> temp > à-trier > china-s-vanishing-muslims-undercover-in-the-most-dystopian-place-in-the-world-vice-news

China’s Vanishing Muslims: Undercover In The Most Dystopian Place In The World

VICE News - 2019-06-29

China’s Uighur minority live a dystopian nightmare of constant surveillance and brutal policing. At least one million of them are believed to be living in what the U.N. described as a “massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy,” while many Uighur children are taken to state-run orphanages where they're indoctrinated into Chinese customs.

The Uighurs' plight has largely been kept hidden from the world, thanks to China’s aggressive attempts to suppress the story at all costs.

VICE News’ Isobel Yeung posed as a tourist to gain unprecedented access to China’s western Xinjiang region, which has been nearly unreachable by journalists.

She and our crew experienced China’s Orwellian surveillance and harassment first-hand during their time in Xinjiang, and captured chilling hidden-camera footage of eight Uighur men detained by police in the middle of the night. We spoke with members of the Uighur community about their experience in these camps, and about China’s attempts to silence their history and lifestyle under the cover of darkness.

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VICE News - 2019-07-01

VICE News’ Isobel Yeung posed as a tourist to gain unprecedented access to China’s western Xinjiang region, which has been nearly unreachable by journalists.
Watch Next: Life Inside Assad's Syria - http://bit.ly/2EDPKGC

mama ye - 2021-01-15

Smear China hard, it will make us Chinese more united. Let our society develop faster, thank you

陳Max - 2021-01-16

first you went to wester Xinjiang with whole plant of people,and then you say Xinjiang is unreachable .You only filmed what you wanted,which are all the policeman to make it horribly ,which are not the whole things.After that ,you talked some people so called “victims”,haha

VanityFair - 2021-01-17

Awesome reporting Vice!

艾尔 - 2021-02-07

It's really disappointing to see this. You should tell the whole truth, not a twisted version. Next time, do not jump to the conclusion with a pale understanding of the facts. The police are not nice. Yes, that's for sure. Why is that? Are there any western media like to talk anything positive about China? If you're saying something good about China, you're paid or you're spy. This is what happening in the western world. People got brainwashed so much and they don't even realized that. It seems anything related to China is negative and evil. Nobody wants the truth. They all get what the biased and double-standard western media feed them. Let me tell you Xinjiang has became a "Police City":

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Wil Dasovich - 2020-03-19

awesome journalism, that was gutsy AF!

General Patton - 2021-01-30

Why do the UK authorities ignore honor killings? Very good documentary on that that everyone should watch.

Polaroid Android Jeff - 2021-02-07

Vice has still got it

Star 2 - 2021-02-08

This kind of “journalist” always did similar things in many countries without understanding the whole problem and the whole process.

If China do with Concentration camp, other countries do with similar and different ways.
For some special cases it’s necessary.
Every country have the right to keep their peoples and their country save.
Afganistan share 46 miles border with China, and sure it comes with mixed challenges.

Speak about terrorism, Terrorism is the result of a radicalization process through the individual to group levels.
Two prevention strategies that must be carried out are a hard approach in the form of prosecution and law enforcement against radical actors and a soft approach in the form of coaching the community to anticipate the potential for radicalism.
China doing the right things to educating, training them with good skill and keep them busy to improve their qualities of life. Radicalition is a problem in many muslim majority country.

In Xinjiang peoples live more peacefully than other middle east country. Even she can walk freely and fine after confrontation with a guy who was talking on the phone.

Pamela Sue - 2021-02-09

@Indie Jones The boys in your video are being forced to say that it is safe there. What do you think would happen if they said anything bad about the government? I'll tell you. They would go to "camps". More like prison. Their families would also go. When he said "It's safe, there are police everywhere" , the police are there to make sure the boys don't get out of line and act too Uygares. They must act Han (non-muslim, modern) or they become imprisoned.

Indie Jones - 2021-02-11

@Pamela Sue What gives you the idea they were being forced to say what the govt wants them to? You mean you've experienced that in your own country or on the ground in China. And it all likelihood, you get that from your self-righteous, full of hubris media that anything and everything positive about China cannot be the truth.

12345678910abc - 2020-12-06

7 billion people saw despacito but only 6million saw this.

