> temp > à-trier > colonialisme-et-néo-colonialisme-de-la-france-franceafrique-au-sahel-et-ses-terribles-conséquences-modernes-reallifelore

Why France is Actually Preparing for War With Russia

RealLifeLore - 2024-03-23

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To learn more about the French Intervention in Mali in depth, check out this video's next part on Nebula in Modern Conflicts: https://nebula.tv/videos/reallifelore-modern-conflicts-french-intervention-in-mali

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@RealLifeLore - 2024-03-23

If you want to learn more about the rise of terrorism in the Sahel region and the French military intervention into Mali, I uploaded an entire video focused on that darker subject to Nebula here: https://nebula.tv/videos/reallifelore-modern-conflicts-french-intervention-in-mali

In addition to my monthly Modern Conflicts videos on Nebula, I'm also posting monthly videos to Nebula in my new series called War Room, which provides monthly updates from active conflicts happening all around the world. The first episode of this new series can be seen here: https://nebula.tv/videos/reallifelore-war-room-february-2024


@devildogu1284 - 2024-03-23

Attempting to learn from your commentary after you been a clown for 2 years isn't really trustworthy

@BorderWallss - 2024-03-23

I’m still very shocked that most leaders still continue proxy wars due to a massive influence of Cold War proxies.

@anneblackchurch6862 - 2024-03-23

​@@devildogu1284what do you mean?

@maxencebarre3833 - 2024-03-23

Okay man, I know that what I will write won't be well received in the comments, but please listen to me. I'm not a french troll or a french nationalist (far from it even), but since I'm working in this fields I must say that I am really disappointed with this video. You talked about Françafrique (which is good) but then vomited all the basic stupid russian propaganda that you could find on this subject.
No nuance, no counterpoint, no points that well respected medias and organizations in the area would be saying, just blatant old-ass propaganda used by the military juntas in the region.
Disappointing from you. Even Reddit threads on this subject would be better made...
You could have talked about Bolloré practices in the region (but since you didn't worked on this subject seriously you probably don't even who he is), but no here come the almost conspirationist FRANCE CONTROLS AFRICA BRRRR.
This video is dangerous because you feed russian trolls rethoric and shameless anti-western sentiment.
Do better.

@razvanciobotaru3089 - 2024-03-23

Please make a video about Can you make a video about communism in Romania 🇷🇴 and Moldova 🇲🇩 and Transnistria conflict.

@kittavares4334 - 2024-03-23

As a Frenchman, I can tell you most people have zero clue what the government is doing with their tax money in Africa. This is the first time I hear about what happened in Guinea… wtf…

@taneamtu - 2024-03-23

As a Tunisian, i have known the enormous influence of France in the Sahel and most of the subsaharian countries for decades. It has never been a secret that nobody was allowed to invest in those countries if it wasn't a French company.

@adityamaheshwari251 - 2024-03-23

classic european , acting like they don't know that they were exploiting others and then lecture others about the equality and humanity ,stop your sympathy baiting .

@al-muwaffaq341 - 2024-03-23

Lol it’s because you guys are willfully ignorant 😂

@potroti - 2024-03-23

Even other NATO states helping you in Africa. I am Czech and know about few operations we helped French soldiers in Sahel. But nobody care about that. Media dont care about that and normies dont even know that area even exist.

@divingstag - 2024-03-23

@@al-muwaffaq341 Being willfully ignorant is better than being proud of colonizing North Africa like you Arabs did

@nekomakhea9440 - 2024-03-23

stealing all the light bulbs in your former colony on the way out is some ranked competitive levels of pettiness

@rmf9567 - 2024-03-23

Yeah and the Russians will be selling them their light bulbs and then stealing them back again

@AlexanderMichelson - 2024-03-23

This video is anti-French propaganda. It's just pathetic.

@graemes52 - 2024-03-23

@@AlexanderMichelsonIt checks out 100% with other historic reports actually, whether you like it or not. Even The French former PM- 'Mitterand' said their duplicitous brutal actions & exploitation in B.F, Niger, & Chad etc were indeed ''just pathetic.'' & couldn't last.

