> sys > prince-rupert-s-drop-smartereveryday

Mystery of Prince Rupert's Drop at 130,000 fps - Smarter Every Day 86

SmarterEveryDay - 2013-03-23

"Goggle Up!  Science is about to happen...Share by Tweet: http://bit.ly/YAsk8M  Facebook: http://bit.ly/PrinceRupert
Please help me justify putting this much time and effort into a video by clicking "LIKE" and SHARING this as much as possible. Click the following: Tweet: http://bit.ly/TweetRupert    Facebook: http://bit.ly/PrinceRupert  Please share with any science blogs or outlets you think would enjoy it.  

Videos like this don't just happen.  They require lots of time, and lots of favors from very smart and kind people willing to help me and you learn.  PLEASE take a moment and read the following information and support those who supported me.

This is the camera we used for the ultra-high speed shots.  It has the "FAST" option.

You absolutely have to check out the stuff Cal Makes.  We're just goofing off in this video, but the guy is some type of glass wizard genius.  It would make me happy if you bought something from him and he felt like the audience appreciated all the time he donated to this video. He basically gave me 2 entire nights of his entire shop.
I feel like we're friends at this point, and he is open to the idea of doing more videos in the future and teach me more about what he knows about glass.  Let's make it worth his time.

I'm a HUGE FAN of the song Gordon wrote for this video.  His landlord would really appreciated if you downloaded it so he could make rent this month.
It looks like he's assembling a new album that I may like more than Mammals:
Show him some love.

This video involved about 2 months of research, and me reaching out to several individuals.  I would like to thank everyone who took time out of their schedule to contribute to my wacky research.  A big thanks to the following people:
My wife and kids.  I'm sorry this took so long and I wasn't the kind of active father I want to be during the 5 weeks it took to make this.

Dr. Martyn Poliakoff for getting me access to documents which details experiments on the Prince Rupert's Drop by the Royal Society 
http://rsnr.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/41/1/1.full.pdf+html  (behind a pay wall)

Being able to calculate the failure front velocity of a Prince Rupert's drop is a pretty big deal.  For years this was a scientific mystery.  High speed camera technology is only recently fast enough to provide data like this.  Thanks to Vision Research for letting me use the V1610 to try to unravel this mystery for the public in general. 

Rob Kuefner for reaching out to me and offering to convert certain equations into LaTeX format for me.

Dr. Jeff Evans from UAH.  A friend and neighbor who just happens to have a PhD and be an expert in fracture mechanics. http://bit.ly/YLezDA Thank you for helping me by pointing me in the right direction in the early stages of my research.  It's time we hangout again.

Brian: thanks for letting me use your green screen and telling me about Orbix in the first place.  I stayed up there til about 1 or 2 am two nights in a row acting stupid in front of of the camera all alone.  Now that I look back at that footage without the context of this video, it's all very strange.

Thanks to Loïc Samuel for taking time to make the custom TNT Degradation graphic!

P.S. There was some old guy walking around the track at the park when I was filming me jumping on the bridge railing.  I'm pretty sure you kept walking until I was done just to make sure you wouldn't have to take me to the hospital if I broke my leg.  I'll never meet you again, but I'm grateful for this kind gesture you didn't know I noticed.
Tweet ideas to me @SmarterYouTube

Instead of saving for my kids' college, I make videos using the money I would have saved.
The thought is it will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for their education. Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please SHARE THE VIDEO!

If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars towards their college fund by clicking here:

Warm Regards,


z beeblebrox - 2016-12-30

So what you're saying is, if you somehow made a Rupert's Drop with a mile-long tail, it would still take less than a second for the whole thing to explode?

Paul Cotter - 2020-02-16

@Chris Not only that, but the room temperature water next to the glass would reach 100C very quickly. Then there would be little difference in the scenarios

Fif0l - 2020-02-20

@Crazy Funny Cats you do that not to make them harder, but to make them more elastic.
The result is that it's actually harder to break it, because it has a tendency to bend a lot and not break.

Crazy Funny Cats - 2020-02-20

xFracture so is steel the same? Seems the opposite if it has better strength from slower cooling ? Crystal lattice 🤣👽?

