> temp > à-trier > death-dynasties-cgp-grey

Death & Dynasties

CGP Grey - 2016-11-07

Adapted from 'The Dictator's Handbook': http://amzn.to/2fgBWps

Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rStL7niR7gs

Special Thanks: 

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita & Alastair Smith


Jason Snell (https://sixcolors.com/) for an emergency microphone loan


Mark Govea, Thomas J Miller Jr MD, dedla , Robert Kunz, John Buchan, Ripta Pasay, Saki Comandao, Andres Villacres, Christian Cooper, Michael Little, PervertedThomas , Nevin Spoljaric, سليمان العقل, Tony DiLascio, Richard Jenkins, Chris Chapin, Faust Fairbrook, Jason Lewandowski, Michael Mrozek, Jordan LeDoux, Chris Woodall, rictic , Ian , Tod Kurt, Phil Gardner, Chang Wang, Kozo Ota, Jordan Melville, Martin , Steven Grimm, Joe Pantry, Colin Millions, Muhammad Shifaz, Chris Harshman, Jose Reyes, Guillermo , Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Mikko , Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Orbit_Junkie , Timothy Basanov, David Michaels, Mark Elders, Donal Botkin, Veronica Peshterianu, Paul Tomblin, Travis Wichert, chrysilis , Ryan E Manning, Erik Parasiuk, Rhys Parry, Maarten van der Blij, Kevin Anderson, Ryan Nielsen, Esteban Santana Santana, Dag Viggo Lokøen, Tristan Watts-Willis, John Rogers, Edward Adams, Leon , ken mcfarlane, Brandon Callender, Timothy Moran, Peter Lomax, Emil , Tijmen van Dien, ShiroiYami , Alex Schuldberg, Ryan Constantin, Bear , Jacob Ostling, Solon Carter, Rescla , Hystiklopp , Andrew Proue, Tor Henrik Lehne, David Palomares, Cas Eliëns, Freddi Hørlyck, Ernesto Jimenez, Osric Lord-Williams, Maxime Zielony, Lachlan Holmes , John Lee, Ian N Riopel, AUFFRAY Clement, John Bevan, Robert Grünke (trainfart)

Music by: http://www.davidreesmusic.com

Turki - 2016-11-07

Who will take over this channel then ? CGP Junior ?

Potential Propaganda - 2020-02-22

@Romania-kun Polandball ftw

CaffSpider - 2020-02-25

It's called cgp grey because that's the color of his hair

EJOArkhamGamer - 2020-02-25


Radiated Leader - 2020-02-28

CGP Gr a y

Lacoulas 555 - 2020-03-10

Why not?

Son Goku - 2016-11-11

This video is a walkthrough of how to play Crusader Kings 2

Holm221 - 2019-04-16

@NoiseTheory so you are saying i should cheat my way to the bigger army and crush all resistence? and insert the imperium of man??

tyler89557 - 2019-06-09

Accidentally kills the entire dynasty of my friends with my ruler that's focused entirely on intrigue and nothing else

Marlo York Rodriguez - 2020-02-22

Ameya Vaidya uncle daddy! Uncle daddy!

McHrozni - 2020-03-09

It's the intro to the tutorial of managing succession: why it matters at all.
That's all it is.

Connor Schultz - 2020-03-10

@NoiseTheory 'if oldest son session is more common, why is it harder to get to happen!'

Dom Vasta - 2016-11-09

Kim Il Sung is still President of North Korea, despite having been dead for over 20 years.

Pedro H. - 2019-12-09

@tbarry12 In case you want more evidence, wikipedia has the references tab, that does in fact have citations.

elva cardenas - 2020-02-15

that is a good example of a dynastie!

DolphyBlueDrake - 2020-02-29

They may say he is, but he's a rotting corpse in the ground.

Paul Brower - 2020-03-05

North Korea is a monarchy for all practical purposes.

Miguel Fierro - 2020-03-12

He's dead anyway. A posthumous title doesn't mean anything...

