> physique-atomique > sodium-gas-is-purple-thunderf00t

Sodium gas... OMG ITS PURPLE!!!!

Thunderf00t - 2016-02-20

Sodium gas... ITS PURPLE!!!
well at least when its hot it is!

Ill probably make a more involved video on this sometime, but for the moment... this is just what science can look like..... SURPRISING!!!

I wont be adding this video to the pateron supported stream, but many thx to all those who support this channel that way!

aidanjt - 2016-02-20

"can you see it?!" No dude, your mad scientist hair keeps getting in the way! ;P

Good stuff!

Josh Paty - 2016-02-20

+One___ And_Done Back in high school, my chemistry teacher lost some of her hair while she was heating up some chemicals. It was quite entertaining to watch (luckily she wasn't harmed... aside from needing a haircut afterwards).

MooCowMoo Cow - 2016-02-20

+One___ And_Done 😂😂😂👍

CrazyWaffle5150 - 2016-02-21

+aidanjt I laughed haha

JennOscura - 2016-02-27

+aidanjt Funny I was going to comment on his mad scientist hair. But you beat me to it.

aidanjt - 2016-02-27

+Trans ExFeminist Autism I know because I was really yelling at his hair when I was watching it, just as things start getting exciting, along comes the hair lol. I know he was just getting excited too and wanted a better look, just not in front of the camera might have been a better angle to look from. :D

Cristian Cojocaru - 2016-02-20

At the time of writing this I see 1 person doesn't like that sodium gas is purple, really interested in why and who.

Winston Smith - 2016-02-20

+TheUglyGnome They hate sodium as it is the only thing more salty then they are.

F'Realdoh Mohammed - 2016-02-20

+Rock O'Dile Jenny Mcderpalot probably.

Cristian Cojocaru - 2016-02-20

+F'Realdoh Mohammed I don't know who that person is but I imagine she's either into obscure betting and had money on sodium gas being black or something or she's trans-purple.

erkdoc5 - 2016-02-20

@Sam Holden
You can see the purple and green through most of the video, even though he leans in when he tells to look.

nautical-lungs - 2016-02-21

+TheUglyGnome Smash the Alkaliarchy!

Eoin Lynagh - 2016-02-20

it's great to see you react like this

Eoin Lynagh - 2016-02-20

Then we just have to join fine world. It's the perfect plan

Jack Bruce - 2016-02-20

+AlduinWorldEater Scientists React, quick, trademark that!

MaximvsDread - 2016-02-21

+Eoin Lynagh  Ok ok already. Enough with the Fine brothers. They're done. They quit. They're non relevent any longer.

That One Dude - 2016-02-21

Memes are loath to die so easily

MaximvsDread - 2016-02-23

@Thatonedude917 Gotcha ;) 

The Corporation - 2016-02-20

still better camera work than michael bay

theblur - 2016-02-20

+The “KAAL DERPINGTON” Corporation Shots fired.

theRealRindberg - 2016-02-20

+The ”KAAL DERPINGTON” Corporation Nahaaaa there were no explosions

william hutton - 2016-02-20

+The “KAAL DERPINGTON” Corporation But only one explosion in a span of three minutes.

Utmoon - 2016-02-21

+The “KAAL DERPINGTON” Corporation And a better love story that Twilight.

The Justicar - 2016-02-20

Clearly, that's a torture device in which one of the Teletubbies has been trapped.

Afonso de Portugal - 2016-02-20

+The Justicar Now that is such a gay observation!

Afonso de Portugal - 2016-02-20

It was a joke :P!

Afonso de Portugal - 2016-02-20

Duh! I knew he was gay!

Venor M - 2016-02-20

Inb4 Fine Bros claim copyright infringement on this video due to sodium reaction.

ODDnanref - 2016-03-07

+Venor Maddox
Just being your friendly neighborhood buzz kill. xP
It was a trademark for react, so reaction is safe to use and abuse.

