> politique > dépression > migrant-crisis-tensions-turn-bloody-in-europe

Migrant Crisis Tensions Turn Bloody In Europe | VICE on HBO (Bonus)

VICE News - 2018-11-12

Steve Bannon hasn't gone away since he was ousted from the White House. His new project is called The Movement, and it has global implications. Michael Moynihan reports from Italy. 

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R F - 2018-12-02

Nobody in Europe, apart from politicians, wants them!

Christian - 2020-02-12

@dude man they're on the dinghy towards success.

dude man - 2020-02-12

@margot hilaire white women ain't good mothers and very self centered and have no respect and very selfish ,why would any proud hard working black man would want too have any children with a white woman in the first place........... .

Benito Sotelo - 2020-02-25

@dude man here in America white women date black guys all the time. You people brag about your "African Queens" yet you choose not to reproduce with them lol

Chinese Hitler - 2020-04-07

Benito Sotelo They also claim to have black pride, but have done nothing for the world to be proud of.

R F - 2020-05-17

@Marc Lapinff Without that they would be in an even worse state than they are today. Face it: without western countries nothing comes from Africa. Now China is taking the place of western countries in Africa. Conclusion: they are to stupid and lazy to develop their own continent.

Sean - 2018-11-12

Now, interview the family of the dismembered girl.

Adim Att - 2019-12-22

Bias one sided media, what do you expect ?

Somas - 2019-12-25

@dude man He's telling the truth.

Kingdom of WhisperingWind - 2020-02-06

@- BnQE - exactly

bella50008 - 2020-02-21

@Cla Muh Deportation will.

T S - 2020-03-16

Glywysing yes! Deport now

Bunny - 2019-02-05

Why don't u care about the girl?

MATHA NOSHTO-MAN - 2019-09-07

She's white. According to the Liberal left she exist only to please "New Europeans"

Dalai Lama Prime Minister - Wakanda - 2019-12-25

Because that would make too much fucking sense.

Mr Hat The Spooky Ghost - 2020-05-04

If they did, they would have to give equally time for every victim of the same crime. I bet there’s atleast 1 every hour

GET SMART - 2018-11-13

Even after war has ended they will never go back to their country.

İSKELET MÜLAYİM - 2019-10-19

@Emo Tion do you have any pride ??

John Sluder - 2019-11-02

Oh yes they will with the right nationalists in power and the jooo gone

Ancient Rageedi - 2020-01-10

France is still in Africa. Send them to France until France leaves Africa for good.

dimitris 2005 - 2020-03-16

We can send them back

Thaeldir - 2020-06-16

Just wanna reap the benifits

Mickey Thomas - 2018-11-12

The "migrant crisis" is going to lead to civil wars in Europe.

Alexxd Gomas guillen - 2019-07-07

@Jack Burnsbaby im from spain and we didnt "lose" our country just 4% are inmigrants lol

Goxy Eagle - 2019-08-08

Alexxd Gomas guillen , keep doing good job defend your country

Jeremy - 2019-12-20

This and the collapse of the American economy that is coming will be the spark to ignite WW3. Time grows short.

Dalai Lama Prime Minister - Wakanda - 2019-12-25

God willing.

The Most Interesting Man On Youtube - 2020-06-08

And we will dump all the Migrants into the Mediterranean sea mark my words

Grand Theft Avocado - 2018-11-12

You are failing to make us feel sorry for these "migrants."

Typical Commenter - 2019-07-04

Please send them back all of them please

Alexxd Gomas guillen - 2019-07-07

@Grand Theft Avocado imagine if you are from yemen, there is a brutal civil war there where civils are the target, if you escape to europe you will life and have a decent job, if you stay there you will die, they arent "cowards" they want to life, and staying will not so nothing, the políticans are the ones that have to build a nation, not the people

Langley Gaming - 2019-07-17

I do prefer to have migrants who would actually follow the laws and be respectful. Being entitled can push others to dislike you a lot. I know that not all migrants are the same. Sadly a lot of very vocal migrants have ruined the chance of actually trying to start a new life for the decent ones.

Dalena - 2019-07-30

@Typical Commenter dont send back the sexy black guys

dude man - 2020-02-12

@Grand Theft Avocado what's wrong with getting free stuff from LAZY pathetic white people.............

hoya03 - 2019-03-30

No interview of the family of the Murdered girl. Come on VICE, this is not fair and accurate reporting. This has agenda all over it and you know it. It's a damn shame too. Who is controlling you?

msaimee2012 - 2019-09-29

They don't care about that girl.