Gavin Herrera - 2016-11-11

1:34 "This is why if you happen to be sick, keep it secret"
Reminds me of Franklin Roosevelt

AnnikaOakinnA - 2019-11-20

Also Grover Cleveland. He had a major surgery to remove a cancerous tumor from the roof of his mouth, and disguised the operation with a four day "fishing trip" on a friend's yacht. Not even his VP was told the truth. There were a few rumours that were brutally crushed, and the truth stayed more or less hidden for decades.

Jayfeather ._. - 2019-11-24

Frijole can you tell me why did I imagined his wife covering him in plastic wraps???

Rainbow the wind sage - 2020-02-22

Also quite a few dictators. I recall one who had rumors of health issues and made long videos of him doing ridiculous stuff to prove "how alive he is"

Angel Dela Cruz - 2020-03-01

@Rainbow the wind sage Hugo Chavez? I remember he had stuffs like TV programs which he had exercises to prove that he was perfectly fine.

Rainbow the wind sage - 2020-03-01

@Angel Dela Cruz No I was thinking of the guy who runs Turkmenistan. John Oliver has a video on him here on YouTube if you want to look up.

TaxmanFelix - 2016-11-11

That Doctor Who reference at 1:44 is possibly the most obscure thing I've ever seen.

coladict - 2019-11-12

I can't believe I missed that!
It flew by so fast, that I didn't try reading what he's saying.

Samuel Fofana - 2020-02-01

It all makes sense now...

Radiated Leader - 2020-02-28

Harriet Jones, MP for flydale North

Eli Assis - 2020-03-02

Six. just six.

name that hasnt been taken yet me - 2020-03-07

You can't think of a more obscure doctor who reference than a man with a sonic screw driver re-encating one of the key scenes of the first episode with the 10th doctor?

Antik Doli - 2016-11-12

If school teaching was as good as cgp i would go on weekends too

Nubnewb - 2018-11-23

Hi (Sorry for bad English)

amethystZiggurat - 2018-11-23

@NubnewbHallo they're! Whats r your doings?

Person - 2019-02-01

Yur gramr s bd

Voland V. - 2020-01-10

Evirions gremmer is soo bed XD

Makuru_DD - 2020-02-11

Sadly you need to wait for weekends

JoschiChr - 2017-08-16

"No man rules forever"
takes off helmet
"I am no man"

Семён Семёнович - 2019-12-02

@Nathan Young AI
Humans need not apply, remember?

Ink Bold - 2019-12-20

Woman can rule forever! 😂

Ink Bold - 2019-12-20

No wonder queen of England still rules!

paco ramon - 2020-03-04

According to Charlies Angels woman can do anything, even not dying.

dskmb3 - 2020-03-15

Women can't rule at all.

Bombalurina - 2016-11-12

Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Roosevelt, Taft... long history of voting for Dynasties in America.

tbarry12 - 2019-10-02

​@Lil Broomstick
For one if they are a member of a well known political dynasty there's a good chance they'll share common views- especially among political dynasties in the Democratic Party like the Kennedys and the Clintons but the Rockefellers are a good example of this on the Republican side. If a child of Joe Kennedy is running for office for example, you'll know far more about their positions than some random schmuck just by looking at how their family has governed in the past allowing you to make a more informed decision than you normally would. Also "never voting for dynasties because I don't believe in them" is a frankly ludicrous thing to do simply because you should be voting based on a candidate's competence; if you are presented with a choice between a run-of-the-mill Kennedy (Harvard educated, Peace Corp and all that) and the village idiot who can't be trusted to coordinate a dinner party much less the country for example, are you seriously telling me you will vote for the idiot out of principle? I seem to remember something like that happening a couple years ago I just can't put my finger on it though...

Cheydinal - 2019-11-28

John Adams and John Quincy Adams

Shayne Sangster - 2020-01-31


J2Dragon - 2020-02-24

Just so you know, Trump didn’t have a majority.

Carley Ciocci - 2020-03-12

Adams and Harrison aswell

Alex Oliver - 2017-06-03

1:51 I actually think Vladimir Putin was parading about, hunting on horseback just to appear healthy and to reassure his keys.

