> socialpsy-microeco > how-to-be-a-pirate-quartermaster-edition-the-business-model-and-societal-organization-of-pirates-metaphor-for-a-modern-company

How to be a Pirate: Quartermaster Edition 📙📈

CGP Grey - 2020-06-02

‣ Adapted largely from The Invisible Hook.  It's great, go read it: https://amzn.to/36PLKSE
‣ Grey's 2-hour Director's Commentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efhut46ylC4&list=PLqs5ohhass_Ti_MyDhtRvw59GgGKcdstB

## Special Thanks

Peter T. Leeson for reviewing a draft of the script.  Check out his newest book, "WTF?!: An Economic Tour of the Weird": https://amzn.to/3eEMm09 

## Crowdfunders

Steven Snow,  Bob Kunz, John Buchan, Nevin Spoljaric, Donal Botkin, BN-12, Chris Chapin, Richard Jenkins, Phil Gardner, Martin, سليمان العقل, Steven Grimm, Colin Millions, Saki Comandao, Jason Lewandowski, Andrea Di Biagio, David F Watson, Ben Schwab, Elliot Lepley, rictic, Bobby, Marco Arment, Shallon Brown, Shantanu Raj, emptymachine, George Lin, Henry Ng, Jeffrey Podis, Thunda Plum, Awoo, David Tyler, Derek Bonner, Derek Jackson, Fuesu, iulus, Jordan Earls, Joshua Jamison, Mikko, Nick Fish, Nick Gibson, Orbit_Junkie, Ron Bowes, Tómas Árni Jónasson, Tyler Bryant, Zach Whittle, Oliver Steele, Kermit Norlund, Kevin Costello, Ben Delo, Arctic May, Bear, chrysilis, David Palomares, Emil, Erik Parasiuk, Esteban Santana Santana, Freddi Hørlyck, Frederick The Great, John Rogers, ken mcfarlane, Leon, Maarten van der Blij, Peter Lomax, Rhys Parry, ShiroiYami, Tijmen van Dien, Tristan Watts-Willis, Veronica Peshterianu, Dag Viggo Lokøen, John Lee, Maxime Zielony, Bryan McLemore, Elizabeth Keathley, Alex Simonides, Felix Weis, Melvin Sowah, Giulio Bontadini, Paul Alom, Ryan Tripicchio, Scot Melville

## Music

David Rees: http://www.davidreesmusic.com

CGP Grey - 2020-06-02

The Captain's Version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YFeE1eDlD0

Sean N - 2021-03-20

did he join?

B1AZ3 P1AYZ - 2021-03-23

Did I become a pirate or somethin'?

Stigma - 2021-05-30

Thank you for explaining me, that I would have been a Pirate if I would have been living in this era.

truckjumperdude - 2021-06-03


Oachkatzl - 2021-06-10

I have a question. Do Pirates ”attack” other Pirates?

VanillaIke - 2020-08-17

Kids : Let’s play pirates
One Kid : I’ll be the Captain
Young Grey: I’ll be the Quartermaster

Callie Remeikis - 2021-07-28

I’ll be apart of the crew

And gamble away my profits

Blacc Oreo - 2021-08-12


cynthia edith - 2021-08-19

@dragonbretheren ok so do we sing a sea shanty?

Xero Aishintu - 2021-08-21

Let's play pirates, he said. It'd be fun, he said.
Two bloody years later and here we are on the high seas, and we've got tons of treasure, but George lost an eye! And me? Me, well, I lost me an arm and a leg. Granted, injuries are low, and our treasure high, so we must be doing something right?

Gen. Xenon - 2021-08-26

@Jogailė Jurkonytė INFINITE PAPER

RodvyVideo - 2020-08-26

I love this format SO MUCH. By that I mean where there are characters explaining the world they live in to another character as opposed to explaining directly to the viewer. Your poetic writing lends itself so well to this theme. Please do more.

Zako Bip - 2021-06-07

he did more

Dorkmax - 2021-07-10

Especially two perspectives, not always contradictory, but definitely at odds

Andrew Scott - 2021-07-20

Amen to that! What a fantastic video

Blacc Oreo - 2021-08-12

Agreed. His videos are fun.

Wasim Mohammad • 14 years ago - 2021-08-24

just watch samonella (he hasnt uploaded for a year, but still active on his secret shorts channel) and oversimplified who uploads every 3-4 months

Ognitron - 2020-08-23

Legend has it he's still making the captain and the quartermaster retell their sides over and over and over again.

Skiller50 General - 2021-06-07

Not that the Captain would mind, he gets to talk about BRANDING a whole lot.