Johnrobert Martyn - 2021-02-12

We live in a world of idiots plain and simple

N O M A D - 2021-02-12

Intentionally. The world doesn't like the Chinese, but they hate muslims even more. You reap what you sow.

Samuel Alexander - 2021-02-12

Yeah pretty sick, and they ignored Joe Biden playing it to pander to spanish speaking Americans as well.

JungkooksAbs_ - 2021-02-13


Dave Smith - 2021-02-14

Trust maybe 1 billion of those people are islamaphobic

Novel Houdini - 2020-12-08

One year later this is still happening. UN is a joke!

Hassan abi - 2021-02-10

Thats cause UN committee has a chinese in it lol

BUTTERminator YT - 2021-02-13

@So What imagine someone from your religious group or community committing a crime, a crime in which you took no involvement in, and still have to pay the price for that individual's crime, who you don't even know, only China lives in such a time to be so cruel, I read once that white Americans back in the 1800's would lynch a group of black innocent family's for a crime not even committed by one of them.
I am blessed and grateful to live in this time and country were everyone is seen equal and no less, corruption needs to be fought back against.

So What - 2021-02-13

@BUTTERminator YT believe me, it is not just China. They do it everywhere, just that you know it or not. I'm just saying that UN can't get involved in private affair if they are not supported by other members of the committee. I'm just saying that UN is not useless because it have giving million of lives new start.

神June - 2021-02-14

UN doing nothing useless organization

BrotherMohd Hanif - 2021-02-14

UN is china PUPPET

Musab Shahid - 2020-12-09

This journalist has guts. The way she questioned the spy after them.

TypicalNew Yorker - 2021-02-08

@Mr. Good Vibes we have more people in prison than india? 0-o thats besides the point ur deflecting the blame "input ur LMAO" theres something wrong with our judicial system.

Mr. Good Vibes - 2021-02-08

@TypicalNew Yorker India is a 3rd world country with little to no police or prison funding. So try again

TypicalNew Yorker - 2021-02-09

@Mr. Good Vibes lol the correct answer is bc we have ppl in prison for petty crimes but ig u can u try again

Mr. Good Vibes - 2021-02-09

@TypicalNew Yorker No it’s because they have less jails like I just said, try using some critical thinking skills.

TypicalNew Yorker - 2021-02-09

@Mr. Good Vibes lol repeating urself over and over doesnt make what your saying anymore valid nice talking to u buba

cov - - 2020-12-08

German international and Arsenal football player Mesut Ozil openly spoke about this situation on his social media and since then the owners of Arsenal shut him out from playing for the club but still pay his £350,000 a week. Chinese hackers took down Arsenal football matches all across China and cost Arsenal millions in revenue, that's when Arsenal decided to shut Mesut Ozil out of playing to try and diffuse what he was talking about. Massive shambles

Not A Stone - 2021-02-11

@Patrik pass china owns more than people even realize.. hell a ton of canada's natural resources are literally owned by the CCP.. IMO countries need to start nationalizing anything owned by the chinese state in response to their insanity

PRIME HO Report - 2021-02-11

@cov do you have any valid prove?

Ronm ka - 2021-02-11

i like how they deny it but if anyone speaks about it they act all defensive about it

Ghost Wright - 2021-02-12

Guys have you been to zinjiang??? Have you been to China? That’s all the fake news they made, they don’t even know where zinjiang is, they thought it’s just beside Guangzhou, like Chinese thought the California is beside Florida. Why do you believe this? I’m Chinese and I have friends from xinjiang, all the bbc shits are not true. That’s really sad the western medias all make up stories about my country.

Kiero R - 2021-02-12

Exactly China stopped playing arsenal matches on tv and arsenal a British football team backed down its disgusting

Deadbeat Super Affiliate - 2020-08-02

These 2 women showed incredible bravery.

leng - 2021-02-05


Star 2 - 2021-02-08

This kind of “journalist” always did similar things in many countries without understanding the whole problem and the whole process. Majority people in Xinjiang want to live peacefully.

If China do with Concentration camp, other countries do with similar and different ways.
For some special cases it’s necessary.
Every country have the right to keep their peoples and their country save.
Afganistan share 46 miles border with China, and sure it comes with mixed challenges.

