> temp > à-trier > making-pyrimethamine-nurdrage > make-2-p-chlorophenyl-3-oxopentanenitrile-step-5-in-pyrimethamine-synthesis-nurdrage

REUPLOAD - Make 2-(p-chlorophenyl)-3-oxopentanenitrile - Step 5 in Pyrimethamine Synthesis

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

In this video we make  2-(p-chlorophenyl)-3-oxopentanitrile which is step 5 in our synthesis of Pyrimethamine

Related videos:

Drying alcohol: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NMfs3e9OdZQ

Making sodium metal with domestically available chemicals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCrFFVVcPUI

Make p-chlorophenyl acetonitrile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15ZkhhJcXXk

make ethyl propionate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ah5ds_3s5BI

make dioxane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zzrn-61XAY

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Through Patreon (preferred): https://www.patreon.com/NurdRage
Through Bitcoin: 1NurdRAge7PNR4ULrbrpcYvc9RC4LDp9pS

Glassware generously provided by http://www.alchemylabsupply.com/
Use the discount code "nurdrage" for a 5% discount.

Social media links:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NurdRage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NurdRageYoutube/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nurdrageyoutube/

BDXIIX - 2017-08-26

"My performance problems for the last 8 months was because I wasn't large enough" - NurdRage, 2017

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

This video was reuploaded because youtube flagged the previous one. If youtube flags this one as well then i'll just upload it to vid.me.

Charles Kogan - 2017-09-01


ehsan maroufi - 2017-12-17

I posted an instagram on Facebook and I did not reply
Master please contact me

Nathan W - 2018-02-22

vid me is dead

J H - 2019-05-01

Fuck youtube... So sick of their shit

J H - 2019-05-01

@therealquade probably for not being left wing and political enough. Try adding some gun grabbing content to ewch video... Lol

Mike Jones - 2017-08-26

YouTube is really trying to drive their viewers away.

piranha031091 - 2017-08-26

Now imagine how much fun I'm currently having doing air and water-sensitive reactions with alkylplatinum compounds, on the 20-50 mg scale...
(well, at least I do have access to specialized glassware and lab equipment for this sort of reaction. But it can get very frustrating very quickly!)

Rob Newland - 2018-12-26

I feel your pain. Every single complex (apart from 1 rhodium complex) I made during my PhD was highly sensitive. Gloveboxes ftw.

Having to use 20-50 mg of ligand at a time due to a difficult, lengthy synthesis is always a pleasure...

Onam King - 2017-08-26

we should do a mass migration to another video broadcasting website

Mitchell G - 2017-08-27

That's a good idea since I am sure the whole monetization on YouTube doesn't bring in much profit with all this fantastic content getting flagged all the time. Than again I still have hope for YouTube some where down the line. It would be really hard for new people to discover these videos if it were on a more obscure site. Lets face it, we have to accept that at the moment, YouTube still is the best platform for discovery. They just keep going down hill and I don't think it will always be that way. Unless YouTube steps up and changes something.

Dean - 2017-08-26

Why did Youtube flag this?

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

maybe because its chemistry. Youtube tends to flag a lot of my chemistry videos.

Sh4d0wch40s - 2017-08-26

Didn't you know? Every molecule is a drug and should be illegal. Chemistry is an evil devil that should not be shown on such a delicate advertiser-friendly platform like Youtube... one could make the dangerous weapon of mass destruction Dihidrogen Monoxide....

Murphy deffa - 2017-08-26

Human is running chemical plant. Also producing adictive substance dopamine sometimes. So all videos of human should be banned also.

SigEpBlue - 2017-08-26

Knowledge is illegal and/or copyrighted.

nevar108 - 2017-08-27

Great... another Global Flood..... What animals are we going to save this time?

Geoff Bernard - 2017-08-29

Since you had to re-upload and the old comments are gone, I wanted to say thanks again for explaining the spectrum analysis. Very informative!

William Ackerson - 2018-04-07

"My performance problems for the past 8 months were because I wasn't large enough." - NurdRage 2017

Poutník? - 2017-08-26

Awesome, continue!

Second World - 2017-08-26

did you re-upload this? I swear I saw this video before.

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

youtube flagged the original

Second World - 2017-08-26

makes sense

Eli Weisberg - 2018-04-29

Hi, I'm in Canada. Is it tricky to get glassware here?

Sean Lee - 2017-08-26

yo waddap

Jc - 2017-08-27

How many tries did it take you to get the final product of this synthesis? It looks extremely time consuming

axel boström - 2017-08-26

wait wasent this uploaded already?

