> chemistry > divers > the-final-steps-of-making-pyrimethamine-daraprim-nurdrage

The Final Steps of Making Pyrimethamine ("Daraprim")

NurdRage - 2017-09-09

In this video we finally make Pyrimethamine. Pyrimethamine is also known as Daraprim. 

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Getting Guanidine Carbonate and Hydrochloride from No-Lye Hair Relaxants:

Dean stark apparatus:

Make sodium metal:

Extract ether from starter fluid:

Make Trimethyl Orthoformate:

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Through Bitcoin: 1NurdRAge7PNR4ULrbrpcYvc9RC4LDp9pS

Glassware generously provided by http://www.alchemylabsupply.com/
Use the discount code "nurdrage" for a 5% discount.

Social media links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NurdRage
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SmarterEveryDay - 2017-09-10

I love the deep introspection after such a huge accomplishment. Congratulations!

NurdRage - 2017-09-10

Thanks! I appreciate it!

Stoneman66666 - 2017-09-16

Oh man, Destin has been following along? Nice to see you man, I'd love to see a collaboration between you two!

NurdRage - 2017-09-09

Let's hope YouTube doesn't flag this one. And remember: If you've turned on notificaitions or subscriptions and don't see my video in there (at least after an hour or so), report the bug to youtube to fix it. They'll listen to you more than they'll listen to me.
Anyway, thanks for standing by me. This would never have gotten done without all of you supporting me.
Break out the champagne, we've succeeded.

ahero4heor - 2017-09-13

It was in my sub box!

Pavel Nikolov - 2017-09-17

NurdRage chalenge - extrast some metal from his ore without electrolicis and with domestic chemichals

Brucifer - 2017-09-20

what about this for a new project???

tesseract - 2017-09-21

those are certainly some nice crystals

Eric Mueller - 2018-04-29

Charles Kogan That is a domestically available chemical already.

François Bergmans - 2017-09-09

Martin Shkreli : it's not possible to make it cost effective.
NurdRage : hold my beer ...

2years later

NurdRage : take that "pharma bro" ! Where's my beer ?

François Bergmans - 2017-09-20

This drug is avaible around the globe from diffrent sources. GSK sells it 0.66$/pill in the UK and exports it for 2.20$/pill in Canada. Imprimis Pharmaceuticals sell a combination of pyrimethamine and leucovorin in capsules for around 1$/pill in the USA. Yes, he did something terrible.

Subb - 2018-01-20

It says RIGHT THERE on the page under "Other Products in Development" that they're developing "TRP-004 for toxoplasmosis".

_aesthetic - 2018-06-17

i think you got brain problems my dude.

_aesthetic - 2018-06-17

not really sorry bb

Maggie P - 2018-10-14

Martin Shkreli was right.

twocvbloke - 2017-09-09

I have no idea what Pyrimethamine is or does, but, it's been a fascinating journey seeing all the different processes and reactions... :)

E Macías - 2017-11-05

It treats the crazy cat lady disease?

gghouck - 2017-12-24

No, you don't hear about it because Daraprim is 2 to 4 CENTS a pill in Brazil, while that Shkreil asshatt raised the price in the US from $13.50 a pill (already a ludicrous price) to $750.00 a pill

Raynald Chatillon - 2018-02-19

In the US this costs 750 dollar. per tablet. in Belgium this costs 30 tablets for 4.46 euro. 15 cent P/tablet..WTF

Gordon Chin - 2018-09-07

@Jacob If you don't pay and the insurance company does, where do the insurance companies get the money????

4 - 2019-12-27

@Don't Even Bother 5000% my guy not 1000

tehlaser - 2017-09-09

7:16 Gorgeous.

Congratulations, NurdRage. It's been a long and bumpy road, but you made it.

Andrew Dorsey - 2017-09-09


Chev Preston - 2017-09-09

tehlaser "where will he go? What will he do"

NovemberBegin - 2017-09-17

7:16 separates the undergrads from the PhDs

Aleksander Sobolewski - 2017-09-09

Next challenge >> make Nile Red from domestically available chemicals 😂

Alvis Gwa - 2017-09-10

Aleksander Sobolewski make another scientist buddy,hell yeh

CodeBurger - 2017-09-10

+Alvis Nile red is a pigment, that NileRed really like, hence is channel name

Abdega - 2017-09-10

A lab spill with mercury happened during the process,
We got Cody's Lab now

Pietro Tettamanti - 2017-09-09

Congrats, i can't find the words to describe this. You're right, this is like building a computer from sand. But the result is awesome.