Genalynne San Juan - 2021-07-27

Plot Twist: He is Hired By The Empire To Stall Time So They can be arrested

Chef that does cheffing - 2021-07-30

@Genalynne San Juan The guy who was asking them over and over again: "If you haven't noticed, you've fallen right into my trap"

Evan Hartshorn - 2021-08-17

Just checked.

Still true.

Matthew Anderson - 2021-08-22

The captain and quartermaster have been trapped in an infinite time loop

chaosmech2011 - 2020-08-16

The Captain waxes poetic, the Quartermaster waxes philosophical.

The swabbey waxes the deck.

Bandido Kidd - 2021-04-09

the powdermonkey waxes cANNONS

ShroudedWolf51 - 2021-04-17

@Jovin D'souza Underrated....the second highest rated comment?

Jovin D'souza - 2021-04-28

@ShroudedWolf51 it had almost no likes when I wrote that

Dorkmax - 2021-07-10

I'd say the quartermaster waxes financial

Zachary Chandra - 2021-08-07

I'd like to speak to the swabby.

sakthi sd - 2020-11-25

Ah yes, the 8 traits : strength, cruelty, aggression, loyalty, intellect, saw skills, seasickness and YAARRR

Captain Crunch - 2021-06-26

AAARGH I see a many a crew with ye traits!

AbsquOre - 2021-08-12

There are only 6 traits : Strength, dexterity , constitution, intelligence, wisdom and charisma

cynthia edith - 2021-08-14

The more YARRR you have the more people give up!

Treytonland Playz - 2021-08-14

@AbsquOre r/woooosh

Speedy2619 - 2021-08-18

What makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L.

Nathan Fitzgerald - 2020-11-08

0:50 Already, Grey is showing his love for the humble hexagon...

Raiyan Lynch - 2021-01-25


are the bestagons

smart art - 2021-04-03

And triangles and many othr shapes wanna be the bestagon but that woukd be the hexagon

smart art - 2021-04-04

Humble bumble

Silentwater 90 - 2021-05-25

But ofcourse! Hexagons are the bestagons afterall ^^

The Blue Phoenix: Captain Gamer - 2021-06-25

@Muh Wyndham goddamnit we're never getting that gift

KildroneInfinite - 2020-12-28

When a teacher talks in dull monotone it is hard to focus and stay awake. Somehow when Grey does it I am paying attention to every word.

Mat860000 - 2021-07-10

Rythm. The rythm is careful made.

skullman2033 - 2021-08-04

@Mat860000 and the topic

Spencer Bradley - 2020-12-12

CGP Grey: Releases dozens of well-researched, highly informative videos covering a broad and diverse array of subjects, in an interesting format.

Also CGP Grey: Lol...booty.

internet person - 2021-05-27

Quartermaster: Treasure

scarlet koon - 2020-07-19

I like how when the quartermaster starts talking about costs and accounting of pirating, the captain just looks out of the porthole because he's more interested in "branding"

These details make me love grey's videos so so much

Mil X - 2021-03-03

Time stamp?

Ezra Young - 2021-07-19

@Mil X 5:46

Mil X - 2021-07-21

@Ezra Young thx

Matsu_ Moshi - 2020-11-10

"You're demoted to 1/8th master."
-Stede Bonnet,The internet historian

M. Yousaf - 2020-11-26

Octer. 1/16 will be Hoxer.

Johan Runfeldt - 2021-03-01

So THAT'S why they call the coin "Piece of eight"?

Red was Taken - 2021-03-29

not nearly as catchy

John Smith - 2021-04-03

1 1/16 shares baby

TDma c - 2021-05-18

@Red was Taken it’s a reference to a story of a wealthy Englishman turned pirate, who wasn’t a very astute pirate. But still a pirate nonetheless. Great story I recommend (Stede Bonnet)

eatfruitsalad345 - 2020-10-01

5:37 love how the quartermaster's sleepy eyes open up when he sees the money hahahaha

sociallyawkwardpenguin - 2021-02-19

And he smiles

Yndndbe Hdhdhbs - 2021-04-19


11_Jason Maxmilan A. - 2020-10-10

1:05 i would kill for this design of pirate ship management rpg style game

BigFatPenguin 1 - 2021-04-20

Just get a anchor not like these guys

bloodstone ore - 2021-04-20

@11_Jason Maxmilan A. how is it?

Danhil - 2021-04-23

Sea Dogs: Caribbean Tales might be what you're looking for.

Mckenzie Welsh - 2021-05-25

Play her majesty’s ship. It’s like that but empire edition.

Anonymous User - 2021-06-28

I believe there was an old pirate's of the Caribbean game like this

Joy Chang IsmEta - 2020-06-05

The captain is Grey with coffee,
and the quartermaster is Grey without it.

Thexpgamer1795 - 2020-09-03

It’s not coffee... Its meth

Fiona Kriner - 2020-10-11

I think the captain may be Grey in an alternate universe,
and the quartermaster is Grey with and without it.

