> temp > à-trier > high-flux-isotope-reactor-at-oak-ridge-national-laboratory-periodic-videos

Inside a Nuclear Reactor

Periodic Videos - 2019-07-25

We're at the High Flux Isotope Reactor at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
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More links and info in full description ↓↓↓

Thanks to everyone at HFIR at Oak Ridge - https://neutrons.ornl.gov/hfir

More from our trip to Oak Ridge: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9eEsN9D48menZTG9yJWrsp3OPOXmj6m_

Real Plutonium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89UNPdNtOoE

Nuclear Lab in the UK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrIzWWmlboE

Correction: Engine experiment mentioned at the very end was actually performed at ORNL’s Spallation Neutron Source.

Thanks to AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com

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From the School of Chemistry at The University of Nottingham: http://bit.ly/NottChem

With thanks to the Garfield Weston Foundation.

Periodic Videos films are by video journalist Brady Haran: http://www.bradyharan.com/
Brady's Blog: http://www.bradyharanblog.com

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Periodic Videos - 2020-04-29

These videos are made by Brady Haran - check out his "Unmade Podcast" here: http://bit.ly/UnmadePlaylist

Kevin Luo - 2020-06-02


Meton12765 - 2021-01-26

The Chernobyl reactor was a stolen Hanford Type B reactor. It wasn't designed to make electricity. It was a highly volatile reactor to make Plutonium. Hence the results.

electronicsNmore - 2019-07-25

That was a great tour! Since they want neutrons, it makes sense that they didn't have boric acid in the cooling water to absorb neutrons.

Christopher Willis - 2019-07-26

"boron in the form of B4C, is present in the inner fuel plates. In particular, 2.8g of 10B are present in the whole IFE (0.0164g/plate). It is used to shift the power to the outer fuel element and reduce the core reactivity"

This is important as the core of this reactor uses highly enriched uranium. This is so the neutron economy can be high at all points in the fuel cycle, but also means excess reactvity in the core areas has to be managed with absorbers built into the fuel elements.

chase cahoon - 2020-11-19

Glad for you to have had this opportunity to make use of your knowledge

Michael john - 2020-11-26

@chase cahoon tttttttttttttftrtftdddfffftttffftfttttttttfffffttfftttfffftffftttttttfttftttfttttfffttttfftffffftfftffftffftftffffffttftffftttftffffttftftttttttttttttttttfffftffffffffffffftfftttffttfttttttttfffttfffffttf

waitaminutedoggie - 2019-07-28

"...not trying to make electricity like, say, Chernobyl reactor..." That's one heck of an example, professor.

Drew Gehringer - 2020-09-27

I mean when you probably get asked "isn't that dangerous, what about chernobyl/three mile island/fukushima" a lot, your "no it isn't because XYZ" becomes reflexive

Blame USA - 2020-10-18

yeh but have you ever heard of Bradwell power station?? i doubt it

Slowburn TM - 2020-11-28

So, what would be another well known reactor that anybody over 13 years old has heard of? Even with hindsight I can't even think of one even close. Maybe Fukushima...

Jackerson117 - 2021-01-19

@Tom R somewhere I can hear a japanese man shouting FUKKU

ConDor - 2021-01-24

@Stephen Brand As long as there's no graphite.

Draxis32 - 2019-07-25

Dr. Chris Bryan: You can't really trap neutrons
Neutron Star: Hold my warped space-time

wolfie Butler - 2019-10-11

@Humble Soldier so the Swartzchild radius of Earth is like nine centimeters bye it would explode like a Nova almost instantly. It's a moment something hits its radius there is no turning back it will become a black hole and stay that way for however long it takes for its mass to ebb away as Hawking radiation an object the size of earth is stable so will last some 12×10^39 years to decay

Howard Barnett - 2019-10-22

Neutrinos: Whatever, I'm outta here.

Steve Harisson - 2019-12-06

Well if gravity wins you get a black hole, if matter wins you get neutron star.

Charles Torruella - 2020-01-21

@Steve Harisson either way what do you think the end result will be after the fact

Omni King - 2020-02-25

Trap < containment 🤷‍♂️

michaelXXLF - 2019-07-25

Any chance to see this Diesel engine the Professor talks about at the end?

HowManyTabsYouGotALot - 2019-08-08

just look up neutron imaging

nuclearTANK - 2019-09-07

It takes the diesel engine a minute to get up to speed to run the pumps, they need to do the safety test to be fully certified

Rose Miller - 2019-11-18


olivier h - 2019-11-26

@mckutzy it have lamba probe also , motorcycle motor =) anyway many hydrogene in both fuel

I.M. Shirley Rongh - 2020-09-22

@belg4mit oh my, that's quite the coffee machine...

Unmistified 22 - 2019-07-25

I went to the Nottingham open day and met the professor last month he is an amazing and funny guy

Ahmad Shumayal - 2019-07-28

@João Miguel Pimenta Pereira Where in Portugal? I want to meet him again

1-800-hEaVeN - 2019-07-31

I want to meet him :(( hopefully i can in the futute.