@muhammadedwards8425 - 2024-03-23

​@@AlexanderMichelsonTell that to Haiti. Imagine asking your slaves to buy their freedom while claiming slavery is wrong

@seedoo3295 - 2024-03-23

bro really thinks it’s pathetic propaganda to call out neocolonialism 🤣🤣

@johnroff1941 - 2024-03-29

As an avid follower of international affairs for over sixty years: I am amazed how little I knew of what is in the film.

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-31

The issue of this film is that it mixes old events from the colonial and francafrique period, with current events. The world has changed since.

@bounceday - 2024-03-31

because its not in english natively probably

@circusjanitor - 2024-03-31

@@MN-vz8qm The state of our world today is a direct result of what was. If you're going to properly understand the context and scope of current events you MUST understand what led to them. In this case, it's French colonialism.

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-31

@@circusjanitor OMG are you slow?
Indeed one needs the past to understand the present, but that is not the issue here.

The thesis of the person who made this video is that France is CURRENTLY a colonial power.

As for understanding the past, maybe you should take a look at what west africa was when the french came late 19th century... a few words; slavery, mass human sacrifices, cannibalism, constant tribal wars, extremely low life expectancy.
Because of the colonization, teh african demography has exploded, which should tell everything there is to tell about what it was and its results.
As for what the french got from it? Easy, because France has kept all senate archives, which show that Africa was a huge financial burden for France.

@circusjanitor - 2024-04-01

@@MN-vz8qm no way you're calling me slow and in the same breath trying to justify colonialism as a moral good and a net benefit for Africans💀 further proof that education does not equal intelligence.

I'd hope I wouldn't have to point out needing to understand the past to understand the present-- seems like a pretty simple concept. But you're first comment was so dense I was afraid you didn't know

@tostisgood - 2024-03-31

Can you please cite your sources and/or post a link to a bibliography in the description? It’d be great for following up on all of these topics!

@djpete2009 - 2024-04-01

Do your own research then!

@wanderlustwarrior - 2024-04-02

​@@djpete2009 they aren't making a big ask. Citing sources and/or giving a bibliography would be good form.

@0O0.0O0ycyfyxtcjbivtxt - 2024-04-02

​@@djpete2009don't be ignorant. It's important to cite your sources when reporting on anything, it builds credibility and guess what? IT ALSO HELPS WITH PEOPLE DOING THEIR OWN RESEARCH! You want to be an ass on the Internet for what exactly?

@markhumphreys4496 - 2024-04-03

@@0O0.0O0ycyfyxtcjbivtxt Based af plagiarism and misinformation can be dangerous

@RommyAli - 2024-04-03

​@djpete2009 what an odd reaction 😂😂😂. Don't hyperventilate over it.

@pascalbercker7487 - 2024-03-25

Viewing from France. I must admit that French media hardly reports on any of this.

@TheTrooperMB - 2024-03-25

i'm relying on foreign informations to get to know what happens to my country .. and we people don't know about it , nobody at work talked about it ..

@Josephsakala-ub6fd - 2024-03-25

Nuclear power plant in France is powered uranium from french colony countries for free since day one stealing from the poor is what European are good for

@MLMcNabb - 2024-03-25

You lot didn’t do anything wrong.

@freedomsong9747 - 2024-03-25

Not hardly, but never do they report on it because they all French benefits from it

@unkouwnfigure2746 - 2024-03-25

I wouldn't Imagine they do, it's very likely to get them in legal trouble

@Tnpt_studios - 2024-03-23

Neo-colonialism is a topic that needs to get more attention.

@marechal_joukov2375 - 2024-03-23

This is the neo-imperialisme too

@JG-MV - 2024-03-23

We never stopped colonialism. We just chased a new strategy

@xopasstheaux6617 - 2024-03-23

So basically Israel

@marechal_joukov2375 - 2024-03-23

@@xopasstheaux6617 🤫 shhh dont say the J-word ... they got genocided 😢😅😱🥶

@duhface8066 - 2024-03-23

It’s better than the Ottomon empire. British colonialism ended slavery in Palestine for example.

@georgeanto203 - 2024-04-01

You should add your sources to your description that would be 10/10 content✊

@eurtunwagens2359 - 2024-03-30

This is excellent material. Half of them I did not know, despite my obsession with details of history. Thank you. I subscribe immediately.

