> temp > à-trier > weed-eater-which-shape-cuts-best-100000-fps-smarter-every-day-238

Which Shape CUTS BEST? (Weed Eater Line at 100,000 Frames Per Second) - Smarter Every Day 238

SmarterEveryDay - 2020-06-28

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⇊  Links to buy the winning weedeater line  ⇊


What’s it called? Weed Eater, String Trimmer, Weed Wacker, Whipper Snipper?
Google Trends map here:

(When people purchase from these links it will support Smarter Every Day.)

Check out ExpressVPN Here: https://expressvpn.com/smarter

THE WINNING SHAPES (As a result of this EXTREMELY limited data set)
Oregon “Gator Line” (Called “sharp square” in the video)
288 ft ~ $15: https://amzn.to/2CFXewP
895 ft ~ $30: https://amzn.to/2ZlvTHU 

Star shaped line
Cyclone Brand 
140 ft ~ $15 https://amzn.to/2AeCmfq
855 ft ~ $50 https://amzn.to/387oPCV

 (I couldn’t find Shakespeare for a good price on Amazon but here is the style I tested)
125 ft ~ https://amzn.to/2ZnBRbA

Other stuff:
❓Mystery Item (just for fun):  https://amzn.to/38aNmXv

Things I use and like:
📷Camera I use : https://amzn.to/2VSiruw
Favorite Lens: https://amzn.to/2KPDQ1a
Wide-angle: https://amzn.to/2SlPchR
My Tripod: https://amzn.to/2Yl6RtJ 
My Multi-tool: https://amzn.to/2zGm5Pz 
Favorite Shoes: https://amzn.to/3f5trfV 
Everyone needs a snatchblock: https://amzn.to/2DMR4s8
🥽Goggle Up! : https://amzn.to/2zG754g 

Also, if you’re interested in a Smarter Every Day shirt etc. they’re really soft and you can get there here: https://www.smartereveryday.com/store  

Project Farm Tested Durability: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVJz7Gqn_SY
He tested other considerations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89BkJF0kVyc

I thought this was a well written break-down of different shapes: https://www.saraheberle.com/understanding-the-various-shapes-of-trimmer-line/

It’s interesting that so many different companies have their own proprietary shape etc, but I can’t find any scientific research to back any of it up.  Fascinating!


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Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery 

If you feel like this video was worth your time and added value to your life, please SHARE THE VIDEO!

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Warm Regards,


SmarterEveryDay - 2020-06-28

Robert subscribed then hit the bell. Be more like Robert. In all seriousness I was impressed by how quickly he came up with a well thought out, nuanced hypothesis without even a moment’s notice. Huge thanks to Robert. Also, a huge thanks to everyone who supports Smarter Every Day on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday
Thank you!

Bustah2016 - 2021-07-12

Does it eat weeds? Is there a mouth on the end of the line. Or does it whack the weeds. I called it both. Being from Michigan now live in Texas. We called it weed whacker. Now I call it a weed eater. So I think whacker would be right terminology because it whacks the weed and doesn’t eat it.

Leictreonaic - 2021-07-24

There is one more you didn't try. I heard some people use zip ties in place of trimmer string. Wrap a few large zip ties around and see what that does.

Alvin Mortimer - 2021-08-25

There is no way to realistically create a fair control test... RPM's are variable for instance. Weight and resistance of line being tested etc.

Cary Littleford - 2021-10-25

Trying to reduce plastic going into the property. Which type is best for less waste?

My experiments show that round is far far stronger and I use less than HALF the square line.

So for those that want the more longer lasting and less waste full option, please to and update :) :)

Better cutting looses out to makeing twice the waste for me.

WTmac1993 - 2021-12-14

@Yan May the technical name for the tool is a string trimmer per the lawncare industry, so id assume its just a mashup of the 2 words lop

Macrobioscopic - 2020-06-28

The fact that Robert is not objecting and play along is quite admirable

Tweek the Geek - 2020-07-09

@Kevin L Sims I knew coming into the comments was going to be worth it.

Eric Rotteveel - 2020-07-16

Kevin L Sims reading your comment is a trip man. So many words beginning with capital letters.

Big Swinging Nick - 2020-10-24

@Kevin L Sims Uh hey buddy, have you talked to a psychiatrist lately? Genuinely asking, because your line of thinking here seems to be pretty jumbled.