Speak about terrorism, Terrorism is the result of a radicalization process through the individual to group levels.
Two prevention strategies that must be carried out are a hard approach in the form of prosecution and law enforcement against radical actors and a soft approach in the form of coaching the community to anticipate the potential for radicalism.
China doing the right things to educating, training them with good skill and keep them busy to improve their qualities of life. Radicalition is a problem in many muslim majority country.

In Xinjiang peoples live more peacefully than other middle east country. Even she can walk freely and fine after confrontation with a guy who was talking on the phone.

John Smith - 2021-02-10

@Star Worshiper Hey, can you do a quick search for Tinammen square? Oh you cannot, internet in your country is censored by government trolls like you.

Bee Kay - 2021-02-14

@The Extraterrestrial Xi's secret policeman?

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


S S - 2020-12-09

This lady journalist must get Pulitzer Prize. She always chooses world's toughest places to report from.

Li Adam - 2021-02-13

@Patrik pass I agree no media should be banned, so who start the ban?

Patrik pass - 2021-02-14

@Li Adam why do people in China need to use a vpn and I dont?

MARs Roma - 2021-02-14

@Li Adam Truth hurts huh??

Li Adam - 2021-02-14

@MARs Roma lol, what you are talking about?

jason meyer - 2021-02-14

@Scott Yang tianaman square??? The police and soldiers are your family but they willkill there own civilian population (students) sort of goes against what your saying.

Juli A_ - 2020-12-24

It’s sad to see that this isn’t being covered by big news stations. All you see on the news is about influencers and cancel culture. Proves to show that they show you what they want you to see.

Alex - 2021-02-13

It’s honestly sickening to see this happening on the other side of the world and people over here in the us get offended by the smallest things and claim to be “woke”. What a fucking joke.

Samwise - 2021-02-13


This has been happening for decades. Its the same news media claiming fake news so they can control what you know.
Considering you didn't should be a good indicator of how censored you are

Mícheál Flaithbheartaigh - 2021-02-13

That's because the same cancel culture is what is stopping the flow of such information.........All roads lead to Beijing. Who owns the media ?

Lars Sørensen - 2021-02-13

we can't afford not to trade with China, China is the engine of the global economy.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Sasha Gallaway - 2021-01-24

People say that vice isn't the same anymore. But this is high quality content that other news organizations would never do.

Vortex24 - 2021-02-13

Well said Sasha

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Grand Master Yoda - 2021-02-14

@Jack Nicky actually, Russia is known for their brutality in the Middle east. America is known for the never ending troops and drones

Grand Master Yoda - 2021-02-14

@Jack Nicky also, no one called you out on it, but the Tianamen Square massacre is DIRECT evidence of the failure of Communism. Your Gov had to do Soo much to cover it up, even blinding out of your history. Even right here in Mexico, we can walk up to a Federal officer and tell him to suck butthole, but if YOU did that in China, your ass is grass

Jack Nicky - 2021-02-14

@Grand Master Yoda
Asian wouldn’t do such thing or utter vulgarity esp to a govt that works for their people and care for this people. Everyone knows the CIA/M16 are behind the Tianamen Sq and two years later after their failure, the CIA move to instigate the Soviet collapse. This is a well-documented fact and publicly admitted by the CIA.

fofana - 2021-02-11

Whenever you feel useless af, just think of UN


@fofana yep they cherry pick

Black Route - 2021-02-13

@fofana lol

Adam Stolar - 2021-02-13

@fofana That would be a really bad idea, unfortunately. China has a huge military and lots of nukes too.

JRL - 2021-02-14

@fofana that’d be WWIII holmes , America and China can end the world 100’times over & that’s before Russia and everyone else gets involved

fofana - 2021-02-14

@Adam Stolar of course. Fellow satans don't invade each other

Madeline Edgar - 2020-04-22

those local guys who stood up to the police for the journalists were quite brave

grneyefinn - 2021-01-21

@Dragil XCOM pretty sure they would have got in trouble as well. 🤷‍♀️

Dragil XCOM - 2021-01-21

@grneyefinn Nope, to save their ass all they need to say: "officer, arrest these people, I think they are spies, they keep asking how bad the Uighur condition are."

