> temp > à-trier > why-life-seems-to-speed-up-as-we-age-veritasium

Why Life Seems to Speed Up as We Age

Veritasium - 2016-02-10

Why does time appear to speed up as we get older? Can we slow it down?
Thanks to the National Geographic Channel for sponsoring this video!
The new season of Brain Games starts Sunday, February 14th at 9/8c -  http://po.st/90S7Ow
Brain Games is an Emmy-nominated TV series that explores the inner workings of the human mind through experiments and interactive games. Did you know it's estimated that you have more than a dozen senses in addition to the standard five? One of those is a sense of time or chronoception. Tune in to the new season of Brain Games to learn about all of your senses, and more, starting Sunday, February 14 at 9/8c


Ageing and duration judgement:

Nerve conduction velocity slowing with age:

Experiments with rats suggest time perception is distributed across brain:

Time perception with repeated stimuli:

Energy usage in brain with age:

Time perception in moments of fear / danger:

Attention’s relation to time perception and recollection of perceived time:

mufasaa hunter - 2019-06-01

Every single school year feels faster each year

DragatonWarrior - 2019-12-20


Ivan Moreno - 2020-01-07

Freshman year felt like a month

2D - 2020-02-09

im five months in and i feel 2 months in

Vladszack Gaming1v1 - 2020-02-18

yes 😥

Nicole Bushey - 2020-03-19

So true I’m in 6th grade and it’s going by so fast there’s only 2 months of school left

Lee Corin - 2019-08-03

When you graduate high school, that's the point when time starts to accelerate

AK EXPA - 2020-01-13

Why did it start to accelerate for me at the start of high school

Joe V - 2020-02-19

Exactly. When I was in school each year felt like an eternity but after I graduated years felt like months

Joe V - 2020-02-19

Completely depends on which college and especially which classes you’re taking and what you’re majoring in. If you’re going to community college it feels just like high school except you can usually leave whenever you want (some professors treat you like high schoolers and take attendance though nowadays )

Fighter 202 - 2020-03-04

Stop it, you're scaring me

Correo Sanford - 2020-03-08

I agree

MisterNarrador - 2019-08-11

when at work, a 1 hour lunch break feels like 5 min.

Sim Salabim - 2019-08-22

and 5 minutes of work feel like 1 hour xD

what ever - 2019-09-23

damn dude. thats one long lunch, lucky

STICKMASTER 500'S MOM - 2019-10-15

We only get 40 minutes

Sipe - 2019-12-07

@STICKMASTER 500'S MOM tell your boss to buy robots for workers and that you are leaving

Luis Marrero - 2020-01-14

I only get 30 minute of lunch and 15 minute of break but the break feels like 8 minutes I hate time lol

Jim Christl - 2019-07-22

My theory is a bit different. I believe things appear longer when your younger because you are always waiting for a event. Birthdays, school, Christmas and many more events. Waiting seems to extend time in my mind. Therefore as we age we have less things to be excited about and time appears to slip by.
Thats my theory.

emille mcmillan - 2019-11-10

# 2 I just turned 17 a week or two ago man I’m starting to regret saying I wanna get older faster when I was younger

Kakashi Hatake - 2019-11-21

emille mcmillan same age as you turned 17 a month and a half ago and now I’m getting more upset as time goes by. Can’t believe I’m a legal adult next year.

MMine DIAMONDS - 2019-12-21

We ignore time more as we age.

Thomas S. - 2019-12-30

So when you are waiting for death you live longest

Faran 2007 - 2020-03-03

It's not a theory, it's a fact :D

N.J. State øf Mind - 2019-08-03

want to slow down life and feel like you live forever?

go to prison

Rendus Pandorus - 2019-11-06

damn I didn't expect a comment on this video that would become so dark


Or go to a maximum security prison where you are locked in a room for 23 hours and only get to get out for 1 hour

Al Tra - 2020-01-10

When you are busy time run so fast.But when you sit and boaring then time run very slowly.

Manda 3D Projects - 2020-02-05

+ you are bored in prison that makes time slower

Bach Lan - 2020-03-06

Go to school,it feels like an eternity

Mohmmed Adil - 2018-11-29

Longest 5 seconds?

waiting to skip a youtube ad.

KerTheGreat - 2019-09-29

2 youtube ads*

valar - 2019-10-14

With demonetization spreading does he even get any money now?

