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Why Do Humans Like to Get High?

SciShow - 2019-10-24

We’ve told you before that there really isn’t any evidence that animals consume mind-altering substances because they feel good to them. This makes it appear that the fondness for psychoactive drugs is, pretty...human. What is it about our species that makes us so attracted to these substances?

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Hosted by: Hank Green

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https://www.researchgate.net/publication/299950853_Animal_models_of_drug_relapse_and_craving [PDF]

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/20800298_Voluntary_consumption_of_beverage_alcohol_by_Vervet_monkeys_Population_screening_descriptive_behavior_and_biochemical_measures [PDF]
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/275104291_The_Drunken_Monkey_Why_We_Drink_and_Abuse_Alcohol_Robert_Dudley_Berkeley_University_of_California_Press_2014_154_pp [PDF]
https://www.jstor.org/stable/2664497?read-now=1&seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents [PDF]


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SciShow - 2019-10-24

Go to http://Brilliant.org/SciShow to try their 60+ courses in math, computer science, and scientific thinking. The first 200 subscribers get 20% off an annual Premium subscription.

Tristan Bulluss - 2020-10-31

If you want to be a cool dude you need the drugs.

jsteel89 - 2020-11-02

no you suck

brian r - 2020-11-02

Please google lemurs and centipedes you'll see some animals DO get high

Frances Young Person - 2020-12-07

@Andy Copland

Hi "ANDY" 🙋‍♀️ ❤💙💛💋
We L⚘VE You!💞💞💞

YES, I Saw A Video called
"ABOVE & BEYOND"⚘ (Mysterious like " The Outer Limt" OR
"The Twilight Zone"
(Some TRUE STORIES) also!!
I Love That Show!!💘🥰😇👍

They told "A TRUE STORY" of The Discovery of a People who have Extrasensory Perception due 2
G👑D's Mushrooms! (1 John 2: 20),(1John2:27), (2Tim 3:15-17)

Guess G👑D's mushrooms Scientists wud lable as Psychoactive= altering the chemicals of the brain;

The Words Chosen 4 G👑D Woukd NOT BE "Altering" R Brain,

4 HIS MIGHTY ACTS & According 2 HIS 💯% EXCELLENT GREATNESS" (Ps 150)👍🏆♦️👌

G👑D left HIS People on Earth, A Cure 4 Whatever Ails Us & tells Us: EVEN " The Leaves Of The TREES Are Made 4 The Healing Of the Nation"
**ITS NO SECRET, IF WE READ The BIBLE, as it says: (2Tim 2:15); WE'll FIND OUT WHAT The WORLD Trys 2 Hide From Us ALL! (So They Can Sell 💲To The People🌍 WHAT
"FREE"🥰😇 Amen.

"ALL CURES" ARE IN THE BIBLE; they Come from ALL FOODS G👑D Gives Us On EARTH!! Amen. & G👑D TELLS Us 2: "Eat In Moderation" NOT STUFF OUR FACE w 4 pieces of pie at 1 sitting & throw our System off balance , THUS winding Up Sick!!! Also DO ALL THINGS IN MODERATION, THAT WE Not Strain our Body Parts! Amen.💘👌

The L👑RD JE❤US Is Suppose 2 Be ALL BELIEVERS' DOCTOR, NOT MANKIND!! 👍 Through "Faith, Trust Belief in HIM! Amen.🥰😇💋

G👑D works Through Mankind (Allowing SOME Wisdon & Knowledge w Understanding Only 4 Those Who Are NOT BELIEVERS,
"Y E T" ♦️🌹👌💋

YEP! "ANDY" 💋👍Those Mushrooms🧄 Work!!; So does other veggies enhance our brain/memory, etc. EATEN IN MODERATION! Amen.

CURE 4 EVERYTHING Under The Heavens Are Obtained 4 Any Diseases Or Pleagues We incurr SHOULD WE Disobey G👑D instruction
(As HE knew WE Would🥰😇) are found in THAT WHICH IS ON EARTH!



L💘ve You ALL💋💋💋!!!

