LabCoatz - 2024-12-30
🌏 Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal + 4 months extra here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!✌ Of all the controversial food additives, diacetyl might just be the most delicious. It occurs naturally in butter and other foods, and is considered safe to eat...but when a lot of it is inhaled directly (through, say, a vape pen), it tends to cause irreversible lung damage, which has lead to a certain level of distrust and avoidance. So, to see just how bad it is, I made some...and tried using it to replicate movie theater popcorn butter! Want a sample of my fake butter? Just donate $15, and be sure to include your name and address: New $15+ Patreon members will also be offered a sample: Keep in mind, these samples are less than 1mL and are not intended for human consumption. And be sure to check out @Amateur.Chemistry and his video on making diacetyl: WARNING: do not consume homemade flavoring agents...or any other chemicals for that matter. I did it because I understood the risks associated with these chemicals, and only consumed a milligram or less in total (since the product was diluted to under 0.5% concentration in oil, and the two popcorn kernels I ate only had a few hundred milligrams of oil on them). Please: be wise, and don't do what I do! 0:00 Intro 0:28 Diacetyl: A delicious lie 1:25 Safety 3:36 Synthesis 6:45 Mistakes were made... 8:27 Final yield 8:54 Making fake butter (50,000 times stronger than normal) 10:29 Tasting 13:45 Better than expected! 14:07 GIVEAWAY! 14:46 Conclusion
But what about popcorn flavored butter?
Chem battle!
Corn flavored butter pop?
what if we butter in the pop of then do corn flavour 🤤🤤🤤
you won't do it
Yellow chemistry and tar, I’m surprised that explosions&fire didn’t make a cameo
The Chemist in Yellow
He's too busy making tar of his own.
He's too busy with cubic tar to bother with my 2-dimensional yellow chemistry
"All yellow chemistry is trash" 😅
Chemists tasting their creations is how scientific progress was made for hundreds of years. It's also one of the reasons why chemists usually didn't die of old age.
Yeah, I try to keep my exposures to a maybe once or twice per year. At least that's less risky that "acceptable" activities like smoking every week!
@@LabCoatz_Science Get an NMR from local university and you can validate purity and then dont have to worry
@@LabCoatz_Science Nobody dies from smnoking every week. every day perhaps
@annother3350 what are you on lol yes they do die, and if not they aren't the rule, they are the exception
That and cancer
I appreciate you telling me not to try and replicate this at home since i barely have the skills to make a baking soda volcano
@@hukaman88 wait, you can actually do that?!? I tried but I couldn't remember if it was baking soda or powder so I gave up 😭
Used to work at a cinema and the flavoring we added in popping was called "Flavacol" if you ever want to compare to the actual product
is that a powder right? What did you use for butter?
@jpjpjpjpjpjpjpjp It's a buttery flavored salt, used in place of either ingredient. A lot of times the liquid "butter" doesn't even have the artificial flavoring, it's often just the same orange oil the popcorn is popped in.
@@yalborap yeah I've seen that crap go in and it really threw me off of the idea of eating movie theater popcorn. Well, until the next movie I went to...but it was still gross!
i love videos like this because it commits the cardinal sin of eating in the lab. not only that, but you’re eating what you MAKE in the lab, which is even more insane
The more I learn about chemistry the more accurate Explosions&Fire's mantra of "Whenever a reaction mixture turns yellow, everything is ruined" seems.
Also I know nothing about chemistry, I just find the processes and arcane instruments neat to watch in action :D
Workers in factories definitely seemed to get worse damage than the vapers, at least when you read the medical literature. Not sure why.
Probably because they got that good factory air, with some fun suspensions
Because diacetyl was included only in a few poorly made vaping juices in the past. (diacetyl is banned for vape juices)
And that was in small amounts. Cigarettes contain naturally a much higher amount of diacetyl than any of those juices did.
And popcorn factory workers were exposed to way higher amounts than even cigarettes.
This video honestly gives very little actual information on diacetyl.. It is for instance also found naturally in butter, coffee , beer etc. (not just added to margarine)
@@0xszander0That's the explanation, thanks for answering the question accurately and fully.
He mentions it being found naturally in butter@@0xszander0
How about investigating into what exactly 'natural flavors' are. Good luck.
Chef here. I'm not sure about american cinema popcorn, but for us aussies, the best way to get cinema flavoured popcorn is...and i shit you not...just the regular no-name popping corn kernals, and bog standard salted margarine. A flat layer of corn with enough margarine (when melted) to cover about 1/2 to 3/4 of the kernal, and cook uncovered on a medium heat (it should bubble like a freshly poured carbonated drink). That will do 1 really decent, or 2 good servings (depending on hunger) if you use an 18 or 20cm pot. It only takes 3 minutes or so, so just increase the pot diameter if you need to do more serves than that, but keep in mind that A=pi x r^2.
