> RG > how-to-understand-the-image-of-a-black-hole-veritasium

How to Understand the Black Hole Image

Veritasium - 2019-04-09

We have just seen the first image of a black hole, the supermassive black hole in the galaxy M87 with a mass 6.5 billion times that of our sun. But what is that image really showing us?

This is an awesome paper on the topic by J.P. Luminet:
Image of a spherical black hole with thin accretion disk
Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 75, no. 1-2, May 1979, p. 228-235

Using my every day intuition I wondered: will we see the "shadow" of the black hole even if we're looking edge on at the accretion disk? The answer is yes because the black hole warps space-time, so even if we wouldn't normally be able to see the back of the accretion disk, we can in this case because its light is bent up and over the black hole. Similarly we can see light from the bottom of the back of the accretion disk because it's bent under the bottom of the black hole. Plus there are additional images from light that does a half turn around the black hole leading to the inner rings.

What about the black hole "shadow" itself? Well initially I thought it can't be an image of the event horizon because it's so much bigger (2.6 times bigger). But if you trace back the rays, you find that for every point in the shadow, there is a corresponding ray that traces back to the event horizon. So in fact from our one observing location, we see all sides of the event horizon simultaneously! In fact infinitely many of these images, accounting for the virtually infinite number of times a photon can orbit the black hole before falling in. The edge of the shadow is due to the photon sphere - the radius at which light goes around in closed orbits. If a light ray coming in at an oblique angle just skims the photon sphere and then travels on to our telescopes, that is the closest 'impact parameter' possible, and it occurs at sqrt(27)/2*r_s

Huge thanks to:
Prof. Geraint Lewis 
University of Sydney https://ve42.co/gfl
Like him, I'm hoping (predicting?) we'll see some moving images of black holes tomorrow

Prof. Rana Adhikari
Caltech https://ve42.co/Rana

Riccardo Antonelli - for excellent images of black holes, simulations and ray-tracing code, check out:

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration
Check out their resources and get your local link for the livestream here: https://ve42.co/EHT

Special thanks to Patreon supporters:
Donal Botkin, Michael Krugman, Ron Neal, Stan Presolski, Terrance Shepherd, Penward Rhyme

Filming by Raquel Nuno
Animation by Maria Raykova

Veritasium - 2019-04-10

OK, just over an hour to go! This is the link to the Washington DC National Science Foundation livestream: https://ve42.co/NSFstream
Click here for links to other live streams (there are several available in different countries): https://ve42.co/EHTstream

PepeFrogLive - 2020-10-15

I hope we find the Interstellar black hole in space. That would be a great looking image.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-15

@PepeFrogLive bend over, look between legs.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-15

post it on facebook

DCMFB - 2020-10-31

Ah ha ah ha the gravity of the picture aha aha

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

Relativity is all mistaken. For example, time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading charged at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously

Gravitational lensing is a misinterpretation of the hot gas on the Sun or gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity.

Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of Coulomb's force at work. All lines of sight charged particles are connected by F=Ke x PQ/R^2, and therefore, act as entangled.

Light speed in vacuum space is 3 x 10^8 m/s is wrong, light does not propagate in vacuum space, light induces light instantly at any distance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtsXgODHMWk&t=17s Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second. Light speed in water is the length of the bottle divide by how many frames. The same way can measure light speed in air and vacuum. Can prove light speed in vacuum space is infinite.

ElectroBOOM - 2019-04-10

It's funny, the black hole image they got is exactly the same as you drew on your black board. Why did they spend so much when they could just ask you to draw it?! Good job!

Ambonec - 2020-10-17

(addressed to OP) kudos for 𝘸𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨 (or is that 𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘨?) your head around this

DA PHENOMENALS - 2020-10-17

@Rony Ronouk so you are trying to clear ELECTROBOOM🤣🤣🤣🤣

Bob Joe - 2020-10-26

@Rony Ronouk Usually I despise people that require that comments start with "I know you are joking but...." but I feel like yours needs one because a very select few would need it.

Rony Ronouk - 2020-10-30

@Bob Joe Are you feeling happy commenting this? If yes, it's okay. I am astonished with your patience of reading all the comment and then selecting a few to copy and paste your "intelligent wisdom". Keep it up

*usually I despise people that require this type of comment but a very select few would need it.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

Relativity is all mistaken. For example, time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading charged at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously

Gravitational lensing is a misinterpretation of the hot gas on the Sun or gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity.

Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of Coulomb's force at work. All lines of sight charged particles are connected by F=Ke x PQ/R^2, and therefore, act as entangled.

Light speed in vacuum space is 3 x 10^8 m/s is wrong, light does not propagate in vacuum space, light induces light instantly at any distance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtsXgODHMWk&t=17s Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second. Light speed in water is the length of the bottle divide by how many frames. The same way can measure light speed in air and vacuum. Can prove light speed in vacuum space is infinite.

J.Chill - 2020-02-06

Watching this 9 months later to realize how incredible CLOSE his chalkboard drawing was. About 99% accurate to the real picture!

Roman Bintz - 2020-11-02

He was hacking

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

Relativity is all mistaken. For example, time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading charged at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously

Gravitational lensing is a misinterpretation of the hot gas on the Sun or gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity.

Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of Coulomb's force at work. All lines of sight charged particles are connected by F=Ke x PQ/R^2, and therefore, act as entangled.

Light speed in vacuum space is 3 x 10^8 m/s is wrong, light does not propagate in vacuum space, light induces light instantly at any distance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtsXgODHMWk&t=17s Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second. Light speed in water is the length of the bottle divide by how many frames. The same way can measure light speed in air and vacuum. Can prove light speed in vacuum space is infinite.

Mautik Ganvir - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution Don't bark, prove. You'll get Nobel. Whatever you are saying has no base, just bold claims. You have to prove it to make it right.

