> chemistry > explosifs > nitrotetrazoles > nitroguanidine-from-guanidine-nitrate-allchemystery

Nitroguanidine from guanidine nitrate

AllChemystery - 2017-05-08

we dehydrate the previously made guanidine nitrate in concentrated sulfuric acid to form nitroguanidine. this is done at a temperature of around 10C and below. 
the crude product was recrystallized from boiling water to yield the fluffy needle like crystals of nitroguanidine ready for the next step.
we plan to reduce the nitroguanidine to aminoguanidine for yet another different method to synthesize 5-Aminotetrazole.

Science is Kind of Cool - 2017-05-08

Keep making awesome videos like this

Science is Kind of Cool - 2017-05-08

Cool. Keep it up

七彩凉橙 - 2017-05-09


Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2019-05-11

Awesome video brother. How do you stop the guanidine nitrate from staying in these hard clumps when it hits the acid?

Gugglepluss Suques - 2017-05-09

Now the tricky part: compressing or grinding the crystals.

SAV OİE - 2018-06-04

(ButhyleneGlycerol) : (Butyl Glycol),
are these products the same?

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2018-06-08

How was the yield after dehydration?

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2018-06-08

Could 93% H2SO4 be used in lue of 98%?

AllChemystery - 2018-06-08

Cannagorilla Canna yes but you’d have to use a little more. I honestly don’t remember the yield but it was a few more g than what I used in the zinc reduction video for amino guanidine. I do recall it was a good yield though.

Barry Mayson - 2017-11-17

Reminds me of fiberglass.

AstreliousRx666 - 2017-08-23

i have tryed to make some nitroguanidine from guanidine chloride via presipitating it with NH4NO3 , but yeld was low , maybe because of large unempurities of Cl- ions . Chlorine gas was also appeared

mark p - 2019-06-10

Buy poor mans James bond vol 2 for more info on this. And so much more on fun energetic chemistry... Buy it you won't regret it. Unless you wish for stupid stuff...

AllChemystery - 2019-06-10

Lol... I have all volumes. Admittedly there’s some useful information in it, However I’d prefer real scientific method for dangerous things like this.Explosives are no joke and if you follow a method written by people who don’t know exactly what they are doing then you are courting disaster! Examples to not take seriously: Anarchist cookbook, Afiles, and anything written by Jolly Roger.
You know the guy Kurt Saxon blew off some of his fingers messing with explosives. He also blinded one eye messing with sodium metal. That shows his expertise!

cannagorilla - 2019-07-18

@AllChemystery very good advise. Some people don't understand just how powerful some of these compounds are. Or how dangerous there synthesis can be. Especially if you're following a synthesis from an unreputable author. Unless you know what your doing you shouldn't be trying to synthesize anything energetic regardless of the source.

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2017-07-12

It's a shame that there are not some blow and heat tests at the end of the video. That would be a great help for others. How the compound if is heating or hitting an anvil. For confirm a basic properties. What was prepare. Just I prepared this compound, but I have not any comparation. Material seem different before dehydratation and also before recrystalisation after dehydratation. Before recrystallisation are energetic properties a flat zero. Not burning, only melting, not exploded on anvil.
Thanks, Dr.

Eimantas a - 2019-03-12

@Laboratory of Liptakov Actually making CHP would be easier way for primary charges

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2019-03-12

@Eimantas a CHP is primary and secondary together. His VoD is 7500m/s. Is it enough (1g) for full det. any ANAl.

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2019-05-11

@Laboratory of Liptakov hey Doc, alot of us amateur energetics enthusiast are not chemists but do have some form of chemistry background.

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2019-05-12

Is not available any procedure for it in literature.

mark p - 2019-06-10

Poor man's James bond vol 2 all you need to know is in this toumb.