FlyinRaptorJesus - 2020-11-05

Dude weed wacks 12 hrs a day, anything to get away from that a bit would be nice lol

Christopher Ronaldhouse - 2021-01-31

@networkned34 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cryosight Gaming - 2020-11-15

Destin: "Random weed eater guy! check this out!"

Weed eater guy: "I suggest you should weigh each line in a certain length and calculate its linear density"

Roger and Lynda Beall - 2021-07-13

Weight per meter not linear density. Density is mass per unit volume.

Cullen Delmore - 2021-07-21

@Roger and Lynda Beall When you're right, you're right. It can be called linear weight or linear mass as well.

top choppers - 2021-08-11

@Roger and Lynda Beall what if the unit volume is 1 meter 🤔🤔

Roger and Lynda Beall - 2021-08-11

@top choppers unit 1 meter is length not volume.

Ron Wolf - 2021-12-16

@Roger and Lynda Beall The word “linear” helps disambiguate that. Density is volumetric; linear density is, well, linear! If you wanted to be more consistent, you could go ahead and call common density “volumetric”.

La Tre Clays - 2020-12-27

I love how your accent gets thicker when Robert comes in. This is actually a very common phenomenon among humans. You should do a video on it.

Mark Sykes - 2021-08-01

Personally l have given up using strings. How much plastic do you want to embed in your land?
So I'll use steel and a bit more hands on work

Kyle Milford - 2021-08-06

Accent?? As a Missourian I sometimes forget this is not the norm across the world lol

Jerry B - 2021-08-09

I recently did some work at a manufacturing plant in California that is owned by an Irish company. The Plant Manager, Production Manager and Lead Engineer are all Irish. Speaking to any one on a singular basis, I had no problem understanding them. I was standing outside chatting with the maintenance tech when the 3 of them walked by having a conversation. I know they were speaking English, but I couldn't understand a word they were saying. I didn't even have to ask the maintenance guy, as soon as I looked at him he shook his head and said, "Not a word." I guess I wasn't the only one.

live well with EDS - 2021-11-07

code switching if anybody wants to look it up

RedKincaid ⚤B - 2022-01-07

It's really interesting to see in other people, I noticed a while back that I have a very mild accent unless I'm around close family or anyone else with a strong accent of any kind, at which point I start sounding like a cartoon character

shinmai - 2020-11-29

Alternative title: "Using a $150k camera to save on $15 string trimmer line"

GENERAL BIRB - 2021-05-09

@Adam Řežábek not 10,000 times

Adam Řežábek - 2021-05-09

@GENERAL BIRB you are still assuming that he spent whole camera on it

Last Camper - 2021-09-15

Thats not really a good comparison.
He’s in a $400k house with a $150k camera to make $300 on a video.

Pone - 2021-10-31

@Last Camper He was in the military for quite some time and he has a channel with 10M subscribers as well as a patreon. His net worth is estimated at 2.8 million USD. This guy definitely has influence

Doc - 2021-11-19

@ray04gp Nice math, but how does this video help me save $15? I'm buying trimmer line either way. It saves headache and time, but even if one bought the "less ideal" line, it wouldn't be a waste. It just maybe wouldn't be the BEST choice.

Childish - 2020-11-13

I love how smart the yard worker guy turned out to be

killerbee13 - 2021-04-30

Unskilled labor is a myth; if you do anything long enough you'll learn more than the average person would guess there even is to know about it

RustyDust101 - 2021-05-13

@killerbee13 Yepp, work done does not equate to more or less intelligence or even understanding.

grovermatic - 2021-05-20

@killerbee13 Bingo!

Chris Estill - 2021-08-03

I worked as a carpenter for several years after college. Our crew had college grads with Architecture, Business, and History degrees; a professional certificated Draftsman; and our boss who only had 2 years of History in college. There were lots of in depth philosophical discussions and we'd change the radio from classic rock for certain NPR segments each week.

jfan4reva - 2021-09-28

The pros aren't stupid. When you've got time, money, and effort on the line (no pun intended) you learn.

Mikael de Médici - 2020-06-28

I love how he's able to make friends with literally anyone in this planet, Nobel prize of peace.

Icicle Cold - 2020-07-05

@nwmancuso Yep, I wish everyone could show that kind of friendliness and hospitality. Especially up in the Northern States. Glad to see another well read follower of Christ here.

