> temp > à-trier > the-molecular-basis-of-life

The Molecular Basis of Life

James Tyrwhitt-Drake - 2016-01-03

These animations show cellular biology on the molecular scale.  The structure of chromatin, the processes of transcription, translation, DNA replication, and cell division are shown.  All animations are scientifically accurate and derived from molecular biology and crystallography research.  I have composed this video from multiple animations under fair use for non-profit, educational purposes.  I do not claim copyright on this video or its contents, with the exception of the cell image.  Most credit goes to Drew Berry and the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI TV) for the animations.  Full credits are at the end of the video.

RaisedByCats - 2019-08-06

I"m at a loss for words. I don't know what's more mind blowing, the biological processes, or our ability to have figured this out.

daniel letterman - 2020-03-14

@vitaly goji Seriously ? And non-idiots are saying there is a zombie that died a very long time ago because we make mistakes ?

daniel letterman - 2020-03-14

@ggzh a Argue With Everyone It wasn't "created". The same emergent properties present in all matter/fields, gives rise to this. Imagine what we still don't know as we shoot each other and poison the world to ensure our pattern of life dominates.

daniel letterman - 2020-03-14

@emune232 And this "created" pattern is why humans shoot each other and poison the world to ensure that it's created pattern is dominant.

vitaly goji - 2020-03-15

@daniel letterman
Your right brain is not developed enough dude. Not only you can't understand what most children do understand, you are trying to offend others. It's called militant ignorance and you will suffer because of it till you get smarter or till you get cut off. Very sad

Jose Yauri - 2020-03-16

@emune232 but then we return to the same problem: how that extraterrestrial intelligence was created?

jooky87 - 2018-06-13

Amazing. Mind-blowing really. How do we deal with the question of what is life and what is alive if we clearly see molecules acting in such an orderly manner directed by their electrical bonding energy and some heat. The speed, the amount of information, and the precision; just wow.

ducksmugglers - 2019-09-26

@Sev Sev fuck off

Ryan Tab - 2019-11-26

Why do people go, "oh what was before the big bang then." Well no one knows, but was before the all knowing "creator". Please dont say he was just always there. Like what if the universe was always there than. Now people will say, "oh well everything needs a cause." Well wouldnt god need a cause than too. Now people will respond to that with, "well we need something that is beyond space and time that is an all knowing conscious being". I feel like its just a paradox. Something that could never be known, but ive only seen everything in the universe be created from the right conditions, there is even research being found now that amino acids might have caused life. So ill stick with being the only full fledged athiest. Even though its not important

Ryan Tab - 2019-11-26

Please my intelligent buddies, have an intellectual conversation with me, without any hate. I wanna absorb and spread knowledge

Peacock Guy - 2019-12-07

Dev Ram History in the face of absurdities has always gone first to god. This is no proof, not does it disprove. All it proves is life is made up of machines.

RASHO IE'TOLAN - 2020-04-07

All the more reason to raise thine mental capacity :
intelligence quotient to ever greater heights
May the boundaries of the unknown recede before you

SomeoneCommenting - 2019-08-15

One thing: remember that all these molecules are reacting while they are submerged in tons of other molecules of other stuff around them. There is no "empty space" between any of these things, this is only done for visual simplicity.

Rod Schmidt - 2019-12-19

Yes, I am impressed with the aim. Things don't float randomly around; they are in some kind of structure that channels them.

Avery Kucan - 2019-12-27

Additionally, adenosine is constantly flowing around too and is essentially consumed, harnessing energy stored as electrostatic and mechanical in this protein which is consumed constantly by these little motors. That ATP is gotten from our blood sugars.

JD Stillwater - 2020-03-14

They also left out Brownian motion, which if included would make everything all jiggly and headache-inducing to watch.

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2020-03-28

INFINITELY IMPORTANT POINT! Well said, SomeoneCommenting!

Transfusions - 2020-04-09

One more things to add : these molecules are slowed down to be able to visualize what it’s doing. Actually it is moving , rotating and vibrating little over 1million times faster.