I Eat Garbage - 2016-03-09


Getalife - 2016-03-17

+JRMCNEA boiling is a PHYSICAL reaction

MrDutchterminator - 2016-04-26

+__Getalife13__ it isnt a reaction at its a transition from solid/fluid to vapor

MrDutchterminator - 2016-04-26

+MrDutchterminator gas*

Joey Verhaar - 2016-02-20

Are you the first person to determine gas sodium's colour?

captnhuffy - 2016-02-20

+Joey Verhaar Open your physics text book. The spectrum, including sodium's output, is listed on the inside of the front cover. Optical signature (wavelength) is a fundamental physical property known for everything that is possible to control & test for.

chromarti - 2016-02-20

+captnhuffy Indeed, he is just populating the 4s energy level (purple), rather than the usual 3p energy level (orange). But its fun nonetheless!

Lajos Winkler - 2016-02-21

+Lilliath It is a known fact, but it's not very famous one because it's quite difficult to reproduce it, as you can see.

MisterLepton - 2016-02-21

+Lajos Winkler it's not difficult to reproduce. I was wrong on my previous comment and chromarti is closest to being correct. Damn, I didn't realize how just 4 years out of school can cause you to forget so much. It looks like the only transition capable of producing those lower wavelengths is 3p (1/2) to 3s (590 nm). Check out this website:http://www.phy.davidson.edu/stuhome/phstewart/IL/sodium_raman_scattering/theory/sodium_theory.htm

And all that's required to produce plasma is heat. A "current" is not necessary.

fredmachine - 2016-04-05

+chromarti Could also be the argon. Several blue and purple emission lines.

TheSeventyFour - 2016-02-20

Am I the only one who was thinking that Thunderf00t needs to put his hair in a ponytail when he's waving a propane torch around?

Ideally Jekyl - 2016-02-20

See the purple? Giant head of hair blocks the camera

Monkey Penguin Gorilla Horse - 2016-02-20

@Bigga lottie Old joke, and it doesn't even make sense even if it was timely.

Cloud Seeker - 2016-02-20

+oscargordon I think a head band might just be better.

Cakasaur - 2016-02-20

It's the flying spaghetti monster.

Zheeraffa1 - 2016-02-21

Oh, my fucking god! Sometimes he's cool and sometimes he's excited. He's so much like anyone else! I enjoy it so much!

Roach DoggJR - 2016-02-24

+Doge can illuminati noscope
Yeah, but still.

Nick Skarvig - 2016-02-20

I worry that you're going to light your hair on fire, dear god man, get a scrunchie!

Liarra Sniffles - 2016-02-20

+theendofit "A piece of her scalp was caught in the motor."
Her hair being bulled was not what caused the scalping, it just brought her head down into the gears, which preceded to scalp her.

Read your own sources m8.

theendofit - 2016-02-20

@Liarra Sniffles just google "girl scalped when her hair got caught in"
youll get 100's of stories about girls with long hair geting hair cught in some machinery.
the point is not the excat 1 for 1 situation has happened its that it can happen and simler things happen as nick said it would just rip the hair out and nothing else.
there is also cases where somones neck was snaped when thier hair got cught and it yanked thier head.

these are incredubly rare things but with a population of 7 billion on earth even a thing that happens to.0001% of pepole a year  or 1 in million pepole it would still happen to a 1,000 pepole a year.

Nick Skarvig - 2016-02-20

Despite it not being a gear but instead a drive shaft you are right. The drive shaft actually makes sense because it would be able to grab and pull at the same time since it would act very much like a clutch plate. The one incident cited on that site was apparently an issue with improper assembly instead of a standard danger.

Lighting long hair on fire with an open flame you are currently holding is a more prevalent danger in my opinion though.

Liarra Sniffles - 2016-02-20

@theendofit You misunderstand my point, the girl's hair did not pull her scalp off, but it did pull her head into the drive shaft which then got a grip on her scalp and ripped bits of it off.

I do not think it is possible to rip a scalp off using the hair on your head, as the individual hairs are too weak and the bunched hair is too strong.

The problem doesn't change with force applied either, if you could pull hard enough to rip a scalp off with enough bunched hair to stop it from just ripping hair out, you would probably just pull the whole head clean off/pull the whole person along depending on how hard the force actually is.

