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How to Surface a Submarine in the Arctic Ocean - Smarter Every Day 260

SmarterEveryDay - 2021-07-30

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How I Boarded A US NAVY NUCLEAR SUBMARINE in the Arctic (ICEx 2020) - Smarter Every Day 237

Boarding A US NAVY NUCLEAR SUBMARINE in the Arctic - Smarter Every Day 240

Crawling Down a Torpedo Tube - US NAVY Nuclear Submarine - Smarter Every Day 241

How to Fight Fire or Flooding on a Nuclear Submarine - Smarter Every Day 244

How to Make Pizza on a Submarine - Smarter Every Day 246

How Sonar Works (Submarine Shadow Zone) - Smarter Every Day 249

How Do Nuclear Submarines Make Oxygen? - Smarter Every Day 251

How to Poop on a Nuclear Submarine - Smarter Every Day 256


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Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery 

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SmarterEveryDay - 2021-07-30

I know this is a 42 minute video... but man is was stuff fascinating.

The Nuclear Submarine Deep Dive has been incredibly amazing, and I'm grateful to have been given such an incredible opportunity. Thank you for giving me your time and allocating some of your precious time to learn this stuff with me. I'm grateful.

The complete Nuclear Submarine Deep Dive Playlist is here:

Sign up here and I'll email you new videos: https://www.smartereveryday.com/email-list

Thank you for your continued support, whether it's simply subscribing to this channel, or supporting on Patreon or whatever.. I'm grateful.

Jon Thornton - 2022-07-06

Between you and Mark Roper you guys have taught me more about engineering than I ever learned in school I'm 44 years old and I'm learning things that I would have never learned without YouTube or you guys. Now that doesn't count for spelling punctuation or basic english. Lol love these videos man I love these videos keep it up

Tigs2 - 2022-07-09

I just binge watched the nuclear Sub series. It was outstanding. Two major things came out of this for me. The first was how mind blowingly complex the engineering on board the sub is and how breathtaking it is for the designers to fit all that equipment into such a small place with so many considerations to take into account. Secondly was you were incredibly honored Destin. The crew were absolutely first class in how they welcomed you aboard and the enthusiasm they displayed to show you as much as possible. The Captain was utterly fantastic and gave you far more time and attention than i would have thought. Overall the crew of the Toledo gave an incredible account of themselves and the US Navy submariner force. You got a once in a lifetime VIP access to things people dont get a chance to witness. I hope the Navy were pleased with the outcome and the PR they have received. Well done!

Erik Bong Nilsson - 2022-08-29

In an emergency when the have to surface but they didn't answer your question how they know the thickness of the ice for safety, do you think one of the "in case of emergency" solutions would be to either from a far enough distance or dept, launch a torpedo that turns 90 degree and blows a hole through the ice? :D

Jahi Smith - 2022-09-15

Worth every minute! Thank you!

Kailash Btw - 2022-10-25

Really awesome crew

Lert Hadensock - 2021-07-31

Can’t wait for the Smarter Every Day International Space Station Series

Puppy Puppington - 2022-06-21

Space is where it’s at.

FunCookiesGuy - 2022-07-03

@Elon Musk

xXPhilipXx xXlazarovXx - 2022-08-27


Natey McBatey - 2022-09-01

oh lawdy I hope so!

Nkw022 - 2022-10-23

The, “smarter everyday international space station series,” is a trademarked concept; Releasing next year!

Cuajo Panzon - 2022-01-24

At first I was like "why is this video so damned long?" then, after what seemed like only a few minutes, I was like "wait, no why is it over already!" - way to make this so interesting and immersive! Thanks, Destin!

Jack Connors - 2022-04-29


Figure fromdoors - 2022-10-19

Not at 10:56 PM!

Randy Swiger - 2022-01-26

Thank you US Navy for allowing us to step into the submarine world, it was awesome.

Josh W - 2022-04-11

Agreed 1000%

SinHurr - 2022-06-09

Glory to me, the 69th like

Anthony McDevitt - 2022-03-02

I'm sad the series is over. This is arguably some of the best content on your channel. I hope to see similar style stuff in the future.

Tad Craze - 2021-12-28

I don’t spend over 20 minutes on YouTube video usually, but this was absolutely worth it. Amazing content!

Wayzor - 2022-01-23

They make ADHD medicine now.