Otherwise just SHUT UP.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

@Mautik Ganvir The Scientific Lie Of The Ocean Tide

All scientists think the tide is caused by the moon's and sun's gravity. All textbooks say so.

But the fact is not. Tide is impossible to be caused by the moon's and sun's gravity.


If you put some water in the space between the earth and the moon, what will happen?

The water will accelerate at the force direction until it hits the earth or the moon depend on their distance.

Saying tide is caused by the moon's gravity is absurd, fully demonstrated how stupid theoretical physicists are.

They can't even think rationally.

If the moon's gravity is causing ocean tide, it must be stronger than the earth's gravity at sea level.

Why tide is not caused by the sun's or moon's gravity?

All matters are governed by gravity. Stronger gravity dominates all matters motions. Matters on earth are governed by earth's gravity only.

If the sun's gravity can affect matters on earth, then day time the sea level will be higher, the daylight side atmosphere will be higher. Summertime tide will be higher than the Wintertime tide.

From common sense, if the tide is caused by the sun's or moon's gravity, then the highest tide should be under the solar eclipse path.

There should be two high tides move around the earth near the equator every day, one high tide follows the overhead sun and one high tide follows the overhead moon. Near the poles should be all low tides.

High tides should be moving around the earth from east to west not locally up and down.

If high tide is moving around the earth at 1000 miles per hour near the equator, can ships get a free ride? If high tide is not moving around the earth, the present tide theory is not correct.

Sun's attraction force s equal to the earth's centrifugal force, therefore stable orbit.

Sun's and moon's gravity are impossible to cause tide. Scientists should seek out the true mechanism.

Mautik Ganvir - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution You clearly don't understand science well then. Its your interpretation of scientific concepts are well...WRONG.
ARE YOU HOMESCHOOLED?? You clearly seem like homeschool Idiot.
And i think nobody should waste their time teaching you each and every basics of science. You are too Ignorant to learn anything.
Just don't start your FLAT BRAIN SOCIETY, we have enough stupids like you.
Until you look into why your claims are wrong, don't bother spamming the feed anywhere.
Come back when you really make breakthrough with your concepts. With NOBEL.
There is lots of gibberish and incorrect understanding of science in your texts to even correct you for each one of it. Get a life. Learn in proper school.

WarpRulez - 2020-08-05

Fun fact: When they were making that movie, Interstellar, they tried to simulate mathematically accurately what the black hole would look like from far away more or less just as an experiment, expecting it to look so boring that they would have to embellish it in order to make it more interesting for the movie, but when they saw the end result it was so spectacular-looking that they decided to go with the mathematically accurate visuals.

Sarbecue Bauce - 2020-10-12

@WarpRulez Right? Literally, "I don't understand it so it must be wrong."

The sheer arrogance on that one.

By the way, I appreciate you taking the time to address those points. You might not convince this... interesting fellow, but you taught me a couple things I didn't know about black hole formation, so thank you.

Curtis Warren BTW STOP BEGGING - 2020-10-16


Water Falls - 2020-10-17

@SWL- 1 they're just two words.

The Gaming begginers - 2020-10-31

@sonicx254's here whats your first and second favourite

sonicx254's here - 2020-11-01

@The Gaming begginers Oh now its my first after i rewatched it like a couple of months ago, so the dark knight and umm im forgetting the other one, they go further down the tier list now! there shall only be one fav movie. hbu?

Azim Hamidun - 2020-02-03

its amazing to see how science theory predicts on the yet discovered things in our universe and yet some people still think the world is flat

Griffisme ! - 2020-10-15

@Plane Reality good impersonation. I almost thought that you were actually one of those flat tards. If you were, I would ask you what is the reason behind lying. Not to mention the absurd amount of people required to be in on it

Griffisme ! - 2020-10-15

@Plane Reality Oh god, are you actually a flat tard? "You can't have an atmosphere next to a vacuum." You don't know how space works, do you?

Sakht Launda - 2020-10-23

Yeah mostly people of Islamic beliefs do that😆

Himanshu Yadav - 2020-10-27

Earth is a donut

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

Relativity is all mistaken. For example, time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading charged at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously

Gravitational lensing is a misinterpretation of the hot gas on the Sun or gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity.

Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of Coulomb's force at work. All lines of sight charged particles are connected by F=Ke x PQ/R^2, and therefore, act as entangled.

Light speed in vacuum space is 3 x 10^8 m/s is wrong, light does not propagate in vacuum space, light induces light instantly at any distance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtsXgODHMWk&t=17s Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second. Light speed in water is the length of the bottle divide by how many frames. The same way can measure light speed in air and vacuum. Can prove light speed in vacuum space is infinite.

Lutfi Prayogi - 2020-06-12

He really makes a complicated thing easy to understand.

And I still don’t get what he explains.

Protoka - 2020-10-01

It's a black hole. He's explaining accretion disks and gravitational lensing. There's accretion disks in Mass Effect 2, pretty neat game, pretty neat stellar phenomena.

MANOJ KUMAR - 2020-10-02

@Protoka what are you studying now,🤔😊

Protoka - 2020-10-02

Optimal muscle group stimulation for best efficient workout. It's an iterative process.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

Relativity tards think gravity is not a force but the gravity of a black hole can attract or bend light to make it disappear. They think gravity is not a force but gravitational waves propagating in space at light speed 3 x 10^8 m/s.

A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.[1] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. Wiki

What is spacetime? Mater or energy or BS? How to deform spacetime? What mechanism?

Monkey science becomes mainstream, so sad.

Fed up w. all most Everyone - 2020-10-15

@Science Revolution

SingaporeSkater - 2019-04-15

Walter Lewin, legendary physics lecturer, just cited this video of yours as the best explanation of the image, in case you didn't know.

