> temp > à-trier > world-s-first-video-of-56-transition-controls-for-a-triple-inverted-pendulum-embedded-control-lab

World's first video of 56 transition controls for a triple inverted pendulum.

Embedded Control Lab. - 2022-08-19

This is the world's first experimental video about 56 transition controls that occur in a triple inverted pendulum. The triple inverted system was developed by Embedded Control Lab. Control was implemented using LW-RCP02, which was developed by Embedded Control Lab, and Simulink. The sampling time is 1 ms.

* The triple inverted pendulum and LW-RCP02 can be purchased from Sungjin Techwin. For purchase inquiries, please contact sales@switch-vr.com.

3단 도립진자에서 발생하는 56가지 transition control을 실제로 구현한 세계 최초의 실험 영상입니다. 3단 도립진자는 Embedded Control Lab의 자체 기술로 개발하였으며 실시간 제어는 Embedded Control Lab에서 개발한 LW-RCP02와 Simulink를 이용하여 구현하였습니다. Sampling time은 1 ms 입니다.

* 3단도립진자와 LW-RCP02는 성진테크윈으로부터 구입할 수 있습니다. 구매문의는 sales@switch-vr.com로 해주세요.

@ferminforclaz4109 - 2023-03-20

This truly is the world's first video of 56 transition controls for a triple inverted pendulum.

@noahtekulve2684 - 2023-03-20

And also one of the videos ever!

@Vini-BR - 2023-03-21


@ragnarocks9121 - 2023-03-21

This video numbers among the other videos on youtube

@AnonyMous-pi9zm - 2023-03-22

Before seeing this video, I had never seen this video!

@brick52 - 2023-03-22

This is definitely a video of all time

@truejim - 2022-11-24

Honestly, I would have been skeptical that this would even be possible. Just…wow.

@lostmykeys85 - 2023-03-15

The mathematics involved are being done … so fast …

@DSAK55 - 2023-03-16

I can do one of them

@niquel5831 - 2023-03-17

@@DSAK55 I can do 7 of them.

@mezaomar - 2023-03-18

@@lostmykeys85 Well it says "1ms"

@GeorgeSmileyOBE - 2023-03-18


@stevekim9662 - 2023-03-16

I never thought that triple pendulum could be controlled. This video definitely needs more attention!!!

@RuLeZ1988 - 2023-03-21

This is really impressive. I believe each axis has different weights, and also the distance between the axis of the connection in the very background is shorter than the other connections. This Setup with these different weights play probably a very important role to make these transitions possible. I wonder if these transitions would be still possible, if the weight on each axis would be the exact same or if it then would be near to impossible to control the pendulum like that.

@Alucard-gt1zf - 2023-03-21

Of course it's possible, that's the whole point of chaos theory

@stevekim9662 - 2023-03-21

​@@Alucard-gt1zf Yes but it's impressive cause although it is theoretically possible, it is close to impossible in reality.

@bigmike- - 2023-03-22

In theory, it's possible to control an arbitrary number of pendulums - it's just that the difficulty goes up significantly with each additional pendulum added to the system.

@DaftFader - 2023-03-22

@@bigmike- Yeah the margin for error goes down "exponentially" the more you add.

@melody3741 - 2023-03-15

1:35 the instant stop is incredible

@kennyhubbell813 - 2023-03-17

I watched it a couple times because I thought it was a jump cut at first.

@bengravell5086 - 2023-03-19

Advancing frame-by-frame you can really see how the control algorithm knows to "stack" each of the links vertically from bottom to top. Incredible!

@Roach_Dogg_JR - 2023-03-20

Looks like a reversed video almost.

@melody3741 - 2023-03-21

@@Roach_Dogg_JR all physics is technically reversible

@duckmeat4674 - 2023-03-21

@@melody3741 reverse my toast please

@Gennys - 2023-03-20

The fact that it can go from position 1 to any is already impressive as hell.

Then it can go from ANY position to ANY other without returning to any other intermediate position is crazy to me. And from unstable positions to other unstable positions.