JAKE - 2019-11-09

>not using adblock in 2019

Scott Nilsson - 2019-12-16

69th reply lets gooo

yourgflikesit - 2020-01-13


IAMTHE WALRUS - 2019-08-01

Life seems fast because 85% of it is spent at a 9-5 grind.

sady pack - 2019-12-17

@Cyph18 I agree with you partly. On the surface it seems you do have a choice not to go that route, but there's many interlocked underlying factors that pushes you to (your ethnic background/environment, education, economic/social status, ur unique situation etc.) Again I'm not saying you don't have a choice but to confirm to the standard 9-5 job, all I'm saying that it's not as simple as saying "well just don't do it. You can choose otherwise" Tbh I do have conflicting opinions on this matter, but mainly I find these jobs generally unfulfilling and just limiting to the human capabilities. Atleast that's mainly the way I see it, could be different to someone else.

A - 2019-12-23

I will never work and never had work I will enjoy life not working that the miserable and depression life

Hestnet - 2020-01-07

It depends if you enjoy that grind. If you're stuck in a job you really hate then life may seem slow, wouldn't it?

Malachi Daw - 2020-02-07


frtard - 2020-02-22

Why do people complain about the "9-5 grind" so much. Slavery? You've got to be kidding me. People are entirely missing the point. It seems no one is being taught to appreciate the fact that even the most trivial of tasks can be very rewarding with the right mindset. You get all these old people complaining that today's generations don't know the value of hard work, and is absolutely true. My grandfather worked his entire life as janitor because he saw it as a source of pride with knowing he has improved conditions for everyone. He would always describe any sort of disarray or uncleanliness "disgraceful". So much so that he continued to do it until his 80's and physically couldn't do it anymore. It doesn't matter if the task you do is boring and repetitive, but just half-assing them until you clock out is why it feels like slavery. If you do something WELL and know you put EFFORT into it, it becomes the complete opposite. So stop complaining about something you don't like but haven't even put the effort into fixing it. If you're bitter because you think you're capable of improving some facet of society and blame your "slave drivers" for "forcing" you to hate your life, well, what are you waiting for? Quit. No one would want you working at McDonald's stuffing junk down peoples' increasingly fat throats either.

Kaitlyn Rose - 2019-07-31

it’s so weird to think that if two people are doing the same activity, time is passing at different speeds for both people

Klaux [GD] - 2020-02-10

Not really, time passes at the same speed for everyone, people just have different perceptions depending on what they're doing.

Faran 2007 - 2020-03-03


Seth P - 2020-03-14

Klaux [GD] you’re a twat. The person obviously meant the perception of time you dunce. Time is relative

Ken Lompart - 2019-07-23

When I was a kid it felt like Christmas took forever, now when Christmas comes it feels like we just went through it a couple of months ago..

I'mSpecial - 2019-07-29

No matter how young you are, time will slow down by at least 10 times when you’re working.

No Hackers - 2019-08-25

Actually. Not always since you are doing something. It would be longer if you are bored. I understand that it was a joke though

what ever - 2019-09-23

depends on the job. mine is boring as all hell, so it goes pretty slow. so yeah, time AT work goes by slowly. but technically it would go by slower at work if there was no work to do and you are just counting down the time to go by. but yeah it was a joke, i did not need to reply with this comment, but i did anyway, lol. jeeze.

Thomas S. - 2019-12-30

@No Hackers but yes that's true. During tests that are 2h i sometimes feel i had only 30min

No Hackers - 2019-12-30

@Thomas S.

Examiner: This is a 2 hr exam

Me:Ok Question 1 out of 5 is done. That was pretty quick

checks time


WinstonTheSpartan - 2020-01-15

That’s actually sad if you think about it

NecroAngel Declares War - 2019-05-27

The duration of a minute depends on wich side of the bathroom´s door you´re in.

TraumaER - 2019-07-15

@Rayi make a poster slogan of it with a split picture with a guy chilling on the toilet looking at his phone and reading a newspaper while a guy is outside the door holding his groin in pain HAHAHA! Motivational Masterpiece!

Rayi - 2019-07-15

@TraumaER Imma hit up an artist friend of mine and I think I can actually get this done lol

Howie Dewin - 2019-07-31

and the closer you get to the facilities the more urgently you need them.

Ghost De Razgriz - 2019-07-31

Holy sh** that is gold.