Ethan Yu - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution LOL I've gotta say, for a troll on YT, you really are putting in a lot of work (though "work" may be exaggerating the fallible drivel that you are mindlessly writing). I'll even give you some tips: maybe go attack some theories and laws that have not been empirically proven and verified over and over again? There's a whole world of unintuitive (at least unintuitive in the world of classical mechanicals) theories and thms in physics that you can much more easily apply your illogical reasoning to.

yourgu4rd - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution "If the moon's gravity is causing ocean tide, it must be stronger than the earth's gravity at sea level."

- There is your problem. The gravity of the moon doesnt has to be stronger than the force of earth.
Its just counteracting and weakening the force of earth. Thats enough.

Imagine a seesaw: On one side sits a 100 kg person and on the other side a 50 kg person.
Surly, the weight of the 50 kg person cant lift the person on the other side.
BUT a third person, who came along and wants to lift the 100 kg person, needs less force than he expected, because the 50kg weight on the other side is helping him.

Who is the third person in the picture of tides? Its the water near the poles, which is pulled slighty to the equator and that results in pressure.

"There should be two high tides move around the earth near the equator every day,..."
- yes, thats what we see.

"High tides should be moving around the earth from east to west not locally up and down."
- There is no difference. Thats what a wave is, just up and down for an observer in one location.

"If high tide is moving around the earth at 1000 miles per hour near the equator, can ships get a free ride?"
- That wave is not very steep, you know?

"Sun's attraction force s equal to the earth's centrifugal force, therefore stable orbit."
- Correct.
But you have different speeds on day and night side. So, you are slower (- 1600 km/h at the equator) at daytime, so less centrifugal force. But also slightly near at the sun, than the night side (or center of earth) is.
It is completly impossible, that every point on earth is in this "stable orbit". There have to be tiny differences.

"They can't even think rationally."
First, think and calculate, and than complain ;)

Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

@yourgu4rd Think about net force and its direction on seawater

yourgu4rd - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution yeah, think about it.

yourgu4rd - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwChk4S99i4

Weed Weekly - 2020-06-19


Ver Million - 2020-10-29

@Science Revolution go read up on the subject, it doesn't automatically become 'bs' just because it seems very weird or that you don't understand it. Your responses just show how ignorant you are, you only have the right to call it bs if you are an accredited scientist working in the field of study. Your incredulity is not an argument against anything, your lack of understanding is not an argument against anything. Go educate yourself then come back. Then we can have a civilised discussion

Kamran Kambang - 2020-11-02

@Science Revolution as a scientist... You understand nothing of the subject uet. Nothing. Go read more before you come up with argument. You are like a pwrson that read the first page of a dictionary and made the conclusion that words is shallow.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

@Ver Million Theoretical Physics Is Full Of Mistakes

Theoretical physics has been totally messed up since Einstein's relativity became mainstream.

Science became a religion; relativity, quantum mechanics, string theory, the standard model, the big bang theory, and cosmology are all based on imaginary made up word puzzles, impossible assumptions, misinterpretations, and false mathematical equations. No theory is based on fact and logic; no theory has a precise mechanism, or cause and effect explained.

There is no such thing in reality as a photon particle, quantum state, quantum energy, quantum field, quantum gravity, energy level, electron shell, electron-hole, electron cloud, wave-particle duality, wave function collapse, uncertainty principle, black hole, dark matter, dark energy, graviton, virtual particle, space-time, time dilation, gravitational lensing, quantum entanglement, or photoelectric effect. Space cannot tell matter how to move, and matter cannot tell space how to curve. There is no fabric of space-time, no ripples of gravity wave in the vacuum of space.

Confused theoretical physicists try to do science with math instead of logic, observation, and experimentation. The problem is that in their equations they place the symbol t and call it the time when that t really actually represents clock rate. Time certainly is not a dimension.

Space has no direction, no dimension, no matters, no fields, no property. 3 dimensions are invented to describe and measure matters. There is no other dimension, no multi-universe. All theoretical physicists' imaginations.

Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. - Tesla

It is important to realize that in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is. We do not have a picture that energy comes in little blobs of a definite amount. It is not that way. -Feynman

All these fifty years of conscious brooding have brought me no nearer to the answer to the question, “What are light quanta?” Nowadays every Tom, Dick, and Harry thinks he knows it, but he is mistaken. - Einstein

Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

@Kamran Kambang Universal Repulsion Force - a new force is discovered

Ancient Chinese discovered magnetic force, Coulomb described electrostatic force, Newton discovered gravity, I discovered levity and explained magnetic force. The strong force and weak force are imaginary, never can be measured and tested.

All line of sight matters in space are entangled by two forces. Universal gravitational force attracts the whole body of the matters. Universal repulsion force/levity repels the surface of the matters.

Since all matters have electrons on the surface, line of sight electrons repel each other with Coulomb's force F=Ke x E1E1/R^2.

Is Coulomb's force a fact? Are electrons on the surfaces of all matters a fact? Is the line of sight electrons repel each other with Coulomb's force a fact?

This repulsion force is the conductor of radiation and induction. It works like an invisible body less massless rigid rod between matters.

When electrons (negatively charged atom block) oscillating at the surface direction, they carry oscillating longitudinal electrostatic force/light/radiation/radiant energy/EM wave/photon/radiation. The repulsion force between the line of sight matters causes their surface electrons to oscillate at the same frequency simultaneously independent of distance. This is the mechanism of light and so-called EM waves. Radio antenna does not carry flowing electric current but changing voltage, sending a longitudinal oscillating electrostatic force to the line of sight matters simultaneously.

When electrons flowing forth and back in one of the parallel conductors, they carry oscillating parallel electrostatic force. The repulsion force between conductors works as friction causing electrons on other conductors to move forth and back simultaneously. This is the mechanism of induction.

Hold a strong magnet in each hand, the same pole faces each other. If you move one hand in and out, the other hand will move in the same direction simultaneously, this is magnetic force radiation. If you move one hand up and down, the other hand will move up and down simultaneously, this is magnetic force induction.

Forces are invisible massless bodies less rigid arms of matters. All matters are entangled by forces.

