> temp > à-trier > visualizing-4d-geometry-a-journey-into-the-4th-dimension-the-lazy-engineer

Visualizing 4D Geometry - A Journey Into the 4th Dimension [Part 2]

The Lazy Engineer - 2017-08-12

This is part 2 of the series. We take a look at Hyperspheres, Hypercones, and Hypercubes (tesseract).

"Cono y secciones" 
By Drini (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0-3.0-2.5-2.0-1.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

Secret Lives - David O' Brien (www.audionetwork.com)
Mystery Jazz - Jacob Simmons (thepinstripedman@gmail.com)
Journey Into the 4th Dimension - Jacob Simmons (thepinstripedman@gmail.com)
Three Chain Links – Die Historic: https://youtu.be/ZyVq4HF8oRw (Royalty Free Planet)
Aspire (piano)

Wyntryx - 2019-12-23

4 dimensional creatures: theyre getting smarter

Tangle Fung - 2020-02-20

They should be scared of us. Imagine you have a 2D object. It has zero thickness. It would act like a very sharp blade. The same is with us. We are 3D creatures, and for 4D object, we have zero w-axis-thickness, so we also would act as a blade for them.

Keagan Vann - 2020-03-01

@Rave Master every dimension is is the same universe

Ducky - 2020-03-02

XD thanks you make my day. this words in end of video was little scary

fen [GD] - 2020-03-05


Tapashya Rasaily - 2020-04-13


Celso Miguel - 2019-12-24

Imaginé chilling in your room an suddenly a random floating shape appears out of nowhere morphing into different random shapes until it dessapears...

Ducky - 2020-03-02

It's just quick math. quantum physics ahead

Ducky - 2020-03-02

@MegaMoh in 4 dimensions :D

Jonathan Cole - 2020-03-18

@junior Preciado Again the exsitence of extra dimensonal universes are just a hypithesis we dont know if they acctually exist.

junior Preciado - 2020-03-19

@Jonathan Cole .... This is true my friend.... Again the existence of God is also just a hypothesis, yet millions of people believe in God. The possibilities are endless my friend and everything is possible...😏 To believe that we are the only ones out here is ignorant and arrogant

Mehail Sunny - 2020-04-13

@MegaMoh I laughed too much at this

Herculean - 2019-05-23

You're watching someone explain the 4D dimension in a 2D screen.

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

the 4D dimesin on a 4D screne

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

@Chislett in your S dimensonel brain

TuesdayMartesVR - 2020-02-18

In your 1D brain

cu - 2020-03-23

with 3d objects

Alec Black - 2020-04-08

Like showing a cube with only 1 line

Dead Ender - 2019-12-31

You showing me a 4D object in a 3D world on my 2D screen and I try to understand this with my 1D brain

Wolf Of power - 2020-03-04

Matias Montaille you’re breaking my brain , what should a -1rst dimension even look like

Kitty Milkyway - 2020-03-04

@Wolf Of power I think its almost the same as 1D just like -1 and 1 is almost the same but ...I dont have will to type this

Wolf Of power - 2020-03-04

Kitty Milkyway first of all , 0D would make sure it’s just a dot , so are you saying that -1D is like a line in an alternate dimension ?

Wolf Of power - 2020-03-04

Kitty Milkyway It’s either that or a line that destroys lines

AIDEDH0RlZEN - 2020-04-01

Wait your brain is a line?

Dývko - 2019-12-27

Teacher: the test isnt confusing
The test:

Fetendo - 2019-12-30

It's blank

felociris427 - 2019-12-30

@Fetendo No, it vanished into 4D space and you have to wait until a 3D slice of it is seen, that you are asked to solve until you solve the 4D test. The problem: there are infinite 3D slices of said test.

Cristian Pop - 2019-12-31

Biologist: the brain has no pain receptors

The lazy engineer: hold my beer

EmNajdi Bruh - 2019-12-22

what this video teached me:

how to troll 2d people

- Mikko - - 2020-02-04

You won't be laughing when random cube that changes colors and shape appears in your room

EmNajdi Bruh - 2020-02-04

@- Mikko - bruh

Microsoft Edge - 2020-02-22

@- Mikko - hahahaha (not irony)

Jest a JOE MC - 2020-03-21

F_x woooosh

Red Ninja gaming - 2020-03-30

Draw a circle around them

Auracle - 2019-05-22

My mom gave me a 4d toy some years ago, but I dropped it in another dimension.
Now it's stuck there, can't reach it

felociris427 - 2019-12-30

As I write this comment, you have 404 likes... Error 404: Toy not found. xD

Ben Klein - 2019-12-31

Those Grabber Arms Mabey?