George M - 2018-11-13

The migrant Crisis? All by design, not an accident.

cinegraphics - 2019-05-22

You can live in your illusion, but everyone else knows that ISIL/ISIS is Israeli creation.

Notscripted HD - 2019-05-29

@Nolan T. is your little imaginary world falling apart?

Tyler Groover - 2019-10-09

Now if Putin wanted to he can take over the rest of Europe while they are weakened as a bit of a reversal of Germany's purpose during ww2 such a shame tbh.

Dr. Evil - 2019-10-13

Kalergi plan. Look it up ...

Tyler Groover - 2019-10-13

@Dr. Evil does seem more like that's going on maybe thats what Germany's government is trying to do but I'm not sure if they expected the fires and Decapitation in the middle of streets to happen

American Defender - 2018-11-21

Bring in the 3rd world, you become the 3rd world...

hump parri - 2019-07-19

Maybe the first world should in the first world.....

danzbutrfly - 2019-12-01

shit dis is becoming 3rd world for real.....these invaders be planting they seed in all cheap women round here ....facts

MAGA Kitten - 2019-01-28

This story is crap 💩 ! I can’t believe the bias vice has.

Tokyo Ghost - 2018-11-12

They 👏 all 👏 have 👏 to 👏 go 👏 back 👏

dude man - 2019-08-08


dude man - 2019-08-08

@David Compestela well whites made the Australian aboriginals a minority in their own country Australia, and the whites also made the American Indian a minority in their own country America ,So why should anyone care what happens too the whiteys in Europe ,I personally don't care because I believe that the whites deserve bad karma

Pancakes611 - 2019-10-30

dude man exactly. Eye for an eye.
White people have no argument for this other than blame others. Which they usually do.

dude man - 2019-10-31

@David Compestela basically millions of people from around the world believe that white people should have some form of suffering for justice too the innocent black people that the white man murdered and raped

Marc Lapinff - 2019-11-26

Are you just waking up or what? borders are open since Europe started to invade Africa, ask your government the why you idiot

Juarez - 2018-11-12

I feel nothing for these people.
They have no right to be in Europe.

Marc Lapinff - 2019-11-26

Are you just waking up or what? borders are open since Europe started to invade Africa, ask your government the why you idiot

lemigod - 2019-11-30

They have no right to be in Europe and European governments have no right to control Africa's resources,they have no right to crank up Military bases in Africa that are causing conflicts which result in refugee crisis.

danzbutrfly - 2019-12-01

they coming to plant they seed in cheap women here.....fact

blinkzh - 2020-01-13

@busby pero and look how happy the neighbourhoods are.

busby pero - 2020-01-13

@blinkzh You are right. I bet you don't near that too often. I mean with white power investing in Killing or co opting Black leaders, placing crack and malt liquor in Black areas and sponsoring vile rap music that promotes pathology we can now look at the end results.

Beliarch - 2020-06-18

Vice pushes lies again, this is an anti-white agenda pushed by jhewz. Total racial war is comming and vice are self declared enemy's of the whites

Exceptional American - 2018-11-12

This is exactly the problem with Vice. They only look at things from the migrants' point of view. They never talk about the violence inflicted upon the native people by the refugees. They pick their victims& never show the other side.

Tré X - 2018-11-15

@Exceptional American Watch the video again and see if they haven't covered both extremes of this crisis. Please. Or can you only resonate & produce sympathy for the eurocentric side?

Heather Larson - 2018-12-26

To refugees, western europe is like their promised land. Asking them about immigration, did Vice expect them to trash this phenomenon?

lagos Shipwreck - 2019-01-03

Well it doesn't seem to work anymore.

clarese portofino - 2019-03-01

@Heather Larson The solution is to keep eligibility for aid only for citizens and send them back if they make it to Europe.

cinegraphics - 2019-05-14

It was Israel that created ISIL and other terrorist organizations. It was Israel that created "Arab Springs" and generated refugees from Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. Plus they brought economic refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Africa, Albania... and sent them all to Europe. Well... maybe Europe should reroute those ships to Israel. You created terrorists and refugees... now you live with them.

Dalcoh - 2018-12-25

I don’t feel sorry for these migrants, Italy is for Italians first. Then others

Nanci Valencia - 2018-11-13

Why don't they pressure the leaders of this African countries so that they don't have to leave for Europe. Or way don't you as a citizen fight for your rights in your country.

