzhere - 2020-02-11

Sounds about right hahaha. Taking the F

asoyo Yukii - 2019-10-31

what is economics?
-"a study of Man(and woman) in the ordinary business of life.
It enquires how he gets his income and how he uses it.
Thus, it is on the one side, the study of wealth and on the other side and more important side, a part of the study of Man(and woman)"
- the study of scarcity and choices.

Opportunity cost: Whatever you give up to do something.
Incentives: A set of external(rather than intrinsic) motivators that explain people's choices.(pervert incentives; rat tails.)

the 2 most important assumptions in economics:
-1.people have unlimited wants but limited resources.
Scarcity: the tension between infinite wants and finite resources.

-2.everything has a cost.

and if these assumptions are true, we need a way to analyze our choices and get the most from our limited resources.=> and that's economics.

Intro to Economics:

-MacroEconomics: the study of production, employment, prices and policies on a nationwide scale.
it answers questions like:
-> will unemployment rise if there's an increase in taxes?
-> will an increase in the money supply boost output, or just increase inflation?
-> will a slump in European economies cause the U.S economy to slow down?

-MicroEconomics: the study of how consumers, workers, and firms interact to generate outcomes in specific markets.
-> how many workers should we hire to maximize profit?
-> if our main competitor releases their product in May, when is the best time to release our product?
-> which is better at fighting climate change, a gas tax or increasing fuel efficiency?

AB - 08CJ - Dolphin Sr PS (1553) - 2020-03-31

thank u this really helped me!

A one legged man - 2018-02-20

mankind means men and women.

Fluoride pickled paddys - 2020-02-12

Man kind = 2×1=1 mankind, 1= man 1= man with the womb = women. so 2 = 1 = mankind.
Capeesh 🤗🤗🤗🤗👫

Col - 2020-02-26

Thanks for clearing that. Some queers and fatherless girls do not like the word man kind.

Josh O’Leary - 2020-03-20

They gotta be politically correct and feminist 😂😂😂

Uncle Jimmy - 2020-03-31

@Aidan W thats sound kinda dumb though

Aidan W - 2020-04-05

@Uncle Jimmy oh trust me I'm just making fun of Justin Trudeau

Kinan Ballagh - 2020-04-01

Oh my god the over acting makes this hard to watch

Aaron Khoo - 2020-04-12

Woman: enjoying her time
Man: I am speeddddd

Josh Li - 2019-11-05

who's teachers making then watch this

LilJack2x 2x - 2020-03-02

Josh Li and taking notes 😂

Eric XIE - 2019-06-19

who else takes notes while watching?

Elitkatana Phat - 2020-01-08

That's cool that you do that!

Rishi Verma - 2020-03-14


Rowan Brown - 2020-03-27


THE DEMOLISHER - 2017-08-10

Personally, I don't find anything really wrong with this video. It provided a quality and informative description regarding the background nature of economics and what is generally expected to be tackled on in this course which I believe is the main purpose on why this video was made after all.

Pete Peterson - 2020-03-31

"Who's gonna walk to the gym?"

This is your brain on America.

Angled Gaze - 2020-04-04

Our hunter ancestors would not approve.

jaxprim6 - 2020-01-26

"... Everything has a cost..."

Audible note taking

Boreneo man - 2019-07-14

after watching for 4 minute, i still don't understand what is the economic.

liquidKi - 2020-02-23

I was just about to post a comment similar to this. They're so busy trying to convince me why learning economics is important and fun when they should instead be demonstrating this through their teaching.

Rage Msaid - 2020-03-09

Boreneo man econ- study of how pple make choices.....is more about human behavior.... more than anything ...

Molly Simmons - 2020-03-25

Same bro

Kryssie Mango - 2020-04-02

im not in an economics course, im just here out of curiosity. its such an important part of society that i want to know how it works. anyways to everyone doing this for a class good luck :)

FAITHVDEAN - 2019-04-12

I passed my macroeconomics class, but this video taught me more lol

Blessed Lord - 2016-03-04

The video starts at 1:52 you're welcome

Tai Nanthavongsa - 2019-09-10

When saw this when you already got there

Gussie Beckman - 2019-09-24

God Bless

Black Nigga - 2019-10-04

You the 🐐

John Espy - 2019-12-03


Fate - 2020-04-01

The video starts at 0:00 you're welcome

Karuna Sharma - 2020-04-11

Well imma say it, i didn't like the eek....specially twice.

Nguyễn Chiến Thắng - 2019-12-31

They talked as if the earth would stop spinning if they didn't.

Immanuel Joseph - 2019-05-27

WOW! Cool. But, you guys should learn to talk much slower...!

M Robson - 2019-06-03

I actually thought it was speeded up!

pieMeanFace - 2019-06-30

@M Robson just slow down your video in the settings

Deepak Mishra - 2019-07-12

slowing down to 0.85x really helped.

Melete Meows - 2019-07-20

Dude they have like 20 mims to tell you this info. Alll of crash courses are fast and for a reason.

bozimmerman - 2018-05-09

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design." - Nobel Laureate F. Hayek.

