> sys > viscous-fluids-coiling-smartereveryday

Amazing Honey Coiling High Speed Video! - Smarter Every Day 53

SmarterEveryDay - 2012-06-03

Please share this video by clicking this: http://on.fb.me/SweetMath
This is called the "Liquid Rope Coil Effect".  Roped behave the same way when dropped from high.  See the raw high speed footage here: http://bit.ly/RawHoneyData

The high speed camera used was a Phantom V10.  Rent one yourself by clicking here: http://bit.ly/wQPlHd 

Artist Info:
Gordon McGladdery wrote & Recorded the song "Long Time, No See"
Download it here:

Sarah Xu, a student at the Vancouver Film School made the awesome introduction Drawing.  Look at the full non-8-second version here: http://captainpillow.blogspot.ca/ 
The graphs are scientifically accurate!

My pancreas almost shut down after the test tube scene.  I kept getting corn syrup/molasses/honey on my hands and licked it off.  Seriously.... I started feeling weird.

Why did I make this? Because you asked! 
I made this video at the request of a Smarter Every Day Subscriber:
Tweet me @SmarterEveryDay and ask me to do something.

Also, I contacted a Physicist named Sean in the UAE who made this video:

Kinematic Viscosity is simply the Dynamic Viscosity divided by the Density

Read an article by the Royal Society on the Math involved.  Hope you like math:

Here's a great paper that describes the 4 flow regimes very well.

The high speed was shot with a Phantom V10: http://www.visionresearch.com/Products/High-Speed-Cameras/v10/

Instead of saving for my kids' college, I make videos using the money I would have saved.
The thought is it will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for their education.  Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please share the video.  If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars towards their college fund by clicking here:

Warm Regards,


RushKa - 2015-08-04

I didn't know he was a billionaire until he started wasted shampoo handfuls at a time.

IMBwildrd - 2019-02-15

But the shampoo is Suave (I know, I use it)....not many richies buy Suave. lol

Cat Lover - 2019-05-28

It was a joke! 😑

Dusty Welch - 2019-05-30

@IMBwildrd idk,,, the millionaires I know ask for extra shampoo at the hotel, use a bottle from another hotel they stayed at previously, and take the new shampoo home with them.....

Brenden ftw - 2020-01-18

Wasnt the shower scene i was hoping for

Nuxxy - 2016-01-27

Destin would be the best science teacher ever...

small-capitals - 2017-01-20

he and cody

Master aL - 2017-11-21


Matt R - 2019-05-28

I want to like your comment but it's current at 420 likes. I can't do it

Bryan O - 2019-06-15

Can you imagine how much better school would be if teachers cared as much as he did?

Jaiyank Saxena - 2020-02-14

he IS the best science teacher ever!

rosey_moon - 2015-08-02

I'm on the learning side of YouTube again

Shdq - 2015-10-10

+NittanyNation22 Whats on the otherside ?

NittanyNation22 - 2015-10-12

I don't wanna talk about it

Danny Golds - 2015-10-18

+Shidqie Alisyafiq (removing fly larvae from ears, tapeworms, filthyfrank, etc.)

That Weird Part of YouTube:
“An area full of videos irrelevant to what you were originally watching. Also called the Dark Side of Youtube.”
-Urban Dictionary

SpydreX Official - 2015-12-09

+Shidqie Alisyafiq Stacey Nightmare....

Leo Viegas - 2017-08-09

JustFranceThings JUST IN CASE you wanna check it out, look for "the shrektacular SFM"
(I'm not responsible for any brain damage you end up with)

An Aardvark - 2015-05-23

Wow. I didnt understand one bit of this.

Kvin - 2017-04-18

Happy early birthday

The Dead Of Night - 2017-10-14

That’s a side effect of being dead...

Austin denning - 2018-08-15

That's what happens when you are an idiot, hinds by your name.

srh wllms50 - 2019-05-29

Lol same and i wacthed the whole thing anyway

Hxil3y Qu33n - 2020-03-19

I understood how the differences from the thickness of the honey and how far up you put it that it’ll make it fall faster and make a pattern while sinking down into the honey- idk .-. I like learning don’t blame me 😂

saquist - 2015-07-16

Destin...I'm adopting you.
You're my You Tube Dad as of now.

gabeft95 - 2015-08-18

@saquist Adopting your own dad? Now there's a screwed up relationship

ZapZee - 2015-09-25

+saquist then just call me sis!

