> politique > dépression > the-state-of-greece

Sisa: Cocaine of the Poor (Part 1/2)

VICE - 2013-05-22

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Greece's infamous new drug, sisa, is basically meth and filler ingredients like battery acid, engine oil, shampoo, and cooking salt. The majority of its users are poor, often homeless, city dwellers reeling from the psychological and physical impacts of a country in the grip of economic collapse.

Continue to part 2/2 here: http://bit.ly/Sisa-2

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Ian's sad horrible excuse of a channel - 2016-05-15

I feel terrible that a country with such a rich history and amazing culture is spiraling down hill the way it is.

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

@NickPan Official Multi Channel thankyou for clarifying this.

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

@Ian's sad horrible excuse of a channel MD is a nice state. Baltimore is a mess. Detroit for example is improving by leaps an bounds while east coast / west coast cities now are falling.

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

channel  yes an no.

Shawn Dhaliwal - 2020-02-16

Ancient history these current inhabitants have very weak genetic links

OrigFlowX - 2020-02-20

Im greek so yeah im disapointed aswell

Steamy Cheese - 2016-07-03

"When we found him he was shouting at a traffic light"

1233 3 - 2019-08-04

Jonathan Taylor weed and shrooms

Idah Waringa - 2019-12-15


TOXIC - 2020-01-03

@ChiliContestWinner lol!!

Molly Jackson - 2020-01-26


Mr. Moreno - 2020-03-11

Then they got him high for a interview

Golden Kid007 - 2019-05-02

this ain't coke of the poor, its METH of the poor.

Noah - 2020-01-24

@Aidan Khaos meth is completely different to cocain smoked(crack) is also completely different then coke snorted and coke injecting is like a other drug than coke snorted.

Noah - 2020-01-24

@Prohibition ist für mich Abfall ähm nein meth ist eig ziemlich teuer zumindest in deutschsprachigen ländern aber die produktion kostet so gut wie gar nix und is exttrem einfach aber halt extrem gefährlich weil hohe explosionsgefahr

kevin litton - 2020-02-04

Paco is cocaine for the poor. Sisa is apparently meth for the even poorer.

Cereal Killa - 2020-02-13

Ikr? They're acting like it's some big mystery.

derallerechte echteallerder - 2020-03-02

Noah yo

bambi bub - 2019-06-24

Greece: Sisa is the most dangerous drug

Russia: Hold my Krokodil

Dion Paschini - 2020-02-05

@Safiya S There all smoking sisa 🤔🤔🤔

Angie Weston - 2020-02-07

America .. Hold my flakka

Angie Weston - 2020-02-07


derallerechte echteallerder - 2020-03-02

bambi bub hold my flakka

Thoed Essay813 - 2020-03-13


Nullpointer - 2016-07-22

"We don't know what kind of drug it is. We just smoke it."

Oh No - 2019-10-30

@Awey Ejhon Nice

Hard Gamer - 2019-11-05

Hello did u die or are u alive it's 3 year now after ur comment

Nina Nina - 2019-11-24


kLuSe. - 2019-12-04

Mantra ....😐

Tom Laskowski - 2020-02-02

Like the Buddha bud in Camden. No-one knows what that crap really is but me and the addicts smoke it.

pakas26 - 2015-03-15

Nobody realized that all the addicts can speak English? Which means most of these people are educated at some point. No jobs, no money, no support, no hope, sent these Greeks to the bottom.

Ms.WhiteFolks ? - 2019-11-13


thtspreegud - 2019-12-29

@marcus larwa it's not that black and white. A lot of addictions in homeless people start because they're looking for an escape from their situation. Imagine being on the streets all day, it's a boring, scary, demeaning life. They turn to substance abuse for some sort of escape. Now it's not to say that every homeless person is an addict, or that every homeless addict didn't start abuse before becoming homeless, but that's one of the cases where while it's technically the users fault for starting, they had the deck stacked against them which made them highly predisposed to start substance abuse.

marcus larwa - 2019-12-29

thtspreegud 95% of drug addicts become homeless because they rather get high then pay their rent. It’s probably less then 10% of homeless people that aren’t homeless because of drugs.