Crazy Funny Cats - 2020-02-20

Fif0l thanks , maybe stronger was a better word . Anyway we’ve done break tests and there is a big difference. Even in -40c. Cheers 🥂

Fif0l - 2020-02-20

@Crazy Funny Cats Cheers 🥂

Eggbert08 - 2017-12-18

I absolutely loved the explanation with all the mini you's

Z V - 2019-08-21

The best xD

sdrawkcaB - 2018-07-27

Prince Rupert, I don't feel so good...

VanEyes - 2018-11-20

That was clever.

BISHAL - 2019-01-06


DARK APPERITION - 2019-05-12

he must have been positively shattered. . . .

Snak1ty - 2019-07-24


maruftim - 2020-03-22


Unit 07 - 2019-08-18

5:13 Mr.Stark, I don’t feel so good

Oskar von Reuenthal - 2019-03-31

3:22 OOOHHHH so this is why some glass looks rainbowish when you wear polarized sunglasses. I've always wondered

Thiccy's Garage - 2020-01-11

6:05 i wonder where prince rupert lives now

A Cat - 2020-01-26


Rishiraj Saikia - 2020-03-07

Seven year old video

xXÃßdXx - 2020-03-18


Productionmark - 2017-01-01

Beautiful. Science is beautiful. Love your passion for it.

YeetPacito - 2019-05-24

Me: sees not that mant likes on the first comment
Also me: THis Is mY Chanche

And i have ruined it

nicholas hood-daniel - 2020-03-20

2:41 anyone notice the blast made the watermark go away?

OfelieArt - 2016-12-29

Hydraulic Press vs Rupert drop

sitsia - 2019-08-17

@Juhani Lindgren did you also (just like i did) come here after watching their (Hydraulic press channel) video?

Sunny Boy - 2019-08-23

I think yall missing what's going on here. The bulb is not breaking from the strike from the hammer
It only breaks from the tail first no matter how hard you hit it

Steven Kimball - 2019-09-09

That's what I was trying to remember! Thank you

Nerdy Guy - 2019-09-27

HPC got you covered!

Nerdy Guy - 2019-09-27

@Tim Cronin HPC needs the Slow Mo Guys.

Write to Publish & Sell Your Book - 2017-12-06

"Goggle up. Science is about to happen" . Ha! love it!

Brian Smith - 2019-08-28

This is still one of my favorite science videos in 2019.

RuckaInc - 2020-02-27

"We here at 'SmarterEveryDay' don't wear hand protection when glass explodes in your hand. Remember, we are the ones who tell you what makes you smarter."

realPandarama - 2018-07-07

i just love this video, watching it every now and then and always chills me :)

I'm socially Awkward - 2020-02-17

4:17 ok but where did he come from? 😂

Nooduhle - 2020-02-27

it was edited

Delta3340A380 - 2018-05-21

6:20. Best laughing ever 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

SnakeBoy TV - 2019-08-18


Jeff Petersen - 2019-04-16

Love watching slow mo explosion

Metal Marauder - 2016-05-15

so if i made a mile-long prince rupert's drop, it would break in 1 second?

Béranger Kabbas - 2018-09-23

It's not even for the fact that the speed of light cannot be exceeded, speed of light is actually 186282 times faster than the speed of this explosion

TheSeaBast - 2018-10-26


1000 subscribers without videos challenge? - 2018-12-28

@Thomas L why are you triggered, chill dude, he's just curious

Md Talha Ansari - 2019-01-19

A little less than 1 second.

Raski - 2019-01-26

1.03 seconds

Sean Warren - 2017-03-08

Word, to your moms!
He came to drop Psalms.

sigit prasetyo - 2019-04-06

2:46 this is amazing

NaveenRutgers Rutgers - 2018-06-24

5:13 Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good...

Clyde Barber - 2017-01-29

3:23 I totally see Homer Simpson

Sean Kratovil-Lavelle - 2016-12-30

0:45 "Kind of looks like a tadpole" Yup. A tadpole. That's what I was thinking too...

andreasfab - 2019-04-05

Prince Rupert's drop, more like prince Rupert's load

Stabgan Music - 2019-04-06

@andreasfab lmao

phục êwê - 2019-05-07

Yeah, it's that stuff dripping off your chin.

