> temp > à-trier > thunderf00t-looking-at-the-dynamics-of-the-sun-and-jupiter

Which is the most active body in the Solar System?

Thunderf00t - 2019-07-28

visit my Amazon store:

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Some advice on which is a good starter telescope.

kit I used for the solar imaging.
Lunt 80mm double stacked

on a driven german equatorial mount

imaging was done with a skyris 236C

Jupiter timelapse was done with a cpc11
this is a truely awesome machine.... but its VERY heavy... not for the feint of heart!

Ted Garrison - 2019-07-29

The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe.

You don't see an old man havin' a Twix - 2019-08-06

@jtg42n42q iuq3irqn lmao

Rudy Sandoval - 2019-08-11

I was wondering who would dislike this video, thanks for the answer.

Caf3in3 - 2020-03-12

are there fee's ?

hope they're flat

Martyn H - 2020-10-24

Saw the math on that but there is a rounding error!

Shannon Sargent - 2021-02-11

Yeah and some even fell off the edge too

TurboSol - 2019-07-28

Now THIS is premium content!! I love anything related to imaging planets and the sun.

Morpheas - 2019-07-29

Yeah, this is premium content that Youtube will occasionally demonetize, because its constantly changing and being reconfigured by religious-like Leftist zealots.

Shaun Moller - 2019-08-01

check out suspicious observers if you want kick ass Sun etc everyday. 365. Enjoy

Nanase Zapt - 2019-08-02

This is next level shit, I love it

ItsMe NoName - 2019-09-15

so you like to believe nasa bs?

Jacob Wilson - 2019-07-28

I wish I had you as a science teacher. You really do a good job putting things into perspective

Ronald McPaul - 2019-07-30


Austin Horne - 2019-07-30

You would come out spouting completely false narratives as fact. Just like Mr. Foot.

CandyMan - 2019-08-04

@IMMentat I had a science teach like him. He brought a boat propeller, toy trains, BB Gun rifle, old ass voltmeters.

Sadly he's retired now.

SMPKarma - 2019-09-18

as an actual science teacher (chemistry, with an actual chemistry degree and loads of lab research experience), I can say that more often than not it's not the fault of the teacher. Right now you're an adult with an interest for this stuff. In school students are teens, most of whom want to hear nothing of the actually interesting stuff we have to say. They are all about some bs that's funny or popular that particular day, or some other nonsense.

That is not to say everyone is like that. I've had great connections and extremely interesting and thought-provoking conversations with some of my students. But mostly it's answering the smug student asking "why tf we need to learn chemistry..?"

I've seen the lightbulbs of some students light up when explaining how the body (and the brain/mind) works on a biochemical level, but most just look like they are dying from smartphone withdrawal.

The reason I'm replying in such length is because I keep seeing these sorts of comments, "man I wish my science teacher was as interesting as this guy!", bashing teachers without realizing that very often the teachers do have loads of interesting info to share if only the students wanted to listen.

Ferday B - 2019-10-04

SMPKarma i congratulate you sir. It must require a special kind of dedication and a lot of patience to teach what is probably a mostly ignorant and uninterested group of young people. Some of which will no doubt grow up to spew such silliness as flat earth and other pseudo scientific nonsense. There are some who will pay attention and will be genuinely interested though and that probably makes it worthwhile. It’s a noble profession and one which I greatly respect. ( yes , I was one of the ones who was interested. My greatest regret is not pursuing my education in this direction. Sometimes life just happens)

lizard legend - 2019-07-29

Imagine recording a massive time lapse of this in the arctic during the Summer when the Sun is visible 24 hours a day.

Ahmad Buthom - 2019-09-07

That would be amazing

E2qNX8btraQ3zRD6J7fc - 2019-07-29

Your passion is contagious. I need a H-alpha scope in my life now.

Galen Thurber - 2019-07-29

Ha Ha Ha

ArmyOfAll - 2019-07-29

So do I, if you know anyone who wants to buy a spare kidney let me know.

Janos Merges - 2019-07-30

Impressive effort. I hope thunderf00t films the earth in future in the same way. He’ll need to travel a little in order to do so.

Michael S - 2019-08-14

Those filters are super expensive! If you don't have a solar filter, trust me, you will get a similar experience of awe and wonder from seeing the sun directly in visible light, albeit 1/1000th the intensity.

Peter Smythe - 2019-07-28

The sun is a deadly lazer.

(Not anymore, there's a blanket)

Fowo - 2019-07-29

you've just made me go and watch it again lol

wolfie Butler - 2019-10-12

I fucking love that video it is so funny and it's not perfectly accurate but it's accurate enough to where I'm not even upset at it's inaccuracy

MrEvilWasp - 2019-07-29

Your excitement and joy made this even better to watch :)


uberkill160 - 2019-07-29

The sun is probably the closest thing we have to a Lovecraftian deity.

That we know of.

Graham Cantin - 2019-07-31

I would like to point out morn1415's size comparison videos.
Our chill little one solar mass star itself is just a pebble in the universe of objects we can perceive so far.