That's because raw margarine has no flavor. It's industrially manufactured from neutrally-flavored vegetable oils. Then they add "artificial butter flavor", which is.....diacetyl.
Im from Aus and just throw the pop corn in a microwave press start 2mins and enjoy popcorn with no diacetyl. Tastes like buttery popcorn
@@spinjector Hold the Diacetyl - I'm fine with butter
"Popcorn maker's lungs" is the layman's term for people who got sick because of an occupational exposure to Diacetyl.
Popcorn lung
@@theangledsaxon6765 vaping circa 2015
@@brendanshanahan1757Most vape liquids do not actually contain Diacetyl, especially today. And especially not in the dosages that popcorn manufacturers were exposed to, which was many thousands of times higher, and constantly for years. Hence why it’s never actually been proven to exist in vapers. Vaping is bad for you for many other reasons though. The addictive nature being one of the biggest.
People were getting popcorn lung from the butter flavoring in some vapes
@@neonnova9042 That was either when vapes were new and essentially unregulated or due to counterfeit/DIY vape juice. The same happened with Vitamin E.
As an aircraft mechanic who regularly works with MEK as a cleaning solvent, I think I’ll stick to butter from now on, thank you very much
Betty Botter bought a bit of butter. "But," she said, "the butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, it will make my batter bitter. But, a bit of better butter will make my batter better." So, she bought a bit of butter, better than her bitter butter.
... Then she put it in her batter and the batter was not bitter.
T'was better Betty Botter bought a bit of better butter.
i feel like the only person on the planet who doesn't really think movie theatre popcorn tastes any better than just regular home popped corn
It’s possible to make better popcorn at home but you’ve gotta make it fresh and use real butter. Real butter tastes way better to me idk. I’ve heard people say real butter makes butter soggy but I’ve never had an issue
My God that amount of yellow makes Australian shed man shiver
Lots of alchemy afoot
Alchemy, of course, being yellow chemistry
I really appreciate your synthesis videos. I really loved doing it, but had to quit due to depression, but watching you synthesize things, helps me relax.
Ad ends at 3:36
Id rate that sponsor segment 1 out of 10 stars. It was right at the beginning, and the spongebob screaming clip instantly made it a lot worse
start a vape company. muricans love diacetyl i heard lol
Hmm, maybe if this whole YouTube thing doesn't work out...but only if I can borrow some of your CS for a prank flavor!
I’m pretty sure anything made in the us stopped being made with diacetyl a while ago not 100% sure but I thought it was banned in vapes or some shit
@@MillieMurdurmost flavor companies have quit using it. I still have some old bottles that contain some, mainly vanilla flavors. I don’t vape them anymore but they were pretty tasty
@@chickenfoot713 ts was in vanilla flavors? I hit a vanilla custard vape like last year
You might be able to prepare the compound by acyloin condensation using methyl- or ethyl acetate and sodium. This should give you an α-hydroxyketone intermediate upon hydrolysis and the diketone upon further oxidation.
Starting from butanone, you might be able to reduce it to 2-butanol, dehydrate to 2-butene, dihydroxylate to 2,3-butanediol and finally oxidize the diol to diketone.
Acyloin condensation was actually the method that failed me before! The product smelled vaguely butter-like, but mostly burnt and unusable.
Welcome to the homemade butter perfume club, amazing video!
Would be cool to see this added to beta carotene. I think actual popcorn oil is beta carotene, coconut oil, and flavacol
In Canada we also use this stuff called Flavacol. It's marketed as "butter salt".
In the United States we too use flavacol
7:00 “dark… darker… yet darker” ahh solution 😭💀
0:48 erm 🤓 as an IUPAC glazer I am here to correct the name of diacetyl to its proper nomenclature of butane-2,3-dione
Or 2,3-Butadione, whatever floats your boat
Honestly, I partially understand what you’re saying, and I’m all here for it, sounds interesting.
I like one word chemical names with ‘di’ in them. :(
What did you say? Taste every bottle under my dishwasher? Understood🤝🗿
this has mad NileRed energy
Big Butter does NOT approve
I've been to a couple of abandoned movie theaters. They still smelled like butter.
I used to woprk in a building with an abandoned movie cinema of 10+ years still smelled of butteredpopcorn.
