> temp > à-trier > animated-map-of-nuclear-explosions-1945-1998-isao-hashimoto

Animated map of nuclear explosions, 1945-1998

Allan David - 2010-08-13

Japanese artist Isao Hashimoto's "1945-1998" is an animated map showing the 2,053 nuclear explosions that took place around the world during the 20th century, from the detonations at Alamogordo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 to the tests conducted by India and Pakistan in 1998.

The month and year are displayed in top right corner, and the number of nuclear explosions for each country appear next to the flags in the margins. The total is displayed in the bottom right corner.

The numbers reveal that, on average, 1 nuclear explosion occurred every 9.6 days during the 54-year period, with the greatest activity in 1958 and 1962.

The time map does not include the two nuclear tests conducted by North Korea in October 2006 and May 2009, nor does it include the dozens of subcritical nuclear tests (explosions that do not produce a sustained nuclear chain reaction) conducted in recent years by the US/UK and Russia.

Andy Cant - 2015-11-07

wow over 2000 times chipping away at the old earth magnet. No wonder we have holes in our atmosphere.

Pomlithe - 2014-02-28

France: "Alright, no one's doing anything, I guess I should test some nukes."

Natya Orlandievna d'Avelino - 2018-11-26

Well, more like France: "Well, let's suppose these or other guys throw it on Europe as they have thrown it already on other folks? It's really horrible, it's sad, it's against our principles, and anything we exist for. It's against what we do and represent in the world. But any other barbarian is going to do this shit too, and we got to be able to defend these Chagalls, Mona Lisa, other painters and artists, and all the rest of all the nice people and civilization around. We got to defend +10.000 years of civilization present in the Louvre, and millions of souls. So Yeah, we got to defend for Peace or in case of a necessary counter-attack.". And for the rest, you're exactly right.

Michael Miles - 2019-05-22

@Natya Orlandievna d'Avelino Like as if in a nuclear war they would actually be able to protect anything at all. What a joke. Everything would be gone. France would be obliterated.

Michael Miles - 2019-05-22

USA: We have successfully irradiated the South Pacific!
France: Hold my beer.

Lebviero - 2016-01-30

I'm Not proud to be a human, I'm very sad...

Natya Orlandievna d'Avelino - 2018-11-26

Don't, dear: fight. That's the only fight worth to fight.

guitar music - 2016-07-03

Nuclear weapons will destroy the world!

Michael Miles - 2019-05-22

Insanity. I had no idea there were so many, and people worry about radiation from Fukushima, what a joke.

Josh E - 2020-03-19

Because Fukushima and Chernobyl are above ground with the ability to release a lot more radiation. Do some research dumbass.

Tukemuth - 2013-11-07

Jeez, as if those were firecrackers

poopedcheetah2 - 2011-09-12

this is great...its amazing how you can almost see current events effecting the frequency of tests...non-nuclear wars, obviously, like Korea and Vietnam you can see a cut off and then extreme increase at the outset of war...you can see all the posturing by the US and USSR, so many were almost like tit for tat...we blow one and then they have to blow one...you can see the Chernobyl accident and how it stopped tests for two years almost..the cuban missle crysis is another hot time frame naturally

hypnotherapycw - 2015-03-05

thank you for properly crediting him. many do not.

worldpeaceforme - 2013-03-05

"Violent mind they have" Judgemental mind you have.

Allan David - 2010-08-14

@xASxDragoon The time map does not include the two nuclear tests conducted by North Korea in October 2006 and May 2009, nor does it include the dozens of subcritical nuclear tests (explosions that do not produce a sustained nuclear chain reaction) conducted in recent years by the US/UK and Russia.

ShoesOnHands - 2013-06-20

Yoda: Mmm, violent mind they have.

Bryan Erickson - 2013-11-06


Diamondmyna - 2012-11-26

what the hell?!?! how does 1 planet get nuked that many times and live XD

Glenn parent - 2017-10-10


markeeee1234 - 2013-04-07

LOL at UK bombing Australia

Vityara Kotyara - 2012-01-31

4:35 cool song

Diamondmyna - 2012-11-26

3:40 - What in the hell?

Peter Han - 2011-09-06

french keeps nuking that same spot in pacific ocean LOL

puncheex2 - 2013-01-03

When you have a few minutes look up the treaty situation there were some 20 or so treaties created, negotiated, signed and scrapped over the 60 years of time. It all becomes even more obvious.

Wally1967 - 2012-09-05

ha ha! I was thinking the same!

Petr75661 - 2011-10-08

everybody beat the crap out of themselvs pretty hard :-D

meghan wilsdon-hays - 2012-09-03

it was those damn aliens! ;)

BigDirtyStinky - 2013-02-12

USA takes the lead! Of course, violent mind they have

noob that plays games - 2018-09-12

3:55 th happened?!?!?!?

Bol Pereira - 2011-01-30

@OliverKopec read the title "1945-1998"

Apocryphile1970 - 2012-11-27


puncheex2 - 2013-01-03

You desire the alternative?

cedfefef ce - 2011-07-28

@soup2684 :D i was thinking they wanted to blow off the cost or sth:)

Strelok10 - 2011-09-23

1959 was a cool year...

Philemon 1:3 - 2012-08-26

its like watching a SIMON game on steroids

febbra2 - 2013-02-12

France, who knew...

XTheIrishSniperX - 2012-06-25

1958: WTF so many

Radosław Stępień - 2011-12-05

Who is from L.A. ? :>

youssef115 - 2012-11-03

so the ones claiming human rights are the most agressive!!

poomann12 - 2012-04-10

heeellooooooo? :D

markeeee1234 - 2013-04-07

Also, how is California still inhabitable

Duane Antor - 2019-10-01

It was done underground

crazyviewer109 - 2011-12-23

nice video :) it almost sound like a weird 8-bit music :)

和子野原 - 2015-08-28


puncheex2 - 2013-01-03

You think it's significant?

luk troll - 2012-06-28

Talk about waste of time like 12 nukes in a month really. So many hippies so little time.

joeyrider - 2011-04-04

good video...macabre music...

flyinghigh - 2011-08-23

with playboy

Rbrcka - 2012-02-10

@soup2684 must have been a really big spider

ShoesOnHands - 2013-06-20

It is just 15kg or more of Highly enriched uranium 235 in the powerful ones. And 4kg for a little old-school plutonium bomb. nbd

puncheex2 - 2013-01-03

What tests have they executed that you know about?

Gusten - 2012-08-25

umm what does all the lights/pings mean?

Thomas David - 2018-05-28

Joe Rogan brought me here -kkleijer

Yann Le Ny - 2017-04-06


Izurin - 2011-04-19

US WIN!!? lol

Aaron Thomas - 2012-12-05

Take a moment to reflect the lunatic behavior that is supposedly in the public interest. It is no wonder that we and our environment are sick. Someone has to stop this lunacy across the board and that's us folks, the minority known as the majority!