> temp > à-trier > ikarus-electric-rocket-thrust-vectored-flying-ducted-fan-tesla500

Ikarus electric "rocket" - Thrust-vectored flying ducted fan

tesla500 - 2018-08-28

Ikarus is a 3D-printed, Electric Ducted Fan (EDF) "rocket" that takes off and lands vertically, sort of like the Falcon 9 first stage. Based on a 90mm EDF, this entire project can be built for about $250.

0-100M speed record

Design info

Pelican Case Contest

Support me on Patreon for more cool projects!

tesla500 - 2018-08-30

Design info, CAD files, firmware, etc. is now up at http://omeganaught.com/2018/08/ikarus-electric-rocket/

Peter Davey - 2019-01-05

How much does it weigh

771 - 2019-03-25

You are a legend of hackers everywhere

@hartmancommajohn - 2019-07-13

Just recently finished building and testing this for my college physics club from the files on your website. The research, development and design work you've done is really impressive! Some of the modification ideas we're mulling over are: a shock-absorbing landing system for it in place of the landing legs (to see how high of a free-fall we can get it to survive), your twin counter-rotating turbine idea, FPV with telemetry to enable a transition to a "horizontal" flight mode for conventional high speed flight and possibly some fairly crude automation. All of this would be at the expense of performance, of course, if even possible. We are also running it on only two LiPo packs as suggested instead of four. One thing that I noticed is that the servos get quite hot from being in constant motion. Mitigating this by redirecting some airflow around them or designing a redundancy would also be a really interesting project in itself.

Mateusz Juszczyk - 2020-03-10

@@hartmancommajohn do you have any pics or videos of it?

@hartmancommajohn - 2020-03-10

@Mateusz Juszczyk http://cubeupload.com/codes/2e189

Gordon Chin - 2018-08-29


Deividas rušėnas - 2019-11-03

You cant hear it if it destroys your ears first

Jonah Beale - 2019-12-15


Hello Neanderthals! - 2020-03-17


Niklas - 2018-09-10

"A rocket" with lipos strapped to it is called "a missile".

Gael Bautista - 2019-01-01


Chris - 2019-01-03

@Guybrush Threepwood it is a drone, ignorant male pig

Musaddik Safikuz Zaman - 2019-01-08

I'll call it monocopter

FotoAmg AmgFoto - 2019-02-10

@sticky frog lipos are not that dangerous,only if you charge them inproper way or short

Bearcat Ben - 2019-05-19

@FotoAmg AmgFoto you are correct

Team Double Fluffy - 2018-09-17

That thing looks like a logistics bot from Factorio

Remembernukpunuk - 2018-09-17

i kept thinking, why are all you people @harking@ on about factorio logistic bots... Nerds! - then I searched Factorio logisitcs bots and shut my stupid mouth (after I stopped laughing) lol...good call. Love all internet attempts at various flying tech!

aboriani - 2018-09-22

Haha very true!

Mongocom - 2019-08-06


docthebiker - 2018-09-02

With wings it would be an extremely fast VTOL "Tailsitter" aircraft.
Military contract is on it's way.

caspar valentine - 2020-03-07

even better: wings that fold out when it's in the air so that it can stay small sized

Haroun Ben - 2019-01-06

19:50 me in the morning trying to get off the bed

Vincent Fregeac - 2018-09-02

Since you already 3D printed the flight control parts, you should also design and print a more efficient fan for this application. EDF are typically used in fast planes so the blade angle is high to be efficient at high speed. In this application, the speed is null most of the time so a fan with low angle blades would be much more efficient. A good reference point would be the angle of fans designed for hovercraft air cushion (not the fan for propulsion).

Also, since the vanes are used at a much higher angle than the normal angle of attack in a plane, you should use a thicker symmetrical profile for the vanes to increase the maximum angle with laminar airflow. This will improve the control you get from the vanes compared to the current thin vanes that probably stall with turbulent flow at less than 10 degrees. I would go with a thickness of 15%+ of the chord with a symmetrical NACA airfoil to increase the angle where you maintain laminar airflow without increasing too much the air drag on the vanes.

If you are not using them already, digital fast servos would probably make the "rocket" more stable. They are a must in flybarless helicopter where stability is also controlled exclusively be servos so they may improve stability in your case too. Fast digital mini-servos are still very cheap and would make the tuning of your rocket much easier since you wouldn't have to take into account the servo lag in the control loop.