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-31

The issue of this video is that it mixes old events from the colonial and francafrique period, with current events. Hence his conclusions on current french politics are stupid.

@CaptainElijahAviation - 2024-04-05

@@MN-vz8qmand the same goes for you user name being stupid 🫠

@danijeljovic4971 - 2024-03-23

It's scary how few people know about this

@therealuncleowen2588 - 2024-03-23

There is little that Americans care about less than African politics.

@awsomeboy360 - 2024-03-23

@@therealuncleowen2588 Americans in general suck at geography despite the country being involve with tons of countries outside its borders.

@Slipstream317 - 2024-03-24

@@therealuncleowen2588 Unfortunately, this is true of a good chunk of America (and it's not really confined to any party or region, either). Education here regarding both history and geopolitics is extremely lacking and does not seem to be getting any better. Before this last year, I could not have told you anything more than very common historical knowledge (e.g. the Civil War or the two World Wars)- about a country I have lived in since I was born. It's sad to see how much I've missed, and how many things I've fundamentally misunderstood about history- and given I was always very interested in these subjects, I can't help but wonder how badly people who aren't into history or geopolitics misunderstand and misrepresent things.

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-24

Because it is out of context partial truth BS...

@Skye4008 - 2024-03-24

@@MN-vz8qm If you are not going to say why, then don't call it bullshit

@lexiqu360 - 2024-03-23

This was so interesting to see how much meddling France has done in Africa. Would you do a video on US involvement in central america?

@nchalt - 2024-03-23

We’re going to need a whole lot of videos…

@ButterHaus420 - 2024-03-23

Maybe the real US involvement were the friends we made along the way?

@GizzyDillespee - 2024-03-23

Alot of that is unofficial CIA shenanigans - tough research. The Noriega mixtape could be the background music, gently but incessently playing throughout the entire video🤣

@liberatio8703 - 2024-03-23

I agree

@awesomestevie27 - 2024-03-23

Us involvement in Mexico would be interesting, this presidency is the first non puppet us presidency and because of that Mexico is growing like crazy

@Nightman01 - 2024-04-22

Amazing quality. Thank you for shining a spotlight on this

@k2hitsentertainment915 - 2024-04-07

As a Guinean citizen this is 100% facts and there is a video where Ahmed Sekou Toure told the French we would suffer in freedom than living rich as slave

@Jakawere1 - 2024-04-26

Sekou Toure was a true Pan-Africanist. Ai wish we had just 10 of them in Africa

@cameronmclennan942 - 2024-03-25

Been living in France for 7 years and it's so hard to find this sort of context and analysis from French sources. Love your work and appreciate so much being able to watch your extra stuff on Nebula

@loeffelm - 2024-03-25

There are plenty of books talking about it ...

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-25

Because that is BS...

@cameronmclennan942 - 2024-03-25

@@loeffelm I understand the concept of books and where to find them, thanks. From a foreign perspective in France and starting from a low information level, it's hard to get a general idea about what's going on with certain topics without reading 17 books by French geopolitics authors who love the sound of their own ideas more than they love the air they breath. This type of quality educational material is rare from sources in French at this time.

@loeffelm - 2024-03-25

Glad you understand the concept of books. You can look for books from Xavier Harel or François-Xavier Verschave. The Françafrique subject is quite something.
Nevertheless, France - just like Russia - is only defending its own interests, nothing shocking here.
Also, this video implies France’s economy is heavily relying on its former colonies which is absolutely non-sense, look at the figures!!

@warnaoh - 2024-03-25

​@@cameronmclennan942you seriously just watched a YouTube video without any sources and believed everything ?

@KaptifLaDistillerie - 2024-03-24

As a former French Foreign legionnaire who was in Mali during Operation Barkhane, I remember encountering Wagner Group in a village near Tessalit and even though both sides knew the other was there and it was ok, there was still a bit of tension. One of our guy, a Lithuanian, started an argument with one of Wagner after he apparently said something insulting in russian. I remember how we all looked at each others and instantly understood " let's chill, there's no need to excalate a situation we wouldn't be able to handle ", because let's face it, no matter how much training you have, when your only experience is fighting some dude in ragtags with a rusty AK, you don't feel confident taking on a similar force.