Esha Kaler - 2021-03-19

Why don't you guys make an app
I bet it will be a success

Actheman1978 - 2019-10-24

“Why do humans like to get high?”
Because life sucks.

Wyatt Carey - 2021-01-12

I feel you man

It Beat - 2021-01-31

@THeDoMeTB ahhh good time before COVID and world locked down...

Laugh - 2021-02-07

@Cua Manh Động U also act like we cant we cant smoke and have hobbies lol. Most of the people who smoke weed are more active than those who dont, because of the effects of marijuana. It generates creativity in the brain which makes u do new things. Some people dont look too deep into marijauana. Only people who take it knows how great it is.

Hans Tries - 2021-02-10

@James Richard Wiley drugs r fine

Jesus - 2021-02-13

I agree I want to kill myself everyday but I’m to scared to go through with the process

The White Dragon - 2020-11-01

Humans: Gain self-awareness

Humans: Nope, don't like that

TheMiddleMan ! - 2020-12-14

@Karu Desu You what?

Storm Evans - 2021-01-01

@TheMiddleMan ! But the Coca plant and the compounds it produces, even when they are extracted and concentrated, are still rather mild compared to other things.. A lot of the problems you're talking about stem directly from the fact that it's illegal and is bent by a black market, not cocaine itself.

TheMiddleMan ! - 2021-01-02

@Storm Evans yeah that's true too

Mystic - 2021-01-02

Wtf does that mean ur a idiot

Alan Ricks - 2021-01-25

here from the future, yupp

drefeno - 2020-08-09

"Why do humans like to get high?"
Work at Walmart for one month. You'll never want to be in your headset ever again.

Snailcrossing - 2020-12-19

@Frances Young Person r u ok

Matt Stern - 2021-01-09

@Snailcrossing Nah they bought whole lotta red merch


@Rico37G like a drug addiction

xxhardforcorexx - 2021-02-12

@Prisoner60863 No, it's really not when we're talking about a run-of-the-mill job at Walmart. There's a plethora of jobs in the retail field. It would be easier said than done if you worked a rare job that paid better than anything else offered to you.

Howitzer - 2021-03-11

Or macdonalds

Bernie O'Connor - 2020-07-04

Plants: evolutionarily develop neurotoxins over millions of years as a defense mechanism to protect them from being eaten
Humans, upon consuming said neurotoxins: "I'll f*ckin' do it again"

TomatRadion - 2020-11-29

@TheCoordinator a filthy Frank reference on a scishow episode. Huh

Marshal Siler - 2020-12-15

@AJ Deadshow everything has a purpose in nature, even extinction.

Storm Evans - 2021-01-01

You grow me mind altering chemicals, I give you water and that good light.

Eddie Hitler - 2021-02-08

@Tom Gordon Not just terpenes. There are alkaloids, phenethylamines, amphetamines, opioids, etc. The list goes on!

Anonymous Mobster - 2021-02-18

Not all "intoxicating" chemicals in plants are deliberately produced as a defense mechanism.

Wow Man - 2020-07-30

Drugs: I was meant to deteriorate your survival
Humans: MUY BIEN

Life is a Game of knowing your role - 2020-10-01


Aesthetic_ Dude - 2020-10-11

Lmao 😂

somedude335 - 2020-10-29

According to this video that’s not true

AntToeKnee - 2021-02-08

Yo !! Why did I actually hear they "MUY BIEN" voice in my head though? XDD

AntToeKnee - 2021-02-08

@somedude335 /whooosh?

Interlution - 2020-04-30

Joe Rogan even said it well, "we love to explore and connect with our conscious"

AntToeKnee - 2021-02-11

@Jackson Williams XDD

Jackson Williams - 2021-02-12

@John Dark I don’t think drug addicts are scum of earth

Jackson Williams - 2021-02-12

@Moomaniac I know nothing about addiction ok my mom and died are tweakers and I went to live with my grandma and grandpa at age 1 and I myself have been an alcoholic for years so please quit assuming

Cancer Incarnated - 2021-02-14

@Tom Atkins I smell irony...

Magna_@ - 2021-02-16


Geralt Of Rivia - 2020-11-05

"You're not gonna get this from teachers; We used to be monkeys, and we found mushrooms, and now we're different."