Dee Red - 2020-02-01

Ye true how tho

Flex L - 2020-03-13


Tn Girl54 - 2019-06-30

The interviewer know he wanted to hit that damn pipe

Leslie Gunner - 2020-01-14

hell yeah haha

I haven't taken a shower for a year but, - 2020-01-25

Kathleen Abdullah to*

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

That so ghetto girl!

Inked Skin Deep - 2020-02-26

🤣😂🤣😂 yeah he sure did didnt he. He was sniffin at it like he wanted to hit it.

Flex L - 2020-03-13

@Kathleen Abdullah ya this one guy got addicted to meth after he did a report on it and his life went down hill lost his job and shit after 3 months.

Usterk G - 2020-01-30

I saw Konstantinos today.. He amazingly is still alive.

Dgeidbc Ysodbcy - 2020-03-06

Should've gave him a hug. Poor guy.

Usterk G - 2020-03-06

@Dgeidbc Ysodbcy You have no clue how dirty people who live on the streets are..

Dgeidbc Ysodbcy - 2020-03-06

@Usterk G some are probably not that dirty. I would still give him a hug no matter what. I bet he needs it.

dark siders - 2020-03-20

@Dgeidbc Ysodbcy u sure about tht, u might end up hugging corona.

dies rabb - 2016-08-01

is it just me? every time this dude says sisa i hear caeser.

Raman Abdullah - 2019-08-27


Ram Das - 2019-09-07


Ash Froman - 2020-01-14

Can I get some sisa dressing with my salad please?

Ash Froman - 2020-01-14

@Chuck Schick english derived from England idiot.

Pradhumn Raghava - 2020-03-14


Nicholas Burns - 2017-03-09

Legend says, that man is still shouting at the stop light.

Anglers Tube - 2018-10-04

Fanhakin Ansari I'm wondering the same thing lol.

drsokrates - 2019-09-17

he is still living, he is begging for some change at the same traffic light.

alex G - 2019-12-14

@Anglers Tube Malaka means asshole in greek

Kathleen Abdullah - 2020-01-09

I shouldn’t of laughed but I did 😇

West Coast - 2020-03-12

Funny...my friend used to smoke meth..and one time while driving he stopped on a stop sign and was waiting for it to turn green.

xPolo - 2018-04-08

Many of you guys are shocked for just watching the video. Just think how we feel when watching this everyday in the streets of Athens....

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

Take back your famous city Greek ppl!

Knowledge Is power - 2020-02-11

I have walked the street of San Francisco not shocked at all this is every day here in the states they are rubbed by Democrats I’m sure if your people had the help they do here they would do better it’s sad that your culture that was the base of western civilization end it up like this

Knowledge Is power - 2020-02-11

moon glow
Sure it’s going down I lived in nyc 83 st on the East side for 10 years. And what is happening there with di blassio
It’s disgusting stupid democrats ruin everything I just can’t believe people are that dumb not to see it and now no bail you kidding

Lacey Mathers - 2020-02-14

Lmao, come to canada everyone. We have bad drug issues just like this. People.shooting up smoking crack on the streets and police just walk right by. Dont even care.

MrE89 - 2020-02-23

Get it fixd then

Unknown Beast Gaming - 2019-09-30

Vice 2013: great reporting
Vice 2019: let’s smoke out of a banana

Godwin Ojeiwa - 2019-11-27

I guess they are reporting what should be making headlines but it's not.
Increase in poverty is leading to the destruction of Nations from the inside out,but no one cares to report it.

Homeopathic Fossil-Fuels - 2020-03-16

@Godwin Ojeiwa DID* lmao they got bought up by Murdoch and are not just reporting baloney and bullshit

B A S E D SBG SOLDIER - 2016-10-08

Oh, good ol' Vice playing their typical "drone ambient, velvet underground-y" music whenever someone takes a hit or does a shot. -.-

D S - 2019-06-13

I know, they should try something from seasme street

Th3Snipe - 2019-10-03

It fits the people they are filming. Depressing and down the drain mentally.

