> chemistry > divers-organiques > how-to-make-cadaverine-the-smell-of-death-decarb-of-lysine-nilered

How to make cadaverine (the smell of death)

NileRed - 2014-04-19

Warning: Cadaverine is absolutely putrid and it taints everything that it comes into contact with. It also does not wash off too easily. 

This video was more of a proof of concept than an actual synthesis. The amount of lysine and sodium bicabonate used was relatively arbitrary.

In this video I use two methods to produce cadaverine:

1. Basic heating: This is not very efficient and burns a lot of the cadaverine. 

2. Destructive distillation: I use an improvised destructive distillation setup. This method is much more efficient because it is carried out under a nitrogen atmosphere. Higher temperatures can be used without risking burning. 

I honestly did not proceed further in the second method because of the putrid smell. A lot more cadaverine was produced and the smell was making me nauseous.

The lysine hydrochloride can be purchased from health supplement stores. I got 250g for about $17 shipped from www.purebulk.com

FantasmaNaranja - 2015-12-19

its weird that whats usually referred to as the seed of life or whatever pornos call it these days has the smell of death on it

Frey - 2020-08-09


tonyHern865 - 2020-09-01

what you are saying doesn't make sense to me : are you talking about sperm??

FantasmaNaranja - 2020-09-02

@tonyHern865 yes tony, sperm has cadaverine in it

dumb rat b!tch - 2020-10-12


karenate - 2021-03-01


Jordan - 2015-05-22

It smells like a strong semen.  From a fine vintage.

valcye - 2015-10-25

+Jordan Greene Whats it got to do with me?

Neurotic Sos - 2018-04-08

Cadaverine scented candles

Alian Jafeth Marin - 2020-06-07

By bath & body works

A 1d0t - 2020-08-09

Alian Jafeth Marin *bath and dead body works

Max Penn - 2020-10-17

A very carefully wrapped gift for someone whom you do not love.

Nacht Kind - 2021-01-14

Use adipocere for the candles.

Emma Jaubert - 2021-01-18


Just Me - 2019-11-07

They should put this in pepper spray.
"Can you describe the man who attacked you?"
"He was about 5'-9, dark hair, and smells like death"

Definitely not Yuri bezmenov - 2020-10-26

Release the hounds

Chuckle Nuts - 2021-04-07

Sounds like my brother

Linus Tuttle - 2015-11-03

Another channel under the name "Chemistry" has reuploaded your video without giving you any credit. And blatantly copy/pasted the description of this video for it.

Edward Willim - 2018-02-13

"The human semen contains a trace amount of Cadaverine"

I might just be emo, but isn't it so ironic that the essence of death can be found in the catalyst for a new life form? Doesn't this exemplify the fate of every human, which in my opinion is "Born to die, not to live"?

nirvana 211 - 2020-10-14


karenate - 2021-03-01

bruh moment

Abtin Khamoshi - 2019-11-19

Finally! My death metal band has a name

plante1999 - 2014-04-19

A while ago I had made methylamine using hexamine and hydrochloric acid, apparently even after repeated shower I still smelled like "fish". It could be a nice experiment for you next video maybe?

NileRed - 2014-04-20

Yeah, I will try that at some point for sure! I might also try to make trimethylamine, which is the 'true' fish odor. That should definitely be fun. Im not sure if I want to smell like fish though.

NileRed - 2014-04-20

I swear I smelled cadaverine for days. I think I will give it some time before I make more stinky molecules

Razor 404 - 2019-11-24

plante1999 you can break down amines with vinegar. You have to decide whether it‘s worth or not to shower in vinegar tho

Filthy Fletcher - 2016-10-24

Looks like my neighbour's house is going to stink :).

Robert Paul Guidry - 2015-12-12

"how ever, I chose not to proceed any further" ha ha ha ha...

Pyramid132420 - 2016-03-01

Strong semen...
Take it to a gay bar and throw it all over the bathroom walls.

jeff - 2016-12-13

gonna throw this on exams week so that I can get out of the classroom and work somewhere else.

Reich Motion Pictures - 2019-12-18

Why is the method called "destructive distillation"?