Frank de Jong - 2019-03-13

I hardly could hear the music because of this man's voice

Reggie Madison - 2020-01-02


glitch gamer - 2020-01-26

Yes he doesn't understand we are for the music and not his biology bullshit

glitch gamer - 2020-01-26

@Hubris lol are u for real he is being sarcastic i think u r not ,?? Ate u too?

Voxpo Puli - 2020-02-06

@Hubris too bad this is foreground music with some background mumbling

The Ultimate Reductionist - 2020-03-28

LOL! Good sarcasm, Frank!

MrSkaizZ - 2018-12-23

Feels like the tiniest episode of "How it's Made"

1 Tym 3,16 - 2019-11-27

@Ryan Tab I'm not going to stay here and convince you. God revealed Himself in His creation, He gave us life, He revealed Himself in the person of Jesus Christ and also He revealed Himself in the Bible. Make honest research to find Him. DNA is more complex than all computer softwares designed and made by humans. DNA designed and programmed by God.

matak99 - 2020-01-13

@1 Tym 3,16 Can you imagine all this coming together by accident? It takes more faith to believe that than to believe in the Great Designer.

1 Tym 3,16 - 2020-01-13

@matak99 I can't imagine, that kind of accidents are impossible. Glory to God!

Dan Stinson - 2020-03-26

@matak99 It would be like being on a ship in a great ocean and discovering an unknown island, going ashore to explore and finding in the middle of the island a huge Ford automobile factory and believing it just naturally and spontaneously emerged.

Omri Alkabetz - 2020-04-02

@Dan Stinson I highly recommend that you read the book "The Blind Watchmaker", since it does a wonderful job in explaining this argument and the answer given to it by modern biology.

Rodrigo Ribeiro - 2019-08-16

Understanding this makes me forgive everybody and be peaceful.

Richie Gurdler - 2020-02-18

science tends to have this humbling effect, doesn't it

yifan91 - 2020-03-05


RASHO IE'TOLAN - 2020-04-07

Richie Gurdler no , fuck no

Paul Robinson - 2018-12-16

The music is too loud. should not dominate the narration.

The B1 66-ER - 2018-12-19

No one said you have to watch this ...

MoonOnTheMan 1 - 2018-12-23

and no one said you should deter meaningful conversations,
The B1 66-ER

The B1 66-ER - 2018-12-24

@MoonOnTheMan 1 You are right ... I try not to!

piranias - 2019-07-28

​@MoonOnTheMan 1 you are one that clearly trying to "deter meaningful conversations".

glitch gamer - 2020-01-26


whitehorse1959 - 2019-08-07

Two atoms walk into a bar. "Damn, I lost an electron" says one. "Are you sure?" asks the other. "Yes, I'm positive".

INProcess.. - 2019-09-22

* crickets *

Ralph Deem - 2019-12-01

I love it!

cas ahoud - 2019-12-03

Be patient, he'll come aground. I'm sorry for the bad joke, I don't know what to say. I'm atom loss for words

Koroglu Rustem - 2019-12-23

So here we have a great lesson : if you lose something it can be a positive for you and negative for the one who gets it from you

Marcus Middleton - 2020-03-24

Shut up meg

Matthew Ferrie - 2019-08-16

So DNA isn’t just packaged into a coil. It’s a coiled-coiled-coiled coil.

William Chamberlain - 2019-08-31

There's a crazy long length of it in every nucleus: needs a lot of twisting to coil it into available volume

monywehat - 2019-12-15

pretty much

glitch gamer - 2020-01-26

Sums it up

Renato Medeiros - 2020-03-28

its a zip file zipped into a rar file and zip it again

DerDoenerInMir - 2019-08-21

This video got me high, the body truly is a temple

alfaestudiomusical alfa - 2017-10-31

The music is loud.

szolanek - 2019-07-12

They always do that when there is more phantasy then fact.

Charlie Spider - 2019-07-23

Churches do that

Boran Theki - 2019-08-08

@Ignatious Scaithe

Your obtuse comment demonstrates that stupidity exists wherever it is you happen to live.