PARA THEIO - 2020-01-15

@Vito Lebommil 🤣👍 !!!

TheUltimateCrash - 2020-09-25

@Vito Lebommil Your story was lame.

Vito Lebommil - 2020-09-26

@TheUltimateCrash your mother loves to hear my stories after we make love. Especially this one.

belperite - 2019-07-25

Thank you for letting Dr Bryan just explain it all without interruption, something very rare on TV documentaries these days.

Pioneerz - 2019-07-28

well, he is british

Damjan Usljebrka - 2019-07-29

@Pioneerz nope he is Aussie actually

Gerardo Rafael Avila-Webster - 2020-11-22

@Damjan Incorrect. Born in London. Lived his entire life in England.

George - 2021-01-07

He looks like the evil inventor from cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2

Slartibartfast - 2019-07-25

19:40 - never underestimate the value of a poking stick even in nucular research.

Prince Tamrac - 2020-01-10

It's nucular. Nu-cu-lar

Dr. Vybe - 2020-02-26

Tappy tap tap

Morgan Morales - 2020-04-12

@Prince Tamrac skipper....nucular hahhaha

Jean Nivey - 2020-05-03

@Prince Tamrac CNN video

Jean Nivey - 2020-05-03


Keegan - 2020-12-25

I thought "I wonder what a nuclear reactor looks like" and I'm here, the Internet is truly amazing

Greg Collins - 2019-07-25

Wow, real alchemy. converting some elements into other elements...

Dooby Empires - 2019-07-27

unite perry All radioactive elements decay to a lower form, eventually, uranium-238 decays to lead-206.

Sebastian Argañaraz - 2019-07-29

Transmutation I think is the modern term

Desmond Alloffo - 2019-08-13

Alpha emits a helium nucleus , and beta changes a neutron into a proton with the emmision of an electron , both are usually accompanied by gamma rays

An O2 - 2019-09-21

@Sebastian Argañaraz no

thecsslife - 2019-10-21


Allon Kirtchik - 2019-07-25

“A basket of radioactive rabbits is lowered into the cask”
I never thought I’d ever read something like that.

E-Nonymouse - 2019-08-11

It's more socially acceptable than a basket of radio-active boyscouts.

Mat Man I - 2019-08-31

they will pay for it

Zoltan - 2019-10-21

@Alaska Skidood, you beat me to it. Lol!

TEMP CHANNEL - 2019-11-16

gmcjetpilot lol

Simon Peter - 2020-03-19

my gf started watching only at that specific part, and I was like "Yeah, they're trying to make super rabbits."

CAfakmykak - 2020-04-06

Imagine being new there and the dude is like, "Theres 5 rabbits loose in the reactor right now"

Existenceisillusion - 2019-07-27

22:28 I want to see THAT video, the neutron diffraction of running diesel engine.

chaosMusic - 2019-09-30

me too.

MWB Gaming - 2020-04-08

Yes, it must be shown

Simply Space - 2019-07-26

"Today we're going inside a nuclear reactor, and not just any reactor"
Me: Number 4?!

z z - 2019-08-24

"This will be our final episode..."

Vavalla - 2019-10-04

Oops just lit radio active graphite on fire

AlbaWind MacTavish-Blair - 2019-10-20

Put boron on it!😁

FabledSomething - 2020-04-08

6:22 - when the camera gets close, the sound starts to crackle, made my heart stop for a second.

MrEven9401 - 2019-07-25

Cherenkov radiation is both beautiful and scary!

Liam Ward - 2021-02-14

"Drop the Beryllia plates!!!" they didn't say at Chernobyl.

Chris Militerno - 2019-07-26

I would LOVE to see the video of the diesel engine running, if the image is at all worthy?

JonatanGronoset - 2019-07-25

I love the cherenkov glow around the submerged reactor vessel and the core, so beautiful~

Rob Rod - 2019-07-25

That Cherenkov blue glow is absolutely stunning. The engineering and science behind these reactors is masterful

Jason Price - 2020-09-23

@Humble Soldier for those lucky/unlucky enough to see it back then when it was still super strong!

Aeriel Blair - 2020-10-11

Omg I know! Wish I could see it up close without like y'know... dying.

Aeriel Blair - 2020-10-11

@BigO Mendozkevich You do know who Marie Curie is, right..?

James Goddard - 2020-12-12

@Aeriel Blair my thoughts also

Jason Brooks - 2020-12-14

@Aeriel Blair “don’t cross the streams”

Kuro_Okami - 2019-07-29

Holy smokes, I had no idea we made made the fuel for Oak Ridge in Lynchburg. I'm from Lynchburg, that is freaking awesome!

Math Tonight - 2020-04-11

I'd love to see some nuclear reactor ASMR come out of this plant

Freestyle Bustin - 2020-10-08

I'm smoking pot to this. Now I feel like im a scientist

MrPlytiger - 2019-07-25

have you a video of the imaging of the fuel system of a running diesel engine or is this top secrete car industry stuff?