Levity Was Once a Scientific Term

Levity originally was thought to be a physical force exactly like gravity but pulling in the opposite direction, like the helium in a balloon. As recently as the 19th century, scientists were still arguing about its existence.

I discovered levity last year, based on proven physical law and known fact. No place publishes my finding for peer review. I asked the top 500 theoretical physics professors around the world, but no one replies. I post it on Reddit, they deleted it.

Why all science forums banned my IP, Reddit blocked my question?

I asked 500 top physics professors the same question, not 1 reply, why?



Science Revolution - 2020-11-02

Relativity is all mistaken. For example, time dilation is a misinterpretation of the timer’s reading charged at a different speed, gravity, or temperature. Put the same clocks in the Sun, Mars, Earth, and flying on a plane, and in a freezer for 24 hours, and every clock will have a different reading, but all spent the same 24 hours simultaneously

Gravitational lensing is a misinterpretation of the hot gas on the Sun or gas clouds in deep space deflected light, not gravity.

Quantum entanglement is a misinterpretation of Coulomb's force at work. All lines of sight charged particles are connected by F=Ke x PQ/R^2, and therefore, act as entangled.

Light speed in vacuum space is 3 x 10^8 m/s is wrong, light does not propagate in vacuum space, light induces light instantly at any distance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtsXgODHMWk&t=17s Visualizing video at the speed of light — one trillion frames per second. Light speed in water is the length of the bottle divide by how many frames. The same way can measure light speed in air and vacuum. Can prove light speed in vacuum space is infinite.

Vedant Naik - 2020-10-10

I have a silly question that's been bugging me for a while now: When I first heard about gravity being able to bend light, I wondered would there ever be a situation where we will be able to see our past out there? (like at 3:13, but the light is essentially bending around a few very heavy objects spread across the universe... if that makes any sense...)

Another way to think about it: When we look at something 1000 lightyears away, we are looking at that thing from 1000 years ago right? So, lets say hypothetically, at 500 lightyears there is a blackhole that bends some light around itself such that its a perfect 180deg. In that case, will we be able to see our solar system from 1000 years ago?

Honey way - 2020-10-15

But then another question comes to mind.... Could stars look further away / in different places than they actually are? I’m just speculating but if the light of a star travels space, get bend over by a black hole, travels again and then comes to us ; would the bending delay the light travel ? And could the bending affect the place we see the star ?

Matteo Tivan - 2020-10-15

@Honey way yes, you would see them in a different position.
One of the first experiments to prove the theory of relativity was conducted during a solar eclipse. Astronomers took a photograph of the stars nearby the eclipse and, comparing it with previous photos taken at night, they found out that the stars were in a different position, just as the relativity predicted. The Sun's gravitational force bended the light of those stars

Imam Khaira - 2020-10-22

Theoretically that is completely possible. However bear in mind that the percentage of light returned back for us to see is very, very, very small since black holes will be rotating, and drags along space-time that the light is in with it, thus making it very hard to find an angle of approach where the light coming in will be reflected back.

Please check this publication for more info https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322329359_Generalized_energy-conserving_numerical_simulations_of_particles_in_general_relativity_I_Time-like_and_null_geodesics

wubs23 - 2020-10-26

As with most interesting science questions: theoretically yes, practically no.

WannabeLynx - 2020-10-27

​@Honey way Look up "MACS J1149.6+2223". It's a supernova which happened 4 times bcs of the bending of light

abhinav soni - 2020-07-12

I have no words to thank you for this!
I teach Physics, and get really overwhelmed when such a great explanation comes.

Michael homes - 2020-10-14

Very sweet to hear how excited you get for your students
-history teacher who apparently got lost

Yann LMP - 2020-03-13

This is honestly the BEST explanation of a black hole ever, thank you so much!

A G - 2020-10-11

@Science Revolution all science is monkey science if you think about it. I'm curious, what are your credentials? Are you qualified to be refuting relativity? Will you offer a sound argument? Or are you falling victim to the Dunning-Kruger effect? The problem with your argument is that science can only operate off of what you can prove and what you can predict. For instance, our knowledge of general relativity allowed us to discern the exact properties of a black hole, including its appearance, without ever having seen one. Can your model do that? If not... it would seem relativity has it beat.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

The Scientific Lie Of The Ocean Tide

All scientists think the tide is caused by the moon's and sun's gravity. All textbooks say so.

But the fact is not. Tide is impossible to be caused by the moon's and sun's gravity.


If you put some water in the space between the earth and the moon, what will happen?

The water will accelerate at the force direction until it hits the earth or the moon depend on their distance.

Saying tide is caused by the moon's gravity is absurd, fully demonstrated how stupid theoretical physicists are.

They can't even think rationally.

If the moon's gravity is causing ocean tide, it must be stronger than the earth's gravity at sea level.

Why tide is not caused by the sun's or moon's gravity?

All matters are governed by gravity. Stronger gravity dominates all matters motions. Matters on earth are governed by earth's gravity only.

If the sun's gravity can affect matters on earth, then day time the sea level will be higher, the daylight side atmosphere will be higher. Summertime tide will be higher than the Wintertime tide.

From common sense, if the tide is caused by the sun's or moon's gravity, then the highest tide should be under the solar eclipse path.

There should be two high tides move around the earth near the equator every day, one high tide follows the overhead sun and one high tide follows the overhead moon. Near the poles should be all low tides.

High tides should be moving around the earth from east to west not locally up and down.

If high tide is moving around the earth at 1000 miles per hour near the equator, can ships get a free ride? If high tide is not moving around the earth, the present tide theory is not correct.

Sun's attraction force s equal to the earth's centrifugal force, therefore stable orbit.

Sun's and moon's gravity are impossible to cause tide. Scientists should seek out the true mechanism.

A G - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution You clearly have zero understanding of what you're talking about. Stop making a fool of yourself.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

@A G sensibly debunk me or trash talk?

