> chemistry > explosifs > nitrotetrazoles > calcium-cyanamide-tetrazoles-part-2-extractions-ire

Calcium cyanamide -Tetrazoles part 2

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-06

http://www.sciencemadness.org/scipics/Engager/TzOTC/Synthetic%20routes%20to%20tetrazole%20compounds%20based%20on%20OTC%20materials.pdf Pages 5-7 (continued)

I couldn't be bothered putting the equations in so yeah read the pdf (if the link actually works cool.)

Ben Bowmer - 2019-08-18

10:15 "That's a lovely yellow colour. That's the yellow colour of success"

Wow, must have been a rough break up between then and now mate

J H - 2019-10-28

lol i was thinking the same

Dylan Mcvicker - 2019-10-10

“Ever so gently tap it out of there” SMASH

Kevin Byrne - 2015-12-14

1:19 -- I like the T-shirt with the structural formula for caffeine.

Tuero - 2015-11-06

yay more extractions&ire!

RadioTrefoil - 2015-11-07

Nice "Cody's Lab" style prep, he finds his reagents on the ground too. So is 5-aminotetrazole where this is going? Or maybe something more sinister (Aminotetrazole nitrate/picrates etc)? Speaking of picrates have you ever tried making TNP using the sulfated ASA method?

RadioTrefoil - 2015-11-07

+Extractions&Ire Have you heard of this bloke called Dr. Liptokov? He makes some really nice blasting caps that have no primary explosives, only ETN and tetraamminecopper chlorates. They are really good and can be set off with a traditional fuse or a battery-wire thingy.

By the way I'm working on an ozone generator for you, I ended up buying that ZVS Flyback driver I was telling you about and it has arrived. At the moment I don't have a quartz tube I can use though. The only quartz tube in my house right now is a working UV-C germicidal lamp! I don't particularly want to use any plastic derivatives either. Have you considered purchasing an oxygen tank for your ozonide experiments? You can buy them at Home Hardware. If it doesn't work you could always use it for a thermal lance.

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-08

+RadioTrefoil Yeah I have kept up with that guy's channel, the tetramine copper salts he uses seem interesting, might have to make them myself yes.

Oh wow! I purchased a voltage controlled power source so i'm hoping to get into some electrochem stuff a bit later on. Can't use a glass tube, does it get too hot?

I haven't seen the oxygen tubes no! I shall look for them

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-08

+RadioTrefoil http://www.bunnings.com.au/coregas-trade-n-go-size-d-oxygen-gas-_p5910224 seems like a better deal actually, no idea they did this but would definitely get it if I had a working ozone generator

RadioTrefoil - 2015-11-08

Yeah having constant oxygen would definitely push the equilibrium towards ozone. I think glass would work but I don't have a suitable glass tube either... I might just break a fluoro tube, scrape out the phosphor and use it. I know it can withstand a low pressure arc so it should take a bit of corona just fine. The very good news is that when I make corona without using the tube (by just having the electrodes too far apart to arc) there is a very strong ozone smell. I guess that's a good sign then, and I'm not even producing all that much corona. I also want to find an "AC flyback" without internal diodes, it seems that AC works better for corona than DC.

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-09

+RadioTrefoil Yeah I will get a cylinder if there's no rent, would be a handy thing to have around anyway, ozone or no ozone.
Sounds like great progress though! Excited that you can smell it. I'll have to get some PFTE tubing to pipe it around, don't think any other tubing will hold up well

Jan-Christian Erichsen - 2015-11-06

This is a very interesting video actually, I love it!
Greetings from Germany.

Tom Mackellar - 2015-11-07

These sort of videos are really interesting, keep the good vids coming!

Paul Pyro - 2015-11-06

Great process man! I recommend getting a laser thermometer or something, helps a lot with temperature control. (I used to guess when I operated my foundry and melted a TON of containers that had a lower melting point.)

Extractions&Ire - 2015-11-06

+Paul Pyro I have one of them, had it for years actually. It is so super useful! But a bonfire is just too hot, I think it maxes out at around 600 Celsius, and I couldn't get close enough to get a good measurement because of the heat

Paul Pyro - 2015-11-06

+Extractions&Ire Ahh, well that's a bummer :p but hey, the reaction worked anyways so that's all good.

ecstasy.apostasy - 2019-04-16

Is it weird to record a bonfire?

ecstasy.apostasy - 2019-04-16

Also why not use the paint tin in the bonfire instead of a pretty iron box?

dikke j - 2019-11-29

All this work.. Here calcium cynamide is sold as fertilizer for less then 1 euro/kg. Still cool to see how its made!

Zeo_Crash - 2019-01-23

Giant flaming pile of logs is by far the most metal piece of lab heating equipment.

nickt - 2018-11-18

how does cyanate (OCN) become cyanamide (CH2N2)? where does the H come from?

Extractions&Ire - 2018-11-18

We are making it as an anion so it doesn't have the hydrogens, it has two negative charges. Cyanamide here is (CN2)2-

ecstasy.apostasy - 2019-04-16

Hydrolysis would produce cyanamide. Ex&F made calcium cyanamide.

Meneltir - 2018-10-09

I realise the pointlessness of commenting on a 2 year old video, but... why not just do a simple acid-base titration of the product mixture to determine purity?

Squiggummer Figgammus - 2019-10-03

Trace cyanide's not that bad I don't think. It's found in almonds and apple seeds which people can eat to a degree. Your body has evolved to deal with it's presence in the environment. I think it may only be an acute poison without long term health effects. So yay!

Dylan Mcvicker - 2019-10-10

Squiggummer Figgammus I think what he meant by trace was more than a few hundred milligrams seeing as how it’s around 290 grams of cyanate

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2018-09-08

Did your cyanimide smell like NO2? And did the cyanate smell like a pesticide?

Anonymous Anonymous - 2019-07-25

as long as it doesn't smell like almonds and making your vision go black

Ángel Costa - 2020-02-19

@Anonymous Anonymous hahahaha