Sebby 324 - 2021-01-22

There probably dead now

J J - 2021-01-26

Just more CIA, military industrial complex, "WMD" propaganda. Uyghur population in China has more than doubled in recent decades. Every meaningful metric of human wellbeing on a dramatic rise, tourism to Xinjiang at an all time high and terrorism, THAT AMERICA FUNDED, has been reduced to 0, thus the neoliberal salt and relentless (and effective) demonization. They'd never call the FAR WORSE French camps "concentration camps" because France is white. GET WOKE! The West creating generations of sinophobes is not in its interests...


Michael Young - 2021-02-14


blah blah - 2021-02-10

Damn, shes an iron lady herself, the guts is unreal 🔥🔥

Jarred Jay - 2021-02-13

She's pretty


Fr I couldn't do it.

Rhys - 2020-12-10

This reminds me of Nazi Germany for some reason, I wonder why, guards patrolling, concentration camps, going missing for speaking against the furhrer Xi jinping, propaganda, etc.

Star 2 - 2021-02-08

This kind of “journalist” always did similar things in many countries without understanding the whole problem and the whole process. Majority people in Xinjiang want to live peacefully.

If China do with Concentration camp, other countries do with similar and different ways.
For some special cases it’s necessary.
Every country have the right to keep their peoples and their country save.
Afganistan share 46 miles border with China, and sure it comes with mixed challenges.

Speak about terrorism, Terrorism is the result of a radicalization process through the individual to group levels.
Two prevention strategies that must be carried out are a hard approach in the form of prosecution and law enforcement against radical actors and a soft approach in the form of coaching the community to anticipate the potential for radicalism.
China doing the right things to educating, training them with good skill and keep them busy to improve their qualities of life. Radicalition is a problem in many muslim majority country.

In Xinjiang peoples live more peacefully than other middle east country. Even she can walk freely and fine after confrontation with a guy who was talking on the phone.

HDMoviesism - 2021-02-12

then you are really brainwashed by Western media

Rylan Manning - 2021-02-13

@Michael Chao wumao

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


44bett - 2021-02-14

@69newportking Worst --millions died, over hundred treaties broken and mineral royalties never paid.

Ellie Is A Little Concerned - 2021-01-21

The denial of this is astonishing. We can’t let another genocide just slip through our fingers like this—but if the people in power don’t do anything soon... I fear for their safety and lives in general.

Derp Inshmurtz - 2021-02-13

@M W You pulling this out of your ass or what?

Derp Inshmurtz - 2021-02-13

@M W Their is no "muslim" countries anyways, just like their isn't any "Jewish" countries. The only thing stopping progress in the middle east is dying religouns and ideologies, (like Islam and Judaism).

M W - 2021-02-13

@Victoria Smith denial? Lmao you have to prove your "genocide" first with facts first.

Kastravec Shushtavec - 2021-02-13

@M W It isn't like China can choose what the foreigners see.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Bill the Loser - 2020-12-14

This is actually terrifying. The fact that it's so difficult to even stop them makes me feel even worse, that clip of the 'kindergarten' at the end killed me.

Water Greg - 2021-02-07

@Nanoshka i was being sarcastic

Sophie G - 2021-02-08

@revision study I'm really tired of western media and people who believe in western media, but I have to speak this out. Have you been to China yourself? Have you met a Uighur yourself? Try asking anyone who has lived in China for more than a year do they still believe in western media, the answer is definitely no.

Johnny Five - 2021-02-10

XinJiang the Future of China
FerMuBe (Fernando from Colombia, has lived in mainland China since 2000, currently based in Dongguan, Guangdong Prov)

HDMoviesism - 2021-02-12

you are brainwashed my guy

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Davie Donna - 2020-04-14

This is North Korea if it was rich.

Radical Nation - 2021-02-11

Kim Jong-un wishes he had the same control and monitoring of his citizens that Xi Jinping does

HopefullyHidden - 2021-02-11

@木茂水波 I rather take the consequences of disinformation than the consequences of censorship.

hari krishna - 2021-02-11

@Qadwani all are overexcited propaganda u don't know nothing , journalists are free to roam in Kashmir they do interview to local Kashmiri's What about ur Army which created genocide in balochistan & disappeared several persons. our security forces used pellets Only on some stone pelters & protesters who acted violence when situation is out of control.
Yes there are many restrictions in Kashmirs at past, there were only restrictions to internet. As of now all restrictions are lifted.