Edwin Cifuentes - 2019-10-21


Here you go

Mark Woollven - 2019-10-25

Do not do chose life it's better.

Ms. Chanandler Bong - 2020-02-01

Benny hill theme song

Daniel Astbury - 2018-05-10

"Sisa is the worst drug in the world." Krokodil: "Hold my beer."

mae zaleski - 2019-12-15

really into the close up of the snot dripping out of the guy's nose lmao

Angelica Torres - 2019-12-25

I was like is no one gonna mention that😂😂😂

Mollie Miller - 2020-03-10

Ik, that was awful.

Joshua Simi - 2017-03-13

I thinks he wanted to hit the Siza pipe out of curiousity.

Chico from Ph33nix - 2018-10-13

George made me kind of want to hit it out of curiosity

Nightwalker973 - 2019-05-07

Um........ I probably would........

Subhan Khalid - 2016-10-26

I know in all seriousness this is pretty deep, but i started laughing when he introduced konstatina and said " when we got here he was shouting at traffic light" IM IN TEARS😂😂

BEELZEBUB - 2019-03-19


Crackhead: “What exactly did you ask me”

Interviewer: “Are you worried abou-“

Crackhead: “Shut up, I dont give a shit

JußtJammin 777 - 2019-11-24

All your seeing is the results of a drug war that has failed immensely

ithedirector - 2019-01-11

this breaks my heart. I love Athens. :(

Zinwn_kun - 2019-06-16

I am from Athens Ελλαδαρα 🇬🇷🇬🇷

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

Go there an volunteer/help..

haterology - 2017-05-01

This should be called;
"The meth of the poor" this is nothing like coke and shouldnt be compared....

Danny Barzegar - 2019-05-06

Poor guy George, that's a man thats totally defeated, I battle Opiate Addiction everyday and its a not fun, good luck to you my guy

A Mystic Mind - 2020-02-22

Good luck to you in your battle with opiates. It's a winnable battle. I was an extremely heavy user for 7 years. Getting clean was one of the hardest things I've ever done. The intense withdrawals are nothing I would ever wish on anyone one in the world. That's what kept me sober though. I never wanted to go through that horrendous experience again. I've been clean for 5ish years now, and have zero desire to ever take another opiate in my lifetime. So, if you're still fighting the battle I wish the best of luck, and want you to know it's a battle you can win.

Dillon Mateos - 2016-01-08

this guys trying to smoke a pipe and your keep asking him question i feel bad for him.

Daniel Oliver - 2019-11-01

Quizzing people when their on stimulants is not often a good idea

.pewdiepie - 2019-12-20

Dillon M shut the fuck up bitch nobody cares

Calvin Dirette - 2019-12-23

I felt the same way, fuck outta here bro before I blow I big nasty cloud of diesel fuel smoke in your face, see how good you answer questions, see if any streetlights start shit talking you too.

Booger Brainz - 2020-01-01


TOXIC - 2020-01-03

Lol that's true! It's when he repeated the same question twice that really messed with his head

Iwan van Es - 2020-03-21

Sisa “Cocaine for the poor”
Krokodil “Heroine for the poor”
Spice “Cannabis for the poor”
Full circel

Edward Graham - 2016-10-16

this is what happens when banks tell the governments what to do. because behind the banks are a few rich men who are telling the banks what to do.

Diego Holley - 2019-12-28

Another 1 who figured out freemasons run the world from behind the scenes

JakulaithWolff - 2019-06-21

Thank you for reaching the darkest smallest holes in this world to bring us easy free access to these issues.

The End - 2016-06-19

11:47 I was like, "Mariiiijuuanaa"

X - 2019-06-11

Heroin is fucking bad y’all shouldn’t touch that shit

BlaZeZ - 2019-06-20

not a drug

RemixedVoice - 2019-06-22

@BlaZeZ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetrahydrocannabinol

Melvin Espinal - 2019-12-01


Dominique Hall - 2020-01-27

Hahaha I was about to write that...