Nova. - 2019-05-07

TFW same bro

Turtle Killer - 2020-01-06

That's exactly what the tadpoles where I live look like. Ours are just a tad bigger

Greydon Iselmoe - 2017-01-03

Wow... so the fracturing speed of Prince Rupert's Drop is Mach 4.83 ... Nuts.
Imagine a jet flying that speed.

XXzenon Ionnex - 2019-09-21

There are jets that go mach 7+

rockn roll - 2019-11-30

@XXzenon Ionnex not even close

Dartnix - 2018-11-10

4:00 this animation is everything

Machete Man - 2018-08-13

5:33 “I don’t feel so good

Lars b - 2017-01-02

Loved the PS 111:2 - So true. :)

Thanks for the interesting video

Key dox - 2016-12-29

Now I wanna see a 100ft tall version and then cut the tail

Ani Prick - 2018-06-08

StickMation! It would be hard to make in the first place

certified snack - 2019-03-31

Thats called a bomb

Yin Yang - 2019-06-14

@506 independent VIDEO not if ur behind unbreakable Glass

Erdmännelchen - 2019-08-21

Does a 30m long one serve too?

Turtle Killer - 2020-01-06

Made in your local volcano, duh

Laura Tew - 2017-01-25

Excellent animation with little Destins, and I love the sparkly rainbows <3

Bryan Baird - 2019-12-04

Would love to see nail clipping at extreme fps! (Depending on the cleanliness of the nail)

Michael Rahaman - 2019-10-20

This is the power of my requiem 4:43

tebina - 2020-03-04


SkeletonCrew - 2017-01-04

My reaction: DUDE WHAT

Bluetornado 702 - 2018-11-04

5:13 mr stark I don’t feel so good

The Creatures Corner - 2019-02-01

That he gives me ears to hear!, and eyes to see!!

Johnny 5 - 2019-05-12

Can you make a Prince Rupert's Sphere in Zero-G?
Would take a plane with simulated zero-G obviously, ISS cant risk a glass furnace.

20sentryboy - 2019-08-04

That’s one of the coolest things I’ve seen in slow motion.

winkyshy2 - 2016-05-24

neat trick with all the little mini yous going on there. but i bet buying all those red blue and grey shirts cost alot.

SebSk - 2017-11-28

Not to think of all the food consumption. Man, I don't think this is very sustainable.

notapro hmm - 2018-01-19

May be he purchased only one tshirt and editing does all that

KeiRo Multiverse - 2018-01-19

I’m sure each clone will be able to earn their own keep. In fact all of them collectively working together will rake in exponential profits.

TOMYSSHADOW - 2018-03-19

You only need one of each.

Tjad e - 2020-01-09

@Blook r/whoosh

Michael Richardson - 2019-02-10

Amazing video!! I wanted to see in slow mo the reaction of the drop when hitting the cold water.

Krista Norton - 2017-08-19

You would make an amazing science teacher! You make it easy to understand and a lot of fun. Keep em coming!

Makichika - 2019-09-27

0:05 ahhhh sweet home

Annoying Doggo - 2018-02-18

When he went past the fence I thought he went straight through it XD

Brian Larson - 2013-11-06

I wanna play with molten glass now... -_-

MrWalrus - 2016-10-04

The inside is molten but as soon as it touches the air it cools instantly

SLEVEN_KELEVRA_ - 2016-11-02

SoliderCraft203 No, that is definitely not the case. A state of molten glass would require heat, which would be immediately transfered through atmosphere. It is completely cool.

Morgan Bush - 2019-03-12

SmED. Dude. I can literally feel my brain growing.

Eli Crook - 2018-07-08

Wow! I'm so suprised it was fimed 5 years ago. Great editing and making it easy to understand.

Julie Eikenberry - 2017-01-03

This is really cool, but at the end when he fell off the bridge. I lost it 😂😂😂

Ducky Boi - 2018-10-24

3:55 Reminds me of Mister Maker

christienb Brooks - 2019-03-23

I’m so glad that I found this channel !! I love it !

Brisk Stevens - 2019-06-09

"Gargle Up" 🤣🤣🤣

Sam_Sibbitt - 2019-11-07

So you’re telling me that glass is breaking faster than 3,600 mph