Qadwani - 2021-02-11

@hari krishna my family is from Balochistan everything is alright, talk about ur propaganda your media is the biggest war mongering idiot and every damn countries news agency says that, all the time your stupid media spreads fake news about Pakistan. And whatever is happening in Balochistan is none of your concern kashmir is a disputed territory between India and Pakistan whereas Balochistan is the country’s internal affair so gtfo

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Back Nforth - 2020-12-27

29:50 when there are barbed wires just for a kindergarden, you'll know something's up

Sophie G - 2021-02-08

Have you ever been to China? It is common for Chinese schools to have barbed wires, if not there would at least be fences around the school, and guards standing by the gates to prevent unwanted intruders. You might think this is what so no freedom, well at least this is better than American schools where strangers come to campus and you get forced to go to lockdown or attackers going into the schools and start shooting, these types of things haven't happened in China for years. Watch some nonbiased videos if you want to learn about China pleasehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6mKs8XBZj8&t=368s

Johnny Five - 2021-02-10

XinJiang the Future of China
FerMuBe (Fernando from Colombia, has lived in mainland China since 2000, currently based in Dongguan, Guangdong Prov)

Edmund Grassby - 2021-02-12

There are a lot of stabbings in kindergartens and schools in China. The barbed wire may be that. Although Unfortunately these are definitely concentration camps.

asdf - 2021-02-12

@Edmund Grassby Definitely not. These are vocational training centers. They are there to teach people a skill so they can later help them find jobs. The Chinese strategy to fight extremism is to fight poverty. As opposed to the American strategy of drone killings and torture.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Nazzu Arru - 2020-12-05

Wtf. Taking children away from their parents. Dude, my heart breaks for her.

M W - 2021-02-01

@A. Ali And why can't they rely on the west? Oh right, because 300+ years of imperialism, invasions, de***s, bom****s, thievery and racism by the west shows them that China is their only ally. The west are hypocritical and hateful snakes that have shown their true side over and over. https://www.reddit.com/r/Sino/comments/l9vaim/you_can_trust_us_on_china_though/

m m - 2021-02-08

just like the US

E N - 2021-02-09

Do not believe what you see on video.this reporter she is a liar

HDMoviesism - 2021-02-12

The United States war on terror left 500,000 people dead in the Middle East. Tell me that doesn't break your heart. What a worthless fool you are!

hi Hi - 2021-02-13

@Somack Westerner just went straight to the comments.

Asha Blue - 2021-01-22

Literally this was what Nazis were trying to do with the Nazi Youth. They made kids against the parents.

Hayden Lassalle - 2021-02-12

Well now here in America they are brainwashing children to follow democrats and go against their conservative parents , while really the democrats and republicans leadership are in it together using the democrat party to house Iraq war conspirators and middle eastern bombers

José Pedro Coelho - 2021-02-13


神June - 2021-02-14

@shams john u are not muslim u are communist toys

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Dave Smith - 2021-02-14

@SANESS 1 Well it’s not the Chinese people fault this is happing

Sarth Singh - 2020-12-08

Tho im not an emotional person but I burst into tears when that mother started weeping for her helpless children

Tank Engine - 2021-01-28

@Bong Zilla it’s not me who it’s offending, it’s travellers who are being offended

Topan Lazuardi - 2021-02-01

@Palacsinte isis ben there on iraq and syria from 2012 and grow stronger startinv at 2014, and raging war from 2014 until its fell in 2019, during the war, many jihadis raging offcountry war, you can see battle marawi in philipines, santoso cs jihadis in sulawesi, thamrin incident on 2016, i dont know what you said, but chinese just try to prevent it, you see paris attack and boston marathon attack on 2014 to 2016? or you trying to deny that isis jihadis moving fo SEA region? moro, malaysia, indonesia from 2015 to 2020 had many isis problem, i know that since i indonesian myself

Shrinil Odedra - 2021-02-07

@Tank Engine it's not an offensive joke , I think it's good what's happening if it were true

Tatiana P.K. - 2021-02-08

Her children are not helpless but very lucky they will escape Islam.

hi Hi - 2021-02-13

@Tatiana P.K. Another westerner trying to be a smartass.