My theory: Because after the distillation your apparatus smells so bad that they just can't be used anymore

Californium-252 - 2020-03-07

The best destructive distillation: The type that makes the apparatus extremely stinky.

jacinto cuellar - 2018-08-02

I will pack it and sell it naming it "le Frangance d'Zombiè"

jklw10 - 2017-12-15

No wonder my room smells like dead fish

Vye Agra - 2020-08-15


Dringa vlogs - 2016-05-04

I watched this vid because I'm autistic so I get hooked on words, and "cadaver" is one of my favorite.
Thus, I got hooked on the word "cadaverine!"
I tried to count how many times you said it, but I lost count as I was counting on my fingers.

Milo Ferrara - 2020-07-06

j.sandusky it must’ve been a sad day when you slithered out of the abortion bucket

Frey - 2020-08-09

j.sandusky Shut up. Why should you hate on autistic people? They’re as normal as others.

Psuedo Nym - 2020-08-17

@j.sandusky If no one gives a fuck, then why are you here?

SeanP87 - 2015-04-10

Makes a great addition for the ultimate zombie costume!

Exe Csrss - 2020-08-22

For me, the smell of death is the terrifingly sweet smell of organophosphate insecticides. (I don't know why, but I always associate the smell with death, because a lot of them can actually kill you.)

Logan Gomez - 2018-06-18

I heard about this on how to do everything. If you cover yourself with cadaverine, zombies will not want to eat you because they will think you are dead.

sten beetlex - 2015-04-06

THIS is chemistry..... lovely.

HEADBANGRR - 2014-12-23

Cool upload.  Thanx!

Tigeeer - 2019-11-12

I saw the use of cadaverine in biosynthesis of molecules in plant metabolism. It's fascinating

aicilefool - 2014-10-04

i love your channel! haha keep uploading cool experiments!

Kenneth Hempstead - 2014-07-10

(MIND BLOWN!) I prefer the second method- this should be a hit at the mortuary school that I'm currently attending (the quarter system, ugh...)! Thanks for the splendid video!

Stephan Brun - 2017-08-26

Lol, the next video in the autoplay list is putrescine (smell of death and decay.) I suddenly have an urge to make both. :D

Take Aim - 2015-11-03

I'm a new subscriber and I absolutely love your videos. This is definitely one of my favorites just because of how gnarly and disgusting I can imagine the "strong semen smell" is. Thanks for putting up with the stench to create this amazing video!

NileRed - 2015-11-03

+Take Aim haha, no problem! I plan to try to make and isolate putrescine at some point to make nylon with it. Not sure when that will happen though.

Brian M - 2014-11-15

I love your videos man.

Keep it up!

TheJKJunkie - 2016-07-01

My most sincere apologies Sergio777 for spelling spirit incorrectly where would we be without you.

Anneliese o'callaghan - 2018-03-15

Hey Nile. I suggest running the reaction under vacuum, as it can occur at lower temperatures, therefore less brown contamination would occur due to burning. You obviously can't have the delivery tube going to then ethanol, though.

Julien Ferté - 2015-04-19

Hi, I don't make/know much about the destructive distillation but, in order to avoid the suckback of water, couldn't you use a two-hole cork with the second hole furnishing N2 from a gaz cylinder (sorry if I make a mistake in English) with a tap?

a black cloud - 2016-12-09

nice video :^)

Clyde Wary - 2015-08-07

Ah, one of my most favorite chemicals!  Another favorite is putrescine.  Guess where its name comes from.... :)

Burger Nice - 2017-12-10


trolo jolo - 2019-10-18


Bob is Love - 2018-05-02

I know I'm late but isn't it a bad idea to use fire with latex gloves?

Paul Frankenstein - 2016-09-05

Can you make Formaldehyde CH2O?

supersaper3 - 2014-04-24

Nice video, totally approve of this one. You could look into using a real short path distillation setup if you were intent on isolating the cadaverine more effectively without suckback issues (I'm sure your lab has many distillation heads)

NileRed - 2014-04-24

ha, I definitely don't plan on working with it again. I'll remember that for the next time I do a destructive distillation though. I'm glad you approve!

Flixer Studios - 2018-10-31

I made this but just cant get the smell away, its all over the house? Any advise? My parents are not too happy haha.

