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What if you could Forget to Want Alcohol? | The Sinclair Method

What I've Learned - 2018-12-30

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To follow up on some of the points in the video: 
Naltrexone isn't something that people should take as if it were another supplement to add to their cupboard. If this sounds like something you might be able to benefit from, I encourage you to do your research before taking any action - look into possible side effects, make sure you understand precisely when you're supposed to take this, what is an appropriate dose for you and so on. Again, I'm not a doctor - this video is meant to inform, not to make medical recommendations.  Some things to keep in mind while reading about this: 

-The Sinclair Method, stated simply is this: Take 50mg of Naltrexone 1 hour before drinking. Do not take it when you are not drinking. Try to avoid doing naturally rewarding things while the medication is still in your system. Remember, other activities like exercise, hugging people, and eating food are felt to be pleasurable and are reinforced through the opioid system. 

Some of Naltrexone's potential for other addictions (food, gambling, opiates) is discussed in the Roy Eskapa book. 

★"Low Dose Naltrexone," the administration of from 1.5mg to 5mg (one tenth of the Sinclair method dosing), has shown promise for conditions like Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis and works through different mechanisms having a different spectrum of physiological effects. This video doesn't comment on this approach. On that note, I'm not sure what dosing the implant mentioned around 5:30 was delivering and didn't mean to say Low Dose Naltrexone is not effective.

For Business inquiries: 

What I've Learned - 2018-12-30

Hey everyone,
Let me reiterate that I'm not trying to say that everyone should just go on line and stock your pantry with Naltrexone as if it were a turmeric supplement or something. If this sounds like something you might be able to benefit from, I encourage you to do your research before taking any action - look into possible side effects, make sure you understand precisely when you're supposed to take this, what is an appropriate dose for you and so on. Again, I'm not a doctor - this video is meant to inform, not to make medical recommendations. Some things to keep in mind while reading about this:

-The Sinclair Method, stated simply is this: Take 50mg of Naltrexone 1 hour before drinking. Do not take it when you are not drinking. Try to avoid doing naturally rewarding things while the medication is still in your system. Remember, other activities like exercise, hugging people, and eating food are felt to be pleasurable and are reinforced through the opioid system.

Some of Naltrexone's potential for other addictions (food, gambling, opiates) is discussed in the Roy Eskapa book.

★"Low Dose Naltrexone," the administration of from 1.5mg to 5mg (one tenth of the Sinclair method dosing), has shown promise for conditions like Crohn's disease and multiple sclerosis and works through different mechanisms having a different spectrum of physiological effects. This video doesn't comment on this approach. On that note, I'm not sure what dosing the implant mentioned around 5:30 was delivering and didn't mean to say Low Dose Naltrexone is not effective.

Happy New Year!!

*love & Peace is never guaranteed - 2019-08-06

Do what if u forget u want YouTube tho lol.

Trey Dolphin - 2019-08-13

can you do a whole video on weed addiction?

Dregoth - 2019-08-19

Do NOT use Naltrexone without consulting a doctor and psychiatrist, this is SERIOUS medicine...... you can have fallback scenarios with i.e. psychosis.

Melvin Ishtar - 2020-01-11

What about thc and the endogenous cannabinoid receptors they can cause increase in dopamine aswell and make you feel euphoric

VAMR1991 - 2020-02-11

Dear What I've Learned - you have said "Do not take it when you are not drinking. Try to avoid doing naturally rewarding things while the medication is still in your system. Remember, other activities like exercise, hugging people, and eating food are felt to be pleasurable and are reinforced through the opioid system".

Why do you recommend avoiding naturally rewarding things when you have taken naltrexone? Surely you don't mean you can't eat, have an ice cream, play with your dog when you have taken this drug?

I find this confusing.

QMILLO - 2018-12-30

I wish I could forget to want procrastination

Voodoo Child - 2019-08-21

QMILLO you need to look for the things you love doing!


Gotta teach your brain that it's better to do it now than to wait til it's too late. Like seeing grandma before she dies🤘😎🍻

Joseph Zugoola - 2020-05-08

I'm sure you'lloull sort it out later

phi lip - 2020-05-12

How do I utilize this information to stop drinking alcohol without the use of Naltrexone?

