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What is Sea Level?

minutephysics - 2013-11-25

FREE FACT: An oblate spheroid is a special case of an ellipsoid where two of the semi-principal axes are the same size.

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Robby Weisenfeld
Gustav Delius

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Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!

Music by Nathaniel Schroeder http://www.soundcloud.com/drschroeder

Thanks to Nima Doroud for contributions. Created by Henry Reich

Phoenixspin - 2015-10-25

I thought sea level was the level of the sea. Silly me.

Shcade YT - 2019-07-13

Sea lvl 1000

Dee Ess - 2019-07-14

Lvl 99

Oscar Ton - 2019-11-03

the sea's level is -1
it has a lot of pollution in it

TheFlatEarthChannel.com - 2019-12-10

Phoenixspin it’s fucking level. Down doesn’t change directions. Water fills the container not the exterior. All bullshit

Vasu Sharma - 2020-01-14

@Saina what the hell are you talking about 😌😌

cilvrado - 2014-02-17

After seeing this, it's almost a wonder that the GPS works so well.

Otto - 2014-03-19

tacka sverige, världens bästa land för geniet håkan lans.

styx85 - 2014-04-28

@otto hammar Why? As far as I can tell he didn't play any part in the development of GPS. His STDMA patent was filed a couple of decades after GPS was developed in 1973.

S.A.S - 2016-06-30

Those dislikes are people who believe the earth is flat

saeedur rahman - 2019-12-21

My house is 396ft above sea level

Vasu Sharma - 2020-01-14

Just when i thought it was simple 😁😂

CatBoi 37 - 2020-03-03

@Smeetheens are you dumb, its clearly a green magician's deck of cards, not a teapot orbiting between Earth and Mars.

CatBoi 37 - 2020-03-03

@Lester Cabillan no, they dont

ehud kotegaro - 2020-03-11

@natt tomes no

Red - 2016-01-12

Sea level is y=64

Terra - 2018-04-13

And the earth is a cylinder

Guy3nder - 2018-07-15

nah mate its y=63.

i cant believe people still play minecraft, it seems like ages ago when i stopped. even longer since i started.

demonic toaster strudel - 2019-04-27

@carlo wagner add 0 to 42 you're high

Kurt22 - 2019-07-17

When I played, it was 62.

Then again I last played 5 years ago lol

Alex M - 2019-08-07

I though it was sicsors 69

Earth Touch - 2013-11-28

Just when you thought it was simple ... 

Iwer Sonsch - 2017-07-13

So this is why Mount Everest is only 8848 instead of 8872 meters high?

Ishwariya Gopal - 2017-08-17

Iwer Sonsch 8848 above sea level i guess

bella and tomas - 2017-11-18

He lost me half way through

Just aarily ok - 2017-12-29

(-.-) seriously

Vasu Sharma - 2020-01-14

Lol 😁 😁

David Stefan Boriceanu - 2016-08-17

You heard that,guys. Earth is not flat.

Саня Долгушин - 2019-07-21

What does 'flat' mean in fact?

Dan Shetler - 2019-10-24

I'm a surveyor I will guarantee you no surveyor ever accounts for curvature. No pilot ever accounts for curvature or spin.


@Marchiz Productions No, ITS A......


softly snowing - 2020-02-21


ehud kotegaro - 2020-03-11


Tharindu Gayan - 2015-03-13

I'm from Sri Lanka and I started floating when you said Sri Lanka has a weaker gravity. :)

Dave Howson - 2017-08-22

Lol 😂😂

jeff brouillette - 2017-09-04

im hi, how are you

Orange Solar Flare - 2017-12-11

Honestly though flat earthers

Trishna Doloi - 2018-02-27

Tharindu Gayan lamao 😂 Give my love to Sangakara 🔥❤♨️

Dr Chilapastroso Dr Las Macas - 2018-11-01

Its lies

Edgar Sandoval - 2016-10-07

Wow! I'm more confused about this now than I was before I watched.

9 54 61 - 2019-04-27

What about 3b1b physics videos??

Hi I'm Kara Rae Ophelia - 2019-06-29

@cptstubing Haha...Sadly that is the way of most folks in the world...and that is exactly why you don't see a bunch of geodesists running around.

Vasu Sharma - 2020-01-14


Vasu Sharma - 2020-01-14

@Ty Bushnell i think you are a science student. But what about others who juat want to know this fact randomly as they might have seen those boards mentioning this much meters above sea level

Dominique Azaria - 2020-02-27

Same here, he just said a whole lot of nothing I understood lol

Kelekona 545 - 2019-04-11

“The earth isn’t flat”
*several people are typing*

Whimsy - 2019-04-14

You have no idea how true this is

J K - 2016-08-22

Does that mean if Mount Everest was made of styrofoam, it be more above sea level because the sea would be lower around it?