Out of all the dangers of a theme park, being scalped is not nearly the most likely.

ssholum - 2016-02-21

+Nick Skarvig
I remember a story where a woman's hair got caught in an auger and it scalped her, but my source is TV...

It's not an outrageous claim though; human hair is actually pretty strong, it's the connection to the scalp that's usually the weakest point; all it would take is to get enough hair caught for the force applied overcomes the connection of the flesh to the skull (and other flesh) without overcoming the collective load tolerance of the hair roots (which, being parallel, would ideally end up with the load applied equally to all the hairs, though it wouldn't be quite that simple in reality (some would be under more tension than others)).

I'm not a mechanical engineer, so forgive my poor vocabulary regarding material strengths, joints, and loads.

chromarti - 2016-02-20

By heating the sodium gas you are populating the 4s energy level. When the electrons decay down to the ground state (3s) the photons emitted have an energy of ~3.1 eV. This corresponds to a wavelength of ~400 nm, which is purple! I love your enthusiasm and 'mad scientist' experiments. Keep it up!

p.s. Your emission spectrum also shows a peak in the yellow/orange (3p spin up/down to ground state), which is the emission you see from street lights in the UK. There is also a broad peak in the red/infrared, from heating the glass.
p.p.s. If you use an interferometer and electromagnet you can resolve the quantum-mechanical effect of spin-orbit coupling in sodium.

wishmasterbrazen - 2016-02-20

+chromarti Dude, my brain. I cant tell if your speaking jibberish or smart. That's how much my brain just splatted on the wall. Awesome.

Bleach Martini - 2016-02-20

Some people in their teens have celebrities as heroes. I have scientists like this guy.

The Rational Channel - 2016-02-20

That purple looked surprisingly like brown hair actually. Maybe it's just my monitor :P

Inqu'aanate - 2016-02-20

Thunderf00t, as viewed by the naked eye

Ken Lee - 2016-02-20

+Morru Qu'aan iN IT'S NATIVE ENVIRONMENT! Call Nat. Geo!

Jarful of Love - 2016-02-20

I don't care what color it is, I just like watching Phil get so excited about it XD

rg0057 - 2016-02-21

1:23 "It's purple when it's hot!"

Please, someone write a song about this. Or remix it. Something. Anything!

Carlos, Castrejo - 2016-02-20

haha loved the "giddy as a school girl" reaction, awesome , except you keep putting your head in front of the tube :D

Edward Morra - 2016-05-20


The Curious Sapien - 2016-02-20

"...I'm just a harmless giant from a distant land."

Green Silver - 2016-02-20

"Look, it's purple!" Big hair to camera.

ZeroUltimax - 2016-02-21

Dam thunderfoot, get yourself some hair ties. That beautiful flowing hair of yours is just asking to catch fire.

loiloiloi6 - 2016-02-20

You need to step away from the camera's view sometimes TF.... lol

J Amundsen - 2016-02-20

+loiloiloi6 Probably more a case of needing to tie his hair up.

MooCowMoo Cow - 2016-02-20

Hey, don't fuck with the hair! Moooooo, everyone knows that any scientist worth his sodium will have unruly, crazy rebellious hair! Moooooo!

Nexus - 2016-02-21

+MooCowMoo Cow ......... what the fuck are you?

MooCowMoo Cow - 2016-02-21

+Nexus Moooooo! I am a bovine Sir, what are you? Moooooo?

Tach - 2016-02-23

+Just Dante Damn dirty hippies.

Eden Frawley - 2016-06-11

"Do you see the purple?" He says as he continues to put is head in front of the camera.

bulbinking - 2016-02-21

"Do you see the purple?"

No tf00t, all I see is HAAAAIR!

Higgins2001 - 2016-02-20

"Do you see the purple?"

...no, I see someone who forgot to wear a hair tie in a lab environment :P

bakonfreek - 2016-02-24

"It's purple and it's hot"
Sounds like some kind of innuendo. Still, that was pretty cool to see.

John C - 2016-02-20

Did see the Yellow sodium line on your spectroscope when you heated it. So purple is a stray band big deal.

doubledown - 2016-03-17

"It's full of stars"

Helder Savietto - 2016-02-21

1:29 "Who is the man?" BAM! Patriarchy.

boarderboi7 - 2016-02-20

Purple haze all in my eyes!