Pietro Tettamanti - 2017-09-10

YouCubed22 ok but all the process aren't done by the same industry.

Charles Augustus - 2017-09-09

Congrats +NurdRage. The work finally paid off. Are you planning to publish this in a journal? We all hope you continue to do innovative projects in the future like this one.

troels saabye - 2017-09-09

A journal would be really nice :) I would really like to show this to my professor

Pikefish - 2017-09-11

Thumbing this message all the way. The discoveries you've made along the way, as well as the final process, need to be made more widely available than this youtube channel, please publish, and congratulations. It's been a fascinating few years and we look forward to watching whatever you do next!

ללא כותרת - 2018-01-06

I guess he did, but he will not say it because of conspiracy.

K1naku5ana3R1ka - 2019-02-17

Pikefish Yeah, having this material on YouTube for amateurs and laymen is great, but this guy could do some real groundbreaking work!

Abdega - 2017-09-10

In description
"This video is generously sponsored by:

Gary Johnson"

Connor Leferink - 2017-09-09

"I don't think reactions performed in a soup can would pass any form of medical certification" Come on! That's how you know it's the good stuff! Thanks for all the inspiration!! #NurdRageisKing

Abdega - 2017-09-11

I believe that's called "free range" 😉

Joshua Nicoll - 2017-09-09

Yeah but that's still half the price this drug was at one point jumped up to, so congrats on that, 2 years later you did prove yourself very much right.

Jon M - 2018-03-21

Joshua Nicoll That other half the price which then goes into paying for the research that goes into pioneering life saving drugs and more importantly paying for the absurdly long process of getting it passed by he FDA. Nurdrage took the L on this one.

Robert Hoppe - 2017-09-09

The acetone contamination more than likely is from the nmr tube. Acetone is commonly used to clean the tubes and to get rid of all traces usually requires vacuum and IR lamp.

BeachGoth 96 - 2017-09-09

Aren't lots of nmr spectrums contaminated with acetone because it gets used to wash equipment regularly?

mackensteff - 2017-09-09

Actually this is a pretty common occurrence when people wash NMR tubes with acetone. Since they are so narrow if you are not careful and thorough in drying you see a residual acetone peak.

ClickThisToSubscribe - 2017-09-12

Pff. Just wash them with deuterated acetone...

mackensteff - 2017-09-13

I prefer washing with deuterated THF, but to each their own.

Vornamed Nachnamed - 2019-09-06

@ClickThisToSubscribe that is not very clever because there is no pure deuterated acetone so it will always generate a peak. its just a waste of money.

ClickThisToSubscribe - 2019-09-07

@Vornamed Nachnamed It was intented as a sarcastic comment, since deuterated acetone is very expensive to just wash things with. Sigma (sorry, Merck) sells it for about $4k per liter for 99.9 atom% deuterium...

MSDX360 - 2017-09-09

Like +Charles Augustus said I think you should publish this in a science journal. You have proven that synthesis method and that it can be acomplished in an relatively amateur lab. Moreso you actually have video evidence on how to synthesize it from the beggining to end. As always nice work, you have my congratulations as always on the brilliant videos and brilliant chemistry +NurdRage. Keep up this awesome work, I wish my Chem teachers in college we're as engaging as you.

Евгений Левченко - 2017-09-09

Congratulations! As chief of my department at Uni says, you've survived this project.

Swannilization - 2017-09-09

After two years of watching these amazing videos, seeing the layer of pyrimethamine appear between the ether and aqueous layer was amazingly satisfying. Well done, and thanks for all the hard work.

William Thoms - 2017-09-09

Thank you for your persistence. The real achievements in life aren't always immediate. Bringing a task to completion (goal achieved or not) generally will reveal benefits that exceed expectation. ...........It's all about the journey.

Aussie Chemist - 2017-09-09

Congratulations !years of work finally paid off !

