> chemistry > agents-halogénés > synthesis-of-phosphorus-tribromide-texium

Synthesis of Phosphorus Tribromide

Texium - 2016-07-18

In this video I synthesize phosphorus tribromide using bromine and red phosphorus. An excellent 87% yield is attained. I plan to use the phosphorus tribromide in a future video to make an acyl bromide.

Zane Atkins - 2016-12-25

Great video! thanks for sharing.

J H - 2020-11-25

Great video! Thanks for sharing (saw your link in your SM signature).

Chemical Engineer - 2016-07-26

Good video. Keep up with the good work.

Petko Tzvetkov - 2017-03-16

Great video!!
Please, as a man knowing the topic in depyh - is that the general conditions of performing a BBr3 ??
I mean - if I caoud see info or preparation of this reagent - it would be great!!!

Petko Tzvetkov - 2017-11-28

Great!!! I'm sad you did not post more videos anymore..

Texium - 2018-01-12

I decided that making videos isn't my thing, but I started a blog to continue sharing my chemical endeavors: https://texium.wordpress.com/ I know that it hasn't been updated in a long time either, but I will hopefully be returning soon, with a few surprises.

Petko Tzvetkov - 2018-01-12

Great, I will follow and read!

ahmet selçuk - 2020-05-16

Phospour tricloride synsetesis diffirent and between????

j_sum1 - 2016-07-19

Nice work, Texium. Really good first video. And something a bit different from many others out there. I have not seen this synth before.

A couple of small criticisms -- in the interest of improving video quality.
Really noticeable voice change at around 5 mins. And actually a comment that was not needed. We could see that you were showing the rest of the distillation at 8x.
A little additional time at the start showing the reaction details would have been good. And a static safety message I think is better than a scrolling one.
You might want to take a note from chemplayer where, for each measurement, he shows the amount in grams and the molecular mass and the amount in moles: three bits of information in one hit. Ditto at the end where the yield is written in both grams and as a percentage. As a viewer it is really good to have all this info. And it is better written since it can be easily found again when scrolling back through the video -- easy if you want to repeat the experiment.

All of this is thorough nitpicking and I am sure you will take it in the sense that it is given. Overall, I am really impressed. Nice clear narration. Good lighting. Nicely zoomed in. Good views of the reaction. Well edited. Great information. I really high standard to attain to. One day I hope to produce some of my own. And if mine are as good as this, I will be very pleased.

Texium - 2016-07-19

Thanks J! My voice changed there because I couldn't find the microphone that I normally use and resigned to record it using my laptop's built in microphone... that shouldn't be a problem in the future. I'll adopt the ChemPlayer style captions of measurements and final yield, that's a good idea. I can imagine if I was watching this video and trying to repeat the procedure, I'd probably get frustrated trying to find those bits of important information.

Good Sir - 2016-07-25

Didn't another chemnut make a video on exactly this? NurdRage, NileRed, Doug's Lab?

Texium - 2016-07-26

NileRed made a phosphorus tribromide video, however he did not use chloroform as a solvent. That was my idea to improve the procedure. With the chloroform in there, there's less fire, so it's safer, cleaner, and less phosphorus is wasted.

Good Sir - 2016-07-26

Ahh i see. Great video btw and post more videos soon.

Andrew Hill - 2021-01-13

Would it be better to put all the phosphorus in the flask, add some chloroform, and put more chloroform and the bromine in an addition funnel and slowly drip in the bromine?