To test a single or multi rotor aircraft, one of the best way is to use a long tube (1m or so), attach a 1m flexible rod to the bottom of the aircraft that you insert in the tube, then fly the aircraft low enough that the rod doesn't exit the tube. This way, you avoid the ground effect that amplifies any control error so quickly that you can't really see what's going on. Plus, if the control errors are human, it gives you time to correct. It is mainly used to learn how to control an RC helicopter without stabilisation but would also work really well to diagnose the control loops. Once the "rocket" is perfectly stable at 1m height, you can start testing it at ground level with the amplified error caused by ground effect. For this phase, hang the rocket from the ceiling with a coarse fishing line (or equivalent), so it's 1cm or so of the ground. This way, if something goes wrong, you can just cut the power and your "rocket" will come back to the "landing" position. For this setup, you should use a wire (or line) that is rigid enough so it won't create a loop that goes into the EDF when you take off.

Last, a telemetry system would allow to modify the control loop parameters wirelessly while testing. They are really cheap (compared to the whole "rocket" anyway) and would make the tuning so much faster if you use the testing setup mentioned above so you never have to put the "rocket" back on its feet after testing.

Jim Bass - 2018-12-30

Wow. You should build one. You know so much about it- Theoretically speaking, at least.

Michael Zhang - 2018-12-31

@Jim Bass technically speaking, i built one, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qGSEB6tkkEg and here is a gasoline version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01yt-_R4KOI , enjoy! as least watching...

Eoin Kelly - 2019-01-02


Jim Bass - 2019-01-02

@Michael Zhang Awesome!

P P - 2019-01-05


KOKERzeroZEROseven - 2018-09-16

it's manhack from half-life 2 ))

dontlikemath -.- - 2018-09-19

other YouTubers would have made this into a series with 5 10-minute episodes

FPV FREAKY - 2018-09-03

I love it. But your camera man needs a good telling off lol

arthurneddysmith - 2018-09-16

FPV FREAKY -Yep. He was about three seconds behind the action.

SuperMouseDV - 2018-10-01

At least he didn't shoot this in Vertical Video :) Looks amazing..

Jacob Crowthorne - 2019-01-06

Yeah it was rubbish filming!!

Patrick Builds It - 2019-01-07

Should have built his own Soloshot first!

Life as a Smiley - 2018-09-01

Your ability to problem-solve blows my mind. Thank you for sharing this.

Nick Shabazz - 2018-09-20

Yep, this is amazing. Very impressive work, and thanks for sharing.

jocrp6 - 2019-03-31

How fast is the air coming out from motor? I can see this thing replacing back pack blowers for yard work.

John The Cooling Fan - 2018-09-19

Factorio drones confirmed.

reDLine - 2019-08-24

I love how a proper tech company spent a few years with a full team, developing an unicopter, then this guy comes along and does it in has garage in a few months by himself😂

Opick Hidayato - 2018-09-17

"Icarus Protoytpe - On the Journey Reigniting the Sun"

OtakuSanel - 2018-09-01

i love how the thing just rolls around on the floor when it "lands" like it just threw its hands up in the air and gave up lol

C S - 2018-09-25

All the failed attempts, all the battery charging, all the chuckling.. congrats sir, well done!

Jonathan Knirsch - 2018-08-28

Now just add a GPS and have it clean your driveway from leaves and snow in fall 😜
But seriously, awesome project!

Lewd Dawg - 2018-08-30

I know this is partly in jest but that seems like a practical application.

Paul Aguirre - 2018-09-01

jonathan... that is a great idea. three of these fine tuned to blow leaves into all other neighbors yards. million dollar idea cause they will need to buy a set as well. and the chain reaction ensues. tesla500 you getting this?

Bruce Hopkins - 2018-09-25

Also it could prevent leaves from collecting on the roof and gutters

farmers - 2019-04-18

22:53 I was just typing that exact sentence.

Prem Kumar - 2018-09-06

😍 OMG this is amazing.I would love to have one of this.

GRIZZLEE - 2018-09-15

The last footage, omg, priceless! (the slomo and music together)

Eric Braun - 2019-01-01

Very cool! Great project. Now that you've got id working, should get a an 11 or 12 blade fan for it so it sounds better.