- Joe Rogan

Haruka Satou - 2020-11-29

@Bob Houghton remember, Joe Rogan isn't all 'there'... I bet his frequent use of DMT has caused a multitude of lingual adversities.

K TH - 2020-12-02

Geralt Of Rivia .... First... We used to be apes, not monkeys; technically we still are apes. Second, It was Terence McKenna who came up with the "stoned ape theory", not Joe Rogan...

Storm Evans - 2021-01-01

@Haruka Satou I completely disagree, if you ever take any time to actually listen to his podcast, he is one of the most down to earth people and seems very much in control of himself and his life, unlike many of his guests lol You would also know he doesn't frequently use DMT that is just an internet meme. DMT isn't something most people do all the time, and if you do you may have missed the point of using it. I suggest listening to his talk with Rick Doblin, the founder and director of MAPS, it's actually very interesting. Also Dennis Mckenna, whose brother popularized the hypothesis of a co-evolution event and symbiosis between early hominids and mushrooms of the genus psilocybe.

Eddie Hitler - 2021-02-08

Bill Hicks did a good bit on that subject. "Hoo-hoo-hooo... ... let's go to the moon!!!"

Nakai Lopez - 2021-02-10

@K TH ofc it’s just joe rogan just explained it and helped the theory grow

Aaron Smith - 2020-05-03

Cats: "Why are humans and other animals indifferent to catnip?"

Latonya Singleton - 2020-12-05

Because it's CATnip... Not humannip or otheranimalnip.

Danann YTP - 2020-12-12

@Latonya Singleton that's the joke

Xibyth - 2020-12-20

Because no human in history as been a true felophile.

Dont Even - 2021-01-30


Eddie Hitler - 2021-02-08

Humans aren't, we just need more to get effects and those effects differ. Catnip extract does indeed get you mildly high.

Kyle Lindblad - 2020-07-08

I also heard somewhere that ever since humans evolved consciousness,we have been desperately trying to turn our brains off.
Human: evolves self awareness
Human: Oof, don't like that.

Frances Young Person - 2020-12-07


Hi 🙋‍♀️ " Pugkin" ❤💛💜💝
We L💘ve YOUooo⚘

"What does this Even mean"🤣


L💛VE U, Thanks 4 the CLEAN Laughts At Such A Time As This!!!!!👍👍👍💞💞💞

May G👑D Continue to bless you & yr Family⚘♦️🏆

Frances Young Person - 2020-12-07

@pugkin Dont know if it was "Kevin" who comment humourously or "Pugkin" ??? Whichever; THANKS ANYWAY, I ENJOYED BOTH🤣😆😅💜💜👍👍

Misty Butcher - 2020-12-21

I was going to like this comment but the fact that it’s at 187 likes.. I felt to leave it and just comment 😂

Lyssy - 2020-12-21

@Kevin Miller u good bro?

Company - 2021-02-09

@Frances Young Person what is wrong with you?

John Jimbob - 2019-10-24

3:00 "the animals may be put in a situation where they are so bored drugs seem better than nothing"

You'd be surprised just how many people do drugs for this reason dude.

Pastor Nezuko - 2020-11-14

That's why rich people do them

Kimba M - 2020-11-25

exactly...just like the rat experiment with dosed water....keep happy and busy and you won't use..it's all in your environment...

Kimba M - 2020-11-25

@The Apathetic Ape lmao...that's great

Ania - 2021-01-21

@The Apathetic Ape Anecdotal evidence, so not evidence at all. One reason why the dog might steal the container now is because you had fun and interacted with the dog in a positive way when he was high. Now being high means the "fun times" not because of intoxication but because it just means "time for fun". You have no idea how many small signals you might have sent to your dog to unconsciously encourage him to associate the smell of drugs with sth good.

Lina Clark - 2021-01-26

quarantine has been a case study in this for many of us

SpecialJ11 - 2020-12-01

3:00 That's it right there. The animals stop being addicted when you make their environment more natural. I can't think of an animal more removed from its evolutionary habitat than Homo sapiens.