Yann LMP - 2020-11-03

@Science Revolution the sun is so far away, its pull is inferior to the pull of the moon.
Earth gravity is what makes the water stick to the globe. The earth rotates at a 1000 miles per hour, not the tide, the water is moving with the earth, and the bulge is created by the moons gravity.
Again, you just don’t understand it and you’re either not qualified or plain dishonest. It’s not wrong or fake just because you don’t understand it.

Saicharan Garrepalli - 2020-01-11

"If you are disappointed by this image I think that misses the GRAVITY of the situation"

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

Relativity tards think gravity is not a force but the gravity of a black hole can attract or bend light to make it disappear. They think gravity is not a force but gravitational waves propagating in space at light speed 3 x 10^8 m/s.

A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it.[1] The theory of general relativity predicts that a sufficiently compact mass can deform spacetime to form a black hole. Wiki

What is spacetime? Mater or energy or BS? How to deform spacetime? What mechanism?

Monkey science becomes mainstream, so sad.

Curtis Warren BTW STOP BEGGING - 2020-10-16

"I tink u mises te EGIS of the situtin"

ObiWahn68 - 2020-10-17

I see what he did there ...

Sakht Launda - 2020-10-23


Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

The Scientific Lie Of The Ocean Tide

All scientists think the tide is caused by the moon's and sun's gravity. All textbooks say so.

But the fact is not. Tide is impossible to be caused by the moon's and sun's gravity.


If you put some water in the space between the earth and the moon, what will happen?

The water will accelerate at the force direction until it hits the earth or the moon depend on their distance.

Saying tide is caused by the moon's gravity is absurd, fully demonstrated how stupid theoretical physicists are.

They can't even think rationally.

If the moon's gravity is causing ocean tide, it must be stronger than the earth's gravity at sea level.

Why tide is not caused by the sun's or moon's gravity?

All matters are governed by gravity. Stronger gravity dominates all matters motions. Matters on earth are governed by earth's gravity only.

If the sun's gravity can affect matters on earth, then day time the sea level will be higher, the daylight side atmosphere will be higher. Summertime tide will be higher than the Wintertime tide.

From common sense, if the tide is caused by the sun's or moon's gravity, then the highest tide should be under the solar eclipse path.

There should be two high tides move around the earth near the equator every day, one high tide follows the overhead sun and one high tide follows the overhead moon. Near the poles should be all low tides.

High tides should be moving around the earth from east to west not locally up and down.

If high tide is moving around the earth at 1000 miles per hour near the equator, can ships get a free ride? If high tide is not moving around the earth, the present tide theory is not correct.

Sun's attraction force s equal to the earth's centrifugal force, therefore stable orbit.

Sun's and moon's gravity are impossible to cause tide. Scientists should seek out the true mechanism.

Hxneyx Qúeen - 2020-05-07

My heart : I want to understand ...i want tooo..i want too
At last my mind: OH ITS 2 dimension SATURN ok

Abdi osman - 2020-07-05


Rodney Johnstone Prime - 2020-11-01

You can be "relativity" confident lol ...not missing the "gravity" of the situation

Thanya Beck - 2020-10-12

Daily New’s Report

Reporter: Man predicts the future of Black Hole picture

Amit T - 2020-03-16

This video is just fu**ing AWESOME!
I grew up thinking black holes are invisible. I mean, nothing around it will give a hint they are there. That's my definition of invisibility.
Then I watched Interstellar, and was totally confused looking at the black hole.
This whole video is pure gold. 06:38 to 07:35 is the highpoint, icing on the cake!
This video should be played in schools as part of Science class!
Liked & Subscribed!

ՏREE RᗅI - 2020-10-20

Newtonian scientists : "over decades of research we find black hole" .
Quantum scientists: "All this are just illusion made by over 5 sense organs, this not reality"

SAR - 2020-06-19

It’s insane how he made this prediction before it even happened. The description of the photo is nearly perfect to what the actual photo of a black whole looks like

Mgl 1206 - 2020-07-05

Viradeus it’s not always the teachers fault when a student fails to understand.

crypto_lol - 2020-08-01

Mgl 1206 there’s nothing wrong with not grasping a concept for the first time mr scientist

Mgl 1206 - 2020-08-01

crypto_lol I never said there is, but people always has to blame it on the teacher when they can’t understand something.

dtiydr - 2020-08-02

Actually not at all, if you understand the simple way how the gravity around a black hole works it's actually quite easy.

Science Revolution - 2020-11-03

The Scientific Lie Of The Ocean Tide

All scientists think the tide is caused by the moon's and sun's gravity. All textbooks say so.

But the fact is not. Tide is impossible to be caused by the moon's and sun's gravity.


If you put some water in the space between the earth and the moon, what will happen?

The water will accelerate at the force direction until it hits the earth or the moon depend on their distance.

Saying tide is caused by the moon's gravity is absurd, fully demonstrated how stupid theoretical physicists are.

They can't even think rationally.

If the moon's gravity is causing ocean tide, it must be stronger than the earth's gravity at sea level.

Why tide is not caused by the sun's or moon's gravity?

All matters are governed by gravity. Stronger gravity dominates all matters motions. Matters on earth are governed by earth's gravity only.

If the sun's gravity can affect matters on earth, then day time the sea level will be higher, the daylight side atmosphere will be higher. Summertime tide will be higher than the Wintertime tide.

From common sense, if the tide is caused by the sun's or moon's gravity, then the highest tide should be under the solar eclipse path.

There should be two high tides move around the earth near the equator every day, one high tide follows the overhead sun and one high tide follows the overhead moon. Near the poles should be all low tides.

High tides should be moving around the earth from east to west not locally up and down.

If high tide is moving around the earth at 1000 miles per hour near the equator, can ships get a free ride? If high tide is not moving around the earth, the present tide theory is not correct.