RobloxRobot - 2022-01-25

@Wayzor jesus

Austin Rice - 2022-02-07

@Wayzor yea bro and it make things worse, unless u talking kush

Thinking man - 2022-04-28

@Hugh Huang ive learned more about culture and whatever else I like to learn

jdc1957 - 2022-06-24


Jay Em - 2021-07-31

This is a very honest and smart way for the Navy to recruit and definitely beats a flashy advertising campaign. You can't say you don't know what you are getting yourself into after this! Such a great series.

Grimm Reaper - 2022-01-24

@Maverickib what happened to the lad that messed up the valve lineup? Also did he leave just one wrong valve open or shut the wrong one?

Maverickib - 2022-01-24

@Grimm Reaper NJP. He was trying to do something called "hot swapping." In normal operation, you pressurize one sans tank, blow it empty, vent the pressure, then repeat on a different tank. He blew the first tank like normal, but tried to roll the pressure over to the next one to skip the venting/rebuilding pressure process. It is significantly faster, but absolutely not an authorized procedure, because if a single venting line is left open, such as in our case, the entire fresh tank of sans will be blown through it with no way to stop it once it has started.

InSomnia DrEvil - 2022-04-22

This series really is the definition of a win-win-collaboration :)

eberbacher007 - 2022-09-10

Imagine if he had been allowed longer

Homer Morisson - 2022-09-13


This is something that even I (a super-serious "The perfect world shouldn't need weapons" guy) found deeply fascinating, whereas those flashy ad campaigns only ever made me switch the channel immediately.

LongDogRacing - 2022-01-08

Destin, "once in a lifetime" doesn't even begin to the describe the opportunity presented to you with this experience. You deserved every minute of it, and we are grateful for you sharing all the details in your classic smarter-every-day way! Thank you!

Tigs2 - 2022-07-09

I just binge watched the nuclear Sub series. It was outstanding. Two major things came out of this for me. The first was how mind blowingly complex the engineering on board the sub is and how breathtaking it is for the designers to fit all that equipment into such a small place with so many considerations to take into account. Secondly was you were incredibly honored Destin. The crew were absolutely first class in how they welcomed you aboard and the enthusiasm they displayed to show you as much as possible. The Captain was utterly fantastic and gave you far more time and attention than i would have thought. Overall the crew of the Toledo gave an incredible account of themselves and the US Navy submariner force. You got a once in a lifetime VIP access to things people dont get a chance to witness. I hope the Navy were pleased with the outcome and the PR they have received. Well done! .

Lukas Kapelke - 2021-12-29

I'm slowly working my way through all of the content on this channel and every single video feels like those rare instances in high school, when something actually sparked your interest and you wanted to understand it and know more about it. Thank you for putting all of this amazing knowledge out there for free!

Spaghetti - 2022-02-14

4:45 a civilian literally just told them when to dive. Even though they were humoring him... the fact of giving one command to the entire boat had to feel great if only for a few seconds.

olimpiacookiethrower - 2021-07-30

Wait, this was 42 minutes long? This felt like 20 or even less. Truly one of the most interesting series I've watched and enjoyed in a long time.

Mike Walker - 2021-07-31

This video had me hooked. I didn't even realize it had been that long.

dmitrmax - 2021-07-31

Do not watch on 2x speed, dude! =)

Alexandre MS - 2021-08-05

That is the answer.

Fromatic - 2021-12-12

Saw this comment when just a couple minutes in and thought dont be silly, next thing I know he's wrapping up and 40 minutes have passed without me even realising

WayStedYou - 2022-01-24

Felt like 20 for me too.
Probably because it was at 2x speed

Thomas Lee - 2022-01-28

The thickness of the ice (below the waterline) can be calculated by taking the water depth of the sub and subtracting the sonar distance from the sub to the bottom of the ice. Adding another 10% would give you the actual thickness of the ice.

Ina Gaddadavida - 2022-01-26

Great Adventure!! I was in the Navy 10 years, and this brings back such great memories of how amazing the Navy can be. I was a Hospital Corpsmen, and had a very diverse experience, from assisting surgeons in hundreds of surgical procedures (in hospitals and combat tents), working as a Navy Instructor, developing an EMT program, as well as working as a Deputy Public Affairs Officer--my highest paygrade was E-5, but the Navy provided me with a Masters Degree. I recommend any young person to pursue a career in the Navy. I was interested in working on a sub when I was considering my career path. That path did not match my personality enough, however. Think about how these sailors exist in such tight spaces. Not only are they selected for their extremely high intellectual capabilities, they also posses untouchable emotional stability. So basically, they are a very tight family of very well adjusted people, doing one of the greatest jobs on the planet.