Suave - 2019-10-01

The fact that he says that they’ll give it to him for 1 euro if they are “friends”... no friend gonna do that, in reality you only just bring him business.

R Two - 2017-09-20

reflecting off my own drug I think about my own take. stay clean and you can dream.

661 Choppin - 2018-04-22

10:30 ...sad how things changed after 15 seconds....sad for the user.

raw - 2019-03-25

im addicted watching thesee series

stomp bing - 2015-10-29

don't talk to a junky while his taking a hit, you might get killed, literally.

john maziasz - 2019-05-21

@Comicbook Gaming there you go, prove marijuana doesn't cause violence by threating to slap someone.

Comicbook Gaming - 2019-05-22

john maziasz not like it would hurt if we where both high😂🤷🏼‍♂️

Shizzayne - 2019-08-26

@BEELZEBUB What a load of crap. Have you ever met a heroin addict? I work with substance abuse users and I never been attacked while they're using drugs. Especially a heroin addict. If anything they're more likely to fall asleep.

A meth user going through a psychotic episode or someone with a violent history maybe.

Shizzayne - 2019-08-26

@Nicky Cotton I've been pricked by used needles several times in my line of work. I been tested each time for hepatitis C and HIV and came up clean each time. People that are constantly sharing needles are the ones who catch the virus. If it's just one time you got pricked by a needle, you'd be fine most likely.

rare L - 2019-09-07


Richard Creaghan - 2018-11-14

Damn Adrien Brody has fallen on some hard times /:

The Chosen1 - 2019-03-06

basically meth and filler ingredients like battery acid, engine oil, shampoo, and cooking salt

All Oo - 2019-11-03

The Chosen1 Hahahha

sabrina sabrinaa - 2019-12-23

Thanks for the recipe ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Kathleen Abdullah - 2020-01-09

It’s sad how many harmful ingredients go into so many drugs like rat poison and other crap to make more profit off the drugs they put flour and baking soda and tablets crushed into things and people are dying because of the crappy things they are adding it’s sad but unfortunately that’s part of so called generation we live in smh our children don’t stand a chance in society now my kids don’t leave the house unless I’m with them or my husband I have a son who will be 14yrs old on the 17th feb and a daughter who turned 12yr old on Christmas Eve and they don’t even like going out they have seen kids in there school who are 11-12yrs old taking drugs in the school bathroom it’s sad that this is happening to children younger that 11yrs old this world is a messed up place we live in smh

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

Cant get worse..

David Klimmek - 2020-02-08

@sabrina sabrinaa enjoy them toxins..not.

TiboSk8 - 2019-07-06

“All drugs are bad. Can you think of any drugs that are good?”
mmm yeah, psychedelics ...
If you consume them the right way they can be very beneficial.

MrE89 - 2020-02-23

Perhaps on your psychological condition tho

Alfa Laskar - 2020-03-06


Chris A - 2020-03-13

Yeah, bet you feel great the next morning...enlightened eh?

Alex Board - 2020-03-16

Cocaine is good sir.

isabelle Farrell - 2020-03-16

@Ms. Chanandler Bong anything not designed for children must be bad. Sex is bad, marriage is bad, driving is bad. Ban it all.

Max Tollin - 2019-07-24

Greece: Sisa is the most dangerous drug!

Colombia: hold my scopolamine

Memesauce - 2019-10-29

Scopolime is not a recreational drug and has medical use

J russ - 2015-10-19

It was such a strangely powerful thing when they were talking to that George fellow at around 9:15 . When they asked him if he worried about what the drug does to him and he said "Shut up! Don't worry, I don't give a shit!" really gave me an insight into the man himself. I didn't just hear what he said, I felt it.

At first it might seem like some crazy addict lashing out irrationally, but if you think about what he said it speaks miles into how depressed, hopeless, and how little he cares about himself. He clearly is in a very bad place mentally and doesn't care about himself or his well being, he just wants some relief from his life, his surroundings, and most of all his own self.