Samuel Tutuwan - 2015-11-15

@***** Σ( ° △ °|||) mind blown

Leo Hsu - 2016-03-27


andrew andrew - 2017-02-15


ivankempf - 2015-08-01

right right the video has nothing to do with these assault rifles because those are not assault rifles.

Viola James - 2015-06-08

I stayed for the shower scene.

Decrypted Source - 2014-09-26

i was good at math once

FieryWolf Tamer - 2019-02-24

Decrypted Source so do i, i was the only one that got 200% in our 200 equation in math now i forgot science was the best subject ;)

Dario Cardajoli - 2019-12-12

You never really understood it then

Falcon - 2016-03-27

Those aren't assault rifles. I just made you smarter everyday :)

de7io - 2019-04-22

charlie dee
watering hose
drinking glass
cooking pan

charlie dee - 2019-04-22

@de7io All examples of redundancy, they don't go together either. Nice try though.

araptuga - 2019-05-16

@charlie dee fire hose, air hose; spy glass, eye glass; salt pan, gold pan.
Hmm. Seems @de7io was onto something; they're not redundant after all. Nice try indeed!

See the Light - 2019-07-23

@Ben Pratt incorrect. I'd bet you whatever you want to lose that you are wrong.

gefloigle - 2019-08-16

It isn't an assault rifle until you've been assaulted with it. Destin spent too much time with Obama.

John Britt - 2013-11-27

It would be interesting to know if it turned one way in the northern hemisphere and the other way in the southern.

Joseph Guo - 2019-03-03

No, it doesn't. Simply stated, the Coriolis effect is not responsible for honey coiling.

GirtonOramsay - 2019-05-30

The size of the coil is way too small for Coriolis force to have an effect. This only happens for large weather and ocean systems, like hurricanes or gyres.

kcl_kyle - 2019-09-17

I was wondering the same thing. It would seem too much of a coincidence that all the visible coils were clockwise.

GuardianOfWonderland - 2014-11-04

Not gonna lie, I'm about as smart as a paper bag. I understood none of this and just thought that the coil was pretty.....

Zitachi - 2017-07-23

"And it has nothing to do with the assault rifles on that table" their where like 3 bolt action rifles on that lol. All rifles are just rifles, "assault" rifles don't exist.

Timefliesbye - 2014-03-26

I never thought I'd hear science discussed in a southern accent to the tune of a Quaker oats commercial jingle....

yodathedeathshadow - 2013-12-16

I want honey now...

othman alazzam - 2014-02-15

loooooooool... me too

joram banman - 2014-02-27

@othman alazzam laugh out out out out out out out out out loud

lanner95 - 2015-04-27

I wanna live, in Visco City!

waterman308 - 2015-12-16

Dude - you are SUCH an engineer! Once you've been taught to see the detail in the world around you, you cannot 'unsee' it. Every little thing is seen with even greater Wonder! Great job.

One small bone to pick - the reference to 'assault rifles' - I'm assuming they are just semi's, and not full auto. Be good if we 2Aer's could avoid the use of that term since its so mis-understood and mis-used.

Anyhow, carry on! Awesome channel.

Kleptic Heist - 2014-04-01

you should drop the coil from the chopstick into liquid nitrogen to freeze it before it deforms

Big Brother - 2015-07-21

@Kleptic Heist it would not be able to flow once reaching the air above the nitrogen, which would freeze it instantly; Thus you wouldn't get a coil at all.

Kleptic Heist - 2015-07-21

@mhotl things dont freeze that fast buddy, watch any video that includes the freezing of anything with liquid nitrogen

BNL - 2015-07-08

I just spent most of my money on a really big jar of honey and it didn't work

Antivoid - 2016-03-19

then you are a idoit

Krabby - 2016-03-26

+D Roberts did you finish your honey yet?

Sonny Tx - 2016-03-27

+Antivoid idiot*

LOL Science - 2019-05-23

Antivoid *aN idIOt

Corey - 2019-05-28

Most of your money? Just how big was this jar or honey?