John Doe - 2021-12-28

The sub series was one of the most informative and interesting things I’ve ever seen. Thank you Destin and U.S. Navy!

Brian Brown - 2022-10-29

This series is the most interesting, in depth “making the sausage” submarine video I have ever seen. My buddy was on one, but he could never explain this clearly how things happened on a sub. So much more interesting than anything else that I have seen. Props to the USN for being so cool about it too.

Chris Bowden - 2021-08-01

Seeing the photos of the kids behind the captain made me realise that you’re letting the families of this crew see what their parents and loved ones do. Someone gets to go “That’s my Dad!” And that’s a super special gift.

Panma - 2021-08-01

18:41 for those who want timestamp btw

Valerie Quarles - 2021-08-02

Yes, my dad is a former (nuclear) submariner and this was absolutely wonderful! So much to talk about with him and he's had a blast reminiscing as well.

橙色 Daidaiiro Clips ch. - 2021-08-02


wxjet - 2021-08-03

I had the privilege of living on a sub base as a kid, and yeah, this video would have been very special to my friends if YouTube was a thing then. Not seeing your parents for months at a time is tough, but you're also very proud knowing that somewhere out there they are doing important work with other outstanding individuals, for the best navy in the world. Kudos to the Navy for doing what they can for the families.

Gang Investigator - 2022-07-16

My son is on a sub, and actually participated in ICEX 2022, and this series definitely helped me understand how tough it is for the submariners. Also, I was so impressed with the intelligence of all the Navy submariners. Quite impressive and I’m a proud Dad!

Curtis Hickerson - 2022-04-09

My Grandfather and my Father were both submariners. I never understood the immense pride they held about the difference between a submariner and a sailer until now. You’ve really shown some incredible things in this series and I’m glad to have gotten the chance to understood those that came before me better.

Thomas Gabrielsen - 2022-07-24

This is the third time I watch this series, and I find it equally interesting every time. Living in Norway I feel that the North Pole is in my backyard, but the distance from where I live to where Camp ICEX was at the time (I couldn't find the exact location) is at least 3500 km. USS Washington visited Tromsø earlier this year, and I know there were some who protested against an American nuclear submarine docking at a Norwegian port. I am not one of them. I am grateful every time we are visited by our allies, and there is no doubt that the United States is our most important ally.

rich kemp - 2022-02-24

You are so lucky!!! I’d love to I mean absolutely love to go on a submarine. It’s been a life long dream. I wanted to be a submariner but my life went wrong. All those guys deserve so much respect. Their jobs are all so important. And they do it so well and with absolute clarity. Loved this video!!! Thank you

Nate - 2022-01-10

Watched every minute of this entire series and it was outstanding! Thanks Destin, USNavy and to everyone who made this content possible. Great stuff!

Roy - 2021-12-26

The access the Navy allowed Destin on this sub was incredible, truly an honor for him and us, his audience.

Stephen A - 2022-04-14

@Wilbur Worm then you'll no doubt like the Sub Brief channel too: it's what got me interested in submarines.

ZoomerX24 - 2022-06-09

@David P Well yeah, the US military is a volunteer force so of course they have to market themselves. The reason this doesn't happen in other countries is because many countries still use conscription (the Draft).

Name - 2022-07-15

I am like # 1k

Michael F. - 2022-08-19

@ZoomerX24 yeah also I don't think other countries have the budget honestly to allow them to do this kind of PR. How many countries have spare subs to send off on an important but still optional scientific event?

eberbacher007 - 2022-09-10

The fact that toledo was built in 1991, also greatly help.

They would have never allowed him on board of an Ohio or Virginia Class

bmwman5 - 2022-09-12

Fantastic video! I could feel the tension when the Sub was coming up through the ice, even though am thousands of miles away. Well done, these submariners are real true professionals. 👍👍👍

Todor Zhivkov - 2022-06-15

What an incredible series! I loved every minute of it. Never have I seen such detailed insight into the daily life of a submariner. Thank you, Destin!

MGM - 2022-01-05

Absolutely riveting viewing from start to finish. Massive respect to the men and women involved - What an important role you play in maintaining global safety. Just wish I was 20 years younger as the sense of professional excellence in being a Submariner must be a great feeling. This series would have done more for recruitment to the service than any traditional recruitment programme before it.

Ivan Lopez - 2022-04-22

This is one of the coolest video I have ever seen! Thank you for making this content! You are so lucky to be able to do this. Thanks for taking us along!