Ren Nakamura - 2019-11-25

When that little girl hugged her mother I finally started crying. She doesn't understand why her mom is crying. She just doesn't want her to be sad.

Natsuki - 2021-01-31

when you see a bunch of chinese bs went against you that you know you are saying the truth.

中国加油 - 2021-02-05

Western media are good at children, elderly women

中国加油 - 2021-02-05

Western media can report a "moving story" of a cat all day, but hundreds of people died in the explosions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

HDMoviesism - 2021-02-12

better than having the United States bomb you. Also, US war on terror left 500,000 people dead in the Middle East. Tell me that doesn't break your heart.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


GCWheeler.805 - 2021-02-11

Highly doubt their Han roommate on the train was a "farmer". Also highly doubt she was there by accident. They blew their cover before they even got into town.

Preston Strother - 2021-02-12

I remember I went to China when I was young and traveled around the entire country for holiday. I remember filming a group of heavily armed police Bc I think the military is cool, only to have them come up to me angrily yelling in Chinese. My tour guide told me I had to delete my footage and I didn’t understand why. It’s weird to know now that China is such a repressive state.

Jo Al - 2021-01-06

this is fearless journalism, i salute you for that

M W - 2021-01-30

Then why do all Muslim countries stand with China? It's because all this xinjiang bs is made up by racist western media and CIA propaganda. https://i.imgur.com/i8sKVS6.png

Thomas Dight - 2021-02-04

@M W your f**Jed , 50 cent army

Jack Badabing - 2021-02-06

@M W they rely on china for trade and they fear china also as an up and coming superpower

J.T T. - 2021-02-07

@pd yt shame on you chinese nazi.

STARB0YY - 2021-02-13

@M W Dude cry more, this is real footage. The racists are you.

Sparco - 2021-02-10

This is genuinely shocking the people of China are so brainwashed by the government. The First Lady saying we should all be the same is beyond messed up.

Brian L - 2021-02-11

but not so shocking that there has been like zero terrorist attacks in China right ? lol

Victoria Smith - 2021-02-11

@Brian L you're the reason so many people lost faith in humanity

Englan Muca - 2021-02-11

@Brian L yeah lol

HarizshahHamin - 2020-04-25

Ahh yes, kindergarten with barb wires and metal detector.

asdf - 2021-01-31

There have been attacks on schools. Had you lived in Xinjiang you would have approved these anti-terrorist methods too.

Dexter Roach - 2021-02-01

So what? Think before you talk

Danni Song - 2021-02-08

@DonkeyKong Be kinda thic Wow, that sounds so cool! Going to school and learning skills like that at the same time.

Ark Ciri - 2021-02-08

@zayn Every primary school in China, including high school has the metal fence things. It's not to keep students from going out but to keep outsiders from going in. This is an effective way of keeping students safe as you won't want suspicious people to enter the school building.

Jose Angel Herrera Morales - 2021-02-10

Have you ever been in Mexico? Hahaha

Reapers' Cemetery - 2021-02-13

I like how vice is one of the only western Media sources that translate "Allah" to "god". Tnx for that.

JoẞÈ Collïnß - 2021-02-14

You sound like those guys who kills for religion

Reapers' Cemetery - 2021-02-14

@JoẞÈ Collïnß no, i just don't want my culture to be whitewashed. Why use the arabic terme when you can say god? Why devide us even further when we're all praising the same god? And I'm not even that religious so don't worry, i won't cause any harm.

Andrew Pantoja - 2020-12-06

History will repeat itself we are already seeing another genocide from a tyrannical government

May - 2021-02-11

What about the US? Genocides on the native indians?

Jenny 3000 - 2021-02-11

@May Yeah that happened but what are you going to do about it? The reality is it is always inevitable that one country every century decided to make a play for world domination. It just so happens to be China's turn I guess.

Mac - 2021-02-06

The agent pretending to talk on the phone had terrible acting skills. He should be sent to the camps too. Obviously needs re-education.

ADTRG - 2021-02-09

thank you for cheering me up after watching this

Sir LeFúppe - 2021-02-12


daturadreams - 2021-02-14

FU. That was an Oscar performance... the strong, silent type.

Lars Sørensen - 2021-02-13

Well at least Xinjiang is safe from terrorism now.

