> chemistry > oxydants > making-and-reacting-chromyl-chloride-nilered

Making my favorite liquid carcinogen

NileRed - 2019-09-27

In this video, I make one of my favorite chemicals, which is a nice and carcinogenic chromium-based liquid. 

Cleanup video: https://youtu.be/b6R2sTjtUFs

Sulfuric acid video: https://youtu.be/4DUGRWjdNLI
My old chromyl chloride video: https://youtu.be/a0-LwnmW694
Doug's lab (reference video): https://youtu.be/legoRGAXNP8
Nile talks about lab safety:  https://youtu.be/ftACSEJ6DZA


Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/nilered

Youtube Membership: https://www.youtube.com/c/nilered/join

NileRed Merch Store (NileRed Pin & Keychain): https://store.dftba.com/collections/nilered

NileRed Website (Glassware & Beaker Mugs): https://nile.red


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nile.red
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NileRed2
Discord: https://discord.gg/3BT6UHf

Music in credits (Walker by SORRYSINES): https://soundcloud.com/sorrysines/walker

NileRed - 2019-10-22

I think I made a mistake with my calculations and I didn't actually use NaCl in excess. At 100g NaCl, the dichromate is actually the limiting reagent and this definitely cut into my yield. I was basing my prep on my last chromyl chloride video and I think I just propagated that error forward. I should've used at least 130g NaCl instead, and if i were to do this again, I'd probably use like 150-160g.

Meryk Glaser - 2021-02-15

I like your funny words magic man

Nathaniel Morgan - 2021-02-15

@tomztom Dammit

Alp Arslan - 2021-02-25


unknow unknown - 2021-03-03

Why don't make chromyl floride

Alfatejp Blind - 2021-03-23

Bruh its table salt just dump that shit in

Nerd City - 2019-11-04

Avoid all beverages that Nile mixes up with his magic bullet.

Grace WIlliams - 2020-11-28

i agree

Kimg Komg - 2020-12-06

It might not kill you


bro he could be hired by germany and they would win 100 perecent of the time beacause this guy makes so many things.

Arc - 2021-01-02

@Sean Crosshahahah

Raven Loomis - 2021-02-17

@the ole dick twist I don't like agreeing with the ole dick twist

Anne Katrine Kamper - 2020-12-21

"Fun" properties:
✔ Toxic
✔ Carcinogenic
✔ Corrosive
✔ Explosive

unknow unknown - 2021-03-03

Not yellow

Mr Nelsonius - 2021-03-03

@unknow unknown I get this. If I were a chemist I’d probably be like “I’m tired of yellow compounds just give me some of this aesthetically interesting carcinogen plz”

Jo Mar - 2021-03-08

Its really fun

unknow unknown - 2021-03-08

@Mr Nelsonius only yellow thing i love is florine

Mr Nelsonius - 2021-03-09

@unknow unknown I’ve heard “fluorine showers” is a specific kink in the chemist community....

Some Canine - 2020-10-30

People: "Let's try to cure cancer"
NileRed: "Let's try to create cancer"

Unedited Scraps - 2021-01-02

@Gavit Noonday wat

Mandi Messi - 2021-01-14

ceo of cancer

nesol - 2021-01-19

@Maximo Moline thats just - delete that reply p l e a s e

Jo Mar - 2021-03-08

Its just expirement.

0 0 0 1 - 2020-09-01

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how this man never clickbaits

Luis P. - 2021-02-08

@docx One may never know if the person you are watching is not only doing it for profit, though. There's barely a way to tell. I'm not the best at finding such signs, though, so maybe there is a way to tell.

Smol Pupper - 2021-02-08

@Luis P. There absolutely is lmao

Luis P. - 2021-02-08

@Smol Pupper Yes, but it's so easy just by watching his videos?

Vinsonthepro - 2021-03-09

"Omg guys i made bromine woahh"

G4mmaLotus - 2021-03-24

He could put out a video titled "crafting liquid death from health drinks." and I wouldn't put it past him. "distilling a real Wine of Ages"

magicalmerlin5 - 2020-08-10

"unlike most normal blood, this was fuming like crazy"
most? MOST?

Baguette&Tofu - 2021-02-12

@HK H I thought this too. It's likely a scientist thing.