NightHawkInLight - 2021-07-30

42 minutes... man I had stuff to do today

Edit: Cartesian divers are one of my favorite physics toys. I've been trying to figure out different games to play in the bottle for a few years. I've haven't gotten far.

Double edit: Good thing you kept the popcorn ceiling. Made for a great illustration.

Triple edit: Great series. Congrats on 10M!

Ronan Furlong - 2021-08-03

A hook on the bottom of the diver, pieces on the base of the bottle with a loop or ring and try to hook or catch the pieces

Auntie Carol - 2021-08-04

Get your cartesian diver through some kind of maze in the bottle?

Bomboclat gardener - 2021-08-04

Y'all have so much subs........

EmElTea - 2021-08-04

@arfyness yes, in the 80's, maybe early 90's. It immediately reminded me of that.

Stig Godding - 2021-08-07

I think the toy you are looking for is called "Dyna-Diver". Had this toy in the 70's when I was a kid, I loved it so much when it broke I bought another one. There are many images/info on the web. :-)

Marco - 2022-07-05

Amazing job, this is such a great content! Thank you Destin and to everyone who make it happened

Tim L - 2022-01-02

Absolutely amazing! Fascinating learning about this sub. Everyone you talked to were extremely smart in their knowledge of their specialty, and they all worked as a team because they all depended on each other. The Navy is in good hands with these dedicated sailors. We are all Smarter after watching these videos. Thank you for these series!

S G - 2022-05-22

That was great, an amazing effort from all involved. As a laymen I feel I have learned a lot today about submarines and a small appreciation of the challenges involved.

Faith Low - 2022-07-10

Destin I discovered your videos in the midst of my exams season and I got to say these are some of the coolest things I’ve seen on YouTube man, this series has been fascinating. Thank you for giving us insightful and objective coverage of the submarine force. I never liked physics but you make learning simply joyful and I’ve understood so many mind blowing facts about subs and physics theories. Definitely a stress reliever for my exam season! Thank you for helping us get smarter every day Destin! Take care 🤩

DWS Outdoors - 2021-07-30

I can't be the only one who is EXTREMELY happy that of all people Destin was able to experience this! You were the right person for the job Destin!

DWS Outdoors - 2021-07-31

@SmarterEveryDay just keep doing what you do Destin many people around the world are able to learn more than they ever could in any kind of school setting and I for one appreciate that! So thank you again!

DWS Outdoors - 2021-07-31

@Cogumelos Azuis I second, third and fourth that! 😂 It would be an insight into space like no one else could provide!

MikeUK - 2021-08-01

@SmarterEveryDay you do outstanding work

pvic - 2021-08-01

@SmarterEveryDay thank you for the amazing videos

thirdeyevision11 - 2021-08-03

100%. We're so lucky to have him. Thank you, Destin!

Travis Gessler - 2022-02-15

Thanks for the instructional video! I've always had trouble surfacing my nuke boat in the Arctic, now it's a breeze,thanks!

Lhotse - 2022-01-28

Oh, I never thought about how depth affects the ballast tanks on a submarine, since they are practically rigid (and should have the same buoyancy at all depths provided the same fill level), but if I get it right, what is affected is the amount of air required to push water out of the tanks when needed, and that makes it very costly of resources to use at big depth?

Rexx - 2022-02-24

What an amazing series! Never had a clue what it was like on a submarine or why anyone would want to be trapped under water for months, but now I can see how interesting it can be.

ssconver - 2022-10-03

This is so amazingly interesting! I've been aboard icebreaker CGC Healy but never even conceived of a sub surfacing through arctic ice. Really cool stuff. Thank you so much for putting this out.

Bob Ellison - 2021-08-04

Destin, I spent almost 4 years on an attack sub, taking her all the way to decommissioning. I was one of the guys operating the reactor in the back that I’m sure you didn’t get to see during your visit. I’ve really enjoyed your series and am quite surprised the Navy allowed you to do it - you must have really impressed someone higher up!

John Boze - 2021-08-12

Chinese "UAPs" are deployed from submarine and operate in water and air and can go 10000mph ++. UPAs in the news are Chinese Hypersonic First Strike Weapon With EM Field Propulsion. See my main feed comment. And thank u for you service.

Mike Sutton - 2021-08-13

Bob, thank you for your service and great to here your perspective….and I thought the same thing about his access. From his time with the Thunderbirds, I think all Branches see him as an awesome promotional outlet (more organic maybe). Anyway, thank you Sir!!