Allen - 2017-12-29

What is the equipment you use to blow air for evaporating the solvent?

Brad R - 2015-08-23

is this similar or related to the plant that smells like death? Just wondering. Ty for the video.

OmikronPsy - 2016-07-19

smell of death = smell of semen? hmnn..... what could that tell us?

ozan kızıl - 2020-02-20

can u made it risinine from castor beans?

Jonny Argyle - 2016-08-23

Could I use ArCO2 shielding gas instead of nitrogen? I happen to have that on hand. I have CO2 airgun cartridges as well, and they don't hold much use for me anymore... Easier and cheaper to find than nitrogen I would assume.

Jack Sparrow225 - 2020-03-14

Can you use regular off the shelf lysine, like from a drug store? I’m guessing probably not but it would be cool if you could.

in dog we trust on Instagram - 2020-06-29

I made it and worked absolutly fine. I smelled like shit, wonderful! :)

But be sure that it is pure or that you know what the other indgredients are. If it isn't pure it might be something like starche or any other stuff that has no real taste and is cheap. It shouldn't be a big of a deal but it would be better if you clean it in first place.

Verging Meats - 2020-12-20

@in dog we trust on Instagram this is weirdest comment section I’ve seen, I love it

Sebastian Jaramillo - 2018-02-27

Is the addition of N (gas) necessary or is it just so that you don't burn any of the lysine?

Fluffy Monsta - 2015-05-18

Hey Nike Red do you happen to know anything about Cadaverine uses in inductrial? anything you know about would be helpful even a website?

NileRed - 2015-06-25

That sounds pretty easy. Do you know what ratio of lysine to mineral oil that you used? What is the max lysine loading possible? 
Also, what did you heat it to? Reflux? Did you ever find out how pure the product was? Did you use freebase lysine or lysine salt?

Exascale - 2015-06-25

The key is to use the highest boiling mineral oil you can. In fact if you can get your hands on a synthetic fluorinated oil for the decarboxylation then you should. The Oil is there only as a thermal buffer to prevent the material from overheating and decomposing/polymerizing. I used the zwitterionic form of lysine but it should be better to use the freebase if you can. You could load it as long as you make sure that its able to be stirred with a stirbar. Heating to 250-300C should be your goal. After the hour long heating just let it cool and add acidic water. Seperate the water and then neutralize and extract. 

NileRed - 2015-06-26

Hmm I will definitely try this out at some point

Patrick Casey - 2015-08-26

+Nile Red what smells worse to you: Butyric acid or cadaverine?

NileRed - 2015-08-29

Cadaverine. I don't mind the smell of butyric acid at all. 

Shant Ohanian - 2016-04-07

could you show us extracting cadaverine with an organic solvent? maybe demonstrate a micro-reflux set and conical vials. thanks.

YoAddicts - 2015-12-06

This is a brilliant channel, Nile.
I'm just curious. Are you working in the research of chemical tools development for bioimaging?
I'm assuming you're somehow related cause Nile Red is a fluorophore I know of in that field

YoAddicts - 2015-12-07

+Nile Red Ahh lol. Are you considering research as a career? You can do synthetic chem =D

NileRed - 2015-12-07

I was a researcher but I left. I might go back one day though. For now, its all home stuff :)

YoAddicts - 2015-12-08

+Nile Red Icic. It's always good to take a break. It took me an entire year to figure out what I really want. Now I'm considering PhD.

NileRed - 2015-12-08

@YoAddicts just make sure it's something you want. A PhD is a big commitment!

YoAddicts - 2015-12-09

+Nile Red Yep. I'm looking for RA positions. Not gonna be easy looking for one lol

Nicholas Slavik - 2021-01-18

I've read that it's a very violent reaction, but, have you ever considered making sodium chloride? :) that would be cool to see on the channel!

Kacper Pająk - 2017-01-30

Can i use l lysine instead of lysine HCL?

[)(r[) - 2019-11-24

cool! so that's what i taste when my bf says open mouth and eyes closed.. it's science!

Max Penn - 2020-10-17

Unlike cadaverine, it's loaded with nutrients. Also science.

Seth - 2016-10-17

so this is essence o' strip club?