And if we ditch "perceive", what we can imagine today with hard-scifi goes beyond the realm of conventional religion deities quite quickly.
If you browse around the fictional Orion's Arm, some of the higher toposophic levels are truly terrifying to contemplate; gone far beyond anything lovecraftian. If you follow Isaac Arthur's channel, he also follows the hard physics rules to demonstrate what we meatbags can achieve when we work together.

Warlock Finis - 2019-07-31

@Necroticus isn't that what Trump's space force is supposed to do 🤭

Casanuda - 2019-08-01

The great attractor is an object in space that's so massive it is pulling our galactic super-cluster towards it. We can't see it due to the distance as light from our region of the universe has not yet gotten that far in the billions of years since light started to happen.

So we have an object so large that our galaxy is nothing but a speck to it that is completely invisible to all attempts to view it.

enzo queijão - 2019-08-10

I'd consider blackholes as Great Old Ones devouring everything until the time is right for the day of reckoning.

wolfie Butler - 2019-10-12

Nah I think honestly can't remember the name of the black hole it should be Cthulhu because there's a couple of black holes that we've measured the speed and have realized That we are looking down the barrel of the largest rail gun and will not monstrosity wakes we're going to be fried

SabayZone - 2019-07-29

"You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it. From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch."

Edgar Mitchell

Homura Akemi - 2019-08-05

Politician looks at Edgar "You wouldn't even be here to see this without international politics, you son of a bitch"

mrkiky - 2019-08-09

That's nice and all but politics is pretty important. It's how you get an otherwise chaotic mass of dum-dums to work together and give the few among them that aren't dum-dums the chance to shine and bring this amazing shit to the rest of us, so yea...

Samuel Wickersham - 2019-07-29

This is awesome content, happy to see this clickbait actually be bait that's worth clicking for!!

English Law - 2019-07-29

eat it up
nom nom

Chris aka Schulbus - 2019-07-30

@English Law the penis is often found hanging from males... i don't know if you knew that, but i find it very interesting

Jonny Fandango - 2019-07-29

TF: for what it's worth your hours and hours (and hours!) of hard work were all made worth it for just the few seconds of you scrolling the plasma-hoppers back and forth going "Wheeeeee!". If I had the resources and time... that's exactly what I'd have done.

Keep making the science vids. Being a science communicator is what you're best at and it's what we need right now more than ever.

Graham Cantin - 2019-07-31

The trick is to only grow old; and never grow up.

Gleb - 2019-07-28

I think this video was amazing and truly inspiring. It is just so mind-blowing that we can experience the rotation of the sun and see all the eruptions on the surface of from the comfort of our chair. Thank you so much for this video, it showed what I really love about astronomy - the scale of our universe. Thank you!

SpeakerWiggin49 - 2019-07-29

It's amazing that we have the luxury of looking up into the sky at night without fear of our surroundings.

retteketette - 2019-07-29

@SpeakerWiggin49 top of the chain baby

Ben - 2019-07-29

"And you see this magma god, dynamic and so destroyingly powerful, and utterly, utterly indifferent to your existence. And there is also this kind of fear that it might become aware of your presence"
HP Lovecraft, is that you?
Lose 1D5 sanity

Cryoraptor - 2019-07-28

You can also see two Galilean moons orbiting Jupiter during that cool timelapse; they orbit jupiter super quickly

Rudolph Sedlin - 2019-07-29

Io and Ganymede?

Cryoraptor - 2019-07-29

@Rudolph Sedlin I think so; could have been Europa or Callisto, I can't remember the order they go in apart from Io is the closest

Rudolph Sedlin - 2019-07-29

@Cryoraptor If I recall the order is In, Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto.

Cryoraptor - 2019-07-29

@Rudolph Sedlin I believe you're correct

Camkitsune - 2019-07-29

If I had a functioning phone that noise would be my new ringtone.

Flicky - 2019-07-30

How can I make it a file?

Ventus The Sox - 2019-07-31


LeeboProductions - 2019-07-29

Look at that cute lil CME that could wipe us all out in the blink of an eye move - weeeeeeeeeee

Reinis Miks - 2019-07-29

He should be sponsored by telescope company

Dan Conser - 2019-07-28

Thanks for sharing. Beautiful views of our impressive "Average" star! Few ponder that our Sun is 99.9%+ of the mass of our solar system...yeah, I'm guessing that it has SOMETHING to do with the climate occurring on its planet "followers"... and interacts with the cosmic ray showers from around our universe spraying at us as we meander about our local Milky way neighbors. Fascinating & humbling indeed!

RexDexPL - 2019-07-29

This is so much better video than the "debunk" ones you are making.

Phillip Jones - 2019-07-30

Yes but people need to know what is good engineering and what is a scam. You can't criticise him for doing that.

jasbcor - 2019-07-29

"That's hella slow" -- I love that Thunderf00t used some Bay Area slang.

Volesprit - 2019-07-29

Amazing footage... loved to see the sun rotating!!! It's weird that it seems to rotate on the Y axis! I didn't know that.