Sun's attraction force s equal to the earth's centrifugal force, therefore stable orbit.

Sun's and moon's gravity are impossible to cause tide. Scientists should seek out the true mechanism.

Josiah Colegrove - 2020-07-14

Ameture question: If the image we see of a black hole is literally the whole "surface area" of the black hole, isn't it kindof like experiencing 3 dimensional sight

d r - 2020-07-21

its a projection. think of like a map of the world. you see the whole thing at once in your view.

Tristan WH - 2020-07-22

@jeremy no need to be rude buddy, it's a good question considering its a mapping of 3d onto a 3d image

Dylan Johnson - 2020-07-27

You always see with 3 D sight.

crypto_lol - 2020-08-01

Dylan Johnson We see in 2D not 3D

A to the G - 2020-10-03

Amateur* I spelled that word wrong for so long too haha

Stuart Morrow - 2020-08-21

>says 'the gravity of the situation'
>doesn't say 'PUN INTENDED ;);););)'

He's a heroe

zapfanzapfan - 2019-04-10

Physical props instead of a lot of CGI, well done!

Erik Stigter - 2020-10-13

@Science Revolution
Your grammar is tough to follow, but I guess you have some issues with the videos message.

I don't understand why'd you'd post it in this thread though..
I also don't get what point you're trying to make either, most of your statements seem to have reasonable answers to them or they make no sense at all.

le mao - 2020-10-13

@Erik Stigter yes, you suck at it and looks like one

Science Revolution - 2020-10-13

@Erik Stigter dumb?

Erik Stigter - 2020-10-13

@le mao
Wow, is mr. 'Science Revolution' your English teacher, since you both can't read or write properly?

I don't know why you have a problem with autistic people, but another sign of autism is that they lack social skills/don't communicate with others very well..
So yeah, it really seems you're digging your own grave here.

Erik Stigter - 2020-10-13

@Science Revolution Yeah sure, I ask you a fair question and act respectable whilst doing so... you reply with an insult.

You'll never convince anyone with an attitude like that.. so go fvck yourself.

Josh Kramer - 2020-10-29

"mock black hole OF SCIENCE"

Sounds like a Bill Nye homage!

Mad Mental Hibby - 2020-10-13

"The gravity of the situation"
I see what you did there.

james morgan - 2020-11-02

You weren't far off at all.. The ring is just a LOT brighter than you drew it. Kudos.

James Atlas - 2020-07-31

07:15 is what actually we've seen
dude is genius

William Shreckengost - 2019-04-09

Black holes: "Neat."
The prop work in this video: "OH MY GOD, THAT'S AMAZING!"

mrbenz19 - 2019-04-13

Wow, you're right. I didn't realize how great the prop work was until saw your comment. It's something simple, yet easily explain the difficult concept of bending light.

Ragamuffin - 2019-05-20

@Mike Barnes You're a great person aren't you.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

If gravity can affect/slow down/deflect light, why starlight and flashlight have the same speed?

Before a star dying to a black hole, does it has more mass? Why it is not black?

Put your hand on the wall and push it, it is instantly. Put your hand 0.0001 feet from the wall and push the wall, it is not instant.

Does the sun ever stop attracting earth? When does it begin attracting earth? Forces are coexisting with matters, therefore instantaneous.

Gravity propagates in space at light speed is a joke. LIGO detected gravitational waves from two black holes that merged from 1.3 billion years ago is a lie.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

An Open Letter To Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize
What is the speed of gravity?
The speed of gravity is light speed.
Because all scientists say so. Textbooks say so. Everyone thinks so.
Therefore, gravity’s speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s.
This is a common mistake due to bad high education. Gravity has no speed, it is an eternal property of mass.
The fact is gravity has no speed, gravity does not propagate from Sun to earth at light speed, gravity is coexisting and constantly attracting the Sun and earth, and therefore gravity has no speed, it is instantaneous force, otherwise, no planets can have a stable orbit.
Forces have an attitude, direction, and force carrier. Forces have no speed. This is a simple fact and logical, so why are all scientists confused? Our science education is severely lacking.
Scientists lied detected gravity waves a few years ago.
Today they lied took picture of a black hole.
What is going on? Why do they think people are all stupid?
You guys should drain the science swamp, otherwise, who else can do it?

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

Force is the internal property of the matters. Force line and force field are imaginary non-existent word puzzles that commonly used in theoretical physics.

Such as photon, quantum, black hole, dark matter, strong force, gravity wave, time travel, virtual particle, wave-particle duality, uncertainty principle, electron orbital, electron shell, electron cloud, electron-hole, heat death, fusion, free energy, electromagnetic wave, the big bang, solar wind, background radiation, gravity lensing, space-time curvature, etc.

You must be thinking I am crazy. But what if I am 100% correct?

Two hydrogen atoms 1 and 2 at a sun-earth distance, proton 1 attracts electron 2 and repels proton 2, proton 2 attracts electron 1 and repels proton 1, electron 1 attracts proton 2 and repels electron 2, electron 2 attracts proton 1 and repels electron 2. The net Coulomb's force is always an attractive force which is proportional to the product of total charges within the two atoms. Total charges equal to mass. Without charges, there is no mass. This is the mechanism of universal gravitational force.

Two balls 1 and 2 at any distance, their whole body attract each other with gravity. We all know this fact from textbooks. But textbooks missed universal repulsion force.

Electrons are on the surface of atoms/matters, line of sight electrons on the two balls repel each other with Coulomb's force which is 10^39 times stronger than gravity. This super-strong electrostatic force physicists forgot is powering all phenomena in nature other than gravitation. Such as light, the so-called EM wave, photoelectric effect, photosynthesis, induction, radiation.

Tarun - 2020-07-18

When he brought up that white disc...interstellar music started ringing in my head...I ended up watching the remaining video with interstellar music in the background.

