> chemistry > explosifs > trinitrophenol-vs-dinitrophenol

A Battle of Nitrophenols & 2, 4 DNP: A Risky Diet Pill Ingredient

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-19

Per the request of one of my viewers, 
I demonstrate the energetic properties of dinitrophenol & comp them.

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R Johnson - 2021-01-20

This channel is amazing to watch, I hope you get a lot more subscribers in the future!

A small question:
In your experience, which metal acetylide is the most practical (considering both sensitivity and energetic properties)?

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-23

@Ꭼxpl๏sives Ꮮab๏rat๏rƴ aren't HMTA SALTS generally OB+?

Ꭼxpl๏sives Ꮮab๏rat๏rƴ - 2021-01-24

@PbN3 2
HDN OB = -1600/266.212 × (12+7-6)
Oxygen ballance of HDN = -78.13 ❳.

MDN OB = -1600/152.146 × (6+4-6)
Oxygen ballance of MDN = -42.06 ❳.

Melamine dinitrate is much more oxy balanced than Hexamine dinitrate, with a difference of 36.07 closer to zero.

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-24

@Ꭼxpl๏sives Ꮮab๏rat๏rƴ ok cool. Ty 4 that.😉

Copper Chopper - 2021-01-30

inspite of being a copper loving person i can tell you that copper 1 acetylide is a bad explosive and only make pops and needs confinement or oxidizer support to blow up

PbN3 2 - 2021-02-02

@Copper Chopper I too love copper chem, but yea, copper acetylide sux. The only good acetylide is silver acetylide & SADS.

joe estes - 2021-03-13

Just wanted to say i just enjoy your channel and i definitely subscribed, i enjoy the energetics the most. Thanks for sharing!

PbN3 2 - 2021-03-13

Thx. Man!

tachi koma - 2021-01-20

liked it, thanks a lot. If I recall correctly the worst you can do with picric acid is to store them in metal canisters and then forget about them, right?

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-20

Umm... Ok, u totally lost me w/ur WWI comment.😂 Please elaborate...

tachi koma - 2021-01-20

@PbN3 2 Picric acid was still used in World War 1 (especially by the french if I recall correctly) and that they had their fair share of accidents with that due to being used in artillery shells and whatnot. One of the reasons Germany started using TNT was that it was much safer to store compared to picric acid.

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-20

AHH, ok. Interesting. Thank you for the clarification.
As far as picric acid's uses in WWI go, I know that they also chlorinated it to obtain chloropicrin, which was a gaseous weapon.

stamasd - 2021-01-20

@PbN3 2 "Melinite" was the French name for melt-cast picric acid used to fill shells. Also used as "Lyddite" by the UK and "shimose" by Japan. The major French accidents were not caused by it though, but by their "poudre B" which was based on impure nitrocellulose - they lost a couple of battleships due to it auto-igniting. But the main picric acid accident was the Halifax explosion https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halifax_Explosion which almost razed the town. It was so powerful that it threw a gun from one of the ships involved almost 4 miles away.

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-20

@stamasd I had heard picric acid referred to as Melinite b4, but never knew where it came from. Neat!

Andy G - 2021-04-21

Unfair comparison. Both powders seems to be wet. DNP require only 4% of water to suppress explosive properties. On another hand TNP needs minimum 26% of water for non explosion. MOD performed experiments back in 1973. Just search “ The effect of added water on explosive performance” on Google.

PbN3 2 - 2021-04-21

I'm sure they were both hydrated yes

smallville b - 2021-03-12

Are you sure that is not lead picrate? neither DNP or TNP burn like that. they burn slow And it is quite hard to detonate TNP by flame of heat itself. also DNP and TNP are not primary energetic compounds, they are secondary.... food for thought

PbN3 2 - 2021-03-12

No it was fresh made tnp. Prolly some K contam tho from making my nitric in situ

NVMA POMPILIVS - 2021-02-13

i thought both TNP and DNP were both secondaries and not primaries

PbN3 2 - 2021-02-13

DNP is nothing afaik, but TNP is often used in dets along with smt else like PETN.

R Johnson - 2021-01-19


PoorMansChemist - 2021-01-20

Great video buddy!!! Very cool shit! 🥰🥰🥰

PbN3 2 - 2021-01-20

Y TY!🥰