> temp > à-trier > thinking-about-attention-cgpgrey

Thinking About Attention -- Walk with Me

CGPGrey2 - 2018-09-14

Blog post with the details: http://www.cgpgrey.com/blog/cyclops

More Grey vlogs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-mHLBD64HM&index=1&list=PLqs5ohhass_RTC-jrtSR2E1bozl2JZgXe

Further discussion on Hello Internet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLqbsgwLHX0&feature=youtu.be&t=4262

Further discussion on Cortex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B0JAXpd29Bs&feature=youtu.be&t=2362

CGPGrey2 - 2018-09-14

Discussion: https://old.reddit.com/r/CGPGrey/comments/9fwmhl/thinking_about_attention/

William Miller - 2018-09-21

I liked the video

Doc S - 2018-09-23

I watched this in the shower to be honest...

The Amazing Arsonist - 2018-09-23

This feels like a trap

Sodium Bicarbonate - 2018-10-05

But... I like the redesign... (.-.)

Woo Six - 2018-10-21

the irony

David Hicks - 2018-09-18

Seconds into starting this video i found myself scrolling through the comments without thinking about it, i think i do this for most youtube videos i watch these days, does anyone else do the same?

502nd infantry infidel - 2019-05-04

yes i scroll endlessly scroll check alien tube in chrome store sweet extension that funnels reddit threads to any you tube video

Kyle Alexander - 2019-05-14

@Dr Megaman but you CAN do something about it.

Gray Fullbuster - 2019-09-19

Sadly Yep

Moondust2365 - 2019-11-18

Nah. I do it after watching the video. Just to not get spoiled. ^^

Crab - 2019-12-10

Bruh why you gotta call me out like that

Chase - 2018-09-18

8:32 Imma be honest with you chief I stuck around because you said I will probably stop watching the video,

Pride is also a trap lol

SmarterEveryDay - 2018-09-20

Viewer retention 100%

Vark Ster - 2018-12-06

For you Destin, maybe. But while you're getting smarter every day with your 100%, a lot aren't.

The only place such media seems to have 'invaded' my own life is at night. I'll have podcasts playing all night as a 'buffer' to external noise, and constantly check for new content as an alternative to simply going (back) to sleep.

But CGP makes a resonant point here about how such tendancies can grow if not kept in check.

I enjoyed walking with Grey. I have a similar walk not far from me. I should do that, next time, rather than watching it on a phone.

Educated Earth - 2019-01-09

@SmarterEveryDay Same here.

Arr Ziz - 2019-01-29

Would merely listening to the video count?.

Educated Earth - 2019-01-29

@Arr Ziz I guess, as the visuals don't add that much to the meaning. However, there are some metaphors that Grey uses that would make more sense if you could see the actual video (e.g. "to walk out of the jungle and into a more open space", as he walks into a little open space).

Varad Mahashabde - 2018-09-17

"Are your thoughts original when your mind is filled with voices of others?"
I too wonder at times and recently

Owsse - 2018-10-17

Feel pretty stupid after fast forwarding to when he started talking then getting told I wouldn't have attention to watch the full video.

HenHenNorm-Gaming+ - 2018-09-17

Lets talk about the camera stabilization though!

DoctorTardis100 - 2018-09-20

Depending on the recoding program/app it can have some very good quality stabilization options.

Alex - 2018-09-22

It's an Osmo

towairaito - 2018-09-22

whatever rig he was using is great! whatever post stabilization he used made me kind of nauseous toward the end before he sat down!

YeOldeKamikaze - 2018-09-24

It was great but I noticed edges looked too "sharpened" even at 1080p. Perhaps a combination of hardware and software (post-prod?) stabilization as mentioned by others. I couldn't help but be distracted by the panning on certain places. It really highlighted to me how our "natural" sight (ie not watching a video) feels more like a collection of moment flashes rather than a continuous feed of image data.

Anthony Italiano - 2018-09-24

what....there's nothing special about this. Warp Stabilizer in Adobe Premiere Pro can achieve this pretty easily. You don't even need a physical stabilizer or gimbal setup.

Yeshaya Farmer - 2018-09-20

*Bird squawking in the background
Youtube Auto English captions: [Music]

Xavier - 2019-09-14

They're trying their best

Garrett K - 2019-09-23

They aren't lying..

Shivraj - 2018-09-17

This was actually very calming.