Kerem Karapinar - 2016-07-23

Every time I watch your vids I feel like a scientist or someone really smart😂😂

Mr Diddley - 2016-08-15

but youre not. ^^

jazztom86 - 2016-08-16

Mr Diddley hahahahaha, loved it

aal - 2016-10-12


T R - 2015-06-15

Every time I pour honey I think of this video haha

T R - 2015-10-02

Am I right?...or am I right?......I'm right

Gurosama Bltch - 2015-10-05

Do you pour honey for a living?

T R - 2015-10-05

+Bltch Erica I'm a cook and work with honey a lot

kittenkrusha - 2015-10-10

+SmarterEveryDay please do a video on hydroplaning dynamics as it relates to tires, tire design and travel. for example ive never seen ann all season tire where the grooves in the shoulder are at 45 degrees (theyre always at or near 90)...why? what facyors do speed, mass, water depth, temp, tread depth, height and placement play?

Authentic - 2016-08-25

Clickbait title: Destin gets NAKED IN FRONT of the CAMERA!

B Z - 2016-11-12


Minus - 2016-12-03

BZ , you have something against that?

B Z - 2016-12-03

+Dj Minus chill out, pc sjw.

LOL Science - 2019-05-23

Most people came for that scene actually

Stephen Cromwell - 2014-03-23

You're a tease, sir.
Showing us all those guns but doing no shooting?
Shower scene with no conditioner?

Ayesha Cargill - 2015-01-28

To bad my ear buds don't wrap up like that...

Luke Turner - 2019-04-27

You should try wrapping them up in a figure-8 around the Vulcan salute

Jerry Estrada - 2014-03-02

If it coils differently on geographical locating, the magnetism and earth angular movement might be key factors.

Ethan Villanueva - 2015-08-04

I think Destin is the Bill Nye of Youtube

See the Light - 2019-07-23

That's actually kind of insulting, since Bill Nye is basically a nut job.

Oxy Worgon - 2015-01-31

Well if you have a cylinder tube and play a note (with a tuning fork, string, etc) at one end and then move the object emanating that note closer or farther, you will get intervals of constructive and destructive interference. Maybe when the honey stick is moved the same sort of thing happens. It will either gather nicely in a coil or go out of wack as with the sound.
Just a thought on why this might happen.

TopOfTheBox - 2015-06-25

@Microphonix Virtual Studio Frequencies are measured in Hertz, and frequency is equal to the inverse of the period. Wavelengths are something separate and measured in units of length.

BNL - 2015-07-08


Alaric Ross - 2015-07-20

@Oxy Worgon I think your in to something. My line of though was a tad different though. I believe it is to due with the way the honey is moving ifself out of the way. If you think about in the way of simple harmonics maybe the point where there is the coil it is the ampiltude of the flucuation and the points where it goes haywire are where the nodes are . if the nodes are a point where the honey is not comeing clase to or reaching its amplitude then it can not create the coil effect yet it still needs to get out of its own way so it fallows the path of least resistance and moves to the points in the path of the honey where the honey is the least viscous.I believe that would cause the non coil formations that make no sense.

Those are just my thoughts. If you can please get back to me.

Microphonix Virtual Studio - 2015-07-20

@Alaric Ross
I think you have something there. Just like the way many other things in creation work. Like in audio, how far apart you place the speakers from each other can make or break a good sound system. The distance apart you place transmission towers from each other can be used to direct the radio waves. How far apart you set the warp nacelles from each other and the number of coils used may greatly affect just how fast you might be able to travel in space. Of course this is when someone brilliant discovers the details of how warp drive works. E=MC2

MarlonProdigy - 2015-07-21

Lol u should be teachers

Grak70 - 2014-11-22

Thank you for not talking down to us.

Songhee Lee - 2015-02-17

Yes, thank you so much. You never talk down to us unlike all the other rude and bratty youtubers out there.

adiofeet13 - 2016-05-15

i wonder if it coils counter clockwise in the southern hem

Deniz Perçin - 2016-06-01

Same thing came to my mind.

Riley Uhr - 2016-06-04

as a person from the sothern hemisphere i can conclude that the coriolis effect when it comes to liquid is bullshit

Redrield - 2016-06-30

Didn't Destin and Derek make a big collab video about the coriolis effect when it comes to liquids?

Vincent Valentine - 2016-07-23

+Riley Uhr it's already been proven to be factual...

DDG - 2016-08-09

Southern hem checking in. Send free honey. Will investigate and report back.

Stasko - 2014-04-18

4:27 omg waste of shampoo

Marmonery - 2014-04-26

No, that shampoo was used in the name of science!