Icicle Cold - 2020-07-05

@Lana G Being socially awkward is something that you can learn to get better with... Or at least appear to be less awkward to others. Feeling socially awkward? That will go away as you get more comfortable with people. It is hard, but it is doable. Believe in yourself!

Miguel Kingery - 2020-07-17

@nwmancuso it's a reflection of him and his values should put that on somebody else when it's him

Kernel C4 - 2021-04-11

Gotta spend that points in charisma

Penguin King - 2021-04-13

Now 900 Likes

Major Wolf 72 - 2021-02-24

There needs to be another video with Robert about some topic he likes! He‘s the prototype street smart likable guy 💪🏻👍🏻

Kevin Abma - 2020-10-25

Awesome vid. Thanks, Destin! You spoke about the wraps on a car antenna to make it quieter. This may be so but the functional purpose is to slow down the electrons in the antenna. Electrons travel at the speed of light in an antenna. They bounce off the end and come back. The time it takes for them to travel that distance determines the frequency and corresponding wavelength. The wavelength of your car's radio is 3m, which needs a 1.5m antenna, but your antenna is far shorter than that. If you wrap wire around the antenna it slows the electrons down which extends the observed frequency. The more wraps you use the shorter the antenna can be! Pretty sweet.

Insert Name - 2020-10-26

“Alabama people are with it.” “Well, some of us are” loved that exchange

Stoican A. - 2020-12-04

@Bonesey Grimes 😐

Stoican A. - 2020-12-04

@Bonesey Grimes u kinda overdoing it don't u think?

Joshcanttakeajoke - 2021-03-01

@Alabama Davis hey I live just south of Huntsville too. Around the Guntersville area

Jacob Maynor - 2021-03-05

@Alabama Davis where are you from? im abt an hour from huntsville

John Hinchee - 2021-04-18

Guntersville is by far the best place I ever lived

James Clausen - 2021-05-05

Destin, I love your videos so hard. From the physics behind super-sonic baseballs to magnet worms, to scientifically proving with objective evidence where the best spot in the microwave is: you unequivocally rock.
But dude, this is next level.
To those of us who are about to Science, I salute you!

Vorael - 2020-06-28

Robert: "It seems likely that this line, being lighter and possessing a smaller diameter, would travel at a greater velocity, perhaps facilitating a cleaner cut."

Destin: "ShARp shARP sQuaRE"

sertouyt hanker - 2020-11-26

Robert: I'm no expert.
Also Robert: Lemme school you up on linear density.

MrSGL21 - 2020-11-27

@Kristian Have Rasmussen not everyone who is intelligent seeks a career path of prestige. I know a guy who calls his lawn mower his therapist. He finds solace in mowing grass. My father was an accountant who hated being an accountant. He mowed lawns and did park maintenance for over 30 years instead.

MrSGL21 - 2020-11-27

@camPy07 you're allowed to call it that down there. do yours spin the opposite direction?

Ismael Ordaz - 2020-12-09

@Heck Charlotte Iserbyt <3

Steven Downie - 2021-01-09

@jackhappens although I will agree with the sentiment that we shouldn't equate someone's intelligence our potential in life to their current occupation, I do want you to know that you are vastly overstating lawn care work. Mowing yards is hardly a trade, I did it out of highschool for a few months and there's really no level of skill or knowledge required, beyond knowing how to turn everything on.

Voodoo - 2020-11-16

Grew up in california, living in oregon, have never heard anyone call it anything BUT weed wacker, working in tools&hardware at superstore.

RustyDust101 - 2021-05-13

German here. We call them trimmers.

Voodoo - 2021-05-13

@RustyDust101 of course the Germans have the most logical name for it 😂

Nicholas Wiewiora - 2021-05-23

MI here, only heard it really called Weed wacker

Sir Shotty - 2021-09-02

All my life every in Oregon has always called it a weed wacker. Must be a Portland thing or something, or maybe the participants in that survey weren't diverse enough to accurately portray how its commonly said. I could go down to the home depot and it'll say weed wacker.

Kevin Brown - 2021-09-05

New Yorker here. Only ever heard them called weed whackers. Once in a blue moon you hear someone call it a strimmer, but never a weed eater.