It's obvious George knows all to well the implications of using this drug but he doesn't care. He knows how terrible it is for the body but he doesn't care. He knows about all the terrible ingrediants and the way the drug is made, yet he doesn't care. George doesn't care about his body because he doesn't care about himself. He knows how awful of a state he is in. And when he tells the man to shut up it's obvious to me that he doesn't give a shit about his own self and doesn't want anyone else to either.

"Shut up! Don't worry, I don't give a shit!" Spoken like a true addict, like a true person with a problem they know about, like a man who needs saving, but doesn't want anyone to save him. Because he thinks he isn't worth saving.

Just one of those crazy times when you can actually not only understand the words being said....but can actually FEEL. Crazy. Good luck George.

Fatty 2 Much - 2019-09-28

Who Even Gives a Fuck Honestly 🤣

Terry Caste - 2019-10-08

@vegan duende are you telling me McDonalds sells horse and human child meat?

Galina Dontask - 2019-10-26

Don’t think too deeply about it. He was actually fairly coherent and straight talking to the interviewer when the interviewer was chatting to him he was slowly starting to get high, it’s very obvious then bang.... he was in the zone of a high moment and he clearly didn’t want to be interrupted with repetitive stupid obvious questions, you can see his mood changed, and he started excusing his actions of taking the drug and told the guy he didn’t even know what it was he was smoking, he just smokes it,..... like his cares suddenly disappeared and he was pushing the pipe harder to get even more fried, the interview ended shortly after that. He probably became slightly aggressive and wanted to be left alone. Most of these guys are paid by the reporters for the interviews, so the moment they get their drugs.. they will say anything to the camera. It’s a free high. They don’t care.

renee pepion - 2019-10-30

Very very true thank u ... everything about a true addict prayers blessings ✌🌹💓🌺🌷😇😇😇

Yashar Ostad - 2020-02-06

He was talking to the guy next to the camera man. He was like "don't talk in front of the camera" and the guy with the pipe looks at him and says "I dont give a shit" and so on. Watch it again, its funny how everybody is wrong lol

SPPG Fitness - 2019-04-11

Imagine someone making a drug then it goes viral no one knows what's in the stuff it just gets them high and kills them. Crazy world.

Ras Davis - 2020-01-26

I feel like dat interviewer wanted to hit da glass pipe he looked interested see his face it smells like roses 🤔😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

Milana Belousova - 2019-06-13

He recked his buzz with his questions ffs😂😂😂

arni - 2019-01-31

6:00 ice poseidon's drug addict greek cousin

Albert Mag - 2019-08-06

It's so sad to see Greece in such a depressed state to tink they were once at the pinnacle leading human Knowledge, Understanding and Achievement in all mathematical, scientific and the Arts

Alex Sp - 2020-03-05

Chill out, these things happen almost in every country

Get Probed - 2019-08-18

my guess is these extra chemicals are leftover from the chemical reactions of making meth...they probably dont know how to make meth well.

Noorshin Rahman - 2019-05-27

"All the drugs are bad,Do you know any drugs that's good??",That's the smart answer anyone can expect from them.

Deidad Azul - 2018-12-15

"Cocaine of the poor"?
I dont know; could be, if they've talking about Crack or some derivated shit

Attila - 2018-06-28

When I take a light. ..i take a flight" 😂

Gorgeous George - 2017-03-06

my story is one of meeting heroin when I was 18, and a love affair began. This same love affair had an unpleasant side effect which meant I sacrificed the best years of my young adult life, to prisons, to oblivion, to....well, nothing. just an empty void of blackness where my life story should be.

Its a fucking shame :-(

But even after all the misery, all the desensitisation, all the shame, guilt, regret, self-loathing, even after the two decades of hatred ive now lived thorugh with that horrible cunt, heroin, i would STILL never take something which fucks you up this bad.......

mario hill - 2018-04-14

keep getting high, bring it to your cousns in america.

RezilKepaze - 2019-05-10

mario hill what does this mean?

ArwenMeow - 2017-03-16

7:15 He forgot to add: and the international bankers are laughing their asses off

Jay Morgan - 2020-03-17

11:30 How annoying. Dude's trying to smoke and he's got this dork spoiling his buzz. 😆