Pun Goblin - 2020-11-07

Jamey: Umm, Grey, I don’t think that the captain should torture the survivors of the other ship...

Grey, holding a real knife and rope: it is the only way

Conflict Brooks - 2021-08-21

Damn, coffee makes him speak in ryhms and alliterations?

James Potter - 2021-08-24

5700th like!

SerpentStare - 2020-10-12

I love the way you've set up the classic tonal difference between Marketing side and Accounting side within the popular, memetic, and terrifyingly cruel (in reality) world of piracy. Including a fair bit of the stereotypical difference in attitude.

Accountants and their ilk are joked to be dull, humorless, over-reliant on rules and without initiative or creativity.
Conversely, salesmen and their ilk are joked to be unscrupulous, immoral and manipulative, without regard for truth and honesty.
I heard it said in business school that generally students either loved Marketing and hated Accounting or the reverse, and there's a mote of truth to that; Many students I knew found the rules of accounting confusing and exceedingly dull... Whereas I found the "right answers" in marketing to be infuriatingly arbitrary.

Of course, business demands some success of both sides to function well.

Tippex - 2020-08-22

Can we also get ones for the empire? So one from the captain, and maybe one from a crewmemeber. Also, would you consider doing a few more for the pirates (eg one for a crew member and another for someone who work for pirates but was severely injured and got little out of it.

theyellowmeteor - 2021-07-25

You're a peasant in the empire. Most of what you make is taken by the monarch in the form of taxes. The monarch incentivizes you to keep being a law abiding citizen because acting in the interests of the crown is the morally right thing to do, and if you try any funny business you'll be executed and your soul will burn in hell forever.

crickets - 2021-05-03

The captain is so cute "ask me about branding" WITH HIS BIG SMILE AWWW

NuclearHedgehog72 - 2020-07-18

4:59 - I will enforce the rules of this vessel with my stand: Great Britain!

The Travelling Wanderer - 2021-04-18

Yare yare daze.

Brian Lam - 2021-04-18


Pablo Pereyra - 2021-04-24


Hyper Nova - 2021-04-29

With my stand: Union Jack

Thraex Gladiator - 2021-08-12

CGP Grey’s Bizarre Adventure

Bi$harp - 2020-06-04

The monotone really sells the “this is just a business like any other” theme

Wasim Mohammad • 14 years ago - 2021-08-24

1.3k likes without replies?

Venus Left - 2020-07-13

Socrates: “would you want people voting for a captain?” Pirates: “yes.”

Adrian - 2020-07-09

This was very insightful, Grey. I had no clue the quartermaster was so vital to the ship's overall operation.

Aimless Savant - 2020-09-30

I love how eventually the captain gets bored of the Quartermaster, and just starts looking out the gun port!

Profreshinal - 2020-07-16

How to be a Pirate: Surgeon Edition
How to be a Pirate: Carpenter Edition
How to be a Pirate: Crew’s Edition
And finally
How to be a Pirate: Empire Edition

Eevee - 2021-04-27

Empire edition: "No."

nolan nolan - 2021-06-25


pedro pedrohan - 2021-07-04

"oh yeah it's all coming together"

Preston Funk - 2021-07-20

How to be a pirate empire edition script leaked "So you wanna be pirate, DONT.

Tappajaav - 2021-08-03

@nolan nolan Ö

Gromveka - 2020-12-11

I cannot express how much this makes my accountant heart happy!

Mateo Wang - 2020-10-02

3:48 The surgeon has the lowest stats in "cruelty"? I'm not so sure about that...

Nathan - 2021-02-04

@ZetaD Ah, a fellow Medic player, i see.

999九九九999 - 2021-02-12


Bloody Hell - 2021-02-15

@999九九九999 YOU ARE CRUEL

Mil X - 2021-03-03

@999九九九999 I am fully charged!

Regular NAME - 2021-04-08

Healing is not rewarding as a hurting

aiden Zeng - 2020-08-25

5:37 the only time the quartermaster smiles.

ism - 2020-11-04

Inquirer: It's an adventure!
Quartermaster: No, it's a business.
Captain: It's a game!
Quartermaster: No, it's a business.

delancyj67 - 2020-10-01

5:42 "Our customers, occasionally!" I laughed so hard at this. CGP, you sir, are an internet treasure.

El Macheto - 2021-02-02

I'm stuck in the loop... it has been weeks

Grimmanius Games - 2021-05-15

I'd like to hear... From the captain

apple tree - 2020-10-06

4:45 Ah yes, my favorite personality trait: Yarrr!

CrumblingCookie - 2021-07-01

6:22 “I became a pirate as the gold in this grail chose its form” is BEAUTIFUL

Mathster2009 - 2020-06-17

“I’d like to speak with The Empire.”