NoName - 2020-06-19

We procrastinate because the task induces anxiety and dread so we avoid it. Then when the deadline is near, the anxiety of not having completed the task is far greater than facing the task so we just do it because now putting it off is going to make you more anxious. We are always trying to shield ourselves from facing anxiety and fear. So to stop procrastination the easy way is to drill down the worst case scenario until you’re scared and panicking and then you just do it. Or you need immense willpower which is just difficult.

nothinmulch - 2018-12-30

Felt more craving for that pesto and bread than I did for the alcohol lol.

Soul Alpha - 2019-08-19

This happened to me once with a PBJ sandwich, it felt like I was on opiates for some reason. I don't ever eat PBJ because it's not really my thing but that particular one did me right.

NecroAngel Declares War - 2019-01-07

Avoid drinking when in bad mood or in a bad relationship. When any substance is used as an escape, you could became addict.

Strange at it sounds, dont try to please yourself when sad or angry, etc.

Face your demons sober, and celebrate when you defeat them.

señor pepper - 2020-06-07

@Tony Holland 10%? i dont think i know anybody thats not to one degree or another. maybe your talking about hardcore alcoholics and heroin addicts.

BigBadJerry Rogers - 2020-06-07

@señor pepper isn't that a psycadelic that messes up some people mentally? I don't need any help there. Wow, since I posted my last comments here everything has gotten so much worse in society and alcohol use has been sky high with people locked down at home.

señor pepper - 2020-06-07

@BigBadJerry Rogers its not a psychedelic. if you feel you have to drink, then it's just another option. i drank several times a week(4 or 5 times). drinking is ok but gets old. i need to be able to pass a drug test so i can't do any illicit drugs. it just something different that helps me personally. its no different in the fact that it can be abused like alcohol. its legal(for now) federally and something like 90% of the country. once or twice a week i head to the kratom shop and buy some.

BigBadJerry Rogers - 2020-06-08

@señor pepper Ok, well I will look into it. Maybe I am confusing it with "Ayahuasca?" I don't know anything about this just heard things around, ya know. My limited drug experiences haven't been great, pot doesn't agree with me and I don't want to use opiates to get high. I may have to use them legit for pain someday.

señor pepper - 2020-06-08

@BigBadJerry Rogers i would definitely try ayahuasca. but thats not something you do recreationally. thats something you do with the shamans in the jungle and go on a spiritual trip.

Arna Alayne - 2018-12-30

I wonder if this would work with sugar??

אתה שייך לי, כבשה - 2019-08-17

just stop yourself from eating for a month or two and you will lose the cravings

Lithuanian in bound - 2019-08-24

I forgot i want chips

Billy Poppins - 2019-09-14

@Hindsight snake juice 😁

Jesper - 2019-11-22

I've tried. It doesn't work.

adi paszk - 2019-12-30

its KETO :)

NaeMuckle - 2019-08-20

I don't think I've ever gone out with the intention to limit my intake. But I'm Scottish

M James - 2019-11-27

I do not like up close shots of pesto being spread around.

Nathan Hassall - 2019-04-02

Heroin will make you forget to want alcohol

urjack - 2019-12-02

it'll also make you forget to breathe if you do too much

Szabó Bence - 2018-12-30

See a video from WIL...... sees it was uploaded recently... dopamine spikes

Mt High - 2018-12-30

One of my proudest addictions!

Yi Xi - 2018-12-30

Use NAC n-acetyl cysteine it helps curb drinking, drugs & even gambling. Look it up on National institutes of health. Google nac nih.

Kryptonite - 2019-01-03

algorithms at work

HikerMichael - 2019-07-25

Rewarding knowledge is the best reward you can get.

John Smith - 2018-12-30

Any pill to unlike watching youtube videos?

Nurse Courtney - 2018-12-30


J Tinkerton - 2018-12-30

Most likely the same pill. Hypothetically, it would also work with other types of social media, as they have also been specifically engineered to squirt out dopamine and "hijack" the reward mechanisms of the brain. Scrolling on Facebook for hours without even realizing how much time has passed? I wonder if it would work...

J Tinkerton - 2018-12-31

@1nf3ct3dTT At a cursory glance, you probably wouldn't be able to reach orgasm, but I think it'd be more due to a feeling of meh than anything else. Then again, I'm not a pharmacologist so...