Sooooooo freaking Impressive.

@someonesomewhere1240 - 2023-03-21

At 5:46, 8:15 it's maybe being a little bit cheeky on this front, but still... damn impressive.

@markdunlop4 - 2023-03-21

Not taking anything away from how awesome this is but 2 to 6 and back goes through 5

@michaelanderson7924 - 2023-03-22

Just a pedantic note: these positions are technically “marginally stable”
But this in no way makes it any less impressive!

@DaftFader - 2023-03-23

@@someonesomewhere1240 I think it's impossible to swing all three outstretched from bottom full extension to top full extension without it crossing another equilibrium position due to inertia. If they just full send it fully extended the entire swing, they'd be unable to correct without the thing collapsing back down, and wouldn't be able to stop it dead upright like that, this is probably the only way to do it (or shortest path at least). There are a few movements that fall to similar restraints, and some transitions are just going to have to pass through other equilibrium points. As long as they aren't fully stopping there I think it's unavoidable.

@TomBertalan - 2023-03-25

​@@michaelanderson7924 why, because of the cart DoF? I think you can disregard that.

@herkules593 - 2023-03-03

I feel like this is the engineer's version of the sorting algorithm video

@StuffandThings_ - 2023-03-19

I love how simple the actual machine is; its the code and theory working the magic, not some particularly fancy machine itself

@DanielH212MC - 2023-03-20

The precision capabilities of the machine also impresses me a lot. It probably has to perform such fine adjustments that we can't even see some of them.

@tomb816 - 2023-03-20

@@DanielH212MC Yeah, but precision CNC machines can hold tolerance to below 1 micron. The equipment and pc controls have been around for quite some time. The coding is definitely the feat of engineering that was accomplished w/ this demonstration.

@Bubu567 - 2023-03-20

@@DanielH212MC Closed loop servos are amazing. The feedback is being used to balance the pendulums. This feature has recently been coming to steppers as well, which will be amazing for hobbiest who can't afford servos.

@RuLeZ1988 - 2023-03-21

Not only the code itself does make it work. I believe each axis has different weights, and also the distance between the axis of the connection in the very background is shorter than the other connections. This physical Setup with these different weights play probably a very important role to make these transitions possible. I wonder if these transitions would be still possible, if the weight on each axis would be the exact same or if we then reach the limit in which it would not be impossible anymore to control the "triple inverted pendulum" like that.

@sixstringedthing - 2023-03-22

@@RuLeZ1988 This demo is only possible due to the principle of inertia, which is a function of mass and force (a mass at rest will resist an applied force that attempts to move it in any direction, a mass in motion will resist any force that attempts to change the direction of that motion). The rig does not allow the designers to vary the force (torque) applied to the individual pendulum elements since they are free-swinging. Therefore, the only way this demonstration can work is if the pendulum elements all have a different mass, those masses being different enough to allow fine manipulation of input forces within the resolution of the control system/hardware so as to affect the elements individually and collectively with respect to their inertia within the bounds of some incredibly complex mathematical equations. The angular position/momentum feedback from each element (and the overall system) is then measured and corrected for at very high speed/resolution to arrive at the desired equilibrium. Of course, it should be possible to build such a machine with pendulum elements of the same length, as long as their masses were different enough to work within the resolution/frequency/tolerance confines of the hardware, control system and code.

All of that said, I have absolutely no idea how bringing the masses/lengths of the elements closer together would affect the fiendishly complex calculations and coding required to make the machine reliably transition from any given equilibrium state to any other. That shit is just.... boom ... mind-blowing. :)

@MrKinyodude - 2023-03-10

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. - Arthur C. Clark

@rexus72 - 2023-03-16

This is definitely witchcraft.

@Kiteboardshaper - 2023-03-16

Exactly what I thinking right the way thru this video, and I programmed an inverted pendulum system in my engineering degree

@MagnusWissler - 2023-03-19


@arthurschildgen5522 - 2023-03-19

Arthur magic

@PanoptesDreams - 2023-03-21

No it's called mathematics.