Ben - 2019-12-26

Respect to the journalist who will never be able to go back to China even tho she probably spent years learning the language

Aerochalklate - 2021-02-10

she can use it anywhere else better than China's government lol. Chinese ppl can be found everywhere. Apparently Laoshu never been to China but speaks Chinese real fluent

Jacc - 2021-02-11

@Anna Grudina Nina Simone made it big during segragation in the US.

Are you really gonna argue people weren't extremely racist because of that?

Jacc - 2021-02-11

@Anna Grudina This isn't a question over who is worse.

Jacc - 2021-02-11

@Anna Grudina Nice try Xi

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


Maple Syrup - 2021-02-13

all because that woman ran away her whole family tree was getting sentenced

Lucas - 2021-02-04

God this is so terrible. Shades of Nazi Germany.

Seattle - 2021-02-12

@joel M no sadly seattle is pretty neo liberal which really sucks

Unkn0wn3ntity - 2021-02-13

@Seattle ok tankie praise mao more lmao

Seattle - 2021-02-13

@Unkn0wn3ntity ⣿⣿⣿⠟⢹⣶⣶⣝⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿

神June - 2021-02-14

History repeats it self

Unkn0wn3ntity - 2021-02-14

@Seattle aren’t you so funny?

LoCo MoTiVe - 2021-02-14

They almost perfected 1984. "Coming next to a dank river valley near you".

Freddie Santini - 2021-02-10

Beware of the unseen and the untold for there is great injustice all around the world.

SYED FAIZAN ALI - 2020-04-04

"Individuals cannot accept interviews without government approval" This explains it all.

HK Sun - 2021-01-08

@Chirag Dont talk kok...just settle your own toilets and caste system before you have the trump card to criticize other people...MYOFB and get your house in order
you open your foul mouth...

Chirag - 2021-01-08

@HK Sun Ok so now its hence proved that I’ve been arguing with a complete fool. My precious time and energy, wasted! Goddamnitt! Lol

zhangbo bo - 2021-01-23

@NukeCorruption they just have to take care , to keep security

J J - 2021-01-26

Just more CIA, military industrial complex, "WMD" propaganda. Uyghur population in China has more than doubled in recent decades. Every meaningful metric of human wellbeing on a dramatic rise, tourism to Xinjiang at an all time high and terrorism, THAT AMERICA FUNDED, has been reduced to 0, thus the neoliberal salt and relentless (and effective) demonization. They'd never call the FAR WORSE French camps "concentration camps" because France is white. GET WOKE! The West creating generations of sinophobes is not in its interests...


Vortex24 - 2021-02-13

@Azhar Khan I somewhat agree with what you said however you need to remember one thing.

Pakistan needed to cooperate with the Chinese or else they would run the risk of being cut off from water supplies via the origin of the rivers in the north.

Therefore, they needed to deal with the devil that is China.

J L - 2021-02-10

Vice: Journalism is dead.

Farly Favian C - 2021-02-10

There are a lot of chinese propaganda in the comments 😂😂

SpaghettiKillah - 2021-02-11

Yep the boys are hard working 😂
Must have factories of trolls like Putin's troll factory 🤣

Nickson Redfield - 2021-02-12

@UY Intelligent funny thing is...as my mother said today, she feels so much same on you guys who are brainwashed so badly😅

UY Intelligent - 2021-02-12

@Nickson Redfield educate yourself my brother only God knows who has been brainwashed don't judge anybody I'm talking about only ccp they even trying brain washing chinese people the government is bad not people ,

Nickson Redfield - 2021-02-12

@UY Intelligent even more funny thing is.... Chinese never worship god in your bible, Chinese only worship themselves as gods since the beginning, now you say "only god knows......", yeah, I do know, haha

UY Intelligent - 2021-02-12

@Nickson Redfield I'm muslim bro if you say i know that is mean definitely you don't know anything i meet so many guys like you and again please educate yourself

Adam - 2020-12-10

My aunt in china please pray for her she is in jail camp 😭 since yesterday 🙏

暮山姬颜氏 - 2021-02-09

if u r lying u will go to hell bro

hi Hi - 2021-02-13

@Lil kandy What about the Uighurs in China?