Mal-2 KSC - 2019-08-30

Agreed. The music is not misplaced or wrong or inappropriate, just too loud by maybe 12 dB. Also there should probably be a compressor on the music to make it easier to balance -- there is clearly compression on the speech, so why not on the music too?

As for those who make their complaints personal -- let's see you put one of these together, then you can claim your personal superiority. The narration is still understandable (although it requires more effort than it should) on a good sound system, which is probably the kind of equipment used to master it. As a songwriter that records myself, I know how different results can be when mastering is done on studio monitors but people watch on laptop speakers, which is why the audio needs to be checked on multiple devices. Personally I use a home theater, a car, laptop speakers, cheap headphones, and good headphones in addition to studio monitors to make sure my results are at least recognizable on all of them. (Obviously the car can be omitted in this case.)

Vysair - 2019-11-26

@Meryl Slabbert nah it works well tbh

eric vosselmans - 2019-08-02

I am happy these biomolecules don't actually make this sound. It would drive me completely crazy

Alexander Korol - 2019-11-22

@Joshua Michael Alaniz Think about it, they're constantly vibrating. What do you think that would sound like?

MsMuffetsTuffet - 2020-01-01

@Alexander Korol - Tinnitus!

alejosky - 2020-01-05

Molecules do emit waves of energy but we don't perceive them as sound; we perceive them as temperature.

John Murphy - 2020-03-02

It does with me ...a constant buzzing in my ears that never stops ....

Bigtexun Tex - 2020-03-20

@John Murphy That buzzing in your ears is your brain turning up the gain too high for frequencies you either can no longer hear, or just because something is triggering the gain to increase. So the sound you hear is the noise caused by amplifying silence at specific frequencies.

AliJ - 2018-11-14

Perfect stoner videos

James Dillinger - 2019-02-28


hytlerson - 2019-08-18

need to grow me some stones man

psi drop - 2019-12-13

Pink Floyds The Wall brought me here. I like it.

glitch gamer - 2020-01-26

Yes gets me everytime

Gamebred - 2019-06-24

It's crazy how chemistry just becomes biology at one point. Maybe they're both part of a broader subject

vitaly goji - 2020-02-23

@Rod Schmidt
May be it could help you to get out of trap.
1) Brain does not create thoughts and does not make decisions. It just reacts to external commands.
2) Genes carry holographic images of individual various stages of development and aging .
There are lots more facts which speak of remote control and engineering.
Sorry for being sarcastic. You may be honest guy, just not developed enough. You will get there

Több Vida - 2020-03-18

There is no 'maybe' regarding that

Marcus Middleton - 2020-03-24

It’s called a 3 piece and a soda

RASHO IE'TOLAN - 2020-04-07

Biochemistry is 10/10

RASHO IE'TOLAN - 2020-04-07

Rod Schmidt yet...

Mcnamara Troy - 2019-02-02

i am incredibly excited by the technique that is used to show how the molecular mechanism of dna replication and transcripton is shown in this video. even the detailed enzymes and proteins are presented. i really appreciate for this great contributon to both science and education. thank you!

Javier Saavedra - 2018-09-16

Life is such a wonderful mystery. Make the best of it.

Daiku Coffee - 2019-12-29

@Комиссар Very little of what you wrote makes any sense at all. I don't think you have the necessary prerequisite knowledge to have a meaningful discussion about this subject.

Daiku Coffee - 2019-12-29

@Комиссар Most of your misconceptions should be easily answered by locking up, RNA world hypothesis or the phenomon of consciousness.

Комиссар - 2019-12-29

@Daiku Coffee Can you yourself refure my arguments and tell me what you think is factually wrong in my statement? If you gotta rely on ,,You are not educated" type of empty response I see myself out of this discussion.

Adam Bright - 2020-01-10

@barnoftheyard and what created god?

Adam Bright - 2020-01-10

@barnoftheyard scientists don't assume what hasn't been shown to be possible, that's why they don't assume that any god did anything. However, there's no way to disprove God's existence, so there's no reason to take it seriously. Just like there's no reason to take Bigfoot seriously if he can always evade detection because that's the effectively the same as not existing?