Angelo G. - 2014-06-01

Ohhh nooo sampoooo...

Really Squishy - 2014-06-14


EJ - 2014-09-02

Nah conditioner runs out so fast it's good to even out the shamp/con ratio once and a while.

BackInTheGarden - 2014-10-14

OMG waste of waste ... if that's even possible.

IDIDIT! - 2013-10-27


Itz Glo - 2015-08-04

I want some honey now :/

Lucas Rodmo - 2016-01-11

me 2 :/

james brown - 2016-04-14

+itzglo i will give u my honey, inside your mouth, swallow it

Todd Jones - 2013-11-18

This is brilliant! I have no idea what he's talking about when it comes to math but it's a fascinating experiment nevertheless! Also, I want to know why the honey always seems to coil in a counterclockwise direction. Is this merely a coincidence?

Michael Lawson - 2013-12-06

That is because it is in the northern hemisphere. As a beekeeper in the southern hemisphere I noticed it goes clockwise . Dont ask me what causes that since Im also puzzled by the equations given in the film. Same effect is with bath water circulating down the drain.

Todd Jones - 2013-12-06

@Michael Lawson my understanding of the Coriolis effect is that is only applys to large systems such as supercells, not toilets or honey coils: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coriolis_effect

Lucas Dirkx - 2017-10-02

That's what I thought but the highspeed video in the beginning shows the honey flowing clockwise.

Philip Royd - 2017-03-22

I think I should have been hearing music from the movie "Psycho" at the latter part of this video clip.

Spookbumps - 2017-03-05

Oh, I thought it was one of those satisfying 1 hour videos.

Gage Westerhouse - 2019-06-22

Destin; did you seriously just call a table of semi-automatic rifles 'assault rifles'? Come on, man.

RemixPicture - 2013-09-15

4:28 - I was doing that earlier today thinking about this phenomenon. It was just a coincidence that I found this video today without even looking for it. :O I subscribed as well. :)

DodderingOldMan - 2016-06-30

Man, I am both awed by and envious of smart people. All I can do is watch and try to comprehend just a tiny fraction of what I see and hear.

MUGWUMP - 2016-09-12

Curiosity is a much more desirable trait than intelligence.
And the willingness to learn is far more commendable than the capacity.

Ralph Zodang - 2016-10-03

@MUGWUMP That's a good quote, thanks.

MUGWUMP - 2016-10-04

@Ralph Zodang
Thanks for letting me know you liked it. It feels good to know that my sentiment was appreciated by others.

Mark - 2016-11-12

Keep in mind the time he's had to understand it was much greater. The time you've had was only 5 minutes.

Rui Ribeiro - 2017-01-31

In order to understand this you need to go way deeper than we went here. In this video some variables are defined and some formulas are given with a very superficial explanation to them. There isn´t much to understand.

itzzshady - 2015-06-11

Omg I just took my fluid dynamics final two weeks ago, it's back to haunt me! Great vid haha

lambyiii - 2014-02-20

4:20 pan the camera down....in slow motion.

Iyanna Word - 2015-07-30

Wha what? I just came to see some honey..

Beazt Gaming - 2019-07-04

You lost me at "Welcome back to smarter every day"

steven j - 2016-06-01

Just seems like such a nice genuine guy. Love the videos.

Hoshimaru57 - 2020-01-15

I remember hearing about this in his TED talk. “A 17th order nonlinear two point boundary value problem with 2 free parameters and 19 boundary conditions.”
Aka: no matter how smart you think you are in fluid physics, honey is smarter.

Sharon Hunter - 2017-07-12

I lost you at "this will be sweet! Literally!"

jw5895 - 2013-08-17

I`m sure I didn't find this stuff this interesting when I was at school. Love your work, keep it up :-)

Sompn Brurl - 2016-10-05

It seems pretty logic to me. The same thing happens when you drop a rope in the same way, it starts to form a spiral- It's natural

Klossy Channel - 2016-11-16

I was just thinking about this yesterday.... that video didn't really help. interesting, but not helpful

Snuffleboom - 2017-03-30

now find something to add to mercury to make it viscous, and have its twirls captured my an array of magnets to generate electricity.

thats how UFOs work.

Amanda Lazares - 2016-08-24

Thank you for making everyday more interesting, and honing my observancy further.