TheAesexualUnicorn - 2018-09-15

As much as I am playing into Grey's game by reading the comments, and even posting to them, I just find the end of this video something very interesting. It is obviously no accident that Grey warns us some people wont make it to the end of the video, and then goes on to leave around 2 minutes at the end of the video, just showing the field he chose to sit in front of. It's hard to admit I was forcing myself not to click off the video. I knew this was his big test to get us to reflect on how bad this problem really is for us individually. First he wanted you to think about the issue, and then he presented it right in your face. I honestly think the only reason I stuck around was because I thought of it like a challenge by Grey. On any other video I would have clicked off and moved on, which uncomfortable and scary to think about...

Makreelvis - 2018-09-19

XrainMT is right. The whole point is that all these media are limiting our attentionspan and ability to be bored. I skipped the beginning with the damn dogs and had an extremly hard time not to skip the last part. Our attentionspan is going to shit and our brain is addicted. It will always choose for easy statisfaction. This video is the final straw for me. Im going to make some radical changes on my digital behaviour too. I'm going to remove all the games and apps that call out to me when bored. Just thinking about it makes my brain tell me 'Nooooo, think of all the pleasure you'll miss', but I gues thats a sign of addiction.

S/\LT. - 2018-09-21

I actually felt like I am finally resting just looking at the nice scenery there. After his words I didn't feel the need to jump at the next video. In fact I found some sort of relief in it. Like I finally know why I am always so stressed out, I can't be by myself with my own thoughts just being BORED. I had this thought at the end that being bored is kind of important. All these dopamine-inducing websites and games and videos and comments all of that... it just fries your brain by burning the dopamine molecule version of the facebook logo on the side with a digital branding iron called NOTIFICATIONS. We're explorers we love the new. Dopamine is very addictive. And with every swipe you just get more and more of it in your brain and that's the only thing you'll get. I loved this video. It kinda opened my eyes in a beautiful way.

Guillermo Valle - 2018-09-21

Perhaps you just fell on his trap to keep your attention, via reverse psychology.
Only strong independent people would have the courage to click off

GlowingBlueIris - 2018-09-22


Shay Lempert - 2018-09-23

Maybe it was the sleepiness, but I just sat and thought about stuff.

Miss ByGolly - 2018-09-17

A valid point eloquently portrayed. My question, however,
Who's Doggos were they?

StinklesAFI - 2018-09-17

"when was the last time you were just with yourself"

Egh, hate that guy, no thanks.

J.J. Shank - 2019-03-23

You should have stretched out the part where you sat in silence. I didn't want it to end.

Angelo Gunther - 2018-09-20

Hey CGP, even though the probability of you reading this comment is even lower than normally, I want to say that this video really was a good one. You address an issue that is underestimated by most people and do it in a very effective way. Keep them good ones coming.

the me - 2018-09-16

hey cgpgrey2
i know your problem
you should check out cgpgrey's video "7 ways to maxamize misery"

he is a great youtuber
his voice is soothing just like yours

Matteo Alberghini - 2018-09-25


Peekaboo - 2018-11-18

Good one XD

Alex Belenkiy - 2019-01-05

@Matteo Alberghini yep. this is a r/wooosh farm.

The Eesti Imperium - 2019-04-05


Srivatsa Joshi - 2019-05-04

@Matteo Alberghini meta r/woooosh

ersia87 - 2018-09-17

I have been thinking about this for years. I’m sad that a lot of my attempts to distance myself from the everflowing river of attention grabbing information have been futile because they have disconnected me from today’s ”connected” society. I hope you find your way.

MegaAdser - 2019-05-09

litterally started looking at instagram during this video....i'm going to take a break

Regenarc Canis - 2018-09-17

I watched all the way through but paused before you started talking to look up French bulldogs...

2LegHumanist - 2018-09-17

I've been online and sitting in front of computers all day since the 1990s. This problem existed for me long before the invention of the smart phone.

Great video BTW.

Rgc1745 - 2018-09-14

I’m wondering what the viewer retention will be like on this video.

Nilguiri - 2018-09-15

What video?

Ron Mylastname - 2018-09-18

An outro card on a video about breaking away from screens? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Qweqe Qweqwe - 2018-10-11

Cgp grey: talks
Me: reading youtube comments/constantly flicks between tabs
video: hits Silences
Me: "this is boring"


Deficit OW - 2019-05-02

This seems relevant to the livestream today.

fotbalmfotbalm - 2018-10-13

Watched to the end out of guilt, but filled up the time by reading the comments and writing this.

ColeSlavPiesBoi - 2018-09-14

Stop with these hand spoilers damnit

Stefan Vosloo - 2018-09-15

That is NOT what I imagined his hands look like, and now I can never go back to my mental image 😩

Seth Drebitko - 2018-09-16

I thought we were about to get me chompers spoilers 😮

Cole Kitchen - 2019-04-30

sweetly flow the lulling sound of CPGrey's Voice.... what did he say again?