Katie Kat - 2018-12-22

WOW!!! I am absolutely flabbergasted by the graphics of this video. I can’t believe that it is even possible to make a video with so much going on and with so many things on the screen moving along. Whoever did the graphics for this video are crazy incredibly talents person or people. This video was so amazing to watch. Not to mention the parts where they took the couple of seconds where it was the actual microscopic filming of a real cell but colored everything in so they could point out things. Like when they showed a real cell dividing under the microscope but colored in for a few seconds and then seamlessly slid right back to computer graphics. Although this entire video obviously looks like computer graphic and not real life it is by far, I almost want to call it art. Amazing. My head is spinning from the greatness of the graphics. Then on top of that the audio and narration are spectacular as well. I have never seen anything like this video before. Plus what how much I learned or understood more clearly from this. I am blown away by this video. All aspects of it. Wonderful video!!!

Leslie Sylvan - 2019-03-17

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Dale Greer - 2019-08-03

Part of the reason these animations are so good is because the molecules are mathematically modeled. The animator doesn't have to control each and every movement of the walkers, for example, because the physics of the model helps everything happen. Not shown are the water molecules that are pushing everything around, making things jiggle. The animator makes them invisible so you can see the action. The animator will also help guide molecules to their destinations, because in real life they depend on just bumping around until they hit something they can latch onto. So there's a combination of art and math that goes into it.

SLIMY BLoB - 2019-08-15

I’m flabbergasted by the length of that comment

Aron Aronite - 2019-01-15

I drew this picture when I was kid and later became a doctor for 20 years.Ive never seen this in actual motion except few clips of cell division. Its truly amazing. Thanks.

Alexander Korol - 2019-06-07

which picture?

Don Colbert - 2017-11-29

Great video. Lose the damn music.

A. Google Account - 2019-01-10

No the music's fine, it just needs to be mixed in properly. Less bass, it's way to "Boomy" and volume also needs to be lowered, so the comentary doesn't have to compete with it.

NATURA - 2019-07-18

A. Google Account The proper way to mix music in that video is: The music volume = 0.

Bramha Dev Sharma - 2019-09-10

Some of most valuable knowledge were suppressed by the stupid music mixing. Pure knowledge is extremely entertaining, please let us not not interrupt the process.

Alexander Korol - 2019-11-22

Read the subtitles, boomer trash!

Janet Carpenter - 2019-12-02

@Alexander Korol the subtitles are somewhat messed up because the program cannot correctly interpret the whole word in many places because the background music is too loud. You are an asshat to people with hearing disabilities. I lost my ability to differentiate certain sounds by being a jet mechanic in the air force. Your flip remark is so sad for you. Did you play it with the words on. Gibberish.

Paul Hatton - 2018-07-30

Random Human #1: How’s life treating you?
Random Human #2: well, I’m getting by.
DNA: hey, a little credit here?!?!?

Zelong Xiong - 2018-12-21

Paul Hatton lol

Luis Hernandez - 2018-12-24

proteins and enzymes should get credit too. Smh

Aidan Bradley - 2018-12-29

Im glad I found this small little thread..... may it get pinned one day

Márton Juhász - 2019-08-16

i was able to endure the loud music and sound effects for 4,5 minutes. the narration is way too quiet

Yeah KeeN - 2019-09-23

At one point I swear to god I was hearing Terraria music.

Teddy Toynton - 2019-04-10

re up load this with no music g

Sweety Roy - 2019-12-25

You have option, either mute or slow ur voice...🤦

Thomas Camilleri - 2018-07-14

Truly amazing that these processes, until recently on the frontier of mystery, are now so well understood that they can be visualized! What a testament to nature itself and human intelligence, which has unraveled the mystery! The collective brain power that resulted in this achievement is truly awesome!

kenneth bransford - 2019-08-15

@crazykirsch Sorry about my last reply. You are right. I did say that. What is the Epicurus paradox?

kenneth bransford - 2019-08-16

@crazykirsch I think your question falls under the abuse of power. Look at ALL the problems we have today because of mankind's abuse of power. To many to answer.