Pașca Alexandru - 2017-09-09

I call this ~dedication~. And no one, absolutely no one can contradict me.
Hats off to NurdRage!

germanwidow - 2017-09-09

Whenever y get tired of studing and working hard , you make me remember why i'm studying chemistry , thanks

Joni Paliares - 2017-09-09

That's why I love chemestry, You can make anything from anything else.
Your channel is amazing, congratulations.

cannagorilla - 2017-10-27

The people who thumb down this video are not very intelligent. This whole process of synthesizing this drug has been such a great learning opportunity and has expanded my point of view of OTC viability. Bravo Dr. Butyl Lithium AKA (NerdRage)! Your an amazing chemist.

Mortlet - 2017-09-09

Must... Resist... Watching 360p...
Just a little bit longer...

Harihar Mohan - 2017-09-09

Wow...just wow! I've been watching this channel for more than 5 years now and this is probably his best result. You're an inspiration for fellow researchers, like me. Thank you, Nurdrage!

piranha031091 - 2018-10-13

10:34 : still cheaper that the $750/tablet Turing Pharmaceutical charged...

Sonny Parker - 2017-09-09

Next video:

John Smith - 2017-09-10

Wow, good job man! I remember a few years ago when you started trying to make this and you're finally here!

kiroma - 2017-09-09

This is amazing! I loved your work and the final product looks really clean.

Nerd2259 - 2017-09-09

Got a notification and it showed up in my feed. Love your videos!

Jorge M - 2017-09-09

Congratz, Dr N-Butyl Lithium, you made it finally xD

Tony Music - 2017-09-09

Why did the sailboat start doing drugs?

Pier pressure

Oliver Porter - 2017-09-09

I'm so happy for you nurd, i've been watching this since day one and i've loved it every step of the way. Congrats Nurd!!!

Gnossienne N - 2017-09-12

so at the end of the day, is it easier to take an advance chemist course or just to buy the stuff?

Neckrite Gaming - 2017-09-16

Congratulations I have been watching the whole way and I am very proud that you completed it. Thank you I have.learned a lot about home chemistry from you and love your content.

edgeeffect - 2017-09-11

Well done! I haven't been here for the whole process as a lot of organic reactions are a bit too complex for an amateur-amateur like me.
But anyone can see it's worth celebrating when you come out of two years research with a big green tick in the checkbox.
Keep up the great work... you are the one person who made me realise that YouTube wan't just about pirated music videos and people hiding turds in each others lunchboxes.

XFourty7 - 2017-09-10

12:28 awesome quote!.. Congratulations on the successful endeavor & sharing your knowledge along the way. :)

SpikeTheSpiker - 2017-09-10

Genuinely impressive, you've made me appreciate and enjoy learning (Attempt to understand ) chemistry in a way my teachers never did :)

Ignyte - 2017-09-09

Bloody bravo, Mr Rage! You've done an amazing job! All the work and effort has finally paid off.
Kick back, relax and enjoy the beverages, it's well deserved.

Kory Gamman - 2017-09-10

I've waited so long for this, thank you so much for working so hard on it.

James Hardy - 2017-09-09

This has been a very informative and entertaining series. Congratulations on your well deserved success.

Zivilyn The Wyrd - 2017-09-09

I been waiting for this! It's been so long, I wondered if it would ever happen.

Katie - 2017-09-16

Wow You're a real life superhero! So amazing, never thought I would find myself crying on a chemistry video.

nevar108 - 2017-09-09

I have enjoyed watching you go through this entire process from day one! Congratulations! Thank you for being persistant through even the failures along the way.

soupisgdfood - 2017-09-10

Yes! Finally! You're awesome!

I'm extremely impressed, give yourself a pat on the back.

JasuTheSnipe - 2017-09-09

AWESOME! You did it. I've been following this adventure for the whole time :)

Firehoax - 2017-09-09

Amazing, Congratulations!!!!!

rt tr - 2017-09-10

can you please make the whole procedure as one video, it will be interesting to see, even if over 1 hour

K1naku5ana3R1ka - 2019-02-17

rt tr Yeah, a big start-to-finish compilation video would be great for people like me who weren’t along for the whole ride (I only discovered NurdRage, along with other YouTube chemists like NileRed and Cody’s Lab, a few months ago).

Jazzy Josh - 2017-09-09

Got a notification for this one FYI

Kiko L. - 2017-09-09

Nice. I love your channel

Matthew - 2017-09-09

Congratulations! It's been fun to watch your progress along the way.

You said that you discovered a new way to produce sodium metal without using electrolysis. Will you publish this finding in a journal (or have you already done so)?