I can't imagine fighting in the same place again against trained troops, heavy artillery, armor and drones... Especially in such an open place as the Sahel.

@Kyr93 - 2024-03-24

Wagner has experienced battle hardened troops now who fought against a real military like Ukraine

@MuantanamoMobile - 2024-03-24

@@Kyr93 Also against theUS, ISRL, iTurkey andISIL inSyria since 2014 supporting thePresidentAssad...

@_--Reaper--_ - 2024-03-24

@@Kyr93Wagner is noobs

@donkeysaurusrex7881 - 2024-03-24

@@MuantanamoMobile Their experience against the US is rather limited, and nothing to brag about. Not sure who ordered that nonsense, but it was a waste of soldier’s lives.

@donkeysaurusrex7881 - 2024-03-24

That’s some Wild West stuff right there. Glad cooler heads prevailed.

@GrantHendrick - 2024-04-02

Thank you for such an informative video about a subject that is not well covered.

@tonyhawk94 - 2024-03-25

You've missed half of the story as France is also fighting back in the former USSR backyard :
- Defense pact with Moldova
- Military procurement and training in Armenia
- Economic deals with Kazakhstan and Mongolia
- Potential military procurement in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan
This is the underground war between Russia and France both fighting in the other's backyard.

@baguettelauncher8839 - 2024-03-26

we also train with Romania, and make deals with India and Pacific

@rinho1790 - 2024-03-26

And countries like Armenia are currently really happy to get rid of Russia as Russia did the same to those countries as the French did to the African countries.

@KaliAndy2 - 2024-03-26

Defensive pacts and economic deals is one thing. Russia send in mercenaries and armed/funded militants to overthrow governments to be able to pillage assets for themselves. It would be equivalent to France sending in mercenaries and funding militants to overthrow pro Russian puppet government in Belarus. I am sure Russia would have no problem with this.....

@anettemor1730 - 2024-03-26

​@@rinho1790are they? I run a course on former USSR states since 2011. any state breaking up from Russia in that region goes down economically. EU has free trade agreement with Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine. these countries are competing for poorest in Europe title. nobody needs their produce in EU. Latvia, Litva, Estonia after joining EU lost 50% of their population and 90% of their industries.

@metugeekane8454 - 2024-03-26

@@rinho1790 Nope... You no idea what France has done to our people in Africa. Stop!

@user-ht5bv9wj2y - 2024-03-26

I'm french and that's litterally the first time in my life i've heard about that. That's actually scary

@olatejubucknor9022 - 2024-03-26

You people just think your economic prosperity just came out of thin air

@LouiseMarie901 - 2024-03-26

Be careful, double-check the sources.. RealLifeLore is known to present a lot of false/inaccurate information.

@cauhzi - 2024-03-26

bro have you never wondered why so many africans come to france? because they are exploited by the french government

@kaylee9069 - 2024-03-26

Stop watching TF1 , they won't report it

@JohnCena-yu4mj - 2024-03-26

Probably because it's not "entirely" true 😂

@AssanRaelian - 2024-04-02

Excellent video & sharing away 👌🏾

@RobKlarmann - 2024-04-21

Your videos are of such high journalistic value, and so incredibly informative. Thank you! This is brilliant work that deserves to be heard by all! Keep it up.

@matto5547 - 2024-03-26

The good news is, all they’ll have to do is rotate the flag 90° one way or the other, depending on how it goes

@kakpraat18 - 2024-03-26

180 degrees 😂

@JeanFoutre-yi5us - 2024-03-26

​@@kakpraat18What he means is that they can switch the flag to make a russian or a french one in Africa

@kakpraat18 - 2024-03-26

​@@JeanFoutre-yi5usI saw this now.

@simonmorel9895 - 2024-03-26

What would we do with a dutch flag ?

@nikolasmaes99 - 2024-03-26

No, the white needs to be at the top, not the middle.

@shaunansell7352 - 2024-03-28

Wow a real must watch. The world is so much more complicated then you realise. Very eye-opening, thanks for making this.

@joseftyl5667 - 2024-03-29


@pugilist102 - 2024-03-29

I don't feel so bad about the African migrant invasion of Europe now. Europe is exploiting the continent.