Antonio Hernandez - 2021-08-16

How many Roentgen did u get ?

iowafarmboy - 2021-08-20

From his previous job working on missle development, he no doubt has the clearance level that made the navy much more comfortable with him doing this.

Diogenes - 2021-08-21

@Timmy2Fingerz chances are you gonna share your coffin with them. so better be a teamplayer inside a sub.

Peter Linn - 2022-07-03

One of the best 'documentaries' I've seen on YouTube. Great job Dustin, and what a fantastic bunch of guys on the Toledo. I don't envy them the job, but they have my upmost respect for their professionalism and dedication. Submarines are something the average land lubber knows little about but this really showcased what living in, working on, and operating a nuclear sub is all about.

B - 2022-09-20

This is amazing, I want to join navy and be a submariner now. Everyone seems so smart on the submairine, very interesting. Please keep on making videos. I love the way you made the videos. I almost never post comments

Osaka Hibachi - 2022-07-14

man, this is easily one of the coolest videos i've ever seen. i love submarines, but there is almost no way i would ever do this. claustrophobia, fear of drowning, etc... awesome video dude.

inscrutianaII - 2022-01-26

This was information which I had the good sense not to seek out for a fair 40+ years but always wondered about. What a cool opportunity. Perhaps even some newer foreign navies can learn a thing from the cleared content which can ensure that every sailor gets to come home.

Rhett Shull - 2021-07-31

This is mind blowing, there’s so much more to a submarine than I could have ever imagined.

G Mac - 2021-12-28

Still waiting to hear Rhett play guitar through the hull of a submarine to the beat of the sonar.

Super Geek - 2021-12-28

@G Mac
Sorry. Subs RARELY use active sonar --- therefore, there's no beat. I'm pretty sure that if you held an acoustic guitar against the metal of the hull on the inside of the boat, though, that the sound would project out into the water. It would also be likely to result in a visit from the Ops Officer. Sound projection is very much frowned upon.

G Mac - 2021-12-28

@Super Geek would have been nice to hear Rhett playing a telecaster with a Marshall 50 watt Amp under the ice . But I get it we can't have our enemies hearing the good stuff. Thanks 😊

DMSProduktions - 2022-01-03

Da REAL nooklear wessel!

Martin Bettler - 2022-01-25

Yes, it's absolutely mind blowing, but not only what's IN the video, but even more how it's made. Incredible efforts! Thx, SED, for the whole series!

mcglsr2 - 2022-02-10

This was just absolutely amazing, thank you for doing it, and thanks to the men and women on and related to the boat that let this happen. Much appreciated :)

thehal2000 - 2022-06-12

Fascinating and interesting view that I never thought I would be able to experience. Makes one proud to observe such skilled and accomplished individuals managing these extraordinary machines. A thing I noticed is use by crew members of the term ship, and not boat, having always thought (with no personal experience to go by) that how these terms were used by submariners was kind of a big deal. Great informative video.

Dirk Holland - 2022-02-21

Wow! If I was younger and had seen this video series, I would definitely be in line for a submariner position in the USN!

Peter Bosco - 2021-12-26

WOW! Amazing. Much respect for our US Navy and the folks who work on submarines. I'm claustrophobic and wouldn't last 5 seconds down there. Thank you!

theLazyRabbit - 2021-07-30

The dislikes are from the military personnel who had to go through frame by frame blurring out all important details for a 24 hour long multicam supervlog.😬😬

Ivan D - 2021-07-31

Some are from Chinese and North Korean naval staff too! Hahaha

Fadamor - 2021-07-31

🤣 this might be more true than you know!

Doozle Dorf - 2021-12-30

@Ivan D Russians tend to be the most butthurt when it comes to the USA. Them and China haha

Mqhele - 2022-01-04

Just found this channel and fell in love straight away. RESPECT to the submariners....I cant imagine living in such conditions for months without anyone knowing where I am ....massive ballz of steel to all those who do that. Thank you.

Milinda Wickramasinghe - 2022-04-22

I literally watched my all time favourite movie "The Hunt for Red October" (a definite must watch if anyone watched any of the videos from this series) just a couple of hours before I came across this video..this is amazing stuff..dude, this gave me chills..hats off to everyone who contributed for the development of this field and thank you for bringing this to us..

P.S. being an oarsman in my university back in the day I have special place in my heart for boats

murph508508 - 2022-07-05

Great video Destin! Just finished the whole series. Amazing that you were provided with the access, but also thank you for taking the time and energy to make this video. Keep up the great work.