MARK IV - 2020-01-18

D I D. Y O U. T R Y. F L I P P I N G. Y O U R. A X I S?

The Green Dragon - 2020-02-04

Just double the points

Peter Rabitt - 2020-02-14

All you need to do is move 0.2mm to your left, along the z axis, and you'll see that it's all around you.

dan7291able - 2019-07-12

Very cool, thank you so much for this

Makes me wonder if the electrons that "pop in and out of existence" arent projections of 4 dimensional spheres or something...

Saucy Biscuit - 2020-01-26

@Jaheli Leywes I think string theory requires 10 dimensions, M-Theory requires an additional dimension making 11

New Savannahs - 2020-02-09

@Mortbob Kanciastostopy or would more than the 3D slice of the 4D+ object be seen at once.

Luhur Nifar - 2020-02-16

@Hinds33 hahaha. 4th dimension closet? lol. very nice idea!

Naveen Gopinath - 2020-03-09

Hey..!!! It's amazing man..!!! Now I really understand what you said..!!! 😍😍😍 Finally..!!! 🙏🙏🙏

LazyRare - 2020-03-18

they must be!!

RaihanHA - 2019-12-27

What if our world is a 3D simulation made by 4D people, like how in our world video games are 2D simulations made by 3D people (us)?

SBP Saga_ ErubPub - 2020-02-23

Than you can rest with the flat earthers.

Matias Montaille - 2020-03-03

then the 5D people would of made a (probably very nice and chill) 4D simulation that made the most boring 3D simulation (us) having made a 2D simulation of someone making and playing a 1D simulation that might just also make a 0D simulation!
did i broke your mind? probably

SBP Saga_ ErubPub - 2020-03-03

@Matias Montaille Yeah broke my mind with this fake shit.

DeathBoy 666 - 2020-03-12

And 5D people made them.

Incognito - 2020-03-12

Then, what if 4D person is a simulation made by 5D people, which is a simulation made by 6D people, which is a simulation made by 7D people, which is a simulation made by 8D people, which is a simulation made by 9D people, which is a simulation made by 10D people?

Muryllo Yago - 2019-12-26

why am i sad that i cant move in the 4th dimension

Kim - 2019-12-29

you're not the only one

Jameson Waters - 2020-03-20

You are not the only one, like he said. it's ad it is impossible for us to get there, just like Flat Landers can't get to us. But visualising makes me happy that I can understand nonetheless.

Clay5701 - 2019-05-19

the 4th dimension police are looking for this guy

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

the S dimeson

Xaio-Xen - 2019-02-08

Imagine what geometry tests in the 4th dimension are like

Andreas Herg - 2019-12-29

They are probably drawing in 3d, so pens would leave cubes and circles in a 3d place, like when we draw on our 2d paper perspective, which becomes 4d when their 4d perspective comes in? Also, theoretically drawing on paper is 3d because we leave a layer of ink or whatever on the paper, so them drawing 3d shapes would still be 4d? Probably? I don't know man.

Kevun br gameing •69 years ago - 2019-12-31

alright now student now we are learning about this werid shapes that are spining in the tv, now get ready to fail the exam

ThatOneGuy - 2020-03-01

Finding Distances and Angles (without vector and coordinate geometry)

Ducky - 2020-03-02

I know one thing... it still be terrible

HyperNova62 - 2020-04-03


ricmuch - 2019-12-28

This makes me feel smart even though I'm really not

Kematian Gaming - 2019-07-30

I think i just understood the 4th Dimension

and my mind is blown beyond repair

im now at about 10 Min and i can say
i dont understand it

my mind is still blown tho

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

the NT dinension

Abdullahi Adedeji - 2019-06-02

Our "w" address is zero. That's just out of this world. I'm speechless and awed by the accuracy of what you just did there.

moosles 1357 - 2020-02-27

@Yasyas Marangoz maybe ArticFoxPT Mapper

Yasyas Marangoz - 2020-02-27

@moosles 1357 I know, but why did you mention it?

moosles 1357 - 2020-02-27

@Yasyas Marangoz why did you question me

Yasyas Marangoz - 2020-02-27

@moosles 1357 question what?

moosles 1357 - 2020-02-27

@Yasyas Marangoz i give up. No more answers from me

Giin - 2019-09-13

I suspect that, were we to grab a spinning tesseract, we would have 4th dimension rotational inertia imparted to us, pulling us into a different orientation both impossible for us to perceive, and completely horrifying to observers.