Seth - 2020-11-07

We need to give one of those gorillas that can speak in sign language a blunt and ask them about it

Keyz LovesYou - 2020-11-08

i think about this alot 😳

caleb clarke - 2020-12-08

lol they probably wont even be able to sign properly while they’re high🤣

greg - 2020-12-19

It'd just keep signing for food lol

Ziotic - 2020-05-04

“Why do humans like to get high?”
Me: Yes

Ernie_L.A - 2020-10-23

because being high makes me work more and stay motivated then sober lazy me

Clips for everyone NIO - 2021-02-13

No bro why laying to yourself

Nashton - 2019-11-04

"Humans may be the only animal that likes drugs"

My cat goes bonkers for catnip lol

Camden Lines - 2020-06-16

Also monkeys eat psilocybin mushrooms
Some animals eat fermented fruit to get drunk also wallabies eat poppies to get high and a lot more

Matthew R - 2020-06-18

My parrots go crazy for my pot if I bring it out, of course the smoke could kill them I dont want them eating it either-- but they go crazy trying to get to it and its actually kinda funny.

kara sprouse - 2020-07-09

It is a drug to them that is why your cat does that

gote - 2020-12-31

@MazeMaker4Life any mind altering substance is a drug by definition

Kim Epp - 2021-03-22

Elephants like to get drunk and break human stuff.

Shi No Shi - 2020-07-12

“Why do humans do drugs?”

You only have one life and in that life you have free will.

Resupplied Juice - 2020-07-24

Finally a normal-ish answer instead of all the borderline emo comments lmao

Skiler Ketchum - 2020-09-19

@King Chris You Deep Boy !

José Rojas - 2021-01-14

Yes, but no. If that was true then people would be doing human noses too and basicaly everything that you want to try

Reynaldo Tinajero - 2021-01-23

@Shadow God this made me feel high

Gabe Xd - 2021-02-13

The problem arises of free will vs determinism. And determinism has strong evidence for it now.

anna - 2020-07-02

i’m stoned watching this and the way he said “they..FEEL good” launched me into orbit

Marcstacos - 2021-03-03

It’s annaaaa

Hannes Micke - 2021-02-13

Wait, so you're saying that locking up addicts and making their lifes even worse by making them a felon doesn't solve their addiction problem?!?

SUIKA - 2020-04-25

"Why do humans like getting high"
Me coming home drunk taking a piss in the bathroom Smiling because it helps me forget about the hardship of life and also because I'm having a good time

Evelyn Blackwood - 2020-02-09

Me: stoned

sees video


"Why do humans like to get high?"

Me: slow blinks

MUGODA SIMON - 2020-11-16

Evelyn Blackwood, I would love to get High with you!!!

wanda wright - 2020-11-17


wanda wright - 2020-11-17

fäp they say the internet can read our minds , I’ll make that as hard as possible every chance I get 😁

wanda wright - 2020-11-17

Manuel Mendez I know a runner that’s backed by a few cannabis companies.

Sherman J Niamehr - 2020-12-12

kush🚫(herb) only here ♻️) Peace out

Nick Salvatore - 2020-04-19

"The animals only did drugs because they were bored, and when put into a more ecologically realistic environment their drug use went down or disappeared."

This makes sense, to be fair humans are FAR from living in an ecologically realistic environment, perhaps that's where our dependence comes from! in hunter gatherer tribes, drugs were for very special occasions it seemed

C L - 2020-12-12

@Cameron Eridan if we've adapted so well, explain the fight or flight response.... although I do agree that capitalist society is miserable and most of your comment btw

Lance Biggums - 2021-01-30

@Cameron Eridan we have not adapted at all. Our brains, bodies, and souls are still meant for a wild and free hunter-gatherer lifestyle. We haven't even adapted to agriculture. The agricultural revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity. We have neither evolved nor adapted, merely habituated ourselves