Lil kandy - 2021-02-13

@hi Hi omg dude stfu we know that’s why we watched the video

hi Hi - 2021-02-13


神June - 2021-02-14

What criminal acts did she do?

Mochi Cake - 2020-12-29

The way the little boy hugged his mom when she was crying was heart breaking

Raisin - 2021-01-16

It’s a girl, but ikr 🥺

baby龙 - 2021-02-10

they are turkey Uyghur live in Xinjiang.

melvin sacromentoe - 2020-08-24

Can’t believe this women confronted a Chinese spy damn

You Min - 2021-01-21

@Joker Ye You are a bot

Joker Ye - 2021-01-21

@You Min Who the fuk are you?

真·亚述的荣耀 - 2021-01-30

Actually...that "spy" is a uighur chinese, you can think about why is that for a while tho

Syl Yim - 2021-02-07

A trick atall

神June - 2021-02-14

The spy him self look like from uyghyur side

Blxberry u-u - 2021-01-18

I feel so sorry for these people, the things they have to do just to be themselves, the saddest thing is that barely anyone even cares, people hate Muslims and it’s disgusting, if anyone that lives in them kind of areas is reading this, i am so sorry..



Ameer Hariri - 2021-02-13

18:00 lady with red hijab on balcon gets wacked by a towel from a neighbour AHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Colin G - 2021-02-10

wow, that guy disguised on the train, that was scary as hell. he said please don’t tell people i told you that. WOW scary

Song Whisperer - 2021-01-07

""The police are here to catch the bad people"".
Q - Who are the bad people?
A - Anyone who doesn't listen to, and/or obey the CCP.

Orbital Potato - 2021-01-14

Funny how a lot of the police and security in Xinjiang are Uygurs.

F X VIC - 2019-12-22

“Individuals cannot accept interviews without government approval”. Government here government there... what’s the purpose of living anymore if their lives are being 100% controlled by the government??

paul van - 2021-01-26

@Irfan Kassim what about Saudi Arabia? You can't even walk around with your bible in Saudi Arabia. Stop been a hypocrite. Tell Saudi to build a church also

Irfan Kassim - 2021-01-27

@Topan Lazuardi thanks for bringing that up sir. I am now informed.

Irfan Kassim - 2021-01-27

@paul van I’m not a hypocrite sir. I really am condemns any people who didn’t have the respect for other religion. We live in a mutual world. We share them too. We just want to live in peace. That is our only intention.

Irfan Kassim - 2021-01-27

@paul van and yes sir, I condemn people filled with hatred of other religion in Saudi too.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


MrAmsterdamcity1 - 2021-02-09

Too bad muslim nations don't take action against this. They are too busy fighting eachother.

MrAmsterdamcity1 - 2021-02-10

@justice83 Also China uncensored, China unscripted, ect

MrAmsterdamcity1 - 2021-02-10

@justice83 Why not?

justice83 - 2021-02-10

@MrAmsterdamcity1 videos depict an opinion of the director of the video. How can that be taken as a clear fact?

John Smith - 2021-02-10

@justice83 Chinese paid troll.

justice83 - 2021-02-10

@John Smith British born and 🍞 mate. Just can see two sides to the coin, I've lived in China and seen for myself first hand that it's not the country the media show it to be. I haven't seen any evidence that have convinced me that this video is true.

Yilun Feng - 2021-01-17

I'm a Han Chinese and I've never believed news about Xinjiang. This is the first video that actually changed my mind. A lot of respects for the journalists. It's just so depressing to see terrible things going on in the country you are proud of.

jason meyer - 2021-02-14

@pd yt they are not put in camps like nazi Germany. The west tried to give democracy to the Arabs. I'm sure many Arab women like the idea of going to school and allowed to drive a car. And hopefully get a say in having their vaginas not cut. I can see the men might not like the idea but the everyday Arab might have more freedom.

jason meyer - 2021-02-14

@Sophie G are you saying the Uighurs are not being suppressed in this way?

jason meyer - 2021-02-14

Those Chinese I speak of are out of country of course.

Michael Young - 2021-02-14


blahpunk1 - 2021-02-14

@Veronica 421 - There are lots of Americans that feel the same way, proud of what the country aspires to be and sad about what it often really is.

Johnny Max - 2021-02-14

How much y’all want to bet Covid was already spreading in China when this was filmed?