@JM-kv2kn - 2024-03-29

This is why I disgust at the hypocrites making putin a singled out tyrant

@phonkenjoyer7072 - 2024-03-29

you gotta be an american to think this is crazy news

@wilfred5656 - 2024-03-29

Europe used Africa and then destroyed it

@pp-8829 - 2024-03-30


@mehdiJoe - 2024-04-03

Wonderful and deep analysis as usual! Thank you!

@jackin_it - 2024-03-25

I actually did a school presentation about Francafrique last year in my English 11 class. Immediately after, there were news highlights about countries removing French influence.

@Temuulen.J - 2024-03-25

They must have seen your presentation bro.

@eugenefrolov1396 - 2024-03-25

Was it that bad or that good? 😅

@samwelsuleiman - 2024-03-25

dude accidentally kickstarted a revolution and is playing it cool

@xVipera - 2024-03-26

That's impressive.

@STROONZONY - 2024-03-26

Frankoe freak from Freetown

@whtiequillBj - 2024-03-24

the CFA Franc sounds to me like an extreme version of a "company town" where you have company money to spend at the company store.

@leboucfou5834 - 2024-03-25

they can leave whenever they want, France is itself in a monnetary union and we don't say the same thing while the goal is the same, the more countries the stabler the money, which for those africans countries is quite important because they have other problems to deal with

@zilindogomes1767 - 2024-03-25

​@@leboucfou5834rubbish. The african leaders in power are all french puppets. Every time a leader tries to quit the franc cfa he is removed swiftly

@ricardokowalski1579 - 2024-03-25

I am not defending and will not defend the CFA system.

I just want to point out that, among the many problems these countries have, hyperinflation (a-la Argentina, Venezuela, or Zimbawe) is NOT one of them.

@Eoin_D - 2024-03-25

Crusty dollars

@budakbaongsiah - 2024-03-25

because they CAN'T have inflation, obviously hyperinflation cannot be a problem

that's like saying an leg-amputated man should be grateful that it would not have leg cramps

@LaDeCR - 2024-03-29

Thank you for reminding me I need to resubscribe to Nebula - YouTube algorithm recommended you and once I saw you're on Nebula, I figured it was a no brainer to follow you and watch your vid

@ansonpang - 2024-03-31

you sound like a bot

@LaDeCR - 2024-03-31

@ansonpang  sounds like something a bot would say

@andrewcox1677 - 2024-03-30

Excellent documentary!

@Randomguy-wy4xi - 2024-03-23

Adopting a foreign currency for your own country is a double-edged sword. For one, it stabilises your currency, which is why Argentina is thinking of adopting the US dollar. That being said, as mentioned in this video, it deprives the country of its economic independence.

@Mrbarmitsoulo - 2024-03-23

Exactly. Also it increases significantly the risk of external debt skyrocketing and NIIP going negative. Which is the "real"debt. Monetary colonialism is an old trick. Without monetary sovereignty there is no economic sovereignty and that is a FACT.

@unkownmn - 2024-03-24

Barter and trade is real economy,the $ are just the vessel its why nike go half price but america but medical, emergency there not good

@tuomasronnberg5244 - 2024-03-24

Not being in control of your currency is a benefit not a hindrance, when you are cursed with one government after another that make money printer go brrrrrr

@Monkechnology - 2024-03-24

Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see how the euro deprives european countries of their independence....

@brianliew5901 - 2024-03-24

Milei dreams of getting rich like Japan or S. Korea on becoming Uncle Sam's pet.

@vinniechan - 2024-03-23

"umscrewing all the light bulbs before they left"
This is next level petty

@filipeisabelinho3425 - 2024-03-23

My uncle had a a small space rented out for a shop by a woman, when she left she took the wall sockets xD

@ommsterlitz1805 - 2024-03-23

He literally took the propaganda Algerian iIIiterate FLN party as sources for this video it's crazy 🤣🤣

@athenak4666 - 2024-03-23


@roo72 - 2024-03-23

I guess you never experienced Soviet/Russian occupation

@itsKarlDesigns - 2024-03-23

​@@ommsterlitz1805it does the same most of the videos, just spreads generally negative source bias. It makes the videos more entertaining I guess and for the kind of people who "do their own research" by skimming youtube videos on 2x speed without verifying any sources lol

@garrettversluys5693 - 2024-03-28

Great video, thank you

@rosandrio - 2024-03-31

great video bro, knowledge is power❤

@masterymuse - 2024-03-28

Wow, that was extremely informative! I've learned so much from your channel. Thank you @RealLifeLore!