JVW - 2019-03-07

HAHAHA srsly though

Jtflint - 2019-01-11

It worked for me. I bought an off brand naltrexone, and used the Sinclair method. After almost twenty years of drinking alcohol it cured my alcoholism. I still consider myself an alcoholic, but the urges are virtually gone. On the rare occasion I do get the urge I will either drink some alcohol, or just eat some food. I haven't been drunk in over 4 years. Thank you Naltrexone, and the Sinclair method.

exploited fight - 2019-02-13

where did u get it from and what's the name? i looked it up and it says u need a prescription

Jtflint - 2019-03-10

@exploited fight it's true that you're*supposed* to have a prescription, but I went online and got it without one. I can't remember the name if the website, but I did a trial purchase of around 100 dollars, and then purchased more thereafter. I don't think the authorities frown too much on that type of medication. I'm telling you though that combining naltrexone with the Sinclair method was effective for me. What I bought was a generic brand, but it worked.

Jtflint - 2019-03-15

@Tennesseee Belle thanks!

Joel D - 2020-01-24

How long did you take it?

Ming Mongo - 2018-12-30

The trick would be to be able to manage addiction at will. I'd like to increase addiction to certain activities, and decrease others.

Jorge X - 2018-12-31

I need to get hooked on taxes and finances. I sure need an OD on fiscal responsibility

Alastair Hewitt - 2019-01-12

Comes from habits. When I was a wrestler, I was addicted to exercise. Trying to redevelop it.

allah bless - 2019-01-17

@Yi Xi no it doesn't. It's incredible weak for that

Reno Simpson - 2019-07-31

Associated with pain. I quit using tobacco after 27 years with this method. It was painful however but the reward is I never went back because I had to work for it unlike the people that take patches and easy-spills.

WindBlownLeaf - 2019-09-14

ritalin would help with powering through something you dont like?

Divergent Droid - 2018-12-30

If I could forget the Ex Wife I wouldn't need the alcohol.. LOL

Jorge X - 2018-12-31

I'm sure 94 of these likes are from people whose story sticks. A real shame.

DK Knight - 2018-12-31

@Jorge X
Nope. I don't drink and would never marry a woman that would put me in that position.

TallicaMan1986 - 2019-02-08

DK Knight The thing about those women is you dont know. After the marriage they begin to change.

Reno Simpson - 2019-07-31

Me and your Ex girlfriend are sitting here in the same chair drinking and laughing at your comment's...

Reno Simpson - 2019-07-31

@TallicaMan1986 Some grow mustaches and their testicles drop after they stop taking their hormone errmmm "conversion" therapy. I always wondered why 'she' had such a big Adam's apple..

Thomas Joyce - 2018-12-30

I only drank whenever I met friends socially. I started taking that pill an hour beforehand.
Now I don't see the point in people.

Ben Builder - 2019-05-22

I've written to the Joe Rogan Experience contact page, asking them to consider doing a Sinclair Method
Podcast, which would have tremendous reach. If you are reading this consider doing the same.

G M - 2018-12-30

I got drunk Christmas eve and threw up on my sisters carpet... ruined Christmas for the whole family

cassl14 - 2019-01-13

@Yi Xi Wow! Just read some of the study. I don't think I've ever read such a thorough and optimistic one on there before. Thanks so much for the info! Do you have any personal experience with it?

Dachs & Rottweiler - 2019-01-26

but now theres a story to tell your kids one day.

LISA SHOARE - 2019-02-06

that ruined christmas ? it shouldn't have .

Harry Satchel - 2019-04-02

Alcohol=Puke=Smelly Mess=Nobody Likes You

Vijay Iyer - 2019-09-12

That carpet really tied the room together, didn't it dude??

Savanna Love - 2018-12-30

I didn’t like pesto before this video , but I think I do now. 🧐

Trevak D'hal - 2018-12-30

Depends on how it's presented to you (like a lot of food).

With fancy bread slightly toasted it's great and if stirred is fine.

sl1g - 2018-12-30

Social validation is a great force :)

Kryptonite - 2019-01-03

@sl1g also if endorsed by a respected expert or authority

Richard Smith - 2019-08-19

The worst thing about pesto is the looks. It is one of the most delicious spreads I have ever tasted. It is a taste that is hard to understand someone not liking, like ice cream.

stoltobot - 2019-11-19

I’ve started putting naltrexone in my pesto

Cédric Coulombe - 2018-12-30

No way i just poored one and you upload this !
Cheers !