Ball is LIfe - 2019-08-16

Thats a good and original one!

xXKraNcaRXx - 2019-08-06

I believe it's a problem with not living in the present moment. When you were a kid you lived in the now you didn't think about the past and you didn't worry about the future and as we got older we started worrying and thinking about other things that took us away from the present moment and time is percieved to speed up the more you think.

BossWafflez - 2019-08-23

I need to learn to live in the present moment so I can slow down time🤔

laura josef - 2019-08-25


Goldie - 2019-10-27


ALFA Fitness Klub - 2020-03-14

100% agree

dallaskyd - 2019-07-29

2019 just started 8 months ago! 😳😱 WTFFF

TGPO GD - 2019-12-14

Feels like it started yesterday

Videogamelover58 - 2019-12-27

@qAkxme ikr

Lindo LLB - 2019-12-29

And now only 2 days until 2020!!!!!! Someone please slow the days

Bernard Prior - 2019-12-31

WtF I realized dat 2019 is gonna over.....wtf

LanaDelRey TV - 2020-02-21

we in 2020 now wtf

GORILLA ROB - 2019-07-28

“Life moves pretty fast...if u don’t stop to look around once in a while...u could miss it...”

Bob Maluga - 2019-08-04

Great movie!!

Brian Waller - 2019-08-05


Spartan Man - 2019-08-07


Emma Was here - 2019-08-17

Well yeah I stay in my room alot and don't really go out.....could that be the case..?😬

Benji B-Side - 2019-09-27

Excellent comment!!

Pulling the Strings - 2019-08-04

The year just started and it's already August. How's Xmas in 4 months already?

Azeem A - 2019-11-13

Xmas is next month what are you talking about 😂

TheGhostWizard - 2019-12-17

Azeem A 8 days now

patric j - 2019-12-27

+1 day now

Barren - 2020-01-13

patric j 2020 now

syawkcab - 2020-02-19

I'm reading this comment in February. You made me panic for a second. I thought "What, Xmas is in 4 months!? Oh wait, it was just 2 months ago"

Sikh Atheist - 2016-04-12

I wanted to slow time, so I switched over to Internet Explorer.

navboi12 - 2019-06-04

I'm confused. How do you identify as a 'Sikh Atheist'? 🤔

Mysterious - 2019-06-10

After 3 years, *le internet explorer "Happy New Year 2016"

Amory Acosta - 2019-07-01

g...o...o...d... ... o...n...e...!

Kaledrone /\ - 2019-07-28

@ابو ليث الخطيب Stop trying to convert lol, nobody wants to join your cult.

Howie Dewin - 2019-07-31

and windows 95

Pulling the Strings - 2019-08-04

I just graduated high school but how am I already 67 years old?

Necrago - 2019-07-18

You know that the people who guessed correctly the time were constantly adding numbers in their head until they reached 60

goated - - 2019-08-12

You mean counting?

Zac Cash - 2019-08-16

@goated - stop bullying the robot

miguell - 2019-09-14

I tried this and wasnt counting, but I couldnt help but to think "okay this is probably around 10 seconds now" and then after same amount passed I thought "ok probably 20 maybe 25?" and when i went to check how much time passed i got 57.6 seconds

Some random Guy - 2019-09-20

@miguell Just keep on counting tbh in general its usually best not to hesitate on a decison and just do it well of course not on evrything but more of quick decisons

Derek Dust - 2019-07-28

Never mind why, the more important question is 'how do I stop it?"

DiceDecides - 2019-09-06

4g of shrooms should do it, I looked at a clock and I thought it stopped

NICOLE Defontaine - 2019-10-22

DiceDecides 😂😂😂👍👍👍👍

Manideep p - 2019-11-12

If you could start thinking with more than speed of light then time will slow down due to time dilation😉

SugmaNutsXD YT - 2019-12-24


Hitkid - 2020-03-10

Do away with sleep while you're at it

Digno ! - 2019-08-11

“When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute—and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.” Albert Einstein

PhenomRom - 2016-02-22

You ever done planks? That 2 minutes is forever.