Achilles Lade - 2021-03-03

@Jason S Savitt Yes but it doesn't do so at ambient temperature. Chromyl chloride does. That was the point of the comment.

Vinegar Doppio - 2021-03-06

Look up the toxic lady, her blood fumed because of things in her blood and killed everyone in the room.

Achilles Lade - 2021-03-06

@Vinegar Doppio Wow that's insane. Apparently she had lethal amounts of dimethyl sulfate in her bloodstream due to self-administration of dimethyl sulfoxide. Dimethyl sulfate is a DNA alkylating agent, analogous to the effects of mustard gas. This woman had literal mustard gas in her bloodstream.

gabby smith - 2021-03-24

Guess I’m the only one thinking about body temp blood in a really cold place

Dylan Layman - 2020-10-11

When your definition of “fun” is multiple different types of horrific death.

Cheesey Cheese2 - 2021-01-25

Theres a reason theres "fun" in "funeral"

Kindly_Koygen - 2020-08-17

The forbidden cheeto dust...

Jarvis Tech - 2021-01-02

Alina, your commie fucktard is showing.

EHKid RSEL - 2021-01-10

@Asriel_TTV sam o'nella

Lluma - 2021-02-03

Oh god no

Audrey Hogan - 2021-02-09

Or cursed Mac and cheese powder 😂

Kindly_Koygen - 2021-03-01

@Audrey Hogan craft mac n cheese

Leafwhisper 10 - 2020-12-11

“This gas is deadly and I should have made something to keep it contained but oh well”.
-NileRed 2020

IPAWS2018 - 2020-12-30

you mean 2019?

Ryan Pratama - 2021-02-20

...that "oh well" surely gave me a lot of concern

raichuoouw - 2021-03-08

@Ryan Pratama everything gives me concern

Savage Unicorn - 2021-01-21

"I-Is that blood?"
"Oh, no, it's just liquid cancer :)"

Andrew Wiater - 2019-09-30

“Splash potion of harming”

Hero of Twilight - 2021-03-17


starry lotte - 2021-03-17


TheSpaceChicken - 2021-03-18

Heck yes

Spagetspinel - 2021-03-18

Splash potion of fuck this guy in particular

michael hipp - 2021-03-22

Yeah I'd say so

George Washingmachine - 2020-10-03

"It definitely has to be treated with respect"

Yes. With respect, not with care.

VaultedHollow - 2020-12-19

Probably with care too

Marcus Mark - 2021-01-19

@VaultedHollow nonono. Just respect.

Audrey Hogan - 2021-02-09

I love your name 😂

Samuel Ray - 2020-12-06

“And then I decided to drop some of the chromal chloride on it.”
**reaction violently bursts into a whooshing flame that engulfs the entire dish**

“So anyway this reaction was tamer then I expected”

André Ferreira - 2020-09-09

Chromyl Chloride: Exists and severely harms life
Nile Red: Ahhh yes, the house speciality, my favourite!

Slept - 2020-08-10

It just looks like a really expensive and complicated bong...

Ez cheese Nevermore - 2020-10-07

Quietly don’t

Ya Boy Silver - 2020-11-12

That's a new type of high.

petra •3• - 2020-12-01

Heavens high

Link - 2021-02-20

I n h a l e I t

gabby smith - 2021-03-24

One rip and you dissolve

iWillWakeYouUp - 2020-12-26

Next up: "I actually went and made sarin nerve gas. To do this, I went and bought the necessary base ingredients on ebay"

H. H. - 2020-10-08

"Unlike most normal blood, this was fuming like crazy, and letting off lots of toxic and corrosive vapor."

I like the "most".

Dragon Blast - 2021-02-10

Well, y'know most, we can't check Everyone's Blood can we? You don't know

subZero Electronics - 2020-08-13

Nile: Making my favorite carcinogen
Cody: Tasting my favorite carcinogen

c a t - 2020-08-16

Special ability: potion of harming 7. Damage, 30789
Weakness: fire damage.

yeehuh - 2020-06-10

"however, unlike most normal blood, this was fuming like crazy"
m,,, most ????