Candy - 2019-03-19

I stared at the scene for the last 3 three minutes and I literally began reflecting on life but then the video ended and I realized how fast the three minutes had passed despite usually me thinking that three minutes of doing nothing is really long

mf4361 - 2019-01-10

I can already hear Mr. Chompers munching

Uprising Colosseum - 2018-09-24

The Controlled Chaos of Nature
Serene In All its Glory........Is all i can say at this point after watchin all of this cause its all true

Dawn Harper - 2018-09-17

"there's something that's been on my mind that I want to talk to you about."
Me: is it immortality?

OP's OC - 2018-10-23

I think a balance is better than extremes, like everything in life, and a finely tuned balance, to the individual, is what everyone needs for true success.
This really applies here.
Ultimately you define that balance. So improve you.

Gobarn - 2018-09-18

My problem with this is it might be construed or misconstrued as a "you won't watch this video" it's saying ah your attention span is so short you can't watch this, thereby making people make themselves watch it to prove they have a superior attention span and/or mind. Don't know, just an idea.

Merfiron - 2018-09-26

I agree with this. When someone says something like that it sounds like a challenge, and I'm the type of person that likes to complete challenges. If I went into the video without being told that I probably won't finish it then I actually might not have. But the video wasn't that boring anyway. He had some interesting things to talk about and some calming visuals to go along with them. Not the most exciting thing, sure, but it wasn't as uninteresting as he made it sound.

Black Joker - 2018-10-09

As a counter point, I think grey's point necessitates the challenge. From his stance the very people he was speaking to, the ones developing attention problems from internet exposure, would have trouble or even be unable to watch his entire video as he makes his point. The challenge then becomes a means by which to hold people's attention, allowing grey to make his point.

The video itself also lends itself as a proof of concept argument as it's drawn out specifically in a way to force the viewer to fight their own attention span. It's just interesting enough to hold a persons attention if they Try to pay attention, it uses a hook to make the viewer Want to watch the entire thing(the challenge), and forces the watcher to consider the point of the arguement by having them contend with the point of the argument. It's actually rather brilliant in my opinion.

Gobarn - 2018-10-09

@Black Joker it's a good point but I still think it's a cheap method that I've seen used by other people before, not denying it's effectiveness. When you look at the video as you said it was structured with this in mind; at the beginning it is relatively interesting and the further you go on the slower the pace gets, but you've already invested so much time in it you might as well carry on. At the same time I also have to question his motives however, was he thinking about viewer retention when he made this video? Possibly. Was he trying to make a point or was he trying to make a good video?

Black Joker - 2018-10-09

I'd argue that a "cheap" method isn't a bad thing. It was used without ill intent(as far as I can see), was used effectively, and functioned as intended. It's like saying writers should "Avoid Cliche's like the plague" all the while considering any commonly used narrative trope as a cliche'. It's being unnecessarily critical of something do to reputation rather than implementation in my opinion.

I, however, don't hold any illusion that I know what grey was thinking while making this piece and I'm no authority on this subject.

Arthur Sandomine - 2019-01-08

I’m so glad I stuck this video out! I was about to change..

It was a while since I felt this kind of depth!
God job Grey, keep it up!

MasterEth - 2018-09-14

Is this secretly a black mirror episode narrated by Grey?

MinusPi - 2018-09-15

It's like an Anti Black Mirror, trying to prevent what Black Mirror warns of.

Austin - 2018-09-15

794613825a This makes me want to see an episode of Black Mirror made entirely from actual footage of real life.

Vicarious - 2018-09-15

This isn't black mirror, it's reality

MasterEth - 2018-09-15

@Vicarious when a person can't distinguish a video from reality

Ten Neon - 2018-09-16

It is yet another episode of Grey Mirror

Chris Prouse - 2018-09-18

Thanks for sharing this. About a year ago, I left a comment on a related TED talk video about the addictiveness of cell phones - it seems appropriate to re-post it here: "This is incredibly important, and why I'd encourage anyone to get outdoors with friends and family - you would not believe how good it feels to spend an entire week off the grid, completely disconnected from phones, the internet, and notification of any kind. Push past a day or two of withdrawal and begin to find a rhythm. It's incredibly therapeutic... but there's no shortcut, link, or app for it... you have to experience it for yourself. Given the opportunity, I think most of us have a natural affinity for nature and being around other people... so it's a shame we spend so much of our time away from the people and places that we resonate with most." :)

Dr Megaman - 2018-09-30

A few years ago I spent a weekend in the country where I couldn't get any reception on my phone.

It was very, very nice. I think we all need a break from the grid every once in a while.