Siddhant Chauhan - 2019-06-19

Jack Productions Holding Account that was rude

Kailash Shah - 2019-07-12

Wall sits though

ElektronixTV - 2019-07-14

@Kailash Shah ouch

Jimmie bastrixer - 2019-07-14

Thats so true 😂

Abc Defg - 2019-08-21

Damn so tru

Laurice - 2019-07-28

This may explain why it seems like driving to a new location takes longer to arrive. But when you use the same route you seem to return faster. Maybe because the landmarks you pass by have become familiar to you.🤔

DOCTORWHO ISGR8 - 2019-07-31

I get the same, also if your desperate to get somewhere time drags and you think you'll be late

TGB - 2019-08-27

Crazy to think 4 years ago I was 12, in 4 years I’ll be 20. 😬😬

Azeem A - 2019-11-13

I feel like 4 years ago I was 10, but i just turned 18, and I'm 2 years 20, it's going too quick

Torian McNeill - 2019-11-23

Azeem A 1 more month 2019 will be gone this year just started in January here it is November Thanksgiving is Thursday you gotta be kidding me you can’t be serious

Sipe - 2019-12-07

@Torian McNeill 2019 went FAST bro.... Im senior this year (12th grade) and I miss 11th grade. It was my best year in my whole school life!

jd - 2019-12-23

crazy that 5 years ago i was 20 and now i'm 37

Brucifer Mephistopheles - 2019-07-27

In the 70's when I was a teenager so many things happened I could write a book, Now that I'm older decades go by and there's nothing to write about!

Yngsatchvai - 2019-07-30

We make alot of memories while we are young and learning. Everything is so new and exciting. The shine on life does tarnish as we age I fear, but it makes you appreciate the important things in life. We cling to our familys and friends and music we hold dear. Ive noticed most adults get kinder and more patient with age also. But I would pay a kings ransom to go back to the 70s and ride it again.

The Devil's Advocate - 2019-08-02

And that's good.
Who wants to try that new thing?

what ever - 2019-09-23

@Yngsatchvai well said. although i struggle to appreciate anything. being old sucks, lol. i want a second run at this youth thing.

Zar Kaztick - 2019-10-14

I was to give your comment thumbs up, but your image and name got me scared.

NICOLE Defontaine - 2019-10-22

Yngsatchvai yeah me too. What I wouldn’t give to go back even just for awhile 👍

THE Q - 2019-07-30

Life is like a roll of toilet paper:

The closer you get to the end......the faster it goes!

Carry on - 2020-02-07

Best description of life.

QURAN HD - 2020-01-25

Reality Check: 1990 is just as far away as 2050

mike brink - 2019-07-22

When getting ready for work 2 hours feels like 20 minutes but once you get to work, 8 hours feels like 18 hours.

Yngsatchvai - 2019-07-30

Thats the truth!

ZaddyOc & Mohamedissavage - 2019-09-20

I remember when a YouTube video said “5 years ago”, it was probably only posted in 2008.
But now when a YouTube video says: “5 years ago”, it means that it was posted in 2015...

Idk what to write here - 2019-12-30

deep stuff

Mohammed Fahad - 2020-02-13

Omg sooo true....

brian thomas - 2019-08-01

When doing something I don’t want to do: Time goes by slow.

When doing something I do want to do: Time goes by fast.

Mustang De Man - 2016-07-21

looking at a pretty girl while with hand on a stove

RiFF RAFF - 2019-05-30

Richard Castanon bending a pretty girl over a stove while looking at her pussy from behind

the1hylander - 2019-05-31

Looking at a pretty stove while your hand is on a girl

Oyez BurN - 2019-06-03

Perfectly balanced. As all things should be.

ELISHA - 2019-06-04

That's genius

Ziad - 2019-08-02

That'll stop time!

D G - 2019-07-31

Time speeds up due to responsibility and the fact we are all slowly dying.

David Farmer - 2019-07-29

Perception of time is directly tied to responsibility. When young, we have very little responsibility. So time feels longer. As we get older, we acquire more responsibility, so time goes faster. Why? Because time is your most valuable resource when you are dealing with responsibilities because most responsibilities are driven by deadlines and time. Thus, perception of time is directly correlated to responsibility. This is my theory and I thought of it when I was 20.

Yngsatchvai - 2019-07-30

Hmm. I think it comes with age because we have been observing longer. A week or a month till Christmas is like a blink because we have a better frame.of reference.

spring breeze - 2019-08-02

Ha, for me its different, it because I enjoy wasting time thats why time flies


Why did you have to mention you were 20

Abdo Bouchareb - 2020-01-31

Totally agree.

Se7enwonders - 2019-07-31

Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana. - Groucho Marx

Robert Schlanksy - 2019-08-11

One word to summarize the main reason: Responsibilities

benD'anon fawkes - 2016-02-29

I always felt bad when my wife tells me that our sex doesn't last very long.
Now i can tell her it only feels quick because how much she is enjoying herself...