@AA-hg5fk - 2024-03-24

Kazakhstan #1 producer of uranium, great success!

@user-cq1ro5dr6g - 2024-03-25

very nice

@Sancredo - 2024-03-25

All the other countries produce inferior uranium

@mrlegkick91 - 2024-03-25


@karmatologist - 2024-03-25

That’s because Kazakhstan is greatest country in the world. All other countries are run by little girls.

@Javiercar - 2024-03-25

I pay internet for this!! 😂😂

@al-muwaffaq341 - 2024-03-23

Guinea’s president use to be in the French foreign legion and he has a French wife.

@youngsimbah - 2024-03-23

I swear he’s a french puppet

@legendaryclarity - 2024-03-23

The wife is also French foreign legion.

@al-muwaffaq341 - 2024-03-23

@@youngsimbahhe definitely is. We don’t trust him

@ambessaseway5594 - 2024-03-23

True and guinea is of the resource rich country in the World

@chris63952 - 2024-03-23

ahh yes bribe them with the white wimmins

@victorwekesa6001 - 2024-04-09

Thanks for making this video concerning Francophone Africa, as these countries are refered to. Please make more videos on Africa such as "China in Africa", "History of the Congo", "The Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya", etc.

@ooltimu - 2024-03-31

Thank you for this! This kind of subjects are barely, if even covered by daily news.

@adarshkumar4336 - 2024-03-27

I really feel like videos like this should include links and sources in the description.

@martinleroy5350 - 2024-03-27


@fuckinghatethisshit6177 - 2024-03-27

nah bro, that would hurt the propaganda! don't question anything, exercise blind trust! USA good, Russia bad! Don't you dare question that

@BewareTheLilyOfTheValley - 2024-03-27

Ohh, that would be really awesome!

@JoeMitchell2 - 2024-03-27

The lack of sources should cause us to question EVERYTHING being said. The difference between good historiography and what could be a fairy tale is the presence or absence of good sourcing. Without sources to verify statements, the underlying justification for believing what’s being said is literally “just trust me, bro.” That feeling of “wow, this makes SO much sense!” is really easy to engender in an audience if you don’t have to post your sources.

With that said, I hold a BA in History, and did about 1/3 of my studies on this region, and I didn’t see or hear anything in this video that I would say is false or even really all that suspicious. However, that in itself makes me a little suspicious - nothing in human history is ever perfectly sensible, clear-cut, and easily understood. But, without sources to check their statements against, that’s all I can say.

It seems credible, it doesn’t appear to be an outright fabrication, and it is internally consistent.

I feel like there’s one last thing which should be mentioned:

There have been a limited number of events in which massive stores of ancient knowledge have been lost or destroyed, such as the destruction of the Library of Alexandria, the conquest of Baghdad & destruction of the House Of Knowledge, the “Great Leap Forward” and the Spanish conquest of the Aztec…

Another of these events has been underway in the region this video focuses on, concerning the libraries of Mali. Jihadist forces consider the truly ancient scrolls that had been stored there for hundreds to more than a thousand years to be against their religion, and as a result they have been systematically destroying them, hunting down those who are attempting to hide, preserve, or evacuate these documents and artifacts - there have been some amazing stories of heroism in the service of the preservation of these priceless works, but most end in tragedy.

Russia / Wagner / “Die Neue Afrika Korps (but we swear the other guys are the real Nazis!)” do NOT give a shit about ancient scrolls from Mali. They want gold, and other raw materials come in a distant second.

France sucks for the way they’ve treated these people, but a mere cursory glance at the history of Russia will suffice to show that they have never - EVER - truly been a force for decolonization. If they ever came close, those days are truly over now, as Putin has expressed an almost completely overt desire to re-establish the Russian Empire.

Inviting Russian troops into your country to help with peacekeeping and security is a very, very bad move that has never turned out well for ANY who have attempted it.

@camaycama7479 - 2024-03-27

As french I can tell you that all of this is well known by anybody with basic french geopolitical knowledge. Nothing surprising.