Truth Be Bold - 2020-01-19

@kenneth bransford  “God either wishes to take away evils, and is unable; or He is able, and is unwilling; or He is neither willing nor able, or He is both willing and able.”

It's just philosophical mumbo jumbo. The reality is that God is in control and working to bring about an end to evil. The fact that God has not removed evil from existence is a reasonable question to consider but the manner in which scoffers approach the subject leaves them blinded by their own bias.

It's similar to the question: "Can an omnipotent Being create a rock so large that He can't lift it?" Which is no different from asking if God can create a square triangle.

kenneth bransford - 2020-01-19

@Truth Be Bold The issue here is can we, mankind/womankind govern ourselves and rule and control and manage each other along with, taking care of the earth and all the living creatures on or in the earth? Soon our heavenly father through his son is getting ready to establish and install his ruler-ship and his kingdom right here on earth, where he will end all wars and suffering and badness and hunger and OLD AGE. Daniel 2:44 . Matthew 6:10 "Let your kingdom come" Soon the earth will be restored to a paradise EARTH and DEATH will be NO MORE. Revelation 21:1-4

Truth Be Bold - 2020-01-19

@kenneth bransford ... I agree 👍

mark ewings - 2018-12-18

It's a real shame about the intolerable music

The B1 66-ER - 2018-12-19

Respect the "creator" of this video please I like the music very much!

Mushman 604 - 2018-12-20

mark ewings get over it fuck brains how are you going to complain over something so subtle

Дмитрий Пятков - 2018-12-23

mark ewings So you claim it to be intolerable and event put a shame on it? Humble.

mark ewings - 2018-12-23

@Mushman 604 that's just it it's anything but subtle or perhaps you are deaf

The B1 66-ER - 2018-12-24

​@mark ewings It is just annoying to see the same comment in the comment section. Over and over. And Carbon based lifeforms is a nice music to this video.

Tadesan - 2019-01-20

Amazing video!

Bad sound engineering. I suspect the problem is that whoever did the mixing had garbage speakers. It sounds passable on my cell phone.

Rich D - 2019-08-16

The sound effects in the first part of the video with the male narrative was way too loud.

Szymon Starowicz - 2019-01-05

Author, please! This clip is perfect... (I want to post it on my facebook timeline) except.. could you kindly reupload it with music turned down a bit. Pretty pleeeease.. :)

Daves Reality - 2018-10-30

Amazing YOU are doing all this right now and until recently we had no real clue it was even going on.

kenneth bransford - 2018-11-10

No clue what was going on?

Danielle Wilson - 2018-12-28

To think that all of this is happening in every cell is just amazing. I think the original commemtor meant that before we didn't know EXACTLY what happpened in a cell.

deezynar - 2019-05-15

No, I am NOT doing any of that stuff. I couldn't do it, I don't have any idea what needs to be done, or how to do it, and I can't see any of it, or manipulate any of it either. I am not responsible for it. This body that my mind occupies is doing those things without my knowledge, guidance, or even my permission.

PtrPilot - 2019-04-28

Incredible animations, the music is a complete distraction, too loud and unnecessary. Can you post a version with narration but without the music?

Dan Nichols - 2019-05-21

YES! And have actual narration captions, at least partly so that if some of the people who made the animation think that the music & sound effects (the bubbling water is the worst!) are in some way useful, then viewers who want to could mute the sound & just read the captions. As you say, this is otherwise superb!

fillinman1 - 2018-03-31

which came first? The genetic instruction or the organelles that read it?

Alex Triana - 2019-05-19


Colin MacDonald - 2019-07-12

The instructions. "In the beginning was the Word... " And so on. Nothing else makes sense. If you don't believe this try running the numbers for a single functional protein arising by chance. Even in a universe made of primordial soup it's as likely as winning the lottery ten times in a row. As for the rest of it... The chances of all these molecular components coming together by chance... Ond in 10 to the power of a million?