#pandas4rlife - 2020-03-29

Okay so this was made 5 years ago, and I'm wondering if the information is still relevant for me? Sorry if that's a stupid question I'm still learning and stuff

honey thighs - 2018-03-15

i'll be attending my first economics class in 4 days, i need some prep lmao

Ireanna Straw - 2020-03-03

he said "and that traffic ticket you got the other day"
Me: .........but im a kid

Queen Bom - 2019-09-01

I wish now I would have taken economics seriously when I was In high School Way back 2011

lyon. - 2016-05-21

is it weird that i'm watching this for fun instead of studying? D:

Justin A. Pritchett - 2019-05-10

I watch crash course to decide which classes I want to take based on how easy or hard they are and how to pair classes. i also take accelerated courses so there isnt much time to learn.

Lazaro Valadez - 2019-05-16

im doing it too dog lmao

John Paul Chua - 2019-08-16

I'm doing the same thing

Zack Duffy - 2019-08-19

I'm watching because 1. I love to learn
2. I've been thinking of buying some stock, but want to figure out which stock to buy, by analyzing trends and such, so I figured learning economics would help.
3. I watch Lisa Haven on youtube for political news, and she often talks about the economy and I get completely lost, and would like to understand her!
(Please check out Lisa Haven! Youtube has blacklisted her, meaning they no longer put her videos in anyones recommended section, so the only way to find her is to directly go to her page or directly search for her name. Just search "Lisa Haven" and choose the youtube with more subscribers. She has a backup channel that has less subscribers and less videos so make sure to choose the one with more subs.)

Krunchy Karim - 2019-11-06

Same here. I'm in Yr 7 so idk.

They Live - 2020-01-11

She looks like a prettier version of Susan Wojcicki.

Col - 2020-02-26

Large breasts

Billy Gundum - 2019-07-26

I was pushed through school.
Now I occasionally make comments on YouTube.
Thanks America.

Peter Santos - 2019-05-08

6:34 I’ll save this for my wallpaper

OHM-968692 - 2019-08-23

Revisiting this after years, recently finished my exams (textbook stuff) and just realised how good this is! This is so refreshing! I love the out of box and real life application stuff!

eunhae gives me life - 2020-02-16

i... am literally graduating with an economics degree in two months and im here to revise LOL

SheepBow - 2019-09-23

when you came here to study
sees meme
this.. does bring a smile to my face

Hey all me here - 2020-04-08

I’m glad my teacher made me discover this channel

Bianca Beekhuizen - 2018-10-13

nothing about these skits is ever funny

equance blumin soulmore - 2019-09-16

if you want educational videos AND comedy go watch sam o'nella academy

Sean McDonald - 2019-10-25

Or, after youve finished with sams dull videos, please feel free to come back.

Eiahfou - 2019-11-01

@Sean McDonald Sam'O'Nella is actually a really entertaining youtuber

Ly Ly - 2020-01-23


Alexis Abakasanga - 2019-07-28

I loved economics as a subject back in high school. It’s so interesting, I loved this video

Courtney Christine - 2020-01-11

Playing this at X.75 and the dude is still often talking too fast for my brain to comprehend it all

Dilly Tante - 2019-05-02

"we're not pushing some liberal anti-military policy here." love it already ahahahah

Interessiert mich jetzt - 2019-07-22

"Economics is the study of people and choices." That's it! But it's also all the rest you are listing. :-)

Illuminati Corgi - 2016-12-06

I don't care that I'm 27. I wanted the muppets to teach me O_O

Robert Z - 2017-01-07


Arya - 2017-01-24

"it's not easy being green." -a great man, err puppet

Tara Mahoney - 2018-10-14


Terry - 2019-01-06

Glad I'm not the only old timer checking these videos out! Never too old to learn though.

Patricia Lim - 2019-01-27


Giovanni B - 2019-06-27

Taking economics this year! And the next. And the next year after that. As well as the year after that.

I'm majoring in economics

Raymond Blackard - 2020-03-25

10:23 I really dig the Milton Waddams toon, nice touch.

John Kang - 2018-02-14

I fast forwarded to 2 min when he started saying “whats is economics?” I already wanted to shoot myself..

Tony Lawson - 2020-03-15

"micro-economics" is inherently opposed to "macro-economics" if what I've learned from "the tragedy of the commons" holds true.

mosquitobight - 2016-06-06

Entrepreneurship and establishing a business should have its own crash course series.

Stephan Azor - 2017-09-16

mosquitobight it's why I'm watching this video to better understand entrepreneurship and the economic concepts behind it.

Hubert Sumulong - 2018-08-04

mosquitobight look for valuetainment my friend and you will have it. 💪

Ram Kisun Sahu - 2018-10-05

@Hubert Sumulong kaw xf vyakti yyg
Lkaww th cc S3
Man bhi

D Solis - 2019-01-06

Entrepreneurship is a consequence of a certain personality. Is not something you can teach.

Jack Holcomb - 2019-01-08

I toataly agree