@ThantiK - 2023-03-19

Holy crap this is probably one of the most amazing feats of engineering I've ever seen.

@DogmaFaucet - 2023-03-20

Holy crap! I haven't seen you since the G+ days...

@ltmcolen - 2023-03-21

If you like CNC machines you might enjoy this even more

@djmips - 2023-03-22

I feel like it's something that anyone can appreciate.

@sunway1374 - 2023-03-23

How about the SpaceX rockets returning to land?

@vihreelinja4743 - 2023-03-24


@imakeitwhynot - 2023-03-19

As a non-engineer/mathematician I can only admire how this looks like a simple task but understand how incredible this is.

@SuperPhunThyme9 - 2023-03-20


@flyingmoose - 2023-03-20

Heck it’s hard enough to balance a broom on my palm, I can’t image a broom with a hinge, let alone 2 hinges…

@META_mahn - 2023-03-24

As an engineer who studied this kind of stuff, the real ass pain behind this is the funky math that went behind all of this...the theory is simple however.

Once you solve for the equations though, SimuLink is a really powerful tool and really can just handle a lot of this with some clever usage of computer logic.

The real impressive part isn't even the balancing. It's the ability to send the machine from 0 to any state. Dealing with the "swing-up" control was probably the worst part about developing this.

@elle3562 - 2023-03-20

What I always love most about these kinds of things is when they transition back to the stable equilibrium; it's like, when they're going to any of the other states, it looks unnatural enough that my brain just takes it at face value, but when it's dropping back down suddenly my brain jumps in like "Hey, we've seen stuff like this (pendulums, rope, chain, etc.) dropping down and swinging around countless times, so we know what it'll look like here", and then it suddenly comes to a stop at the stable equilibrium with almost none of the usual swinging back and forth around it, and it just feels wrong

@MV-vv7sg - 2023-03-21

What’s insane is you don’t see the man offshot while pulling the pulley ropes back and forth really quickly to make this all happen. Props to BTS rope guy.

@PronteCo - 2023-03-21

I guess you could say you're a BTS stan

@MV-vv7sg - 2023-03-21

@@PronteCo not so much into Korean Pop music sorry.

@ingenuity23 - 2023-03-21

@@PronteCo behind the scences

@PronteCo - 2023-03-21

@@MV-vv7sg i know. It was a joke.

@maism4577 - 2023-03-19

I dont know why Youtube would recommend this to me but it's sure nice it did.
the first transitions were impressive enough on their own but being able to switch between any equilibrium is mind boggling to me.

@Synthetica9 - 2023-02-22

I love the swagger with which it goes to the stable equilibrium, just stopping the motor for a bit is not cool enough 😎

@AlexTaradov - 2023-03-16

It is not the same as simply letting it go. The idea of control is that you have optimization parameter, which is transition time in this case. Without active control it it would swing for a long time.
In the recommended there is this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meMWfva-Jio , which shows the difference between controlled and uncontrolled transitions.

@Synthetica9 - 2023-03-16

@@AlexTaradov oh yeah, I suppose the bearings would have to be super smooth, my brain imagined more of a dampening factor

@thomastendamme4059 - 2023-03-23

@@AlexTaradov Their 0 to 7 looks so clean!

@klerulo - 2023-03-20

This is highly under-rated fundamental robotic control. Very nicely done indeed.

@VestigialHead - 2023-03-21

Yes with this system you could make a robot that can balance much better than any human and walk and run and remain bipedal under nearly any circumstance.

@klerulo - 2023-03-21

@@VestigialHead I am guessing that the software was built using IK formulae and a lot of PID constants, with a lot of manual tuning. Have you considered trying a neural model, giving it an external monitor to observe its own results, and letting it attempt to train itself?