Is it weird that I want to try it even more now? Lol

AnEchochet - 2019-12-17

I have a feeling some of the mushrooms operate in that plane. They might be able to give you a glimpse. 🤷🏼‍♂️

RoboPutin 4 President in 4000CE - 2019-12-27

@AnEchochet bruh

C K - 2020-01-03

That's sounds like the easiest way to move across the w axis that we all live on, if it exists. I never thought about that but if physics holds the same in all dimensions, that sounds correct. Fuck I want to try it too even tho I know I would likely never find our specific 3rd dimensional plane ever again. Fuck, wait. 4th dimensional space implies the existence of innumerous 3rd dimensional planes all simultaneously next to each other. Grabbing a tesseract would pull you through what you would perceive to be an infinite number of realities. Or some kind of 3D space with something or nothing in it. Or maybe it's all just math being impossible math again.

Haziq Malik - 2020-02-04

But that would never happen because when you'd touch the 4D object its impact will only be limited to 3D for 3D objects. Imagine the 2D creature being thrown away by the rapidly expanding circle (the sphere for us). It won't be enough to take him out of the plane as there won't be any force the could be applied to the in the z-axis. Same goes for us, you'd just be thrown away in the same dimensions you are in.
I'm sorry to break it to you my friend.

Jonathan Cole - 2020-03-18

@C K Dont wish to try that if physics holds the same when you appear in the 4th dimension there will be a axis where your skin isnt covering and your organs would fall out since there'd literaly be a gaint hole going through your body.

Code Alex - 2019-12-26

Cue me losing brain cells trying to understand the math

Openize - 2020-01-26

Actually you're developing connections between the brain cells. You are waking the inactive cells up.

Lucky - 2019-07-31

WTF is going on I was watching dank memes number 65

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

number 663

malama2 - 2019-12-25

Good to know that ball I found wasn't glitching out of reality but was simply a 4D cone

Carolina Silva - 2019-09-06

so when we see those horrible deformating glitches in videogames, they are actually from the 4th dimension!

vee jay tabigne - 2019-10-17

probably yes

Meta - 2019-12-30

Someone is working on a 4d computer game. I think the name is "Miegakure", or something similar. Look it up on youtube.

moosles 1357 - 2019-12-31

@Meta thank you you are truly meta

23rdBall - 2020-01-12

We also rarely now have glitches in the Matrix because those glitches are also 4D stuff

Vuk Lakić - 2019-12-30

Welcome to another episode of:

Why is this in my recommended?

rick conrad - 2020-01-19

I looked for this.

Der Stock - 2019-12-23

I wonder how this vid would look like if we lived in a 2d world trying to explain 3d spaces

moosles 1357 - 2019-12-31

you wouldn't have video

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

a 2d world trying to explain 3d spaces might be impossible

Der Stock - 2020-02-17

@Mason Miles i twould be interesting

vedant paliwal - 2019-12-20

So basically all magic in Harry Potter was 3d slices of 4d hogwards

AStackOf2Boxes - 2019-12-23

Imagine a 4d human in our cross section :|

ahmed hsn96 - 2020-02-12

I believe that is called a jinn

The Raging Gamer - 2019-12-28

I imagine 4D is what you're seeing when high on LSD... Or maybe you understand 4D on LSD

The Raging Gamer - 2019-12-28

But fr tho, could there be extra-dimensional creatures?

Micr0iX - 2019-12-27

"Let's watch YouTube on a 3d screen"

LordDuckFace - 2020-01-25

would that mean we would be able to interact with what was in the screen?

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

on a 3d screen
how is that possibel

Isaac Westawski - 2019-07-26

What if god was just a drunk 4th dimensional being and threw a baseball too hard and now we have the universe.

Jaeden Vaithianathan - 2019-12-22

You could make a religion out of this

No don’t

Mahmood Khan - 2019-12-23

The probability of you being stupid is more likely

The Timelords - 2019-12-27

To be fair, this is the only scientifically acceptable version of a "god", unless you include simulation theory.

Drago - 2019-12-28

The Timelords science from our infinitesimally small perception of reality is invalid, if there’s a fourth dimension who’s to say there isn’t a 70 more after that

The Timelords - 2019-12-28

@Drago While current theory suggests a maximum of 11 or so dimensions, as that's the limit of what we can conceive, we could very well be wrong. There might be infinite dimensions, who knows.