Agent Smith of The Matrix ! - 2018-11-13

The leaders of the African Countries are doing exactly what they are asked. Don't be naive they are Puppets while European powers extract resources. If you can't get that you are not ready to have a conversation

busby pero - 2018-11-14

This is the most intelligent comment I have read so far. You should know that African leaders are put in power not by the people but by France and the US. Those leaders are puppets so the problem is with outsiders controlling Africa so they can exploit their mineral wealth with ease.

lemigod - 2019-11-30

France is supporting dictators like Paul Biya ad arming him to create a conflict that is creating a refugee crisis.Its all France who is planning this refugee migrant crisis.Anyone who speaks out against France neo Colonialism is fired or assassinated.

R F - 2020-05-17

Those leaders are corrupt as hell

davlmt - 2018-11-12

The guy saying there is war in Mali is LYING. He speaks perfect bambara so he's not from the north, there is absolutely no war in South Mali!!!!!

Si vis pacem, para bellum - 2019-11-12

Most Europeans are so brainwashed that they believe that those boat full of black dudes are fleeing the war in Syria.

A.Z. B. - 2018-11-30

1:22 - "So you can't even work..."- saying with a sad face

peuxvousmevoir 123 - 2019-05-28

Use the other arm

Entusiast - 2019-06-29

@peuxvousmevoir 123 Or brain...

Pinky jones - 2020-03-03

What he wanted to say is "No problem, I get free stuff and I never wanted to work that's why I left my country...no free stuff...they make everybody work for stuff...no good.

GT LEE - 2018-12-05

Now, interview the family of the dismembered girl.SEND THEM BACK

Michael Pencio - 2019-02-12

Vice nobody can take this insein pro-invasion propaganda that you show us!!!

LongArmFossils - 2018-11-12

They come from "chaos and violence" because they created chaos and violence!

Benin Warrior - 2018-11-23

@LongArmFossils i have lood into you peoples bs propaganda and i'm not impressed.

LongArmFossils - 2018-11-23

@Benin Warrior what is lood? I'm not impressed by your language skills.

Macaws - 2019-02-18

Are we Going to ignore the European Colonies that made them the Countrys today?

Si vis pacem, para bellum - 2019-11-12

@Sun Tzu They bring the same problems that they say they hide from. The worst blind is the one who don't want to see

lemigod - 2019-11-30

It was Europe and Amerikkka that creates the chaos in the 1st place.Your selective memory is lame.

Jasmin Sekic - 2018-12-25

hey vice go talk with the family of that girl
to see how they feel

Ioan T - 2018-11-12

wow only show they part ? Maybe interview the residents too?

Gordon Fiala - 2019-02-07

I met a Somalian. He thought lying was the best way to get what he wanted.

Hello World - 2019-05-27

Typical westerner who asks politely something. Then go home and bring it to the internet. Why you guys are like this? Why does everyone have to work hard to achieve something when your governments selling everything to the Chinese investors?

smeggyhead1 - 2018-11-12

They are fleeing their chaos, but bringing it with them.

Ray este - 2018-11-26

Yeah, very true...

John Kim - 2018-12-02

the ole blame colonialism strategy. When will this get old? When all the Africans have immigrated to Europé?

infinitecanadian - 2019-01-02

@Evan O Europe left Africa long ago; any chaos they now have is their fault.

Wreckanize - 2019-06-23

They need to fight back and take their country back. Wimps.

Flying Carpet - 2019-06-26

​@skinny Look at Ethiopia it had Christianity independent and prior to the establishment of Rome, Christianity came from the Middle East not Europe, as did Islam

MAD MAX TRAVELS - 2018-12-23

Vice is just more leftist media, interview the parents of the girls.

Leader2light - 2018-11-12

Now, interview the family of the dismembered girl.

hector garza - 2019-02-18

@Macaws so you would put the blacks first over your own people? Is that what your saying? I know i wouldn't. 🤣

Macaws - 2019-02-18

@hector garza first of all you're * second those African Migrants Had nothing to do with the murder of that young woman but they had been attacked and almost killed because of that incident. This is not a "Putt your people first" its innocent people being attacked.

hector garza - 2019-02-18

@Macaws never said they had something to do with it, but Italians come first.

Macaws - 2019-02-18

@hector garza do you even read what you write? Nawh dude you're just a Big Hypocrite.

hector garza - 2019-02-18

"If the migrants weren't allowed in it wouldn't have happen". 🤣🤣🤣

Chickennugget - 2019-01-09

I feel absolutely ZERO sympathy for these people

Supreme Snek - 2019-08-02

@Sam I guarantee you're the sort of guy who blames all white people for everything.

Aidan Cael - 2019-02-12

Migration isn't the problem, the problem is not enforcing it: you've works hear long enough, push on!