Eric Chen - 2020-10-27

haha miss the "gravity" of the situation
nice one

Adam ! - 2020-10-12

"Relatively confident" I see what you did there

Giantthatfcks volcanoes - 2020-10-16

That final image you made truly looks like the universal sign “DO NOT ENTER “!!!!

Anant Kedia - 2019-04-10

That moment when Derek predicts the black hole's image spot on.

Alberto Bernal - 2019-05-24

@Case Oh that timeless comment by Richard Dawkins which finally soothed my decades long frustration at science teachers being so meek and apologetic as compared to humanities teachers... Sorry, I digress. DAT MIKE DROP

Alberto Bernal - 2019-05-24

@Abdiel Aviles Pity I'm late, the stain is due to lack of resolution and the (whole?) disc image is quite complex and not just a couple of rings.

Case - 2019-05-24

@Alberto Bernal I had no idea Dawkins said this :) But looks like you're right. That's pretty cool. I was quoting xkcd where this quote appeared years before Dawkins said it, so he might have been possibly referring to it as well :)

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

If gravity can affect/slow down/deflect light, why starlight and flashlight have the same speed?

Before a star dying to a black hole, does it has more mass? Why it is not black?

Put your hand on the wall and push it, it is instantly. Put your hand 0.0001 feet from the wall and push the wall, it is not instant.

Does the sun ever stop attracting earth? When does it begin attracting earth? Forces are coexisting with matters, therefore instantaneous.

Gravity propagates in space at light speed is a joke. LIGO detected gravitational waves from two black holes that merged from 1.3 billion years ago is a lie.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

An Open Letter To Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize
What is the speed of gravity?
The speed of gravity is light speed.
Because all scientists say so. Textbooks say so. Everyone thinks so.
Therefore, gravity’s speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s.
This is a common mistake due to bad high education. Gravity has no speed, it is an eternal property of mass.
The fact is gravity has no speed, gravity does not propagate from Sun to earth at light speed, gravity is coexisting and constantly attracting the Sun and earth, and therefore gravity has no speed, it is instantaneous force, otherwise, no planets can have a stable orbit.
Forces have an attitude, direction, and force carrier. Forces have no speed. This is a simple fact and logical, so why are all scientists confused? Our science education is severely lacking.
Scientists lied detected gravity waves a few years ago.
Today they lied took picture of a black hole.
What is going on? Why do they think people are all stupid?
You guys should drain the science swamp, otherwise, who else can do it?

Adam Wallis - 2020-02-01

I love how the surname of the physicist schwarzschild translates from german to english as blackshield

Icy Takaqi 9ën - 2020-09-12

Why does this sound like a jewish name?

Icy Takaqi 9ën - 2020-09-12

Actually, it would be "Swartshield". Bc german "schwarz" derived from the same germanic root like english "swart" and "swarthy".

K_NERVe - 2020-06-19

"Gravity? Who gives a crap about gravity?" - Scout, 2009 (colourised)

Kinnari Bhalerao - 2020-06-19

This is honestly the best explanations i have watched till now!!!

Kleinalrik - 2020-10-16

Dude! That was a brilliant and catchy explanation and visualisation. It would have benefit, if the total background was in a different color, like blue or dark grey.

Razer S - 2019-04-09

I finally understand that image of the Interstellar black hole. Thank you.

Divya Gupta - 2020-07-02

Hail Gargantua!!

LunamNauto - 2020-08-03

@Jak Dan this was very simple to understand, iim very sorry that you failed school lol

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

If gravity can affect/slow down/deflect light, why starlight and flashlight have the same speed?

Before a star dying to a black hole, does it has more mass? Why it is not black?

Put your hand on the wall and push it, it is instantly. Put your hand 0.0001 feet from the wall and push the wall, it is not instant.

Does the sun ever stop attracting earth? When does it begin attracting earth? Forces are coexisting with matters, therefore instantaneous.

Gravity propagates in space at light speed is a joke. LIGO detected gravitational waves from two black holes that merged from 1.3 billion years ago is a lie.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

An Open Letter To Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize
What is the speed of gravity?
The speed of gravity is light speed.
Because all scientists say so. Textbooks say so. Everyone thinks so.
Therefore, gravity’s speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s.
This is a common mistake due to bad high education. Gravity has no speed, it is an eternal property of mass.
The fact is gravity has no speed, gravity does not propagate from Sun to earth at light speed, gravity is coexisting and constantly attracting the Sun and earth, and therefore gravity has no speed, it is instantaneous force, otherwise, no planets can have a stable orbit.
Forces have an attitude, direction, and force carrier. Forces have no speed. This is a simple fact and logical, so why are all scientists confused? Our science education is severely lacking.
Scientists lied detected gravity waves a few years ago.
Today they lied took picture of a black hole.
What is going on? Why do they think people are all stupid?
You guys should drain the science swamp, otherwise, who else can do it?

APM M - 2020-08-03

Richard Feynman was know as the great explainer ! I think Feynman would have been impressed by this video !

Alex Ford - 2020-11-01

Having seen the image, it still reminds me of a water bagel cooked to a certain coloration. AF (PS: I do understand it much better now.)

Farrel Gamerzzz - 2020-04-27

7:33 warning jumpscare

JP Daleus - 2020-04-06

This was the best explanation I’ve heard yet. Well done!

ElectroBOOM - 2019-04-09

Very well explained as usual. One question: when around the end you explained about the Doppler effect, shouldn't it change the frequency of light (change color) rather than its brightness? Thanks!

A random guy with a random name - 2019-04-10

If we are detecting a fraction of the spectrum of light it could make sense
The light gets too much redshifted and go to a lower ,undetectable frequency

Nallid - 2019-04-10

Relativistic beaming doesn't have anything to do with light moving into a different spectrum. Relativistic beaming is the effect of matter moving close to the speed of light and the matter gets super hot and moves into the plasma state of matter from a central compact object in the accretion disk. The friction and speeds of the matter around the blackhole cause this to happen. Red shifting and blue shifting usually happens due to an object getting closer or further away within a relative frame in spacetime.

