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Telescope at the South Pole (BICEP-3) - Deep Sky Videos

DeepSkyVideos - 2016-11-11

Denis Barkats and friends show us the BICEP-3 telescope at the South Pole. More Denis videos from Antarctica: http://bit.ly/Antarctica_SS
More telescope videos on Deep Sky Videos: http://bit.ly/telescopetours

Video also features Kimmy Wu and Jimmy Grayson.
Denis filmed these during the Summer 2015-2016.
He is based at Harvard University.
BICEP3: https://www.cfa.harvard.edu/CMB/bicep3/

Deep Sky Videos website: http://www.deepskyvideos.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeepSkyVideos
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More about the astronomers in our videos: http://www.deepskyvideos.com/pages/contributors.html

Made possible by:
The University of Nottingham 
and The University of Sheffield.

Video by Brady Haran (this one was filmed by Denis)
Extra editing by James Hennessy

Tokyotokyo Tokakyoku - 2016-11-11

And the award for coolest sentence ever spoken goes to: "those are the helium lines going to the pulsetube cooler trying to cool down the inside of the cryostat."

Ze Rubenator - 2016-11-11

I can almost hear O'Neill sighing "get to the point."

Ccoommer - 2016-11-12


iambiggus - 2017-02-28

Tokyotokyo Tokakyoku coldest indeed! :-)

Duane Degn - 2018-10-13

And it makes the exact sound it should based on its description.

Peter Bucek - 2016-11-11

I couldn't get around that horrible smudge on that coating layer of one of those detectors!

Jan Schermer - 2016-11-11

exactly! my OCD governs me to clean that but I can't!

Sean Rodden - 2016-11-18

Peter Bucek I thought first that it was a smudge, but then I decided it was something underneath like a bracket.

JediNg135 - 2017-08-13

I, too, was bothered!

Mark Tillotson - 2017-11-06

Its a microwave sensor, remember, a smudge isn't going to have the effect you might at first think!

Victoria M - 2018-01-29

What Mark Tillotson said! Smudges matter when it's an optical or more energetic telescope, but microwaves are completely unaffected by that.

Sabercy - 2016-11-12

That helium line noise is really cool

OOZ662 - 2016-11-12

The "next" video after this that YouTube has decided to give me is "proof" that the Earth is flat because planes are apparently crashing into the invisible shield that holds in the atmosphere. YouTube, please...

Patrick Beecroft - 2016-11-18

I know what you mean. I wish there were some way to block certain content or at least particular channels

chuck talbot - 2017-03-23

Yup it is bizarre how they decide what you might like to watch next.

AustrianAnarchy - 2017-05-29

Using the "not interested" selection and specifying that you are not interested in that channel works as well as telling YouTube you are not interested if you have already seen the videos. Just empty clicking on your part and no change in YouTube suggestions.

ha- ha - 2019-04-22

Earth is round tho

François A - 2016-11-11

These Antarctica videos are plain awesome ! :)

RMoribayashi - 2016-11-13

After a lifetime of working with radio waves I just can't get used to terahertz level microwaves that act more like light. Using an optical lowpass filter to screen out the infrared light from a radio telescope just blows my mind.

january161992 - 2019-01-22

yep transitioning thru dc to daylight is amazing!

Moritz Köckritz - 2016-11-12

sneaky alumin(i)um at 5:12 Brady

Victoria M - 2018-01-29

Normally I'd advocate the international spellings of things, but the British chemist responsible for its name had chosen "Aluminum" in the first place, and it was the Americans who used "Aluminium" until meddling from pseudo-linguists got everything mixed up. In a way, Aluminum is the proper British way to say it, and neither spelling can be called wrong.

Starblind11 - 2018-07-05

Victoria M you are incorrect. He first chose Alumium, changed his mind once to Aluminum, then changed it again to Aluminium.

Whiskey Throttle - 2016-11-12

I can´t get over how young and yet competent they all seem to be. That´s pretty awesome.

Jaap Versteegh - 2016-11-16

These people weren't just picked from the street I guess ;)

Dont question My Name - 2017-06-26

i afraid those are Harvard and Cali Tech people.

Anderson 63 Scooper - 2018-07-24

And that Kimmy Wu is definitely a South Pole 10/10

Heru- deshet - 2018-10-19

These people are pretty much born smart.

dmk - 2018-10-19

Dark Sector: South Pole sounds like the ultimate 80s movie :D

Turkee Sonvich - 2016-11-20

omg dream job, dream location.....

Juan Gonzalez - 2016-11-11

There's a smudge on one of the detector modules.

Chris - 2016-11-11

We've missed you, Deep Sky Videos! <3

Andy - 2016-11-11

What is that chirping noise around 6:40 I noticed the MRI at work makes the same noise.