Romeo ThePLUG - 2021-02-01

Here in Africa the tribes been getting high.. Not only on special occasion

na na - 2021-02-14

It depends on one's definition of the word "drug". Most hunter-gatherers used natural substances although ayahuasca could possibly be interpreted as a drug, as its man-made from two different natural substances although more of a stew than a chemical extract. True drugs (man-made chemical extracts) didn't really exist until the 16/17th century, although some opiate extracts were created and unnatural alcohols (mead and wine being, personal, exceptions to alcohol drugs) were created before then. You are correct though about the special use of substances, some were for spiritual attainment and interconnectivity of the tribe, others for disease control. Its a very interesting subject and this video doesn't even scratch the surface, or the truth, of the matter. You might be interested in doing more research into these matters elsewhere, as this guy doesn't touch upon the real substances

Jaxi - 2021-02-18

I mostly agree with this, although humans have been using mind altering substances for thousands of years. Even though they were using all natural substances, they were still altering their consciousness

Arthur Angenendt - 2020-04-23

1:52 - that little rat acting weird kinda breaks my heart D:

Nick Romo - 2020-12-07

Seriously. He's so obviously spiraling deep down. As an addict I always get sad seeing other addicts at low points

MosukaDreamer - 2020-05-05

"We don't know but here's a guess. We're going to study it and get back to you."- Science in general.

natasha orr - 2020-12-16

Here's a easy reason, to make life more enjoyable so stress cant kill us

Jaymes elliot - 2019-10-30

"the child not accepted by the village, will burn it down to feel its warmth"

--African proverb

Jaymes elliot - 2020-08-03

@Jeremy Stubb obviously

Jeremy Stubb - 2020-08-03

@Pnutimus The 1st better than losing the whole village to the little arsonist

Surprised Char - 2020-11-02

@Daryl Jones Foster You do know Africa is an entire continent full of people right?

matheus Santhiago - 2020-11-02

we live in society tribe

claire - 2020-11-05

@Green Goblin from cory in the house the quote comes from the movie black panther.

Akbaer - 2020-11-07

We should teach these stealing monkeys to trade...

andrew penquite - 2020-11-19

Jaguars get high on yage. Its a pyscho-active drug that they ingest that reacts that is made into ayahuasca for humans. There are animals that do its just rare and not noticed very often. The jaguar showed similar symptoms to cats on lsd.

Swiss Army Knight - 2020-05-27

"Why do humans like to get high?"
Well, you know, its just like, a real trip man.

SwagHags69 - 2020-11-01

"we can't really tell what's making the monkeys drink" Solid line.

Uven Chetty - 2020-07-21

I literally got high and searched for something like this nd watched it and now read almost everyones comments, no joke...damn, i needa go now im stuck here for like 2hours , byesee

iq2992 - 2020-07-03

1:53 awwww thats the most sad mouse ive ever seen.

Will Kestle - 2020-05-03

When he became shaved and his hair changed at the end I thought I was trippin' :'D

Deadpool - 2020-12-28

“Why do humans like getting high” Me: it’s an escape from reality it lets me forget about all the stuff bothering me for a while. Also I do not smoke very often I only smoke around once or twice a month

Jonaldino - 2021-02-12

haha smoke more

KittySnicker - 2019-10-24

“He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.”

Brett Allen - 2019-10-25


dinosaurznspace - 2019-10-25

I'm the 666th like :)))))

Skillz4Killz 3k - 2019-10-25

KittySnicker ohhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhooooooooo

Abby Ní Loingsigh - 2019-11-14

I just heard avenged sevenfold

Pre-Packaged _ - 2019-11-16

@Caiman Saurus Seriously though what were you trying to say? I can't figure out why people liked your comment and I'm curious.

ExtremeGamer - 2020-04-21

Really, no stoned ape theory? Everyone check that stuff out. Its actually pretty intriguing.

Sharpie Jesus - 2020-03-28

We can’t forget Lemurs and their habit of chewing and licking certain millipedes.

deliquenme - 2020-06-11

I've thought about this for a long time, I personally like it because when I smoke a joint, I feel like there is nothing left to do, all the work is done, so let's just sit and relax, eat something, play a game, hang out!

k - 2021-02-06

@Supernova they didnt imply they dont have problems you old fart. all they were saying is that they arent trying to solve any problems with weed

Company - 2021-02-09

@Supernova it seems like you are projecting your own feelings and problems onto @deliquenme

Supernova - 2021-02-11

@Company . If you mean that I'm projecting success then yes. I'm all for recreational time but nothing good comes from sitting on your rear while you're stoned out of your mind. If you want to be productive, earn money, and be happier then learn new skills.