Pseudo Life - 2018-11-12

Being almost constantly sitting in front of computer everyday, i guess it's time give one or 2 days without it and take a nice walk like this

Aaron Marks - 2019-05-23

Very well said. I'm craving this.

Alex - 2019-05-15

I was slowly, subconsciously nodding "yes" the whole video.

Lichi boy - 2019-04-30

Half-way through watching this I decided to go on my own walk, because the scenery was just stunning.

Chace Low - 2018-10-18

"Why, to what gain? Only the good ideas to lose.

OneFailedGamer - 2018-09-15

Those shots of the restaurants/bars with the big devices in front of every single chair are terrifying

Jack Ren - 2018-09-17

I completely agree. I have also been concerned about such issues. And with the advancement of technology and the current business model of many companies, things aren't looking so well. Particularly, the youngest generation, the kids growing up surrounded by electronics, may never realize what they have missed by being drowned in a world of meaningless flashing colors. And what will happen a few more generations further down? How will our society look like in the future? How are we going to tackle the big problems, fix the climate, battle diseases and poverty, if most of us no longer think or care about these issues?

Trekki200 - 2018-09-18

I'm actually more curious what you could actually do with those devices. In my experience most places with build in screens just wants to reduce staff, and the machines can't do anything beyond showing the menue and taking orders.

Cameron MacDonald - 2018-09-19

I've seen some restaurants with tablets like these, and a lot of times they have games and stuff on them.

The really weird part about that place was that it was just completely empty. All those tablets, all those TVs, and nobody interacting with them.

Freddie Simmons - 2018-09-20

I'm unaware of what the problem exactly is. Or, really, why it's a problem

Kathryn Solaris - 2018-11-09

I've not seen a restaurant with screens like that. Everywhere here still has little signs for table numbers and paper menus. Just found out that uber eats is an actual thing in the city, (as opposed to a rural small town in Australia). I used to wish someone could deliver desert at 2am but never knew it was a real thing elsewhere.

Tom Wright - 2018-10-10

3:16 "Easy for them over good for them" I don't think this is true.

linguaphile - 2019-11-08

grey: what’s the last time you just thought of something, without reading the reactions of others

me: well I’m not on twitter or reddit or anything like that soo

also me: [starts reading comment section]

me: oh

MsJeffreyF - 2018-09-19

did he carry a tripod for that entire walk just to get that final still shot?

Erit of Eastcris - 2018-09-17

Define "irony."

Watching this video when I've been letting a personal project gather proverbial dust because I haven't sat down to continue writing the next chapter.

Victoriam Caenum Platearum - 2018-09-14

When you start this video thinking that you are superior and you don’t fall into this trap then end up seeing another more interesting looking video and click off only then realizing that you are the exact type of person he is talking about

Trekki200 - 2018-09-16

To be fair, the video is boring and doesn't really tell you anything you haven't already heard from someone (usually some senior citizen friendly TV program quoted by a grandmother or an uncle).
It's just Greys recap and opinion on an old debate.
Without the "dare" in the beginning I would not have watched all of it, and now that I have I don't think I gained anything from it.

DigitalAmy - 2018-09-17

It's not a recap. It's an experiment. He's using the excuse of the walk and telling us his thoughts on the way to make an experiment we can use on ourselves for self-diagnosis. Super clever and super meta. And thoughtful. And interesting.

DominicMV - 2018-09-17

@DigitalAmy I disagree, I feel that he did that as a way to encourage you to go on your own walks, reminding you and giving you a taste of what he means of just your own thoughts. Not a self diagnosis thing. I think your giving the man too much credit.

DigitalAmy - 2018-09-17

Possible. Although ... I'm not sure we're disagreeing! Can we agree that walks are awesome?

Darwin42 - 2018-09-17

this isn't a type of person. I Think every person who has access to the internet is effected in this way. If we put the whole human race in a Skinner box don't be surprised if we all sit there and push the buttons.

Jim White - 2018-09-17

"The result is that we are a people on the verge of amusing ourselves to death.” - Neil Postman

Geiger Farm - 2019-11-25

"When a man ain't got no no ideas of his own," said Scipio, "he'd oughta be kind o' careful who he borrows 'em from." The Virginian

Benjinater 066 - 2019-09-12

11:00 (mental break down from this video speaking so deeply, and me finally finding all that loneliness I've been hiding)

AJAT2005 HD - 2019-11-26

This was the last thing I saw on a screen before going on the nicest walk of my life

Craig Talbert - 2018-11-13

I sure hope you live tweet all of this!

Shaun McDonald - 2019-04-13

Thank you for this - I have truly been living in the shallows outside of my work. There are people on the other side of the screen, and they should never take priority over the actual people in my life.