Qube The Box - 2020-12-14

What do you mean “most?”
I get a paper cut and the room I’m in basically turns into a college party

owen mcgath - 2020-12-20

@PITA DOG Somethings are better left unanswered

Cosmic - 2020-12-20

it’s when you open the eighth gate

Amy Sarah Ace - 2020-12-20

@Korn Pops no

sadi muntakim - 2021-02-19

@owen mcgath I know.

Frostwolf74 - 2020-11-11

Nile: Please dont try this at home, also Nile: *shows exactly every step and what to do*

Freezepond - 2021-01-03

"Well dang, I just so happened to have all the equipment for it but I can't do it at home."

Marcus Mark - 2021-01-19

@Freezepond what if i download his video, and just cut out the part where he says dont do this at home?

satan - 2021-01-24

@Marcus Mark The fbi will find you.

Marcus Mark - 2021-01-26

@satan they cant find me if i already am in jail hahahaha

Oh wait

Alex Moorehead - 2020-10-05

8:10 "But, oh well." Our favorite thing to hear from NileRed in a video making a toxic corrosive carcinogen.

decimals 123 - 2021-03-15

You forgot explosive

five pips - 2020-09-05

“It has all of the fun properties” *begins to talk about how insanely dangerous it is*

ZONE [YaBoiLilJaz] - 2021-02-11


Mr. Mew - 2020-08-22

"I should have tried to set up some kind of trap for it but... Oh well" he says, talking about a toxic and corrosive gas that is slowly seeping from the apparatus.

Captain Jules - 2019-11-20

This dude is the scariest type of nerd. He’s like that Boy Scout who built a nuclear reactor in his garage using smoke detectors.

en astronaut - 2020-12-12

Reminds me of walter white and his chemical weapons

Chub Time Time - 2020-12-16


Prestin Andrews - 2020-12-17


Life’s a party so have fun - 2020-12-28

@Captain Jules dissecting the frog is the best thing

Douglas Taylor Jr - 2021-02-19

That’s the highest praise one can get.

Awkward Steve - 2020-11-20

"First I need Chromium,"

Me, an Intellectual:

Download sketchy Minecraft Mods...

Megatron Yeets - 2020-09-04

dangerous gasses escape
Nile: oh well

Keaton - 2020-12-16

Nice copying my comment

Megatron Yeets - 2020-12-16

@Keaton i didn't even see your comment

Qwe Fhj - 2021-03-17

some random bird chilling and flying outside : O_O

Megatron Yeets - 2021-03-17

@Qwe Fhj t w e e t

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ - 2020-10-25

This makes me happy that Michael Reeves is a computer engineer.

TheLastHabanero - 2020-12-04

"Sodium chloride"

Jimmy Neutron noises

Meme Cringe - 2020-04-05

"Favorite" and "carcinogen" are two words that seems alarming when used in the same sentence.

Nothing Is Real - 2020-08-25

I like your profile pic ;)

The Free Monk - 2020-09-29

Laughs in evil

Not Socrates - 2020-10-07

I believe "toxic", "corrosive", and "explosive" are also concerning to combine with "favorite" but that's just me

Korn Pops - 2020-10-11

𝖂𝖊 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝕻𝖊𝖔𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖓𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖆𝖙𝖊 𝕯𝖔𝖓𝖆𝖑𝖉 𝕵. 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖒𝖕
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 𝕿𝖗𝖚𝖒𝖕 𝕺𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒
𝕲𝖔𝖉 𝕭𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 𝕬𝖒𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖆
𝚂𝚕𝚎𝚎𝚙𝚢 𝚓𝚘𝚎. 𝙶𝚎𝚝 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚖𝚊𝚗.

Leechy Fruit - 2021-01-08

@Korn Pops Trump lost, get over it.

Simon Csató - 2020-09-29

Me: Hey! Nyle! Why is chromyl chloride your fav. liquid?
Nyle: Idk.. it looks like blood lol

Michael G - 2020-10-13

Okay, but imagine this:

'Drops the flask'

Yora - 2020-10-25

Probably got ECCC on speed dial.

AxeHead 45 - 2020-11-16

I'd just stand there like "Welp, I'm dead"

tmbottegal - 2020-12-16

Splash potion of harming

dtiydr - 2020-12-03

1:08 "The last time I made it I died, so I really want to work with it again."