Ratpo - 2021-06-27

Id like to speak to a crewmember

Hakan Karaağaç - 2021-07-28

Pirates were also histories greatest thieves murderers and rapists. Not this fake comrades in arms Hollywood fantasy.
Stop sympathizing with them deluding yourself these were all purely socio economic factors.

MAsKR lzxw - 2021-08-01

@pbfloyd13 if you are lucky you will be with a kind captian and we will get rich together fighting off pirates and plundering the new world , backed by the mighty empire

Thraex Gladiator - 2021-08-12

@Jorge Shaft … I’d like to speak to that merchant

Wasim Mohammad • 14 years ago - 2021-08-24

we need that

MrZomBIE16 - 2020-07-07

The captain is remembered while the quarter master is informative

GalloViking - 2021-01-16

"If there is no surgeon, the carpenter will be surgeon."
Does he get twice the pay?

Osmosis Jones - 2021-02-01

No, because that wouldn't be equal

-- - 2021-02-22

Depends on the pirate crew

Nahm8 Art - 2020-09-03

I absolutely adore this two-perspective approach, grey <3

Ryan Sondgeroth - 2020-07-13

Love this series. You should do a “crewman edition” to get a different perspective

Sinead Thomas - 2020-06-02

“I’d like to talk to that guy”
“I’d like to talk to the captain”

Oh god! It’s an infinite loop!

yeka - 2021-01-29

i hate youtube they wont show us anythig new

Sophie de Bruijn - 2021-02-07

He found the secret to infinite views!

Aaron Wildschut - 2021-02-11

Well to understand recursion, you've got to understand recursion.

GamingLot - 2021-02-22

How to get infinite views.

Harry Asimellis - 2021-03-11

I've been stuck here for 3 months

Dallas Rover - 2021-01-04

These two videos might be my favorites that Grey has ever done. Not only do you learn about pirates, but about branding and economics, too. :)

Anachronity - 2021-06-30

This makes me want to have an absolute deadpan business-minded quartermaster in my next D&D game

Smol Opossum Maxwell - 2020-12-11

How to be a modern pirate:
Step 1. Own a computer.
Step 2. Google; "free download (random series/movie)"
Step 3. Go to one of the results.
Step 4. If website doesn't work, go back to step 3, repeat till working website is found.

Bilbo Baggins - 2020-10-09

The narrator sounds like a disappointed father explaining to his son why he'll never amount to anything in life.

bananya - 2020-06-02

I love how the quartermaster has a completely different voice than the pirate. CGP Grey is a voice actor confirmed

Let B - 2020-06-05

Different personality entirely...

Zorua Hunter - 2020-06-08

The captain smiling so cheerfully while the quartermaster explains things seriously is so cute

smeni - 2020-06-10

@Benjamin Price *greys impersonation of himself

Greg Rosenbaum - 2020-06-11

This... this is a joke, right?

Nikki Griffin - 2020-06-14

I think much of it is in the writing but yes CGP is a voice actor confirmed.

Joshua Crawford - 2020-12-04

1:30 When the anime studio blows its whole budget on that one fight scene

vocalnerd - 2021-07-16

I really like the legally distinct pirates theme playing in the background

Caleb Holliman - 2021-02-17

The more time goes on the more this deal sounds enticing

A Person - 2021-05-02

this whole thing is like a gaming simulation, especially with the music

JakeTheGeni - 2020-06-02

Pirates are so overdramatized in books and movies, yet their real story is just as interesting!

Link Layer - 2020-07-10

@Natasel I doubt you've actually looked for historian's take on pirates.

Sol - 2020-10-10

Many of the overdramatizstions were fueled by "historians" back in the 18th century that actually just made up a lot of stuff. Which is partially why they stuck.

Like the captain video said, they wanted branding. Ie, propaganda, "fear us, we did x thing". So a lot of it was purposefully spread rumors that eventually became widely known

HELL O - 2020-10-12

@Kriegs Commissar McCraw I might be wrong, but raiding a trade ship or two would still give them quite a lot of money. It's not gonna make them a strong and united political power, but still

johnny phycho - 2020-10-16

@Cereal With Water and double that apparently

Iced white chocolate mocha frappucino - 2020-10-16

@Rod Weiler know im pretty late but you should watch black sails, a tv series about un-romanticised pirates with good characters and story

Duffy Boi - 2021-02-05

The captain is the one you'd want to talk too. And the Quartermaster is the one you need to talk too.

entZEROspawn - 2020-07-28

This could be the intro to a great game actually. "Pirats. Treasurer and spreadsheets."

San Picciarelli - 2021-02-16

I love this too much.
I wonder: "How to be a Pirate: Poor Bastard Walking the Plank Edition"?