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

Youtube flagged the original

axel boström - 2017-08-26

ahh, i see that you added reupload to the title now. thanks

Cesare Berton - 2017-08-27

Maybe for the smaller scale version of this reaction could be useful to use a stronger and dehydrating electrophile such as propionyl chloride or propionic anhydride.. But one of the drawbacks on this way of thinking is that you should deprotonate and isolate the acetonitrile in a separate step before the Nu attack . Howerver your work has been great thank you very much for this kind of chemistry that i love

Ihear Colors - 2017-08-27

Wow YouTube wow

Kostas Sharma - 2017-08-31

at last!!!!!!

Ivan Bombana - 2018-06-18

It's better use CH3CH2COOCH3 , because You use metoxide CH3O-.... or do I make a mistake?

Nico Enrique Limonge Colomer - 2017-08-26


Lucas Soares - 2017-08-26


ashutosh sharma - 2018-05-05

Why didn,t thenitrile group get hydrolised when he
added HCl ?

christianvn1 - 2018-07-09

ashutosh sharma Nitriles are very resistant to hydrolysis, so brief contact with room temperature acid shouldn't hydrolize them too much.

twocvbloke - 2017-08-26

Youtube, denying science thanks to stupid people...

Su Tran - 2018-05-27

Vid.me ising down, now.

kieran O'dea - 2018-12-31

What lab do you use for NMR's ?

Xander Varga - 2017-09-06

why did the sodium methoxide not deprotonate to do an aldol reaction or something? are the nitrile/chlorophenyl groups more electron withdrawing than the ester? or did it happen and is just an impurity? if so why is it not significant?

NurdRage - 2017-09-06

it probably is. But the impurities are washed out during the washing step. so you see very little of them.

padathir - 2017-08-29

Why did you decide to make pyrimethamine?

ComputerCat - 2017-08-29

A company was overcharging for it. I think someone wound up in prison (Search "turing scandal")

Pickels - Lord of the Brine - 2017-08-26

My bod is ready for this project to be complete.

paroksha - 2019-03-16


Ody -Chan - 2017-08-26

It's been so long I forgot why you're trying to create a medication. Is it for the millions of Americans that can't afford it on their own so they can just make it themselves?

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

not exactly. it's too complicated for anyone to make themselves, even if it could be made for free. I did this more as a challenge, to show that amateurs, if properly mobilized, can fight corporations should the need arise. I'm just one guy that managed to do this. Imagine if half a dozen people smarter than me got to work on it. It'd be blatantly illegal of course. but if the choice for a sick person is this and death, one must consider their options.

helder coltura - 2018-11-10

Doesn't the methoxide attacking the carbonyl in ethyl propionate cause a big loss of yield ?

Average Joe - 2017-08-26

Why was this flagged?

Евгений Левченко - 2017-08-26

Because it`s chemistry and, apparently, it scares some people.

SBwingman - 2017-08-26

because to simpletons, chemistry, even INORGANIC chemistry = making drugs. Idiots...

mmmhorsesteaks - 2017-08-26

Why is the multiplet so weird? I'd expect a simple quadruplet but it looks more like a doublet of quadruplets? Is it something to do with the carbonyl next to the nitrile; partially tautomerizing to the enol on nmr time scales?

NurdRage - 2017-08-26

they're diastereotropic.

mmmhorsesteaks - 2017-08-26

NurdRage So they are ^^ thanks!

Blake Brodeur - 2017-10-19

I’ve never had to google search so many words lol!!

Ghost2Coast - 2017-08-27

The big pharma barons are getting scared and don't want the masses working together and threatening their profits. When you posted the last video and said at the end "only 3 more steps to go" I immediately thought youtube would intervene and shut it down before you shared the entire process, looks like that happened faster than I expected.

Mit1mit2mity4 - 2017-08-26

Do you know why it got flagged or was it without reason? If it was, maybe we should think of setting up some sort of petition as that can't possibly be intentional.

Mitchell G - 2017-08-27

Mit1mit2mity4 It's because YouTube automatically flags videos it deems "inappropriate" or "not advertiser friendly" What ever that means. The thing is there are no concrete rules. And to add insult to injury the YouTube algorithms take down the video without any human intervention. Which is to say no one actually watches the video to see if it's legitmate, or in other words they don't care. It really is a sad state of affairs and it needs to fixed.

Mit1mit2mity4 - 2017-08-27

Thing is that more often than not, it works well. And though youtube sometimes flags the wrong content, they're also a big fan of science videos so they surely want to help. As would the green brothers who have enough pull and contacts to start looking for a fix.
But this is all assuming that it's a mistake, which may not always be the case, as youtube may look to flag videos that show the step by step synthesis of (highly) dangerous compounds.

Saumi Bane - 2017-08-26


Caco Boi - 2017-08-26

Good job

Michal Remiš - 2017-08-26

Who else clicked on this video because H3C?

Saud Faraj - 2017-08-26

Can you make better meth than Walter white ?