Benjamin Holcomb - 2021-04-21

Robert: I wouldn't say expert
Also Robert is clearly an expert

This is the less often seen end of the Dunning-Krueger effect.

Benjamin Holcomb - 2021-05-02

I should say middle.
No one really gets to the far end lol

Ryan Underhill - 2021-08-02

You have to know something to realize you know nothing.

HomeTipsAndTricks - 2020-11-06

First experience with an other than 'factory' round line was a 'star' type. I found that it loaded the engine more in free air and figured it aerodynamically poor, but I use it to this day because it performs SO well. --Fink

Travis Hamilton - 2021-10-10

I've been weed eating as part of my new job for a few months and after watching these I'd LOVE to see a comparison of which line does best when hitting concrete and wearing down, and see what is happening there in slow motion.

Mark Gearing - 2020-09-16

My main takeaway from this video:

“Don’t underestimate the intelligence of the whipper snipper guy.”

Jack Rogers, Jr. - 2021-01-04

He was the type that I expected to not know how to operate his own phone tbh

Mark Gearing - 2021-01-09

@Nicolas Mora - Tough one to answer. I understand that North Dakota is already called South DaCanada, so that’s taken, and Australia already has a state called Northern Territory. (We also have states called Western Australia and South Australia, we’re not very imaginative).

Dylan Finch - 2021-03-03

My main takeaway:

Whipper Snipper is more fun to say than weed eater.

Friend of the One-Eyed Ladies - 2021-08-22

I always say that the first rule of chess is never assuming your opponent is an idiot. Applies in most other areas of life too. Universities would have you believe you need "education" to be intelligent. What are universities in the business of selling? Oh yeah... Not saying education doesn't have its place, but don't believe everything you're told, including by the sales department of a university.

Sir Shotty - 2021-09-02

Nicolas Mora does that mean? Oh no, Canadian man.

Givin er eh - 2020-10-31

I'd be interested to see how they stack up for actual use. Cutting grass is one thing, but brambles and reeds and small saplings are another.

Summer Lake Photog - 2020-11-15

When I cleared vacant lots in western Oregon, I preferred the blades. I would like to see a sharp new blade tested. Also I thought about how a sharp scythe will fell a huge swath of weeds in a single pass. Of course, it isn’t handy for close work but it still might be a more efficient way of clearing a lot. That is if you don’t have a brush beater or pto mower.

tnscavenger - 2020-11-02

Absolutely fascinating stuff! Well done!
For what it’s worth, I was using commercial grade .095 square string for a while. But when I used it all, I purchased consumer grade .080 star string. The result was quite noticeable, as the engine didn’t bog down as easily, & it was easier to control the height and depth of the cut. This I use around my yard now, but I do have a cutting head with plastic blades for brush, and it feels a lot different than string.

Søren Jensen - 2021-05-06

In my experience, you need the right size kW weed eater for the job and a string with a linear density that matches the kW. And if the weed is too stiff and the job site allows it: a 3 or 4 point steel blade.
The less noisy string / shape also looked interesting.

Matt Ebbs - 2020-06-29

Robert: I'm no expert.
Also Robert: Lemme school you up on linear density.

Dead_Pool - 2021-06-02

So I just saw some one Dunning-Kruger the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Matthew P - 2021-07-08

@Ryan Lewis On an exam, the correct answer is "Dunning-Kruger effect"

Tovey Ashby-Crashby Productions - 2021-08-15

My initial thought was Robert reminded me of the garbage man from Dilbert. From the outside, you think he's just a garbage man, but in reality he is really smart and knows more than he lets on :)

Larry Fisher - 2021-08-19

@Tovey Ashby-Crashby Productions Very often found in persons without "higher education" which make people think they know more than they do.

Moderately Amused - 2021-08-26

the irony of people falsely diagnosing a syndrome while possibly exhibiting signs of the same syndrome ..

Snazhound - 2022-01-25

I really appreciate your respect to others around you in your travels, you treat people with respect and quick friendliness, and are quite willing to ask for informed opinions (strangers obviously or really good acting). Cheers from Canada.

Mikki Singh - 2021-07-18

Thank you for this awesome video. I love mowing my lawn but at the same time I love everything down to a science. Also it was awesome how you got a lawn guys opinion and some trimmer line from him.