@yuukil5522 - 2023-03-21

@@klerulothis is beyond simple PID control

@klerulo - 2023-03-21

@@yuukil5522 I recognize that. Like I said, my guess is that this is based on formulae that encode inverse kinematics--but those formulae would suggest desired behaviors, which in turn would require driving the actuator to achieve those goals, and that requires basic PID. It's one element of what is likely very many, in a classical higher-level control loop.

What I'm curious about is, could the same results be achieved using a neural, self-trained control mechanism instead?

@atomatopia1 - 2023-03-22

@@klerulo Theoretically speaking I’d say yeah it’s possible. I don’t know the details of this system but seems simple enough to represent mathematically and thus with sufficient design and training time would be possible to train a neural network to navigate.

@TheCassiusTain - 2023-03-20

Holy shit, this is amazing. I once programmed a controll function for a single inverse pendulum and I was so very proud when I could get it to stand indefinitely and adjust to minor aoutside influences after working on it for several weeks. I can't begin to immagine how complex the function for this has to be. I really hope you didn't have to sacrifice too many virgins to some elder god to acchieve this.

@labibbidabibbadum - 2023-03-22

If it was anything like my university engineering lab, there would have been plenty of spare virgins available.

@joemannumber1 - 2023-03-20

I would love to see this demonstration with lights on each pivot and a long exposure effect. That would look amazing!

@bencressman6110 - 2023-03-20

Brilliant idea

@Connection-Lost - 2023-03-20

You don't have to say everything you think

@salender4683 - 2023-03-20

@@Connection-Lost Apply that to yourself

@harriehausenman8623 - 2023-03-20

@@Connection-Lost I just thought about that!

@noahtekulve2684 - 2023-03-20

​@@salender4683 love this

@mumblbeebee6546 - 2023-03-18

This is very, very impressive! It even feels a little scary, and I can’t even put into words why…

@boRegah - 2023-03-18

Yes, exactly

@strykerjones8842 - 2023-03-19

The why is because these motors and systems are either currently or in the future will be what controls Boston Dynamics type robots. Spoiler alert they aren’t going to be dancing with them and they won’t be missing any shots like in the Terminator movies either.

@andrewfleenor7459 - 2023-03-20

It's profoundly, casually superhuman at a task you probably never considered just because it would be so ludicrously hard to do by hand, not just physically, like lifting something heavy, or intellectual, but both. And inverted pendulums are probably not the only thing it can do. Probably there are more practical applications that I also won't think of until I see them. For me it illuminates a gap in my imagination w.r.t the capabilities of robots.

@charlespatt - 2023-03-21

I think it's because it reminds me of all the dancing skeleton cartoons I saw as a child!

@Yora21 - 2023-03-21

This should not be possible!

Logically we understand that it should be "technically possible", but the problem seems so complex that it's hard to believe it can actually be done in reality.

@MerlinJuergens - 2023-03-19

In my last school year, 2018, my .ath teacher told us, if we could figure out how to predict/control a triple pendulum we would be (math-)famous. Well, he was right 😂

@juiceyou321 - 2023-03-07

I'm completely amazed and the rest of my family brushes it off thinking I'm weird and not seeing the magic. Oh well.

@Petr75661 - 2023-03-20

maybe you have the knack...

@99seaweed - 2023-03-21

Lols, you have to understand how difficult it is to appreciate it. And it doesn’t help that the video makes it “look easy”

@saint79209 - 2023-03-31

It's like balancing 3 broomsticks on a finger.

@safakbinici.x - 2023-03-17

Well, there is a lot of math behind this. Loved it.
This will definitely gather more attention in a close future.

@BrianRonald - 2023-03-20

Interesting how some transitions pass through intermediate equilibria. 6→2 and 2→6 are good examples of that.

@NoNameAtAll2 - 2023-03-21

yeah, it went through 5 briefly

@RainbowLayer92 - 2023-03-21

The longer you watch, the more impressive you realize this is.

@billey30 - 2023-03-24

I'll be honest. Whenever I clicked on this video, I honestly didn't know what I was clicking on. And for the first minute or two, I was like "why is this video?" 😆. However, after a couple more minutes, I was LITERALLY blown away.!!!!