Charlie Spider - 2019-07-23

Apparently it was the membrane that came first

vitaly goji - 2019-09-19

It's very simple. Darwing created life.

Charlie Spider - 2019-09-19

Is it melanin or the sun that makes us get dark ?

WuzNab - 2019-09-07

Y’all are laughing now, but wait till I pull up in my molecular walker

mook5tar - 2019-03-09

Really glad thats involuntary.. just couldn't bear doing it on a Monday morning getting ready for work.

Alexander Korol - 2019-06-07

doing what exactly?

Jeff Rusteen - 2018-12-23

Your background sound is WAY too loud for easy listening.

Comrade Taiwan - 2019-02-03

As a Principles of Biomedical Sciences student this is so useful! Thanks!

YVG - 2019-10-17

Ive been staring at this for 11 minutes and I'm just now zoning back in I swear to you

Michael Cox - 2019-08-09

Brilliant but the sound effects really detract. They sound like my stomach after Mexican food.

Alexander Korol - 2019-08-15

No, they make it more immersive, it feels like I'm actually there

Michael Stuart - 2019-11-07

This is beautiful and educational and wonderful!. (But maybe the music and background sounds could be a little less loud; I want to hear the narrator clearly.)

Pulsar - 2019-04-02

This is like an amazing combination of chemistry, computer engineering, and mechanical engineering. Perfect

I AM RA 88 - 2019-08-28

Am I the only one who enjoyed the music and thought it worked well with the video?

eyescreamcake - 2019-09-09

I like the music

Mønkey - 2019-09-15

It's good and works well, but is way louder than the narration, that's what people complain about.

SoleSamulous - 2019-10-18

Yeah its just mixed way too loud.

alejosky - 2020-01-05

No, you are not :)

matak99 - 2020-01-13

i agree.
Educational vids without constant narration need something in the background. But it needs to be easy to process, like the music in this vid.

ilghiz - 2019-08-16

The voice is often muffled with the DNA “noise”. Makes it hard to hear.

Matthew Ferrie - 2018-12-15

I just thought of something awesome. DNA can be compared to a computer's ROM in that it can be read and parts of it silenced, but usually the information itself cannot be modified by the computer / cell.

Martin O - 2019-04-28

Looking deeper there is also RAM - methylation of DNA act as RAM it temporary patching DNA to store pieces of information - about biological age, which functions should be not performed anymore etc.
Before day 0 of new baby methylated DNA of mother and father ongoing demethylation to reset all this information and baby DNA is ready to start the whole program from 0 using only a little mixed 'ROM' data while RAM is reseted.

Tom Orourke - 2019-12-22

I feel like I'm watching some type of cheat sheet for Reawakening.

Paul H - 2019-04-01

When I learn this was about 40 years ago, plus I had to add new stuff as the video goes along, It takes full concentration and uses uncommon words then puts music in that is as loud or louder then the narrators. The music that loud is a distraction and is not needed. A lot of people like me cannot block it out and have problems with sensery overload. Youtube’s subtitle cc thing gets a lot of the words wrong. Each frame has lots of things moving and things move in unexpected and unfamiliar ways. Then your trying to assign the names to structures and things. If you were seeing more of the detail you would find the music an unwanted distraction. It connected things I could only visualize and things I only read about. WOW -WOW -WOW! Go read about just mRNA look at the chem diagrams and flow then watch the video.

The computer animation is very good and the biochemistry is mind blowing. Music not needed.

Mr Marvellous - 2019-07-30

Great stuff, music too loud and more clarity needed to differentiate animation and actual cell images.

Super Man - 2019-04-22

amazing, such a privilege to watch and learn this. work of art thank you.

Michael Atlan - 2020-04-12

Thank you. this is invaluable in stimulating the motivation of future researchers.

amo oser - 2019-04-14

please tone down the music and effects ...otherwise fascinating video

Fedor Vinogradov - 2019-08-07

Music is too loud comparing to voice.

Koroglu Rustem - 2019-12-23

I glorify your supreme works, oh my Lord, in whose hand is my soul !