OneTruth - 2019-12-24

I feel like so many new possibilites and realities just got opened up to me

Edric Ndirangu - 2019-07-03

This is the only 4d video I’ve seen that makes sense

SM26 - 2019-12-29

I know I'm late to the party, but I wonder how a 4D being would "see" a Klein bottle fill water in/out...

ugh duh - 2019-12-26

Everyone is just exploding and opening my mind with their clever comments and this video omgggg

Robby Madden - 2020-03-09

Your picture and name fit with that comment

ugh duh - 2020-03-09

@Robby Madden lol.. didnt notice that hahaha

M-Time - 2019-06-01

What if a 4th dimensional object entered 2d

Loving Temmie - 2019-06-04


Sunny shah - 2019-11-18

It would still be a 2D slice of the 4D object.
Since everything in 2D is, as the name suggests, 2D, the flatlanders wouldn't be able to tell whether the thing entering their world is 3D, or 4D, since they would only see a 2D slice of the object.

Brady Weingartner - 2020-01-22

It'll just be lines

Mason Miles - 2020-02-10

what if a 5th dimensonal object entered 6d
or if a 8th dinenzonol object entered 9d
or maybe if a 9th dimensonal object entered 2d
okay this is gonna go forever

Kevun br gameing •69 years ago - 2019-12-29

would there be parrallel universe that everything is the 4th dimension
or 5th dimension
or would we be able to break the universe and travel thru the parrallel universe and study about the dimendion?

BamaSam777 - 2019-07-23

See I was doing ok and starting to wrap my brain around things, then 18:39 happened.

Dat Swiss Guy - 2019-07-16

Wait... if we had access to the 4th dimension, we could pretty easily make holograms, since wed only need a 4d plain to show 3d objects

SEU PIOR FÃ DO MUNDO - 2019-11-04

Dear Dat Swiss Guy
1 - find the right type of plant;
2 - let your body absorve the main substance;
3 - Enter in the 4th dimension;
4 - Realize that our 3d world is a hologram;
5 - Call your mom and tell her that u love her;
6 - Remember that she's just and hologram too and shot her. Just be happy :')

Feksander - 2019-12-24

I certainly wouldn't like a fan like that... people are sicking nuts! (entendeu? entendeu?)

rick conrad - 2020-01-19

You could make an entire diharama by just moving a four dimensional object into the 3rd dimension.

rick conrad - 2020-01-19

@SnT no, everyone would have access to the 4th dimension.

rick conrad - 2020-01-19

@SEU PIOR FÃ DO MUNDO you would only be able to see it if it moved into your view.

Infinity 007 - 2020-03-21

Alternate title idea: “Where lost nerf darts go”

Ganaram Inukshuk - 2018-10-31

If our reality was extrapolated to 4 dimensions...

- Round earthers don't make sense, but flat earthers would make even less sense.
- One of the simplest musical instruments would be the tetrahedron.
- When you roll dice, any one die will display a number from 1 to 8 instead of 1 to 6; you can have regular dice that have 5, 8, 16, 24, 120, or 600 different results.
- Intersections between three streets are commonplace; apart from going straight, turn lanes can go left, right, up, or down (hyper-up and hyper-down are the 4D directions and those are reserved for hyperflying).
- In addition to widescreen and ultrawide, hypermonitors can also be deepscreen or ultradeep; hypermonitors that are widescreen are usually also deepscreen with an aspect ratio of 16:9:4, an upgrade from 4:3:2; a 1080p hypermonitor would have a screen resolution of 1920*1080*480, an ultrawide equivalent 2560*1080*480, an ultradeep equivalent 1920*1080*1920. A hypermonitors that is both ultrawide and ultradeep may require a GTX 1166400-T2 to run.
- A 4K hypermonitor would have the same number of voxels as eight 1080p hypermonitors.
- Cars have eight tires and would have 4 turn signals instead of 2.
- A piano would have 7744 keys. (I have no good reason why.)
- An MTG hypercard would have as much text as a deck of MTG cards in 3 dimensions.
- You can draw a cube with absolutely no distortions on a piece of hyperpaper.
- Painting is like reverse sculpting; instead of subtracting material from a 4D medium (like a block of hypermarble), you're adding pigment to a 3D canvas.
- Elevators have to go hyper-up and hyper-down instead.
- Klein bottles don't self-intersect like they do in 3 dimensions.
- Hyperprinting is basically 3D printing.
- People have a hard time learning octonions; quaternions and complex numbers are straightforward; 7blue1brown would also have a video on octonions.
- There are speedtessing communities, not speedcubing communities.
- This video would be titled "Visualizing 5D Geometry - A Journey Into the 5th Dimension [Part 4]"

shayan moosavi - 2020-01-18

@The CONTORTIONISTS I mostly agree with you. However, if some people have poisoned the society and scientific community science itself isn't to blame. Science just pushes forward, it's the people who give it a direction. For example nuclear energy can either be used for a nuclear bomb which brings total destruction or powering a whole city with its energy. Laser can be used either as an amazing tool for cutting and other useful purposes such as reading a DVD and making holograms or they can be used as the guiding system of a missile. Science only discovers these amazing things, if people misuse these technologies it's not the science's fault. Science is pure, it's the corrupted people who poisoned it.