иван корженевский - 2020-01-27

Alex Oliver his keys his friends abd other trusted people, i think in such situation described in video rules are not working

Maziar Yousefi - 2020-02-12

One does not simply use the key analogy when talking about Putin. Putin never gets sick, sickness gets Putin and then dies. Also, he does these things not because of sickness but because of showing to the Russian public his image of boldness and curiosity and personal courage.

Francis Marino - 2016-11-09

In case of lack of family, cunning and charismatic protégés and cohorts can work wonders!
That is the very reason of the existence of the figure of "vice-president" on Western democracies... It is a seat to be taken for a likely successor. A reliable vice president can give the keys the reassurance to keep trusting your regime.

Sean Shin - 2019-11-22

​@MrCharles7994 Or someone even worse (from the opposition's perspective), a Trump that hasn't had four years of controversy after controversy to rile up Americans and the media against him.

Juan López - 2019-11-22

Pretty sure the VP is a actually a key, not really a successor.

Miguel Fierro - 2020-03-12

Not called regime any more in democracies, just "government".

Yellow Jelly - 2020-03-19

BOY did this comment age poorly...

tbarry12 - 2020-03-20

@Yellow Jelly
no it didn't- he was caught scheming with a foreign nation the senate just let him get away with it. that doesn't mean he didn't do it which is why the initial comment aged poorly

AM22 - 2016-11-11


his resume looks like mine

Byeforever's Operational Base - 2016-11-11

AM22 Just born pokemaster

Ardith Prime - 2016-11-12

These videos really helped me learn how to do well in Crusader Kings II

Vixor - 2018-05-20

That's what I meant. Close family is your only problem especially with Gavelkind. I usually roleplay my games so whenever I take a foreign kingdom I either put my relative and or same ethnicity/religion on the throne and then I give them independence, I usually make them really old with children so it's the children that fight with each other rather than me but my most successful paint the map run was with Jorvik in the Old Gods start. I really didn't have a strategy, I just kept Norse and ate everything.

Cherry Leung - 2019-01-14

Where do you play crusader kings 2?

Darian - 2019-07-12

@Cherry Leung bruh you buy it from steam

EmpireTV(Dragon) - 2019-07-24

@Vixor But putting your dynasty in charge gives you more score.

And Games - 2020-02-17

If you're playing with a small kingdom you can, slowly, centralizing it. Try to crush every rebelion, not start insane wars and try to have the control of all your territory. If you are above the province limit, you can give them to your heritager or give them to religious people, because they don't have sons, so you can put anyone after his death and they don't try to rebel constantly. If you don't have money to buy your vassals loyalty (also, having a good relationship doesn't mean that they will not plot against you) you can plot against them. And, one weird strategy, is making them your commanders and send them to die in battle, so you don't need to justify anything and, if they don't die, probably they can be useful.

Dave Revisions - 2016-11-11

Not gonna lie, squee-ed just a little at the "Don't you think she looks tired" reference. SO perfect.

Bass Fight - 2018-09-08

I finally understand that line!

sub to pewdiepie - 2019-11-05


Yutah Andrei Ogawa - 2020-01-29

@sub to pewdiepie Reference to Doctor Who.

The Bean Queen - 2016-11-08

Hello CGP Grey. I live in Germany, and in my Politics Class we were talking about the Brexit and Hong Kong and Macau's weird... well.
My teacher wondered how I knew so many things that everyone else didn't, and I showed her this channel.
Tomorrow, she will show 2 or 3 Videos with German subtitles.

Thank you for these video,
Best wishes from Lower Saxony.

Grand Duke of Edmonton - 2019-09-29

Have you learned anything about Saxony's history. Your last King, Frederick Augustus III was an interesting fellow, and had some funny quotes attached to him...

KeRen Tan - 2019-10-10


HHOO PPLLAA - 2019-11-27

@Yoshi Ich liebe es, dass die Leute im Internet immer höflich bleiben, egal ob Minecraft Let'sPlay oder CPG Video

Yoshi - 2019-11-27

@HHOO PPLLAA Sorry, aber heutzutage, muss man dank der Globalisierung und allen Produkten die aus englischsprachigen Ländern kommen Englisch können.