Mashroom - 2021-01-05

Could you compare different gauges/shapes of line against abrasive surfaces? Us gardeners are really interested in how long a line will last. I usually go for a thicker gauge with a hardened core because I assume it will last longer. Interesting to observe the end of that line after its been used too....

Robert Smith - 2021-07-06

Let me just say, you have got to be the most socially adept person I've ever seen to inform masses. you're always so nice, considerate and full of compliments. The way you acknowledge everyone else's strengths is just amazing!

Péter Visi - 2021-04-04

Robert is an absolute legend!
I just found this video now, have no clue how am I missed it. Probably I didn't hit the bell icon like Robert did.
I did not know until now, but this video is just what I needed now.

King Wesley - 2020-11-14

From what I could see, the cleaner cuts result from higher surface noise across the string. An asymmetric spiral star pattern, in my estimate, would cut best. My personal theory is that it has the same to do with saw blades. They have square shaped grooves often because cutting wood is less efficient with sharp knife like blades due to the surface friction of wood. Also, the grooves help disperse cut material away from the next blade impact, otherwise you're just pushing cut debris into the area you need to cut, grinding it up more and losing efficiency. That little "plug" you see fly off of the square blade is exactly what you think. The cut debris gets trapped into those grooves and effectively creates a sphere. However the angular star shape has grooves that are almost larger on the inside, creating more effective cutting surfaces without debris getting in the way.

The next step I'd try is stress testing them. Find out how much they can cut before breaking. I can't imagine the star shape is very durable but the plastic nature of the wire makes me think the cutting difference is negligible.

Sam M - 2020-11-14

I found this far more interesting than it should have been. That being said I always enjoy your videos.

Samy Palaniappan - 2021-10-19

Great video. However, one thing - the sharp sharp square sample tells me is - you have to maintain the line lengths the same on both sides for them to follow the same path. I suspect one end of your lines was longer than the other from the disk center. Angular momentum tells me that the line that is longer is heavier and so it tracks lower.

Olivier Doubre - 2020-06-28

"random weedeater dude we picked off the street suggested we calculate the linear density of each wire". Never change Destin. Your enthusiasm and good nature are a contagious blessing.

Young Waldschrat - 2020-06-28

The world I want to live in

Alan Ball - 2020-06-28

I have no doubt that the man meant linear density, but I also equally have no doubt that the word he used probably was not linear density.

Shiza - 2020-06-28

Alan Ball oh for sure😂

Vigilant Cosmic Penguin - 2020-07-04

Destin's greatest achievement was introducing us to Weedeater Guy.

Inservio - 2020-10-27

I was expecting the star line to give the most consistent track and cut, based on the performance of dimpled golfballs vs smooth. I was very happy to see the slowmo footage bore that out! Given you don't want the cuttings to form a rotting slab covering and killing your grass, I like an accurate cut so the remains are easy to pick up and bag, rather than a messy cut that purée's everything into a vegan's idea of a smoothie.
If you're not going to pick up the cuttings, I suppose a stiff heavy line would be most economical, particularly if you don't entirely know what other biomatter or debris might be lurking in the grass. Exception, of course, being any terrain that could cleanly break (and thus launch) a significant chunk of line, such as sharp rocks or fencing. This is also why I dislike cored lines, as they have a tendency to break rather than fray, the latter of which produces a change in operating sound you can respond to, instead of a plastic flechette looking for something to skewer.

EDIT: just looked up your scripture reference. Bit disappointed by the anthropocentric view from one as scientifically literally as you, especially in view of the current catalysm we have wrought on nature. Food for thought?

Collin Jones - 2020-11-08

The power equipment industry refers to them as a Trimmer. Also: you should test the Echo black diamond line. Best line you'll ever use.

BiG BeAR - 2021-07-17

One main problem I see is the tension put on the blade of grass. In the “field” the blade is sorta just hanging there freely, I think it messed with the dynamics of the cut by putting the blade of grass under tension…and we’d see very different behavior if only one end was held in place and the other allowed to dangle freely.

Justin Holmes - 2021-03-08

I would love to see how it cuts without taking multiple swipes at the grass blade

You are ded Not big soup rice - 2020-06-29

This Robert guy was so entertaining, id love to see him in another video. Seems like a chill dude

Stellular Nebulla - 2020-06-29

Reminds me of "There's great people all across America" 👌

Curly Crossley - 2020-06-29

He seems way too good of a critical thinker to be weed eating every day.