Phillip Scott - 2016-02-21

If your purple haze is in your eyes, then you're doing it wrong! :-)

AP12uZvfvag - 2016-02-21

+Phillip Scott Pot weed addiction is not a laughing matter! I had a friend who ended up injecting five whole marijuanas into his eyeball because all other veins in his body were clogged. He died just two hours later. RIP in peace Michael.

Tuomas Saarinen - 2016-02-20

Thanks for the spoiler title

Lectro Volpi - 2016-02-20

"Seeing TF so happy doing science makes me wanna drop my useless phony career and pick up science."
Whatever, whatever, Anita Sagkeesian, so stoooopid, woter.

ThaHyperHybrid - 2016-02-20

Thanks, doc.

Blockinstaller12 - 2016-02-20

1:57 "..you see the purple?"

No, because your hair is blocking the view...

Joeanna - 2016-02-25

I found myself yelling "Get your hair out of the way!" lol

That was pretty cool.

Erekose2023 - 2016-02-21

"No one knows."
"okay, let's find out"

Why we know what we know today

"No one knows,"
"So lets assert we DO know and defame anyone who critcises our reasoning!"

Why our technological society is in grave danger.

raythetse - 2016-02-20

Omg thunderfoot just discover purple! We should name it after him! :)

Ken Lee - 2016-02-20


Paxmax - 2016-02-20

+raythetse there used to be Deep Purple, but now Thunder Purple will replace all!

Adam UK - 2016-02-21

no no this colour needs to known as 'fuck me purple' XD

raythetse - 2016-02-21

That might make life hard for a lot a kindergarten teachers.

Adamance Hunter - 2016-02-24

+raythetse in more ways than one ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

coweatsman - 2016-02-21

"I'm the man".

How long will it be until feminists start misusing that footage?

Shkotay D - 2016-02-27

"See the purple?"

Big cloud of hair gets in camera xD

Namsep - 2016-02-20

It was a bit like snoop dog "Purple when it's hot" 1:23

by the way: YOU ARE THE MAN!

Tears of Soy - 2016-02-21

"Who's the man."
Sexist much?

ReaganSieger - 2016-07-08

seeing his excitement over stuff like this just brightens up my day.

QuantumOverlord - 2016-02-20

Thunderf00t is Leonard Hofstadter in real life! I hope you do undergrad teaching TF, I'm sure you would be great at inspiring the next generation!

QuantumOverlord - 2016-02-20

@Radicaldanny Mercedes Carrera obviously! (although I'm still digging healthyf00t)

The Curious Sapien - 2016-02-20

+QuantumOverlord NO, he is Amy's recent British guy Dave...the 'harmless giant from a distant land' that has a man-crush on Sheldon. (He sounds just like him)

Ken Lee - 2016-02-20

+QuantumOverlord He is a nomadic Inuit, Noone {Nanook} knows his real name

lemonvariable72 - 2016-02-20

hardly, thunderfoot has shown he's quite capable of fitting into normal society. plus Leonard is an experimental physicist, though I maybe wrong, thunderfoot is a chemist with a very diverse research background.

QuantumOverlord - 2016-02-21

@MantisNoMore Leonard Hofstadter is a fictional character from a TV series. Like thunderf00t a very enthusiastic experimental scientist. 

Blockhead Mokujin - 2016-03-10

Sodium: "God I love being purple!"

Comatose - 2016-02-20

The excitement in his voice, you can tell he loves to do this

Sam Boroudjou - 2016-02-20

One of my favourite things about thunder foot is that he's a genius who reacts like an excited kid

Combat Arms Reloaded Free on Steam - 2016-02-20

have u ever tried cooking meth?

John Douglas - 2016-02-20

I think my favorite thing about Dr Phill, is his excitement when discovering things, it makes me smile :D

Tree Topley - 2016-02-23

Well, that explains who's the man!

Raymond Doetjes - 2016-02-21

I love how people react when something new is discovered are seen!
And @Thunderf00t keep us posted when you find the answer about the colour change ;)
Gr8 stuff!