Hellothere _1 - 2017-02-08

We should just hollow out Mount Everest so it gets taller.

Jaymee Wolfe - 2017-02-16

all 531 of them from around the globe

Jaymee Wolfe - 2017-02-16

this was meant for the comment below

Creeper Universe - 2017-02-22

Wow yeah!

DancingCheese - 2019-01-19

Turn everything into styrofoam: best way to stop floods

Richard Hollis - 2014-04-30

Clicked on this thinking the answer was obvious.

Mind blown!

Moshe Shelest - 2016-03-27


Chanchi - 2017-09-18

Real Ocean Shave Curves? What does that even mean?

Uno Dos - 2019-09-02

😂😂😂😂 like “real women have curves”


@Chanchi its real oceans have curves

Balgore8 - 2014-11-08

Who would have thought water sitting on a rock could be so gosh darn complicated lol...

Nate LaBenz - 2015-02-21

We are a little bit more then a rock lol, but totally get what you're saying

Yuri Lopes - 2017-12-28

on a rock thats like kinda round but not really because its spinning, but it wouldnt even be round if it weren't spinning, and which has a fluctuating sea level and an unconstant gravity direction...

p cool huh

Demetris Genov - 2014-01-11

So... what is sea level?

JoL - 2014-02-06

Average height of the sea? Or did I miss something... 

Phoon Hoy Meng - 2018-12-14

@Michael Jackson also known as reality.

César Omar Raudales - 2020-01-08


Average high from where?

SJG - 2013-12-14

I did not realize that it was so complicated, i never thought it would take a bunch if brilliant people to figure it out

MrSplodgeySplodge - 2014-05-28

@AwkwardHandshaking Why did you have to take me so seriously?

SJG - 2014-05-28

Because you tried and failed at insulting me 

MrSplodgeySplodge - 2014-05-29

@AwkwardHandshaking I wasn't trying to insult you...It was a joke. 

Dan Shetler - 2019-08-02

You say brilliant I say Wicked

Dan Shetler - 2019-10-24

Only believe what you see and what you feel. You are a fool if you don't

nfb7777 - 2014-02-11

It's nice to know people a lot smarter than me are doing extremely complicated things to make my life more convenient, even if it's just the sea level.

Tridecalogism - 2014-02-16

I did physics in high school. My grades were below sea level.

Justin - 2014-04-30

@Tridecalogism My grades were below dead sea level

Rockagold - 2016-08-25

I'm dead.

Adam Fox - 2014-01-22

This was a lot more complicated then I thought it would be 0.o

Damien Foster - 2014-01-22

O_o Woah.

Ryan Davis - 2014-01-22

I like this one...

Kengur - 2016-08-04

Wow never realized we needed yet another area of science just to get a nice reading from our phone gps... neat

Yiu Yeung Kan - 2016-06-07

1:35 "On top of that there are the pesky things called continents..." PUN INTENDED?


He said so

Eric Peterson - 2013-12-18

Everytime I watch these videos, I end up with more questions than answers. Which is exactly why I love these videos!!

not so punny - 2013-12-18

how you bold a word? and same here

Eric Peterson - 2013-12-18

Add asterisks. It G+ now, same rules apply. underscore for italics and hypen for strikethrough

not so punny - 2013-12-19

thanks man.

Danny Lam - 2013-12-22

testing ehehhe

FractalBoy - 2013-12-01

As someone who studied in this field in university for 5 years, I was very happy he made a video about it and that as I type this comment the video is very near [less than 4,000] 1 million views. :D

He did quite a fine job explaining this within a 2m50s time frame. I think I know how others must have felt when he uploaded videos specific to their fields of work. I wanted him to keep talking! Haha.

Volbla - 2013-12-10

I've always wondered about the whole concept of sea level as the base line for measuring geographic height. This was very informative. Thank you :)

NoxuzBlog | Abraham Rodríguez - 2014-02-16


Tornado tornado - 2018-09-21

Cuz it's ballshit

César Omar Raudales - 2018-11-24

@Tornado tornado

It's ballshit, it goes round and round, and it doesn't say a fucking thing..

Tornado tornado - 2018-11-24

@César Omar Raudales
No one knows shit I believe ... we are in 2018 soon in 2019 and people fighting on earth If its flat or glob . And oil and if we went to the moon and if Obama was a clone of Ben laden ... just smoke weed bro because no one knows shit

[404 User Not Found] - 2017-09-19

42 kilometers farther...

Isn't it a bit strange?

Rob L - 2017-12-16


Lerkero - 2013-12-17

Now this is the MinutePhysics I prefer. Although this was more like MinuteEarth. No matter what channel this video would have been uploaded to I enjoyed it.

stargirl - 2014-04-30

I still don't get it.