Henning Schneider - 2020-02-10

@Yoshi Nach der Argumentation sollte man erst einmal Chinesisch lernen.
Und an irgendeiner Stelle muss ich noch dringend ein H*rensohn einfügen, damit meine Kritik auch Wirkung zeigt..

Victor Kalbskopf - 2016-11-10

Nice Putin on a horse reference.

Matthew Goodman - 2018-01-14

Exactly what I thought of.

1503nemanja - 2018-02-06

Remember when the US media was trying hard to spread that story that Putin has cancer? Now you know why.

IZSM - 2019-09-22

"Is it true you're unfit for office?"
"Look, there is nothing wrong with my health! I don't know where these stories are coming from! And a vote of no confidence is completely unjustified!"
"Are you going to resign?"
"On today of all days I fine- I'm fine. Look at me: I'm fine. I look fine; I feel fine."


SagittariusRat - 2016-11-23

"Keep family in high positions", "Don't let keys know your'e dying"
I think it is safe to say that Donald Trump watches CGP Grey

Sera Ranasisca - 2019-11-11

@Caiã Wlodarski no, because he is a meme

Cheydinal - 2019-11-28


Maziar Yousefi - 2020-02-12

The length of how much Trump is putting his family in posts is without any precedent in the recent U.S. history, it's absolutely disgusting and a clear step backwards. They have absolutely no qualification for those jobs and they didn't earn it.

Rogen80 - 2020-02-24

@Maziar Yousefi Found the non-supporter!

Balto Farlander - 2020-03-21

@Artorias the Abysswalker the new version of Godwin's law

zibbity bibbity bop - 2016-11-12

The entire premise that the keys care only for treasure and not at all for you disregards one of the single most important elements of rulership: charisma. Charismatic people are far more likely to persuade important individuals to side with them and stay on their side, even when they don't yet have any major treasure to distribute. This says nothing of the morals of the charismatic person in question, but it works regardless. Power is as much about personality as it is about money.

D Santos - 2019-07-24

not as important, Hitler was a gigantic charismatic leader hence why he got to where he was but he still had opponents inside the Nazi Party which they tried to eliminate him

Grand Duke of Edmonton - 2019-09-29

zibbity bibbity bop Either that or pragmatism. The ruler willing to do whatever he can do to succeed is a stronger, more competent ruler then one who will buckle because of principle of idealism. The pragmatic ruler is the grounded one, and therefore successful

Sammy RunCorn - 2020-01-19

Definitely true.
One can be an asshole and disguise it for a loooong time and even when they are doing sth. terrible people stay on their side (until maybe one day the scale overweighs to the other side, then they're screwed).

Sammy RunCorn - 2020-01-19

@Grand Duke of Edmonton
I would agree with you on the basis of 'in most cases'.
But a ruler who, e.g. punishes people that are following him/ her (because of past or small betrayals, lies (nothing too bad, but still bad)) always also risks to turn his/ her followers against him-/ herself.

So being unscrupulous in any occasion can seem like a threat to your keys. Because they fear to maybe one day when they start to doubt you or make a unwilling mistake fear to get punished.
Through idealism (and in this manner portrayed behaviour/ action) you can gain trust and devotion as well as forgiveness and the benefit of the doubt.

I think a combination (being cunning) is wise.

In general Idealistic and over-all-friendly people won't ever be as powerful as people who intimidate and rule through fear, but they don't feed hate, fear and the wish to overthrow them someday in others.
Instead they nurture admiration and respect and the will of others to follow and for you to succeed.
Nice people seem to be weak (or people that act nice), but they get help more often.
As a ruler you always have to appear strong, which is pretty exhausting. As an idealistic, nice or charismatic person you can emphasize help in others.
And nice people if opportunistic can be quite dangerous as well when angered.
So their rule is less intensive and mighty, but usually much more long-lasting and stable, cause of their gained loyalty/ trust and the people thinking they would always act right.

Also one question nagging me: "Why becoming a ruler if not for something idealistic?"
Just for power? Your own benefit?
They won't be absolutely guaranteed as ruler. You can always get overthrown and loose evrything if tides change.
Even if you are unscrupulously.
Is it worth it to become a ruler?
You become a ruler, because you think you can do it better.
But to get power you have to compromise with the keys.
As soon as you have a goal (different than obtaining power) you have principles. Which if acted against you miss your goal and the whole purpose of the cause/ your past work.
In the end you just corrupt yourself and become what you looked down upon and wanted to be better than I think.