Yes, I agree that our thinking should change. The society is poisoned, the government and the people in power are corrupted and they should change. The society should change, we should break free and only then can we reach the true freedom and become more close to the truth of this world.

It was a great conversation. I learned so much. Thanks for sharing your ideas with me and I hope you find your own path in science and find out your own truth with your scientific discoveries. Have a nice day.

Openize - 2020-01-26

@TM Fan windows are cuboid in our world. the glass has width.

TM Fan - 2020-01-26

@Openize i should mean tesseroid, but with 1 very thin side such that it look like cuboid, just like how our windows thickness is thin relative to the other 2 sides so we usually treat it as 2d

Openize - 2020-01-26

@TM Fan but in reality we cannot even see 2D objects. Because they don't have thickness so they don't reflect light. Everything in our world is 3d /or above/.

SuperDave Dev - 2020-02-19

I became aware of my 4th Dimensional God when I watched the video and allowed my similar to Ai conciseness question itself, after reading this make-believe comment became dumber-er again

Cato - 2019-06-15

Amazing video! Easily the most coherent explanation of 4D geometry I've come across.

Personal Backup Channel - 2019-09-08

This was one of the best videos I ever seen about 4d objects. Congratulations, you did a better job than Carl Sagan in his old video.

The Glitchy Hand - 2019-07-19

does this mean that people watching youtube in the 4th dimension are watching 3d videos, made of actual voxels

Solar Master - 2019-07-23

Yes, Assuming 4D Youtube is even a thing.

KipIngram - 2019-08-18

Yes, I think so, but it wouldn't be a 3D image similar to our world - it would be a "perspective projection" of 4D into 3D, which I think would be quite different. Just like how our 2D images aren't "slices of our 3D world," but rather are line of sight bits of many different slices.

Winfred Tai - 2019-09-06

yes, but it's called youhypertube.

Sunny shah - 2019-11-18

+The Glitchy Hand
Imagine playing video games in the 4th dimension

C R - 2020-03-17

The 4D advertisements would be 30 seconds on each side woooooaaahh

Benmf - 2019-05-18

Imagine seeing a weirdo cube disappearing and appearing in our world.
Thats when you know that it is actually an hyper cube

Quotient - 2019-05-20


M - 2019-12-31

this makes me so nervous, i'm having an existential crisis rn

Annah Colakovic - 2020-02-03

1D people: wait... THERE'S ANOTHER DIMENSION?!
2D people: WTF IS 3D
3D people (us): Welp. This is fine
4D people: Hah, we're on top of the w-HOLY S*** THERE ARE PEOPLE THAT ARE BETTER THAN US
5D people: They're getting smarter...

XxSeyroxX - 2019-12-04

meanwhile in flatland . . .

Visualizing 3D Geometry - A Journey Into the 3rd Dimension [Part 2]

Michael Johnson - 2019-09-25

I’m having a hard time conceptualizing how a flat-earth might intersect with a globe-earth. I thought it would be easy. It’s not. I used a lollipop model, then a crystal ball on table model. Neither satisfy me.

Eternal Evening - 2019-05-08

I've never felt so scared by watching a cube rotate.

This is, I don't know what this is...

Nade Otap - 2019-12-05

I felt like the cone was worst.

Robert Ramsey - 2019-12-23

Fear of the unknown maybe? I feel it too 💀

Random Chicken - 2019-12-25

4D beings: sees this 18:18
4D being: get the tesseract ima try something

me: touches cube floating in midair
4D beings trying to comminicate: how about we try some 5 plane rotation on this tesseract 14:03

dushas - 2019-12-30

@austin troy ? so if you were by some miracle to encounter a 2d being and try to comunicate with it you'd be a divinity? Nope you'd still be just a useless clueless piece of junk even for that 2d being.

Tom Hopkins - 2019-12-31

It’s just the fear of the unknown, like how people are scared of ghosts.

ChillTox - 2019-12-29

So this man is telling me 4D is just Minecraft’s farlands?

Oerlikon20mm - 2019-12-29

You can't through this stuff at me, I lost my intelligence when I heard someone say Mars was hot because of OUR global warming

rick conrad - 2020-01-19

Mars is actually really cold, it's because of this fact that there's no life on Mars.

LowKey_Entertaining - 2019-12-21

6:21 it looks like a giant tiddie.