Shante Porter - 2019-07-03

stargirl me either 😩😩


Me too

bjac - 2016-02-18

0:33 flat earthers celebrate, 0:35 flat earthers cri in a coernir ;-; lik if u cri evri tim

peepslostsheep - 2013-12-02

I.. I had no idea...

GuyNamedSean - 2014-07-01

Audible: Providing Audiobooks and damn near every popular science show on YouTube.

Or at least the ones I watch.

SomeDudeOnline - 2014-03-27

Wow, I'm so glad I watched this. I had no idea it was this complicated

eL CHiVaTo - 2014-03-28

Wow...That's exactly the right word...

BetaDude40 - 2014-11-13

 By that thinking, scientists need to be virgins so we can actually become more advanced.

JFreex - 2019-09-16

02:06 When you discover an odd job you never would have imagined... and then you're like "oh.. so this job is useful"

Manabender - 2015-05-23


It's extremely unlikely that this list of 100 ones and zeroes is random.

For any given random list of binary states with n elements, there is very likely going to be a run of the same state consecutively, of size log[base 2](n) or greater (round down). For example, in a random list of 32 ones and zeroes, there's likely to be a spot where you see 5 ones or 5 zeros. In a list of 100, you'd expect a run of 6, but the longest run is 4.

Of course, it's still possible that it was randomly generated. That's the thing about randomness; you can never really know.

Raizin - 2015-12-30

+Manabender It's unlikely, but extremely unlikely is perhaps a bit of an overstatement. To make a very broad estimation, by my calculation the chance of having not a single run of 5 ones or 5 zeroes should be a lot smaller than (30/32)^20 and a lot larger than (30/32)^96, or in other words, it's somewhere between 1 in 3.6 and 1 in 491 but not really close to either.
That's a very wide margin, but my point is the chance is definitely significantly larger than 0.2%, which I would not call extreme.

MCSythera - 2014-01-10

My mind hurts. But it's a good hurt.

dewinthemorning - 2013-11-25

Wow! I never would have thought how much work has gone into this seemingly intuitively simple concept - sea level!

Scientists of all kinds - the uncelebrated heroes of our civilization, just doing their work.

Sooop - 2013-11-25

Same here xD

MangoTec - 2013-11-25


Archer - 2013-11-25

Like a unsung hero.

tbrady1291 - 2013-11-25

@Jar Head AN* unsung hero.

Old king cole was a merry old soul and a merry old soul was he - 2015-03-17

Wow thanks guys, this is awesome. I honestly thought sea level was a fixed scale, but this is really mindblowing, great job!

Dan - 2016-09-01

Called creatively Earth Gravitational Model' got me 😂

Bonginkosi Hamphery - 2019-10-02

I watched this ten times and I'm more confused than ever

Chamara Naveen - 2013-12-03

Hahahaha... SRI LANKA!!!! Beaches with lowest gravity.... :')

Johan - 2013-12-05

haha :P, maybey people get a little bit less tired because of that :PPP

Chamara Naveen - 2013-12-15

@Seyone Gunasingham me too :D

Kostas Christos - 2013-12-25

What a mess!

Big Boss - 2015-07-12

Yet we Sri Lankans are short..

Jathu - 2016-05-15

+Big Boss Nah we arent

ツAhmed - 2016-05-15

Yes. Our average male height is 164-165 cm. World height average is 185cm.

Big Boss - 2016-05-15

+Jathu We definitely are, mate.

You can sort by height and see.

ツAhmed - 2016-05-15


Sarmad Saeed - 2018-10-11

O yes Dilhara Fernando used to play from Germany.

Squatting Gopnista - 2019-04-19


Chetan Singh - 2019-03-24

Flat earthers:- *triggered *

BETMARKonTube - 2013-12-05

This is really interesting...
also... once again, it's one of those things that now I know, but still can't use in my life, not even in a random discussion (unless I will start it) XD

Santiago Mena - 2013-12-13

0:59 Chimborazo Volcano, arrecho mi Ecuador!!

Scott Smith - 2017-03-25

"geodetic science"
awww yeaaaaa....i was hoping to learn a new word.

Richard Allred - 2016-03-16

This was an awesome video. I had previously thought that sea level was a simple concept but this opened me up to a new world. Thanks,

MORBIDbEAUTY87 - 2019-04-27

uh...I think I'm both less and more confused from when I first clicked on this video lol

BvBCrafty - 2015-05-05

well... am I the only one who was like.. i got 1/3 watched of the video, but after that i stopped thinking and my brain turned off :D

Erick M - 2015-08-24


Gaurav Ghosh - 2015-11-19

me to

STILL NOT CLICKED - 2019-03-04

Flat Earthers dislike knowledge
And don't vaccinate their children

Gau Tran - 2019-09-15

years later and a question forms.
what happens when we measure when the mountain is entirely gone? not just the land, but the gravity as well?