Miguel Fierro - 2020-03-12

No... A lot charismatic leaders have been overthrown...

Iago M.V. Santaniello - 2016-11-07

I've played enough Crusader Kings to know how this works

ethan groberg - 2017-10-17


ethan groberg - 2017-10-17

Iago M.V. San

Olivier Van Embden 2 - 2017-10-20

Iago M.V. Santaniello i

Ha nguyen - 2017-10-22

Iago M.V. Santaniello j

Goobynoob66 - 2018-04-08

i feel you.

America Revere - 2016-11-12

I love your voice 😂😅 and you're so intelligent!

MegaAgent J - 2018-05-12


Sean Griffiths - 2018-06-06

John Malkovich?

Jon Stephenson - 2018-08-10

Well he used to teach physics (pretty sure it’s physics...) and writes his own script, as well as now maintains his own business, so I’d say he’s pretty intelligent.. plus he does have a great voice for this...

apple's lover - 2018-09-09

Yeah sure, the script is

Leto85 - 2018-10-16

@America, if your face is the one representing a whole continent, then a gorgeous continent that must be.

Nathan Jones - 2016-11-11

Ironically Democracy and government has ensured the continuation of the British crown

Ostin D'Aguiar - 2018-01-02

Go read why the royal family is so rich.

Lars Pallesen - 2018-12-14

If you think democracy and government is what brought the House of Windsor to power you have a LOT of history to read up on! And there's absolutely NO democratic or governmental influence on the succession in Buckingham. It's a dynasty.

Grand Duke of Edmonton - 2019-09-29

Nathan Jones Nope. That was the man who changed the Royal Family's last name from Saxe-Coburg-Gotha to the name Windsor, George V's private secretary, Lord Stamfordham. Without him, there would be no Royal Family

Cheydinal - 2019-11-28

Brilliant move on their part: Stay monarch by becoming completely obsolete

My guess is the reason why the monarch has stayed is because the PM basically controls her through the privy council anyway, whereas in a republic that would be a seperately elected position, with democratic legitimacy

EJOArkhamGamer - 2019-12-07

Lars Pallesen not the House of Windsor, the House of Stuart

Cheydinal - 2019-11-28

"This is like trust, but better" - relationship advice by CGP Grey

Catalyst - D B - 2019-08-11

“A family that Plots together, rules together”

Golden rule of monarchies.

So often under appreciated by the young prince or princess generations who are too ignorant to fucking understand this basic reality so clearly explained by CGP Grey.

CGP Grey, If only there was a way to communicate this video to the second and third generations of a monarchy when they are young, monarchies could actually stand a chance of peacefully lasting much longer than we see in history.

serpentax - 2016-11-09

1:42 dat doctor who reference tho right down to the screwdriver, ear piece, hair and ties. hats off to you sir

Justin Z - 2018-07-20

Ya mean 1:46

Fish - 2019-06-06

Yes! We know who you are!

Lord Reginald B Barklee Professor of Cynology - 2016-11-11

Tywin Lannister couldn't have said it better himself.

Osmosis Jones - 2019-02-13

Lord Reginald B Barklee Professor of Cynology or Tyrion

klarigi4219 - 2019-08-11

"Now the old king is dead, long live the king
One minute I held the key..."

James Arnold - 2019-08-22


Fucking genius! thank you!

I’m writing a novel plan based around Viva La Vida and I didn’t even spot this! Thanks for having my back!

pp1 LIMO - 2017-02-14

Rules for Ruler pt.3: War & Diplomacy.

chloeandvegas - 2017-03-05


cityraildude - 2019-02-08

Why is this NOT a thing?

Gastogh - 2016-11-10

Like trust, but better!

Jason Martin - 2017-12-22

trust but verify

Yagya Dollie - 2019-06-18

Game of thrones.
"Throne or Coffin"
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."
I feel both elated and despondent.