Blake C. - 2021-03-08

@Supernova You sound like a tool, you shouldn't be so focused on critiquing other peoples lives. Some people like to get high at the end of the day and if it makes them happy and they aren't hurting anyone then your point is kinda moot to anyone who disagrees with you. Just like you get your satisfaction from solving problems in your life, people get satisfaction from smoking. Just because they are different doesn't mean that either one is inherently better than the other. Everyone has their vices some people just just different ones

Supernova - 2021-03-08

@Blake C. . People can do whatever they want with their time. I'm only presenting my point of view. At the same time, I work hard and pay my taxes so calling me a tool only makes you an idiot. When I'm off work I'm finding new ways to self improve and some of that does include recreation but not getting high, stoned, or drunk. The point is that when you look at the average American most people are struggling. Instead of checking out at the end of the day they should look for ways to self improve so they don't have to get high to relax. Getting high or drunk is nothing but a waste of time. The only way to be more unproductive is to be asleep or dead. It says a lot about junkies and drunks when you think about it.

William Shakespearicles - 2020-11-09

"Alcohol: Alternative to feeling like yourself." - Bare Naked Ladies

Onar - 2019-10-24

Humans also tend to do drugs when they're not having other needs met

Wayne Johnson - 2019-11-03

There’s no proven medicinal benefits from CBD, at least THC has been proven to combat some medicinal conditions but I’d say the good outweighs the bad for most people.

emf 303 - 2019-11-03

@Wayne Johnson
CBD is an effective anti inflammatory agent and unlike over the counter anti inflammatory pills it does not cause kidney damage.

Cyrus Powers - 2019-11-29

Not true

Shawna Burt - 2020-01-22

@emf 303 It works better than Tylenol!

Shawna Burt - 2020-01-22

@emf 303 It works better than Tylenol!

Moon Goddess - 2020-07-06

Man idk but my cat literally begs to get high with us

Ryu san - 2020-07-31

Getting cigarettes for rolling
Me:*gets notification"

Adaalya Heaart - 2020-05-03

Helps me not over think my “problems” honestly a life saver🙏🏽

Zoran Dramatis - 2020-07-10

waaaaaaaaaaaait a minute, you've just told me I took all those years of ginkgo biloba for nothing, while what I should have been using is ... COCAINE?
cocaaaaaaaaine coca in a, cocaineeeeeee

SuperHuman37 - 2020-01-25

Perhaps it's because we have a consciousness advanced enough to appreciate it.

alexis mullan - 2020-10-29

Some dogs like getting high

I'm not a cat - 2020-10-30

We only developed the idea of consciousness to say that everything else isn't. We can't prove anything else is, not even other people. That's where the idea of "I think, therefore I am" comes from.
Anyone who claims to understand the nature of reality to any extent has their head shoved up their bum & just wants to feel special. Don't listen to people on the internet & go read a book ✌️

Zaid De leon - 2020-10-31

No stfu

chile9615 - 2020-11-02

@SuperHuman37 I've seen horses get high. They put their mouth on wood and huff in, they do it when they get bored.

justin reel - 2020-11-02

You sir may be onto something 🤔

Changing of the guard - 2020-07-01


LtDansLegs69 - 2020-07-11

I took 2 seconds of looking at this nerd talking about getting high and immediately clicked off

Dichtsau - 2020-05-18

but...studies have shown that stoners smoke less weed when being in companionship

Gabe Xd - 2021-02-13

That's what he said in the video you buffoon...

Gabe Xd - 2021-02-13

Even rats self administer less when given other rats to play with.

Mike Huynh - 2020-04-27

The uneven drawstrings of his hoodie is really ruining my high... i wanna reach through the screen and pull that right string down

Martti Hänninen - 2020-10-31

I was about to roll a joint and YT recommends me this. Well played.