Bjorn Ironsides - 2019-05-30

Best comment. lol

Blind Squid - 2019-07-15

@Bjorn Ironsides that's true.

Yngsatchvai - 2019-07-30

Brilliant 😂

fahae nijja - 2019-08-01

that's disgusting.

The Devil's Advocate - 2019-08-02

The pen is in her face will do the same as the spider

HappyLongNose - 2019-08-28

Its like when I watch a movie the second time it feels like the movie is shorter

Tax3r - 2019-08-22

Simple answer, Time is relative.

Bigbrain - 2019-07-20

I agree I always would wish I was older when I was like 4 and 8 years later I feel like I time is going by rapidly

Kinda scary NGL

blue bugaboo - 2019-08-02

To me the car lasted longer!

Michal Janecek - 2019-12-15


kendo512 - 2019-05-28

I watched this on 1.5 speed because I'm old and don't have time

Youtube_ Lyxz - 2019-06-11

saleh alsayaad 😂

Shirley Succubus - 2019-07-14

@Ratus I thought I was the only one

urIIez - 2019-07-14

😯😯😯 I'm going to start doing this

You Too - 2019-07-27

You too??

Hi - 2019-07-31

@saleh alsayaad all we are doing is occupying our minds. It's not a waste, it's just keeping busy doing something

Pulling the Strings - 2019-08-04

I'm just gonna not do anything so that I can be bored all day so that my life feels like I lived a lot more.👌

Sue B - 2019-08-04

Translation: When you're over the hill, you pick up speed.

onkar pawar - 2019-09-20

2019 just started 9 months ago! 😳😱 WTFFF

Torian McNeill - 2019-11-23

onkar pawar exactly Thanksgiving is Thursday seriously? it’s crazy unbelievable ridiculous I’m going out of town to see my aunt

Justin Caleb - 2019-12-05

so many vivid memories of when i was a very young child, my dad was in his 30's at that time, and soon i will be in my 30's..
Miss the good memories i had when i was a kid, i guess this is why i want a child of my own so maybe i can experience my childhood again through them

Michael McNamara - 2019-05-28

You’re right, when I was on elementary school, 1 year felt like 50 years!

untamed - 2019-07-12

Yonathan fr

Tommy koh - 2019-07-13

For me it is the opposite for some reason

BRO SKI - 2019-07-14

Michael McNamara it’s because your brain then wasn’t capable of really understanding time at a high level

Jorti1 boombox - 2019-07-15

@mysterical_arts r/woooosh

Lance Uppercut - 2019-07-15

Michael McNamara and it was great

Slave of Almighty ALLAH - 2019-08-12

Time is Slow when you wait!
Time is Fast when you are late!
Time is Deadly when you are sad!
Time is Short when you are happy!
Time is Endless when you are in pain!
Time is Long when you feel bored!
Time is most beautiful when you are in love .
Time is determined by your feelings and your psychological conditions & not by clocks.
So Have A Nice Time Always

Hegotkicks 24 - 2019-08-15


CopperXLUIron 1KERA - 2019-08-25

Time is also amazing when you’re enjoying it.

Michael Crandall - 2019-07-31

It's the same thing when I eat a whole pizza by myself. The first half goes quickly, the second half goes a bit slower

byron2521 - 2019-07-31

I remember as a kid a school semester, or waiting for Christmas or a birthday, seemed like an eternity. Now 6 months or even a year just fly by.

Victor Laguna - 2019-08-03

I believe, also, that social media has to do alot with time speeding up.

VinceTheGiraffe - 2019-08-07

I don’t see how social media could have anything to do with it lol

Victor Laguna - 2019-08-13

@VinceTheGiraffe It's pretty simple, time is highly consumed with the constant usage of that sorce.

VinceTheGiraffe - 2019-08-13

Victor Laguna Hmm...I guess that could have an effect on some people who use it a lot.

トキ - 2019-07-14

Wanna slow down your time?

Go shopping mall with your wife

(Or your mom)

TH C - 2019-09-04

Beta male detected

Sajid's Toys Review's Backup Account - 2019-09-08

トキ ik it’s a joke but I don’t understand what you mean so wdym?

Cristiano Meira Magalhaes - 2019-09-10

LOL! I think this is a universal feeling. In Brazil is the same way. LOL.

Ash Games - 2019-09-21

grans are even worse.

NICOLE Defontaine - 2019-10-22

Mean Mike Bojak lol I’m with you 👍👍