@ugonna1878 - 2024-03-23

as a nigerian, i never even knew this was going on , i hope everything is right with my neighbours

@skp8748 - 2024-03-23

Your country sanctioned them because France told you to

@ugonna1878 - 2024-03-23

yeah i know, my country is not the best and our leaders are very corrupt@@skp8748

@bewertsam - 2024-03-23

look into what exxon and the other oil companies have been doing in nigeria too. more people need to know whats going on

@maxencebarre3833 - 2024-03-23

@@skp8748 Heres comes the russian bots.

@QueenMooSuko - 2024-03-23

Its happening in your country too in a way through Dutch Shell.

@damazdavalabagazh - 2024-03-29

Brilliant. Thanks.

@marlbankian - 2024-03-29

Excellent food for thought !

@MrVellot - 2024-03-23

Wow, I knew France was still sucking resources from Africa, but I didn't know that it still has such a big influence there. If I remember correctly, Gabon was the 1st country where France found uranium 235+238. And it was a VERY rich deposit, which supplied France with Uranium for years.

@MuantanamoMobile - 2024-03-24

The basically stolean entire Island from the EastAfrican IslandCountry of Comoros.Mayotte.

@thc6664 - 2024-03-24

but its the russians thats are evil....france is a dying clown show

@_Ottho - 2024-03-24

@@MuantanamoMobile The people of Mayotte should be forced back into the Comores against their wish ? Do they have the right to chose their destiny, or must you chose for them ? You imperialist bastard

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-24

Breathe, this channel is pushing BS.
Africa has laways been a huge net cost for France, both back during the colonization, and even more today, just some classical russian propaganda...

@mozi3051 - 2024-03-24

They were very active in the horn too u til our civil war. Now they are in Djibouti. Most people dont know it but it's a somali republic. There are some islands at the mouth of the red sea. They took them from us for forever. Not to mention the islands in central east africa. Mayotte etc

@Foundations01 - 2024-03-24

"Bongo was an ardent francophile, who..."

We prefer the term "Ouiaboo".

@eustacemcgoodboy9702 - 2024-03-25

Now THAT is funny.

@MionMikan - 2024-03-25

absolutely golden comment. gave me a hearty chuckle

@boomknuffelaar - 2024-03-25

And the award for best wordplay of 2024 goes to...

@spinnetti - 2024-03-25

ok, that was funny.😆

@imagebboy - 2024-03-25


@joshuaholder6818 - 2024-03-29

Amazing documentary!

@lacroraw - 2024-03-29

Without any sources !

@brianmessemer2973 - 2024-03-26

2:03 The "Coup Belt" makes places like the Rust Belt seem not so bad

@28704joe - 2024-03-28

Borscht Belt must also be feared.

@therearenoshortcuts9868 - 2024-03-29

Cool Belt? :D

oh Coup Belt :(

@SlackHoffman - 2024-03-26

I spent time in Guinea 🇬🇳,Gabon and Mali 🇲🇱 and across the Sahel and I can tell you that the Sahel is Hell !!

@MiguelMC-Yt - 2024-03-26

I've been in Guinea too! And I have to say it was rlly tough

@hellifreiherr260 - 2024-03-26

can you provide some events and circumstances, why the countries poor and tough? Have the colonial masters left behind the problematic situations?

@AvogadroAvogadro - 2024-03-26

Tell me what you were doing in those countries? Are you not a CIA terror recruiter?

@anon858. - 2024-03-26

​@hellifreiherr260 the video explains most of it, and you can do some research. But just a quick update, 14 African countries (most of which are in the sahel region) still use the "CFA francs" which is a French currency, and they are expected to keep 50% of their reserves in the French treasury in France. That tells you how France still controls these countries prevent them from growing.