Attila Dobos - 2016-11-11

The pulsetube cooler does this sound as it cools the device with the helium. MR equipment has a similar cooling system as that one needs low temperatures for omptimal image quality, too.

24680kong - 2016-11-11

Helium cryocoolers make that sound. MRI machines use them to cool down its magnet coils so that they are superconducting and can make a strong magnetic field.

Somewhat Snakes - 2016-11-11

Smudges on the reflective detector thingies at 1:42

Pferdekopfnebel - 2016-11-12

1:48 at row 4, column 4

Sallent - 2018-04-16

Somewhat Snakes Should not make much of a difference. Its better to ignore smudges and clean the lenses as little as possible. You'd be surprised how dirty a lens or mirror can get before the image starts to suffer. As an amateur astronomer I only clean my telescope every few years when it's finally caked in dust and the image starts to degrade. Otherwise it's best not to touch, as every time you clean you cause wear and scratches to the coatings and the glass/mirror no matter how careful you try to be.

Pif de Mestre - 2016-11-28

At 10:08 be careful you almost press the auto-destruct button.

Perktube1 - 2020-01-20

2:02 - that anti-reflection coating looks awfully reflective.

TheDarkFalcon - 2016-11-12

I thought that was a warning alarm or something, nope just cooling systems :')

agkl - 2016-11-12

Brady you should go to Antarctica! I love Denis' videos but it would be amazing to see you there.

Paul Drake - 2016-11-25

0:30 I would so absolutely whip a handball over there... BONNNNGGGG!!!!

Rasmus Peter Mathiesen - 2016-11-11

I love these Antarctica videos! Brady, how many more are there planned, can you tell us?

zapfanzapfan - 2016-11-27

Now, that's a place to visit! :-)

unclvinny - 2016-12-07

That is wildly complicated. Love it!

PinkChucky15 - 2016-11-12

Wow, awesome! :-)

vlogerhood - 2016-11-11

I ache with sadness that I will never get the chance to spend time at the South Pole.

amoose136 - 2016-11-16

If it's an antireflection coating, why can we so clearly see our reflection in them? :P

Rational Ape - 2018-02-13

00:46 T-Shirts!!! Warm indeed.

tee bee - 2016-11-12

I feel like I understood at most half of this video 😅

91Muzzle - 2016-11-12

I hardly understood anything at all. But I wanted more anyway :D

Sterby jr. - 2016-11-11

Who the F touched the detector at 1:46? Ooh god, this grinds my gears so much, my OCD is screaming!

Nob the Knave - 2017-03-22

You dont have ocd.

LazerLord10 - 2016-11-16

It's a 4K camera!

billiondollardan - 2019-02-11

aaaaaaah one of the detectors is smudged. I can't stand it

hklausen - 2017-02-11

Impresive :-)

Jacxel - 2016-11-11

Enjoyed Denis's David Niven look

ThatGuy OverHere - 2019-10-21

I love Kimmy!

Aargg - 2016-11-11

awesome to have a video again!

Alexandru Gheorghe - 2016-11-18

Nice mustache :D

Kevin Smith - 2018-07-20

wow that is amazing

Laural Davis - 2016-11-11

Awesome! Thanks!

Sachi Perez - 2016-11-14

Who put a smudge on my detector?

Bring MeSunshine - 2018-07-03

Fantastic insight into hard work, in the field science, passion and dedication. I wish I could go

Hendrik Hendrikson - 2016-11-11


N/A N/A - 2017-01-17


Jean Vallee - 2016-11-14

Hey, you guys rocks, keep it up.

DeepSkyVideos - 2016-11-16

thank you :)

John Johansen - 2017-11-05

6:47 Make that canary shut up! ;-)

Jim Donegan - 2017-09-17

Everything about this installation is awesome.

Christopher Hale - 2016-11-11

I saw this thumbnail and assumed it was a music video from mrsuicidesheep.

Goes to show how out of this world this place is.

Juan Gonzalez - 2016-11-12

John Waters at the South Pole.

ch. rough habit - 2019-03-21

Juan Gonzalez and freezes

Alan Noorkoiv - 2018-11-29

Wish I were there!..

Thene - 2017-09-21

The sound of that helium cryocooler is so beautiful.

Jason Ross - 2018-07-21

i saw a smudge on the light detector glass lol..oops lol

Valkyrie612 - 2016-11-15

Why are they not wearing protective/clean gear when around highly sensitive equipment?

RonJohn63 - 2019-01-05

Either they're sloppy and incompetent, or it doesn't matter like you think it does. I vote "it doesn't matter like you think it does".