TyOrca 5 - 2016-11-18

I want to play Tropico 5 for some reason now.

Hans van Mol - 2016-11-11

Love the subtle, Doctor Who "Christmas Invasion" reference. :D

MrGoatflakes - 2016-11-12

That was a brilliant scene too, and very truthy

The Medicated Artist - 2016-11-14

Hans van Mol

Yutah Andrei Ogawa - 2020-01-29

3:51 "When the King is dead, long live the King."

I literally laughed out loud at this line. XD

NeGoPoS - 2019-12-17

"So many great nobles, things, administrations, so many high chieftains, so many brave nations, so many proud princes, and power so splendid; In a moment, a twinkling, all utterly ended "
-Jacobus Benedictus

Cameron Eridan - 2016-11-09

Oh no not the Doctor Who reference that just killed me rn this is terrible

Gavin Herrera - 2016-11-11

Political dynasties are the norm in the Philippines, like 80% of all politicians are part of the Philippines

Gavin Herrera - 2016-11-11

*political dynasties not Philippines lol

Angel Dela Cruz - 2019-08-30

Yep, and not only in Philippines but also in many other countries too XD

Skrooge Lantay - 2016-11-11

I love the ominous music in the background at the beginning. One of the details I love about your videos.

Coconut Ranger - 2020-02-01

"When the king is dead, long live the king"

That stuck

Andrew Yang's Hologram - 2016-11-09

Same with economic power, which we all know has much more influence in this global economy then any form of political position. You should do a video on inheritance of the rich and how it keeps the general will from being fulfilled.

Gregory Bogosian - 2016-11-10

People keep saying that. But I think that the power to levy taxes and the power to create currency are the dominant forms of economic power. The world's richest man is worth $75 billion. Last year the federal government collected about $3.25 trillion in taxes. Edit: So, the U.S. federal government could outspend Bill Gates on just about anything if they really wanted to.

vincere terram - 2016-11-11

Ah but who has a bigger debt.

Gregory Bogosian - 2016-11-11

@vincere terram I don't know. But I don't think that it matters. When a sovereign government defaults on its bonds, no one actually gets to repossess any of its assets. Anyone who tried would be killed by the army. Also, the U.S. government actually has so much debt, that its creditors have a vested interest in keeping it solvent. If you owe your banker $1,000, then he has you at his mercy. If you owe your banker $1,000,000,000, then you have him at your mercy. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt_histo5.htm


Ambrose Bently - 2016-11-11

This series is like a modern day Machiavelli's Prince

Matthew Mara - 2016-11-13


IZSM - 2019-09-22

Never noticed, but 4:02 the kid's Resumé changes from "Born Yesterday" to "Pokémaster".

He has been trained well.

Nick Moon - 2016-11-11

Shout out for the David Tennant stick figure!

Grand Duke of Edmonton - 2020-01-19

0:07 It’s pronounced Dinastee, not Dienastee, you Philistines!

IoEstasCedonta - 2019-08-09

"The family that plots together rules together" - CGP Grey, 11/7/16.

Nabucodonosor - 2020-03-16

"Family is a tool"

This is just sad...

stephen Hopkin - 2018-06-15

"if have no love for babies none the less aquire them"
I feel like grey is telling me to kidnap children

H T Awesome - 2019-04-16

Me: I hate babies!

CGP Grey: Acquire them.

Me: Ok King

Dyionisis Yhe horned one - 2017-08-14

"The family that plots together rules together"
Remind me to get printed on the cable cloth in my house

Ash bro - 2016-11-07

2 videos with in 2 weeks ...what is this magic..

Inxus - 2016-11-08

It's meme magic

Jonathan Marhold - 2017-02-26

Now no video in 3 months :(

KING ALI - 2017-03-11

No video since 4 months

Diamonlord - 2017-03-15

depleted magic

Filemon Tan - 2017-03-30

Ash bro i

Freelancer - 2016-11-10

** playful music **

Cole Inman - 2016-11-10

Shoulda kept the piano tune playing at the beginning and in the other videos.

ecmorgan69 - 2020-03-04

"Don't you think she looks tired?" LOL Loved that scene.