I miss buttered popcorn in the movie theatre. in Uruguay it's only salty or sweet 😢
Ive figured out how to make the best "movie theater" style popcorn. You gotta use coconut oil for popping the corn and must be done on a stove. Also gotta use a popcorn salt its super fine and wont clump, trick is to add the salt into the oil right before adding the corn to pop. Then every single inch of popcorn is covered in salt. Then once popped i use real butter (salted) and add that to the allready pre salted corn. You have to use coconut oil and popcorn salt otherwise the taste wont be right. I hate the taste of fake butter so i have never used it even at the movies. Real butter is just so so superior
Typically you add something else called Flavacol salt seasoning.
It's been my Amazon list for about a couple of months now. 😊
I bought one container of it 10 years ago and it's still like 90% of the way full and I eat a LOT of popcorn
I see you've found diacetyl. I made it years ago, with a made up procedure and plastic tubing distillation thingy. I used isopropyl nitrite as the nitrosating reagent, made from HiMedia sodium nitrite.
Lolling at the very beginning. "Picture yourself going to the movies" B roll shows a stage theater which does not show movies
I can believe it's not butter.
Checked website for Pro Cure on 12/30/2024. They no longer list sodium nitrite.
I bought it from here:
I literally just bought some.
What in the NileRed is going on here ?
I think it’s so funny that you and Nile Red have almost the same cadence in how you speak when explaining, was it on purpose? 😅
@@WestonNey3000 honestly no, it just kinda happened as I tried to improve my voiceovers lol. Never really thought about it being NileRed-like!
@ your voice doesn’t sound similar, but the pauses do! Those pauses before certain phrases were exactly like when Nigel is talking. Have you watched many of his videos?
If someone gave me popcorn and said it was movie theatre popcore, I would need LOTS of evidence to believe them.
I buy that Theatre Butter Flavoring by the gallon. Also the special Theatre salt also is needs for proper Theatre Popcorn. Unfortunately only comes in industrial but last for a long time.
Used to work for a few movie theaters. Can say that some larger chains are using a couple different products.
"Real butter" is your typical bulk dairy butter, salted. Gets added after the fact in most places.
"Movie theater butter" is usually canola and flavorings such as this mix, comes packaged similar to box wine. Will typically start out unsalted and be pumped into the kettle, with a bulk salt scoop as part of the process. The pumps you see after the fact are usually just more of this stuff.
"Olive oil" is typically the cheapest oil from olives available, not worth the upcharge typically, with the exception of places that show what oil & seed they're using prominently, as a white seed plays better.
I always find the popcorn lung from vaping argument so funny because there's 100x more diacetyl in a single ciggarette than there is in a 1litre bottle of eliquid, theres also only been a handful of cases and turns out they worked in a mocrowave popcorn factory
This needs to go into an atomizer sprayer then added to the popcorn for more even coating.
I have a movie theater style popcorn maker and I've always put what's labeled coconut oil in it when making popcorn
"you're going to the movies, what's the first thing you think of"
which movie i'm going to see.
2:04 😂😂😂😂 love that part from Jurassic Park!
Ah ah ah. What's the password?
Great video! now i deffinitly need to go buy popcorn thanks
Very interesting video, I actually made diacetyl roughly 4 years ago using a completely different method. I used a subspecies of Lactococcus lactis to make diacetyl through fermentation of citric acid. The only problem is that it also creates varying other metabolic products such as acetaldehyde, acetoin, 2,3-butanediol and a lot of lactic acid. (Although the change from diacetyl to acetoin is reversible).
I didn't do a taste test, but you could probably do it without any issues since no dangerous chemicals are needed for this and because this method is also used in cheese making.
Acetaldahyde is not something you wanna drink lol
"It's what you're supposed to do with popcorn. Come on. You have to add salt."
Honestly, hearing this hurts, when you grew up with sweet popcorn.
I agree that caramel or sweet popcorn is superior, it's just not what I'd get at the movies covered in butter flavor lol
For a next vidéo, you should be the first YouTuber to make trifluoronitrosomethane, a gas with a stunning blue color or trichloronitrosoethane a dark blue liquid !
@LabCoatz_Science - 2024-12-30
🌏 Get an Exclusive NordVPN deal + 4 months extra here ➼ It’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee!✌
@despectablebosshandlemantle - 2024-12-30
Can you turn diacetyl into a skatole? I know it is a really weird request, but please..
@trevorhaddox6884 - 2024-12-30
How about I don't want my data scraped by shady VPN companies either.
@johnathanrichardson - 2025-01-01
why would you shill for scam companies? is the money from legitimate businesses that produce real products not enough, or do they just not want to sponsor you?
@soundspark - 2025-01-01
@@johnathanrichardson Maybe he does stuff of questionable legality and needs their services to avoid legal trouble.
@soundspark - 2025-01-01
@@johnathanrichardson If he's a science channel, maybe he could hit up science product suppliers? If he pokes around anything radioactive then perhaps Radiacode would be willing to sponsor him?