@maplobats - 2023-03-17

I don't know why 'the algorithm' sent me here, but it is truly wise and knows all our needs.

@thespudguy - 2023-03-22

I’ve spent so much time admiring and simulating double pendulums, exploring their intricacies and visualizing their evolution- and here you are stabilizing a TRIPLE pendulum with some algorithm that I can’t even begin to comprehend. This is seriously on another level

@tropicalinvest - 2023-03-18

이 영상이 만들어지기까지 얼마나 많은 대학원생분들이 희생되었을지 상상조차 가지 않읍니다...

@JustinMeyer - 2023-03-19

"Many Bothans^Wpost-docs died to bring us this information" kekeke

@Nic7320 - 2023-03-19

All of them. They didn't go out and see daylight for three years.

@Scyth3934 - 2023-03-20

Translation: "I can't even imagine how many graduate students must have been sacrificed before this video was made..."

@sapienspace8814 - 2024-02-03

I may know of one 😉

@DeltaVTX - 2023-03-20

6:55 that 5-3 was poetry

@harriehausenman8623 - 2023-03-20

One of my favs too!

@vxcvbzn - 2023-03-20

Out of all of the triple inverted pendulum transitions, that was certainly all of them.

@spacetimerunner - 2023-03-23

Of all the 56 transition controls for a triple inverted pendulum videos out there, this is by far my favorite.

@mikespies9578 - 2023-03-23

I'm not into engineering and I have no idea why this video was suggested, nor why I clicked on it. But I'm glad I did. That's truly incredible 👏

@minerharry - 2023-03-17

I notice the pendulum segments are all different lengths - is that necessary for selective control of the individual segments? Like I notice in 2-> 5, the strategy relies on being able to swing the 3rd segment but not the first two

@joda7697 - 2023-03-18

it is necessary, yes

@tedshaneyfelt2263 - 2023-03-19

The different frequencies from the respective lengths must be the basis for some independence in control. Brilliant.

@chrisweaver41 - 2023-03-19

A+, impressive!

@megamaser - 2023-03-20

It helps, but it's not strictly necessary. You can always disproportionately affect different arms even if they have identical dimensions.

@pyropulseIXXI - 2023-03-20

@@joda7697 no, it is not necessary. These lengths do make it easier, though

@RaethFennec - 2023-03-27

It's a sad day for the world's first video of 55 transition controls for a triple inverted pendulum. But I think they can, together, share joy in this accomplishment. In all seriousness though, this is fantastic. This is the kind of robotics work that allows for the craziest kind of innovation that one would never expect if someone didn't work out the math and physics behind this, put it to code, and build a practical rig to demonstrate it. All of which are enormously time-consuming for this tiny, sub-10 minute video that only got recognition because its uniqueness makes it a prime candidate for success in a system of algorithm-driven content promotion. Imagine the wonder and inspiration this has inspired now, reaching a third of a million people! The value must be immeasurable.

@kummer45 - 2023-03-21

The mathematics and physics of this should be STRICTLY beautiful. But this is just more than math and physics. This is art found with hard science.

This is simply beautiful.

@Zmax15 - 2023-03-20

I didn't know what this video was gonna be, but it now certain feels like one of the best videos I'm gonna see in a while.

@andrewsemenenko8826 - 2023-03-20

The most important to me:
It has a limited and quite small platform, so it must not only perform those tricks, but also adjust the pieces to then go back to the center

Just aatonishing!