Lucas Whelan - 2021-01-17

I love how his response to gas that could easily kill him escaping was “oh well”

JonyH - 2019-09-27

9th century alchemist: "I will create the elixir of life"

2019 chemist: "Making my favorite liquid carcinogen"

Luis P. - 2020-04-02

@Daniel Han What's the melting point of Logan Paul?

Charles Kogan - 2020-07-12

Look how far down society has come.

Lupus The Furry - 2020-09-05

Yes please on bottle of demons blood

sadi muntakim - 2021-02-19

@Dragonfire Productions mines alcohol

Maxime KEROSLIAN - 2021-03-02

basically making an elixir of death

s14sean - 2020-12-26

Ahh yes the famous chemical " diedethelkillmide"

C A S I - 2020-12-22

who knew all these potentially dangerous chemicals were for sale on ebay

Rehan Alam - 2020-10-02

Clickbait-ish title: Using salt to make explosive liquid dangerous*

Esmond Goh - 2020-10-25

I liked how he said " I was going to set up a trap for it... oh, well"

Neo Baggins - 2020-02-24

"Distilling sulphuric acid is the most dangerous thing I've ever done" he says unironically as he creates caustic, explosive cancer juice that looks like blood.

Еwqweb - 2020-08-15

Ryan Goodwin but the vapor color.. O WAIT U FILL IT ALL THE WAYYY

Mathew Alani - 2020-08-18

@AvidCloud sulphuric acid isnt even close to a strong acid on a list of strongest acids . Super acid are basically acids that are stronger than pure sulphuric acid and it's a decently long list .Even oleum is a much stronger acid while carborane acid , flurosulphuric acid and fluroantimonic acid are a million times stronger

Lupus The Furry - 2020-09-05

Just yes

Lupus The Furry - 2020-09-05

Why am laughing hard why do the comments on this video make me laugh I haven't this hard in years

Achilles Lade - 2021-03-03

@AvidCloud No it's not. You seem to be forgetting his videos on uranyl nitrate and mercuric chloride. Two water soluble heavy metal salts that are far more dangerous than sulfuric acid or even chromyl chloride.

aasouthard - 2020-09-10

17:01 "surprisingly tame"

Jamey - 2020-09-07

16:39 looks like Hubble took a picture of a planetary nebula

A Wrech - 2021-01-14

"it was now time to have some fun with it" 11:15

James Parmelee - 2020-12-04

Carcinogen whenever its confused with another chemical: "Bro.... mean."

Dan Chrome - 2021-02-01

Its not being confused here. This shit will give you cancer.

Arya - 2019-11-21

Nile: Literally loses an amount of his lifespan
Also Nile: Oh well.

johannnes paul - 2020-04-25

@benjamin bruce i think ur right , thats a crazy brat he is the kind of guy who blows away his hands while playing in his dads garage !

Bean Water - 2020-04-29

@benjamin bruce Shrödingers bait: When it is decided bh the commenter wether his comment was bait or not based off of peoples reaction to it.

ɮօʊռċɛ օʄʄ - 2020-06-16


YeeYeeBreadslice - 2020-08-07

​@benjamin bruce judging by your videos and comments, you are a bored 8 year old looking for trouble. here, give this a listen, it will help you out a lot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLpeX4RRo28

Pepinillo Rick - 2020-12-21

Also *every chemist ever

Mildly Shocked Gaming. - 2020-10-15

toxic caustic gas leaking out the side of the tube
Nilered: "oh well"

Lluma - 2021-02-03

The fact that this guy has a favorite carcinogen says something about him

Diego Jose Lebron Alvarez - 2020-10-16

“Sugar, spice and everything nice. Now we just need Chemical X”
This dude: say less

YelloBanana64 - 2020-11-11

I think you need to be insane to have a favorite liquid carcinogen.

The_V4ult Dweller - 2019-09-27

Ah yes, enslaved liquid cancer

mIcrO - 2019-10-22

The_V4ult Dweller or spicy water.

Fonzo - 2019-11-15

That’s what my mom calls me

The_V4ult Dweller - 2019-11-15

@Fonzo F

Todd Shaw - 2019-11-18

The_V4ult Dweller looks like we found what’s in the canister r6 reference

Idubbbz Fatfather - 2019-12-16

Wrong vid , You’re looking for benzene