Brandon - 2018-12-01

Interview the girl's family now

IETCHX69 - 2019-01-20

Why don't you go back to Mali , and fight for YOUR country ?

Ellen S - 2018-11-20

multiculturalism is chaos

Seba Donoso - 2018-12-02

These men have nice clothes for being migrants am I right

joshdabeard - 2018-11-24

Glad to see people can see through the liberal lens of vice news

mixolydian mode - 2018-11-12

We don't want these economic migrants here in europe. It is an invasion.

jolejole jole - 2019-02-24

@André Alecrim you are jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

André Alecrim - 2019-02-24

@jolejole jole same to you 😎

Andre Hartman - 2019-03-09

Thy laying about the war

3 - 2019-04-09

Send only the men back and keep the children and women there

Damremont18 - 2019-04-18

Sara Gebreslassie - That's right South Africa and Zimbabwe are taking back land from whites which is forcing the whites to leave or stay to live in poverty. I feel sorry for the whites experience considering some have lived there for over 300 years, but they don't belong in Africa and Africans don't belong in Europe unless they're invited for economic reasons or to study and they should be prepared to leave at anytime.

Fabio Tonto - 2019-05-14

You don't belong here. You are not wanted in Europe.

dude man - 2019-08-08

Who gives a shit

Ssudan Music - 2019-08-16

@FabioTonto Shame on you your so stupid

Angelina Akukwe - 2019-10-07

@Jack Brown okay sweetie

lemigod - 2019-11-30

and Europeans must stop controlling Africa's resources,especially France which loots billions of dollars from Africa.Each time an African leader tries to drop the CFA,France assassinates him coz they want to continue grabbing Colonial tax from African nations.Its Europe that is pillaging wealth from Africa and causing poverty.Check your History sir.

Steven Vojacek - 2019-12-01

paulos2019 You probably typing this from shith”ole in Africa

Mike Singh - 2019-05-26

Vice news why is your reporting so one sided.
Why dont go and ask all the people who have been harass by these immigrants.
And why you didnt interview the girl family ?

Michael Wall - 2018-11-12

Vice virtue signally instead of reporting again 🙄

André Alecrim - 2018-11-13

They did report. Only you don't like it. Lol

Rick James - 2018-12-25

Look at me!!!!!
I am NOT racist!!!!!

Al Bundy for President - 2019-05-20

Biased media again! Send them all back! They’re not European, never will be!

Roman Darius - 2019-05-21

George Soros just gave Vice News 250 million dollars

Jenny Hulme - 2018-12-19

What about the Italian people side to this story - very one sided

rushdi ahmad - 2019-02-22

Wow twice dislike than likes , clearly people are not buying your leftist agendas..

R.D Bergman - 2018-11-15

This will happen everywhere till eventually mobs will rule the streets and fill them with the blood of these people..
In most cases, defenseless helpless people..

Jeenius IAMa - 2018-11-12

Soooo typical for a Vice production....

Pauly - 2018-11-12

Send them to Jerusalem


craig Workout Man - 2019-03-31

A bigger war is already happening for the mistreatment of Gods chosen ppl right now. The most high is here.

cinegraphics - 2019-05-14

Exactly so. It was Israel that created ISIL and other terrorist organizations. It was Israel that created "Arab Springs" and generated refugees from Libya, Syria, Egypt, etc. Plus they brought economic refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Africa, Albania... and sent them all to Europe. Well... maybe Europe should reroute those ships to Israel. You created terrorists and refugees... now you live with them.

P O - 2019-07-26

@craig Workout Man "chosen people" by the way.

jonznuff - 2019-12-23

Barbara Lerner Spectre Immigration

jonznuff - 2019-12-23

Migrant Invasion = Kalergi Plan

Rajeev Bhan - 2019-02-08

Lets have a interview of the family of the girl... or are you ashamed to do that...

Guida D - 2019-09-05

Fyi, we also don't like Indians

Skank Hunt42 - 2019-01-23

Diversity is our weakness.

Roman Darius - 2019-05-21

About 500 Black Africans have shut down the French Airport! They said that France No Longer belongs to the White Man, and are demanding citizenship! Meanwhile, France 24 is accusing Italy of being Xenophobic! hehehe

LSMG - 2018-12-11

This is biased, victimizing nonsense. SHAME ON YOU, VICE!!!

John Kim - 2018-12-02

So you accept migrants from politically unstable, violent countries and you're surprised when they bring that level of crime with them to Europé?

SG - 2018-12-11

The young woman who was brutally murdered only received a passing mention. Typical biased media.