@ismahelo - 2023-03-22

By far one of the best transitions is at 4:25, from 1 to 7, truly amazing

@optinoptimist - 2023-03-12

from 6:55 - 7:30 are my favorite series of transitions

@grantcivyt - 2023-03-20

Those were very cool. Thanks for linking. I was about to leave early! 😀

@_wetmath_ - 2023-03-26

yeah same

@David-pw3sp - 2023-06-09

As an engineer, just seeing this makes me wonder the level of numeric methods and computing processing that this took, truly amazing

@SR-ml4dn - 2023-03-20

Very impressive control performance. I wrote a Master Thesis for twenty five years ago for double inverted pendulum using Robust control, which was the hot topic at that time. The mechanic construction didn't aloud each pendulum to rotate fully around, so the start was done by hand to level both in upright position. The order for the controller went sky high and the loop shaping weight was designed for using the two eigenvalues for the pendulum otherwise the motor didn't have power enough.

@JonMurray - 2023-03-21

This was absolutely mesmerising. It feels alive. Jovial. Mischievous. Those slow smooth slides maintaining balance? Damn. Phenomenally impressive. Bravo.

@KingWesleyIV - 2023-03-25

I might be a nerd but this is more fascinating than 99% of the content I've seen in the past 5 years.

@karoliszukauskas9601 - 2023-03-20

The key is that each link is different length thus the natural swinging frequency is different for each link. By moving actuator at specific link resonant frequency it can move the desired link more than others. Nonetheless it’s incredible to see it in action working flawlessly.

@eitanspuzzles - 2023-03-21

That is not very likely how it works. It's a PID control system, using a feedback loop to constantly tune the position of the cart.

@Matuterocks - 2023-03-21

I've heard they use machine learning and chaos theory to achieve these what these machines do

@christianridings1870 - 2023-03-21

@@eitanspuzzles ain’t no way this is just PID control

@stevelentz9458 - 2023-03-21

If you look closely you can see mass added to the ends of 1 and 2, I think this is really the key, since the inertia of each segment will be different.

@aaronbeekay - 2023-03-22

@@stevelentz9458 I think those are resolvers (to measure the angular position of the joints).

@johndamalulikali - 2023-03-18

This is absolutely incredible! How hasn’t this video broken a million views?

@jacotacomorocco - 2023-03-19

Few people understand the achievement sadly..

@myfatassdick - 2023-03-20

I’m pretty sure it’s a reupload because I remember commenting on this a few years ago but now it’s not here and this was only from 7 months ago

@NotMe-ej9yz - 2023-03-20

1) The video name is incredibly complicated to decipher if you don't already know what this is so why bother watching something when you don't even understand the name. 2) it's 10 minutes long and most people nowadays aren't gonna invest that much time to watch something they've never heard of. And 3) it's a video about math, robotics, and physics so most normal people aren't interested (or actually hate in the case of math and physics) those topics. We obviously aren't most people lol

Bonus answer: The thumbnail sucks

@emmettdja - 2023-03-20

That is just the biggest flex I've ever seen. Just wow.

@DavidMcCoul - 2023-03-20

Reminiscent of an acrobat lifting up above their head and balancing a teammate on their hands, then letting them down again. Amazing how not just a double but a triple pendulum can be controlled with enough sensory feedback. Amazing!

@jacklabadia1855 - 2022-10-15

this is incredible mastery of control

@sixstringedthing - 2023-03-22

Simply astounding. My knowledge of control theory and design practice is pretty limited, but even at my layperson level I can understand how impressive this project is. I would love to know if this demo rig and its control software were developed by building a double pendulum iteration first, or whether the designers just decided to aim high and went straight for developing this Big Daddy version!

Edit: I've just gone through the mental process of trying to figure out how to explain why this video is so cool to my family and friends, and the more I think it through the more mind-bendingly complex and impressive it gets. I've kinda sorta got a handle on how the various equilibrium states are achieved, on a theoretical level at least (no idea how the math would be translated into functional code though). But cleverly stringing subroutines together to go directly from any given state to any other without passing through a known stable equilibrium on the way is simply magic as far as I'm concerned.

@biggamer4113 - 2023-03-22

truly, one of the videos of all time.

@randomviewer896 - 2023-03-12

This is some of the most beautiful motions I have ever seen

@DonaldDucksRevenge - 2023-03-20

This is a very delightful and instructive demonstration