Soul Alpha - 2018-12-30

Cédric Coulombe I bet you're hammered now

P/FW - 2018-12-30

@Soul Alpha He died from alcohol poisoning. RIP him

Niall Dewar - 2018-12-30

So I saw a thing recently suggesting that exercise doesn't release opioids as previously thought, but endocannabinoids. Video worthy?

jparkerwillis - 2018-12-30

I thought exercise produced endorphins due to the stress.

Gommpa - 2018-12-30


em ell - 2018-12-30

dur hur excercise and smoking weed are the same maaaaan

dng 304 - 2018-12-30

Perfect topic

Abigail Paduch - 2018-12-31

Niall Dewar yes please!

Prkrtr - 2019-07-23

This changed my life. No more cravings. My heartfelt thank you.

Ryoko Kaguya - 2018-12-30

But can it work on food addiction.

I'm You, You're me - 2019-10-16

@Areté I've done decent doses of psilocybin which provided relief and a sense of being present - and relieved me of any urge to drink for about 3 days. I later tried micro doses with varying degrees of success.. but about 1-2 weeks a month, severe depersonalization sets in and it feels as if I am experiencing everything from a third person and disconnected from it.

I have tried meditstion - and I feel like the depersonalization is inhibiting focus. Each attempt to lend each second to my breathing seems to become stressful and distracted.
Should I continue the practice? And if you have dealt with something similar, do you have any tips on increasing focus within the moment outside of meditation ? Perhaps I can attack it from multiple angles and avenues in order to be fully immersed in the moment and aide in meditation. I appreciate you.

I'm You, You're me - 2019-10-16

I know all of this is temporary- and it may resolve in time. But I have had beautiful glimpses of being fully engaged in each millisecond - years ago it was the norm. And I am quite sure that I would give almost anything for that feeling again. It may be PTSD and understanding of consequence now that takes me out, or something related- but I do not want any of that to be a hindrance. I want to be in complete control again and deepen/strengthen the learn, integrate, repeate cycle. And I feel like the cycle was stronger when I was 100% present

Areté - 2019-10-17

@I'm You, You're me Personally i find breath meditation a waste of time its not enjoyable or that much useful for me.
I try to feel inner body and explore with attention the inner realm, or just bring my awareness to the present moment. Each moment in your life is an opportunity for practise you can do it all at any time of day just divert your attention partly to your inner self. I understand how u feel ,my issue is intense ocd for years im reading into alchemy and other stuff on approaches to dissolve the 'painbody' . I recommend Eckhart Tolle teachings can be very helpful

Kon Bar - 2019-11-14

Eat bakers chocolate there’s no sugar

ForgiveAndLove09 - 2020-02-09

Ryoko Kaguya
Ketosis carnivore can

KenDBerryMD - 2019-01-02

Thought provoking video; thank for this!

Michael . . . - 2019-01-03

Please incorporate this into your practice! Share this research and method with your colleagues. TSM is saving lives ... but can save so many more lives.

Carl Vandenberg - 2018-12-30

So when the alcoholic takes the pill and doesn't get the sensation expected from alcohol, what's their incentive to take the pill the next time they drink? That's the the major drawback to voluntary oral naltrexone therapy, patient compliance.

John Murphy - 2019-11-27

@Michael . . . What is AUD?

Michael . . . - 2019-11-27

@John Murphy , AUD is alcohol use disorder, which recognizes that over using alcohol is a full spectrum disorder/addiction.

Michael . . . - 2019-12-27

@John Murphy AUD = Alcohol Use Disorder ... a spectrum of ailments relating to the out of control drinking of alcohol.

ForgiveAndLove09 - 2020-02-09

The incentive might be because they truly want free of the dependency.

Michael . . . - 2020-02-09

The best part of The Sinclair Method is as months go by, cravings get less and less, you drink less and less, thus you take the medication less and less, until one day you are completely indifferent to alcohol , take it or leave it. No triggers, no obsessive thoughts for alcohol. So then if you choose total abstinence, you never need another pill.