Catsoup - 2018-09-16

love when i find relatively small channels with insanely high quality stuff

David Gagnon - 2019-01-04

Landing/Takeoff Vacuum WASH!!! on take off and Landing will be MINIMIZED by EXTENDING Lower GEAR........yes.

90일 - 2018-09-28


Dollar Guy - 2018-09-16

This is my favorite video to watch loudly while in the dentist’s waiting room.

Cody'sLab - 2018-08-28

I love it!

Mestre Shake - 2018-08-31

Thanks! It was very hard to make all of this work but in the end it wasn't me.

michael love - 2018-08-31

Sup Cody...

world channel ## - 2018-09-01

Cody'sLab Me too

Isaac Westawski - 2018-09-07

CODY. Sup. I love your channel dude. Since i was little i loved science.

WeAreOne IAmAll - 2018-09-16

hello Mr. CODY!!!!!!

Самодельный DJI Hubsan pro Gimbal - 2019-01-04

Круто :) очень похоже на этот фильм кино :)

al katraz - 2019-01-12

Wow! So many of my favorite youtubers in one comment section! And for that I Subbed! :))

LifeUpNorth - 2018-09-02

Put wider "training legs" on it for testing

John wick718 - 2019-01-05

That perfect so when im working on the roof i could strap up beer and up up and away👍👍👍👍

William Osman - 2018-08-28

This might be my favorite video of yours.

Maxiemus FPV - 2018-08-30

Whoa whats will_i_am osmon doing here

Justin Salazar - 2018-08-31

The same thing humans do here.

Bjarni Valur - 2018-08-31

Can we expect a build like this from you any time soon? ("soon" as in, any time between now and christmas 2022)

Isaac Westawski - 2018-09-07

William Osman did not expect to see you here.

Justin Salazar - 2018-09-10

I bet he did not expect to see here you either.

mercibmf - 2018-12-30

Wow. Awesome stuff and it's great to see your thoughtprocess in making this!

Justice For Seth Rich WWG1WGA - 2019-01-01

We live in the greatest time ever if you enjoy “diy” or just building shit for fun

Bruno. S. - 2019-01-09

Perfect <3

Yeros Syle - 2018-10-09

That is SO cool :D
One of these days, one of these days...

Pedro Teixeira - 2018-09-22

That is some amazing problem solving and persistence, great work! Love all the details provided about the whole process, too.

Mc Cc - 2019-01-04

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and talent.

Grackle FPV - 2018-09-03

That guy when you were flying it telling you stuff! Haha one of the biggest hatreds in the RC and FPV community!

But for real, awesome video and project!

Mark Peterman - 2019-12-12

Slow-motion camera is absolutely awesome this thing is spectacular well done🌹

TAOFLEDERMAUS - 2018-08-28

There is no stopping you when you sent your mind to something! I would have thought the body of the craft would have to spin in the opposite direction of the fan from the torque. That blows my mind!

Barskor1 - 2018-09-17

Hey your ripping off the person who invented the wheel! IP (intellectual property) is the retardation of the advance of humanity.

humbughumbughumbug - 2018-09-18

I agree. He didn't say that he invented single-prop flight. (There are more easily found prior arts) But tesla500 is saying he found a cheap source of thrust and is sharing the design. That's it. Nothing stolen, everything given away for free. Why would anyone complain about that???

Jeremy Lee Shields - 2018-09-20

But would it fit in a shotgun shell ? 🤔

humbughumbughumbug - 2018-09-20

@Jeremy Lee Shields ...Or could it fly with mercury-powered razor-bey-blades piloted by black widows?

Mitchell Mitchell - 2019-01-10

TAOFLEDERMAUS yo! I love your channel, yet here you are watching the same vid as me! Waaassssuuuuupppp!

Blake Richter - 2018-09-01

This is amazing!

Julio Munoz - 2018-09-03

Great work!, I want to attach two of these to my back!!

Just Imagine - 2018-09-08

The amazing flying coffee can!

CJWarlock - 2019-01-11

Wow, the amount of work and thought and testing that went into this... :-O Congrats! :) And the slow motion sequences look very nice. :)

DankPlank - 2018-08-28

Next year:

'Local man made his own leafblower, now has air speed record.'

Jean-Baptiste Bonaparte - 2018-09-20

"Ok, let's go to Mars with this now", Elon Musk.

_ Rosinante - 2018-09-07


Lenny Gordon - 2018-09-16

Electric Bumble Bee! I love it!