Tom Kenney - 2019-04-10

@Christopher Marley So, if the source of light is moving it gets red-shifted...?

Christopher Marley - 2019-04-10

That's all correct and fabulous, and definitely thank you for the info, but the OP is asking why the relativism affects intensity rather than frequency/wavelength.

Harry Smith - 2020-09-27

Doppler beaming is a sum of a few different effects. Namely: light aberration (most of the photons are emitted along the object's direction of motion); the Doppler effect (particles are shifted into higher- or lower-energy wavelengths, which can affect its apparent luminosity), and; relativistic time-dilation (which apparently has an effect on the arrival time of the photons relative to an observer on Earth, I would assume causing a higher density of photons per second, thus increasing the apparent luminosity on one side.)

Robin's Hood YT - 2020-10-14

Plot twist:
He's a time traveler

Tobías Parselis - 2020-09-23

3:51 “well things are complicated”

Einstein: dOnT yOu sAy!!!

mv11000 - 2020-10-10

„...you could see the back of your head.“

Sure. That figures.

Addicting Video Game Hub - 2020-10-08

"I think that misses the gravity of the situation" nice one, black holes do mess with gravity

Tsihoarana Randimbivololon - 2019-04-09

"Misses the gravity of the situation" pun clearly intended

Genghis Galahad - 2019-07-25

gravity "regime" or misspoke gravity REGION?

dwrabauke - 2019-08-05

@digimondudeify just look at his tiny satisfied grin "yep, i did that muhahaha".

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

If gravity can affect/slow down/deflect light, why starlight and flashlight have the same speed?

Before a star dying to a black hole, does it has more mass? Why it is not black?

Put your hand on the wall and push it, it is instantly. Put your hand 0.0001 feet from the wall and push the wall, it is not instant.

Does the sun ever stop attracting earth? When does it begin attracting earth? Forces are coexisting with matters, therefore instantaneous.

Gravity propagates in space at light speed is a joke. LIGO detected gravitational waves from two black holes that merged from 1.3 billion years ago is a lie.

Science Revolution - 2020-10-11

An Open Letter To Nobel Prize and Breakthrough Prize
What is the speed of gravity?
The speed of gravity is light speed.
Because all scientists say so. Textbooks say so. Everyone thinks so.
Therefore, gravity’s speed is 3 x 10^8 m/s.
This is a common mistake due to bad high education. Gravity has no speed, it is an eternal property of mass.
The fact is gravity has no speed, gravity does not propagate from Sun to earth at light speed, gravity is coexisting and constantly attracting the Sun and earth, and therefore gravity has no speed, it is instantaneous force, otherwise, no planets can have a stable orbit.
Forces have an attitude, direction, and force carrier. Forces have no speed. This is a simple fact and logical, so why are all scientists confused? Our science education is severely lacking.
Scientists lied detected gravity waves a few years ago.
Today they lied took picture of a black hole.
What is going on? Why do they think people are all stupid?
You guys should drain the science swamp, otherwise, who else can do it?

Science Revolution - 2020-10-14

NASA and scientists lied about the solar wind, solar sail, Van Allen Belts, CME, polar light.

They said polar light is caused by solar wind/protons and electrons emitted from the sun. An obvious lie, if the solar wind is real, it will be sun-earth direction, impossible to produce swirling polar lights.

They said the sun will produce CME, when CME hits the earth, it will affect the power grid and communication. The fact is no mass/particle can escape from the sun's gravity and hit the earth. Any mass ejections from the sun will decelerate and fall back to the sun. Solar wind and CME are just scientific lies similar to the black hole and neutron star. Do you believe volcano eruption can send rock or dust to the moon?

They said stars are constantly producing solar wind, protons, and electrons are constantly blowing out from the sun. This is obviously another lie. If solar wind is real, where are all the protons and electrons in the solar wind go from the past billions of years? Vanished into space is impossible due to matter conversation law. Fall on the planets is impossible, otherwise, earth atmosphere hydrogen ppm will be increasing.

They said photon is a particle emitted from the sun traveling in space at 3 x 10^8 m/s. Therefore sunlight can transfer photon's momentum to solar sail to accelerate spacecraft. If that is true, photons should be able to accelerate solar wind to reach light speed soon or later. The fact is the strongest laser beam cannot move smoke or a flame proves photon does not exist or it has no momentum.

They said there are Van Allen Belts around the earth, carry dangerous radiation. They don't know radiation/light must coexisting with medium/matter, there is no radiation in vacuum space. They don't know there is no magnetic field outside the earth atmosphere, all fields are coexisting with carrier/matter. There are no charged particles radiating out from the sun. There is no light emitting from the sun. Sunlight induces lights on planets instantly simultaneously.

A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet's magnetic field. -Wiki

Don't read and believe, seek the true mechanism first. A description or an equation is a story, a true mechanism is a fact.

Follow everything to the source, you find atoms/charged matters/so-called particles. To learn the true structure and function of the atom is to find the key to the universe.

Mister T - 2020-08-28

and here I thought my girlfriends black hole was complicated :/

Dusk Dawg - 2020-10-13

Am I the only one who finds all this gravitational lensing extremely rude? Here I am betting my whole reality and survival on light that bounces off things then into my eyes so I can feel clever avoiding incoming objects, and here comes this jerk black hole, just twisting, bending, and spitting back the same image over and over, stacked on top of one another, each time more stretched and distorted than the last, like he has no respect for anything! I can almost hear it taunting me "Awww, what's wrong? Baby gonna cry at the scary light show?? Come closer, and I'll show you the real horror show.."

ADARSH SR - 2020-08-25

7:30 now I know why Interstellar movie's blackhole looked like that...Thankyou ❣

Nilofar A - 2020-02-03

I had the brilliant Hanz Zimmer interstellar music playing in my head while i watched this video..