Rackpullsabovetheeyebrows - 2019-10-20

3 whole beers? Mind how you go son.

Lady Wintergreen - 2019-12-11

Omg hahahaha hahah I laughed too much at this comment

Rackpullsabovetheeyebrows - 2019-12-12


Alex Mack - 2019-01-03

Dear Mr. "What I've Learned"

Your videos are incredible. Thank you very much for making them.

I always thought serotonin was the "liking" neurotransmitter. Can you share your understanding of serotonin vs opioids? Thank you.

James Brincefield - 2019-11-21

Pesto is delicious and I’m glad you came around on it.

Hannes productions - 2018-12-30

You can eat pesto with a spoon

1D007YB975J - 2018-12-30

you should eat it with pasta!

Nicholas L - 2018-12-30

Heresy! 🤣

Pablo Lindrossini // Memesis - 2018-12-30

I've been 6months sober and basically what I did was, that I had some antibiotics prescribed that had the antabus effect. After two weeks since the antibiotics stopped, i apparently still had the antabus effect in me, so I drank three pints and had the worst hangover ever and made myself believe that after that point, alcohol would make me sick. At first it was difficult but since then it has become easier and easier and I'm glad I quit drinking.

recynd77 - 2018-12-30

Thank you for spreading awareness on TSM; it could change the face of addiction medicine.

Elijah - 2019-05-04

This is clearly one of your most underrated videos, deserves more views!

Natalia Nezhnova - 2019-10-26

Thanks so much for promoting TSM. It saved my life and I tell about it to everyone who I see struggling with alcohol, but with millions of viewers that you have your making a video about TSM is totally priceless. Thanks again.

Tom Balino - 2018-12-30

I wonder if this works for your WONDERFUL ADDICTIVE VIDEOS

sebucwerd - 2019-01-11

Not so much forgetting, but overwriting and learning something new

Kaeben - 2019-08-02

I've never really had an attraction to alcohol, so I practically never drink. My coworkers love me when we go out after work because I have zero alcohol tolerance and 8oz. gets me smashed. I never even finish one beer lol

Shayz - 2018-12-31


You should have started the video with this clip

Chef 420 - 2019-12-13


M Cantú - 2019-11-09

Who else watching this while drinking alcohol

Stoned Ape - 2018-12-30

When i came to see my brain as my most valuable asset,my drinking came to a dead stop.

I B - 2018-12-30

Isn’t this the same theory behind drugs like Chantix? Smoking without being able to feel the reward of nicotine

Benny Tenor - 2020-04-14

I’ve taken this and the injection form is called Vivitrol. I recommend either the pill Naltrexone or Vivitrol. The injection was better for me when I would do things like not take the pill when I should. And it’s a shot once a month. Currently I’m on the pill

Gonedridge - 2018-12-30

"We can do what we want, but we can't want what we want." - some old dude
Well, the times have changed, old man.

Aaron - 2019-08-04

Wow it's kinda like when you enjoy eating a certain type of food but one day it just does not do it for you anymore so you stop.

Michael . . . - 2019-08-13

exactly. TSM works - tell your friends who need help !

Patriotic 1 - 2019-08-16

Hmm, interesting. I appreciate the information.

Barb Thornell - 2019-01-13

Love your channel. Your research and videos encapsulate things it has taken me weeks to run down and sort out on my own. Thanks so much for your work!

Kawaty - 2018-12-30

I've lost that nice feeling from alcohol when I had started to take antidepressants. I still get blurry vision and all that stuff but nothing pleasant. I'v never been an alcoholic but now I don't drink at all because I don't want it, despite not being on antidepressants anymore.

goawayyootoob dontwanttousemyfullname - 2019-11-15

I’m pretty sure I’ll forget to drink alcohol when I forget the giant gaping void in my life.

Cesar Celis - 2019-01-28

This is amazing information. Thanks for making it possible!

Embody Daily - 2019-04-16

Thank you for making this video! The Sinclair Method totally changed my life and allowed me to go sober from a daily bottle of wine drinking, to totally sober from alcohol within a year. I became repulsed from alcohol and forgot what it was like to even want it or like it. It's been life changing...

Mr. X - 2019-11-29

LSD made me forget to want alcohol

Onetwothreesix - 2018-12-31

This might be the most important video I've ever watched. Thank you.