Carlos agullo domingo - 2019-07-29

Don't mislead yourself, the sun does indeed rotate (with an axis) perpendicular to the plane in which the planets orbit. Thats just the position of the telescope that makes it look like that :)

Volesprit - 2019-07-29

@Carlos agullo domingo Oh I see! Thanks ^^

subliminalvibes - 2019-07-28

"Active" is a very loose term... 🤔

The Justicar - 2019-07-29

When it's a cold and dark night, just take comfort in believing that Thunderf00t might well be staring deep into the abyss of Uranus.

retteketette - 2019-07-29


Zentauri7 - 2019-07-29

"And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you."
[F. Nietzsche]

Night60700 - 2019-07-29

@Zentauri7 Also known as a wet fart.

Some Guy - 2019-08-03

"It depends on the child."
Carl Benjamin AKA Sargon of Akkad, UKIP MEP candidate for the 2019 European elections, regarding children engaging in sexual activity with adults during a conversation with The Justicar.
Thanks again for that dude, lol.

Night60700 - 2019-08-03

@Some Guy Way to take a quote out of context. Now you can work at Fox.

Goreuncle - 2019-07-29

This is the sort of stuff that can make your channel great.
Abandon the crappy politics, focus on the science you love... you'll reach a million subscribers in no time.

consciousnick - - 2019-07-29

My ex-girlfriend. Eh I see someone beat me to that one.

DeusEversor - 2019-07-29

@Thunderf00t if Sun was spinning faster, it would have a lot more solar flares, potentially preventing any life on Earth...

perArdura McIntyre - 2019-07-29

Awesome upload man! thank you, love you're passion for this work.

Ronin1973 - 2019-07-29

The entire known habitable area of the universe measured in kilometers compared... to the known universe. We're on a life-raft circling a tiny sun for warmth.

yurisuika - 2019-07-29

I thought an Incubus song was about to break out.

hajdukRS - 2019-07-29

Some guy: Oh look, moon is in front of the sun ...
Crowd: OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, .....

zzDJChris - 2019-07-29

Actually, I did think it was awesome. Thanks Man.

Peter Carlson - 2019-07-29

Why is it that footage like this makes my eyes moist most of the time?

Wicked Erebus - 2019-07-29

The flashing lights?

Potato - 2019-07-29

Really makes you think

Kami Gami - 2019-07-29


Ean Carris - 2019-07-29

Your eyes are getting turned on, baby!

James Fondren - 2019-07-29

Dr. Mason, this was breathtaking as well as mind expanding. Great stuff!

Greganor - 2019-07-29

More "oh my gaaad" clips. Really spoils that genuine moment

polyhistor - 2019-07-29

I wish my hobby astronomy would be sponsored... I've got a super crappy Newtonian with super cheap eye pieces... still love it tho.

WrecksMo - 2019-07-29

That was an awesome Jupiter segment. So very cool I could watch this stuff all day

asd qwe - 2019-07-29

there is a red dot rotating the same speed as earth on the time lapse. what is that? a geostationary satellite?

Dirty Mike - 2019-07-29

The firmament

Benjamin Brooks - 2019-07-29

My3dviews I see three...

ArmyOfAll - 2019-07-29

That isn't a dot, its the third eye of the sky daemon to which all life is owed.

My3dviews - 2019-07-30

It is actually quite easy to photograph geostationary satellites. You just point a camera in the direction of the satellite arc over the equator and do a long exposure. You will get star trails, with a line of dots (which are the geos. satellites).

Lyri Metacurl - 2019-07-30

The great red dot.

Haddedam - 2019-07-29

"Which is the most active body in the Solar System?"
Me after spicy taco bell.

Brad Cozine - 2019-08-07

"Uranus: BUSTED!" -thunderf00t

not pewdiepie - 2019-07-29

absolutly love this dude...will always enjoy ur enthusiasm for astronomy

David - 2019-07-29

I didn't realize how lucky I was to catch a venus transit when I was younger. 100ish years, huh?

Gehtdi anschasau - 2020-01-05

4:36 "Oh my god" Nope, you got that completely wrong, your imaginary friend has nothing to do with it.

Mike Hawk - 2019-07-29

amazing video thunder as always. keep up the amazing work!!

Samuel Basset - 2019-07-29

Man science and knowledge really add a layer of beauty on top of everything 😍🤩😍

BioVirulent - 2019-07-29

Beautiful images of the sun. Insane how massive and uncaring it is...
But it still gives us life. Its warmth and light energy is well... infinite, on the scale of humanity.

Spongemattb - 2019-07-28

Your videos absolutely blow my mind

Chucky McNubbin - 2019-07-29

Thunderf00t, this is a brilliant video. I tip my hat to you sir. Well done and kudos. 👍 😉

InfamousDBZ - 2021-02-11

Amazing! Poetic! Centering! Lamentful!

Fire Power701 - 2019-07-29

Sun from a distance: A friendly heater keeping the planet warm

Sun from close up: Literally hell

TheFazz - 2019-07-31

Less "shoot ppl down" video's, MORE OF THIS! great vid!