> chemistry > explosifs > messing-with-hcn7-reactivechem

Messing with HCN7 - Reupload

ReactiveChem2 - 2020-05-11

this video was deleted off my main channel. Original name was "The most destructive compound I have worked with; 5-Azidotetrazole"

Patrons (3+ dollars):
Leon Schutte

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ReactiveChem

Instagram: reactive_chem

Discord: https://discord.gg/ktu6P5C

BackYard Science 2000 - 2020-05-11

So glad to see this posted again.

lopho phora - 2020-09-05

Holy shit. Thats crazy. How is this channel not more popular?

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2020-05-11

Very very impressive đź‘Ť

Bill Howitzer - 2020-05-11

have anymore videos been removed over on the og channel?

ReactiveChem2 - 2020-05-11

Idk why it’s always 1:00. Yea go ahead and poke youtube see what’s ok and what’s not ok.

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2020-05-11

@ReactiveChem2 for now. Asshole youlube

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla - 2020-05-11

@ReactiveChem2 what's up with people asking to be friends? Lol. No offense of course

Crocogile - 2020-05-12

Chemistry'sCuriosities Cannagorilla you mean “Want to be YouTube [friend parter etc]” cos that’s a bot

Bill Howitzer - 2020-05-12

@Crocogile I'm not a bot you buffoon I'm a real human with real feelings and no friends

R Johnson - 2020-05-11

Thanks for the reup!

Crocogile - 2020-05-11