Ali Syed - 2019-07-25

The guest presenter is a good story teller/explainer

Owen Bryan - 2019-07-31

Hes my dad. Can confirm hes cool

Joshua Gibson - 2019-08-24

No. Sir Martyn is the ONLY presenter. Everyone else is just an illusion. Big <3 for Sir Martyn.

alibaba pirce - 2019-09-15

i wonder why every physicist looks like they were shocked with electricity at young age :D

Maarten - 2020-06-20

@Owen Bryan What degree does he have? he sounds very well-spoken, professional and knowledgeable

Shimon - 2020-08-17

@Dave Micolichek LOL

Phil Ramsden - 2019-07-25

Great video! A pedantic point: the diagram at 9:06 shows involutes of a parabola, whereas the plates are in the shape of involutes of a circle.

naota3k - 2019-07-28

20:37 okay I really want to know who/how the hell these are made.

"Yeah we need these machined. Also they need to be internally lined with Europium Oxide."

"Uhhhhhhhh is that like mild steel?"

Also I'm going to assume the "floor model" control plate wasn't actually built to that spec rofl.

Not Me Not Me - 2020-03-28

3:08 Go home robot, you’re drunk.

J H - 2019-07-25

Amazing video. Thanks for making a longer video Brady!

omzig18 - 2019-09-02

When the mic popped as he neared that mockup I was worried for him for a second even though I know it's just a mockup

eyal baum - 2019-07-25

Brady this is probably the best one yet, and there's quite a competition!

Vazio - 2020-08-17

"Inside a nuclear reactor" ;)

Luceat Lux - 2020-12-10

"What else can we chuck in there?" literally, lol... that's exactly what I was thinking when the guy mentioned those mystery bins.

Ethan Richards - 2019-07-28

"Basket of radioactive rabbits". That's a new one.

Raident - 2019-07-25

This was very cool and very interesting! Thank you for all your hard work and dedication :D

m0nty90 - 2020-04-16

i love how many times he says WE even when he mentions the maintenance part

Soaprah Germfrey - 2019-07-25

a great video!! learned quiet a bit from this video and now i know how heavier isotopes can be synthesized! man, i love chemistry!!!!!

Well Read Bull - 2019-07-25

Oh Brady please consider making a numberphile video about Involute shapes!

HowManyTabsYouGotALot - 2019-08-08

what about involutes for an oval

spud mckenzie - 2020-05-27

Yes!!!! We need one

Atlas WalkedAway - 2019-07-26

What, your website? No, hold up, can we go back to the neutron imaging of a running engine?

Tuhin Bagh - 2020-02-26

That fancy lift though :O I almost felt like I was seeing a cutscene. :D

Tim Mallette - 2019-08-07

I've watched this video twice and I can't wait for the next one. So interesting

Nota Hero - 2021-02-09

I was on Nuclear Subs for 7 years and watching the reactor for a few minutes here and there was always fun, if your concerned we would be radiated don't be we wear film badges and if I was radiated I would have known it. So lucky for me I have gotten to see a live reactor working many times, so now is the part that you think how cool is this guy?.

Andrei Koto - 2021-01-21

We need more videos of this type on Youtube. Thank you!

MAGGY - 2019-11-28

2:10 modern day Einstein!

i3lueFire - 2019-08-02

this has to be one of the best videos yet! and I really like all the videos on this channel a lot so...

nayner9 - 2019-07-28

It's amazing how they have these great models ready to show for Brady. I always find it mind blowing how an entire industry can be so complex without me ever being aware of id day to day.

Texas Jack - 2019-07-25

One of your best vids ever. I bet that lab was mega-top-secret in the past.

Dana Kelley - 2019-10-04

Super duper mega top secret.

Charles Torruella - 2020-01-21

Come to think about it my father talked about it when they where building it wasnt much of a secret at all now the one in new Mexico no one knew about that but the ones working on it but not this one

straightpipediesel - 2020-02-28

@Gordon Richardson Most people get confused because there's two separate labs in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. This is at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, which does not do secret work, and does not do nuclear weapons. As mentioned in the video, Y-12 National Security Complex is next door. That is where nuclear weapons work is done.

IsraeliXdude - 2020-03-20

@Brian Reddeman power fuel for a powerful weapon.

Smeif Chapman - 2020-04-06

Well kinda sorta. I live in the county next to Anderson where oak ridge is. The locals all knew but outside these hills it was pretty secret. So yes to,the world it was super top secret like people lived and worked in,the city and didnt leave.

But the locals according to my grand parents all knew what was u0 because our kin folk was running the place and building it even.

Ian Murray - 2019-07-25

Over a million bucks for each one of those aluminum fuel assemblies. Crazy stuff, but glad to know they're still useful even after they're "spent" 👍

Its All Good Games - 2019-07-31

awesome stuff an dcool interview

Cris Camara - 2020-06-28

What a lovely reactor! I loved the video and all the explanations. I've never been very interested in atomic reaction, but this video caught my attention! Thanks guys!