Edit: is it sad that this is my most liked post on YT? by a long shot! I'd say thanks but honestly that man is way smarter than his job would have one assume. Read books don't look at the covers my friends.

Moridaaa - 2020-06-29

People you never hear before might be the best dude you'll ever know

Idk fam, back when i was in highschool, people that are considered beta are much more.... unpredictable.

Ashton Peacock - 2020-06-29

Romans 10:9-11 (ESV) 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”

Drew Huber - 2020-06-29


mozkito life - 2021-03-11

You should've heated up the sharp-sharp square to straighten it up. It's curved because you used a short strand of it instead of off the roll.
I'd like to see a dB reading of each strand next time.

Kenneth Sizer - 2021-07-20

THIS is the kind of stuff that keeps me up at night.... not to mention standing and staring at rolls of line for embarrassing amounts of time. You are the man we need, Destin!

Andrew Mullen - 2020-11-26

I'd have been interested to know; the costs and durability of each line, and yes in the UK we call them strimmers!!

Bryan Holder - 2021-07-14

I would love to see this but with the saw blade and chain saw blade style attachments for weed eaters and how they cut grass and then small tree saplings or thicker weeds. Sort of like what Project Farm’s “best brush cutter blades 2021”. That would be awesome.

rieskimo - 2020-06-28

Robert's a real one, good call on asking him to be involved. He really added to the video and made a great outro.

Stephen English - 2020-06-28

Agree. Definitely added value to the video.

Iki - 2020-06-28


Ash - 2020-06-28

yeah! He really made the video, he seems pretty cool.

Colin Martin - 2021-05-12

For my electric trimmer, I like the triangle wire, no contest.

It makes WAY less noise, and in a residential neighborhood, where I'm only trimming a quarter acre, that's a huge benefit. I'll take the lower noise pollution. And practically speaking, even in heavy grass, it's never struggled. It tears up blackberry vines no problem.

FordKR-DZL - 2020-11-21

Try some 1/8” or 3/16” steel cable. I used that before on a walk behind weed eater. Didn’t hold up as well as nylon does. Would be nice to see why.

Cat Chara - 2021-11-12

Steel has relatively poor tensile strength iirc

That boosted bastard - 2021-02-12

you should do a video testing the efficiency and if the line can effect it depending pn the shape and the drag it causes

Kyle Hammon - 2021-07-20

Another issue to consider: the machines also deposit micro particles of plastic along their path.

Steve Reeves IV - 2020-06-29

Can we just acknowledge that the Aussie’s call it a “whipper snipper”

KrissIng - 2020-06-29

Who was the 420th like tho

Bob Da goat - 2020-06-29

I agree I’m Aussie

Ashton Peacock - 2020-06-29

Romans 10:9-11 (ESV) 9 because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.”

n8mo. - 2020-06-29

I'm east coast Canadian and I've always heard people call it a whipper snipper here. So it's definitely not just the Aussies

Tom Grove - 2021-09-02

@Michael Smallman I was going to say being Australia there must be a further abbreviation ending with an "ee" sound. 😂

anthony kent - 2021-04-30

I'm guessing stiff string equals tough string. For a professional that makes sense to me. Less breakage means more uptime.

Also, star pattern makes sense too. The leading edge will be a thin edge more often.

I would not have guessed the triangle line cuts badly. Pretty interesting.

RichardofOz - 2021-03-27

Did you allow for different materials used in making the lines?
And did you contact manufacturers for their test results and reasons for using different profiles? They've probably done a lot more testing than you ever could.
And if you're cutting brush, you probably don't want to use line at all. Use the steel fittings that really handle the heavy stuff.

Brandon Parsons - 2021-02-27

Hey Dustin, this is my 2nd time watching this video. I am only half way through this time and I dont remember if you considered this... The way you are holding the grass keeps it tight. As I am sure you know when cutting something with a knife or scissors it cuts easier if there is tension on it. I wonder if some of the shapes with that flat edge catch the limp grass with the flat edge and then the angle cuts it as it wraps around? I love your videos, keep up the great work!

Fearsome Fawkes - 2021-05-02

This was interesting, but I never whipper snip a single blade of grass. It'd be interesting to see this done with small sections of terf grass or something.