@Gold-lv5ih - 2024-03-26

Exaggerate much? I've spent time in Guinea with no issues. Nice locals as well

@donwolff6463 - 2024-04-13

Please, please, oh for the sake of clarity, and my poor old waning eye sight, make your text font size slightly larger. I so love your programs, but become thoroughly frustrated by not being able to read your small charts which so distracts from both the engagement and the learning. I so want to get the full benefit from the effort you put into these vids, but in the instance of some texts sizes, it becomes completely fruitless and often times even sadly aggravating (especially when a charts you did will help really clarify the issue and I am just bleeding out the sides of my eyeballs squinting so hard to try to read the text...which I just cant seem to do...and then I'm pissed and covered in eye blood ;-)
Remember, many of us are on phones and thus can't see the very small text. However, nearly every time, on all your vids, you have enough space to make the font sizes slightly larger without blocking the rest of the primary focus of the picture being displayed. So, please, please, I keep, and will continue to keep asking you to please, for the sake of all that is decent and good in humanity, please increase your font size.

@EyeOfTheTiger777 - 2024-04-19

I second this...

@SMG043 - 2024-03-29

Fascinating info

@stephenpowstinger733 - 2024-03-23

Most of my friends think I spend too much time on foreign affairs like in Africa but I don’t spend enough to understand it fully. And many Americans ignore foreign crises.

@omnianti0 - 2024-03-24

the first crisis is the UN falacy

@MN-vz8qm - 2024-03-24

Breathe, this channel is pushing BS.
Africa has laways been a huge net cost for France, both back during the colonization, and even more today, just some classical russian propaganda...

@JeffreyFay - 2024-03-24

Americans are no less informed on current global events than Europeans.

@AM-dc7pv - 2024-03-24

I suppose, I should atleast point out some nuance/context:

Many Americans do ignore foreign problems...when domestic crisis at home for the average American must take precedence and right now it is a tacit issue but I digress. Outside of that, a significant percentage [if not nearly all or all] of modern world crisises receive American aid relief in some manner. Not sure if you meant the connotation but yes, as those with the most...we actually do give pretty much the most and the second typically being our allies from America's hat, the Canadians to those across the pond in GBE/UK or Europe and increasingly Australia/NZ and SEAsia from like Japan, SKorea and Taiwan. This is why disaster and conflict zones outside of our borders can be reached with very decent reliability Americans on site providing civilian relief from health service personnel like doctors, nurses, maxillofacia specialists, etc rendering life saving services to the unfortunate in warzone relief refugee, sanctuary and missionary camps to even specialists like pathologists and laboratory specialists for example in outbreak events to municipal, civil and infrastructure scientists and engineers in ecological sustainability or disaster relief from like severe typhoons.

So, a significant portion of American effort (ie. human, manufactured and economic/financial capital) goes abroad to help others...but that's not as attention/click grabbing, soundbyte or algorithm friendly as like breaking news coverage of USAF fighters and bombs raining carnage upon some small country with a bunch of teens with oily skin and acne that are protesting outside of a newly opened McDonalds. Or my favorite for newspaper headlines is: Ex: "Small country that just found oil and suddenly their government is now overthrown by a radical Islamic terrorist cell and is wet and ready for stiff and girthy trouser slab of freedom, liberty and managed democracy throbbing through a 500kg bomb shoved up their bonus holes", front page article picture shows fighter jets streaking overhead and bald eagle standing on your shoulder as fireworks erupt behind you as you hold both a blasting AR-15 and a US flag standing defiantly atop an Abrams tank...why? Because, Amurica...f--uh-ck yeah. Anyways...

@cavebabybezerkers - 2024-03-24

Cause they're scared 😱. Americans don't have to look at foreign policy all they have to do is look at the blacks here. The average American is frightened here at home. . Hell nooooo !!!! They can't cope with what's coming from thier foreign policy aswell

@particles343 - 2024-03-24

I worked in the oilfield in Gabon. There are a lot of French expats there and companies.

@HughMungus11 - 2024-03-24

Yeah well there isn’t enough expertise in Gabonese companies to efficiently extract resources there, so the government will have to work together with foreign, in this case French companies to effectively extract oil

@Booz2010 - 2024-03-24


@Asif24960 - 2024-03-24

Expats??? You mean immigrants. Why is it only white people get called expats and everyone else an immigrant?

@Snaoe - 2024-03-24

​@@HughMungus11"black people are too stupid to use their natural resources, that's why we need to exploit it and make our country wealthy instead"

@stralestrale47 - 2024-03-24

@@HughMungus11 lol sure sure hahahaha. Does frnech companies alsohelp with children extracting uranium with their hands and selling it 1kg for 0.7 dollar?