> temp > à-trier > how-weed-eaters-work-at-62-000-frames-per-second-smarter-every-day-236

How Weed Eaters Work (at 62,000 FRAMES PER SECOND) - Smarter Every Day 236

SmarterEveryDay - 2020-05-31

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I thought you'd like this: 

(If I did this right these should be working Amazon affiliate links to purchase the stuff I like  to use. When people purchase from these links it will support Smarter Every Day.)

Model of the ear: https://amzn.to/3bvGSTl 
❓Mystery Item (just for fun):   https://amzn.to/2MgE2Yg - Weedeater
Things I use and like:
📷Camera I use : https://amzn.to/2VSiruw
Favorite Lens: https://amzn.to/2KPDQ1a
Wide-angle: https://amzn.to/2SlPchR
On-camera Mic: https://amzn.to/2SJulF4 
Lav Mic: https://amzn.to/3aRek6r
Hot shoe mount for Lav Receiver: https://amzn.to/35m6uAo
My Tripod: https://amzn.to/2Yl6RtJ 
My Multi-tool: https://amzn.to/2zGm5Pz 
Favorite SD Card: https://amzn.to/2KQ3Edz
💾How I get footage off my phone: https://amzn.to/2KMem4K
Travel Tripod: https://amzn.to/2zEa9Oi
My Backpack: https://amzn.to/35jveJL 
My Headlamp: https://amzn.to/3deYmVt 
Favorite Bidet: https://amzn.to/2xnMG3b 
World Map: https://amzn.to/3aTFCZT 
Favorite Shoes: https://amzn.to/3f5trfV 
Everyone needs a snatchblock: https://amzn.to/2DMR4s8
🥽Goggle Up! : https://amzn.to/2zG754g 

Also, if you’re interested in a Smarter Every Day shirt etc. they’re really soft and you can get there here: https://www.smartereveryday.com/store  

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Ambiance, audio and musicy things by: Gordon McGladdery 

If you feel like this video was worth your time and added value to your life, please SHARE THE VIDEO!

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Warm Regards,


SmarterEveryDay - 2020-05-31

Hey there! This one was a lot of fun to make! Ever since the lawn mower video I've been wanting to do this, and I've been working on it all week. Thank you for those of you who support us on Patreon! You bring stability to my family's life. My goal is to be a light during this time. https://www.patreon.com/smartereveryday

I know the world is a bit crazy at the moment. I wish you and your family peace and love. Spread the love and help others where you can. Look for the positive stories of people coming together in unity and try to amplify them.
There's a lot of disinformation at the moment so if you recall what we learned together in the social media disinformation series, think twice before you share something!
Warm Regards,

Shane Bat - 2020-11-05


Steven Riley DeLeon - 2020-11-28


Stephen Hawk JR - 2020-12-15

I’d really love to see and understand how the sounds are recorded for these.

Stephen Hawk JR - 2020-12-15

For the slomo shots

Raúl Parra - 2021-06-16

@Holy Boi ,,,;;,🥯🫒🥯🍳🥐🫒🫒🇿🇼🇿🇼

japzone - 2020-05-31

"Weed Eater"

Interesting. Where I live we've always called it a "Weed Wacker"

Steve Dave - 2021-07-04

Where I come from we call it a "strimmer"..

Chat Ejap - 2021-07-09

Ya me 2

FAZBEAR official - 2021-07-10

in hungarian, we say "fűkasza" which means grass scythe

MrMan N - 2021-07-25

i’m from texas and we call it weed eater

Callum Lindner - 2021-07-27

In Australia we call it a whiper snipper

Axel Lloyd - 2020-08-26

i finally found the source of randomly generated humor

AbdullahTXT - 2020-12-19


MCZay - 2020-12-26


MCZay - 2020-12-26

@AbdullahTXT veggietales

David Strachan - 2021-01-15

welcome to the future.

Damián Animotion 3D - 2021-08-18

weed eaters?

Aidan Haron - 2020-08-20

“Weed eater”, “weed whacker” nah mate down here in Australia it’s a whippa snippa, nuff said

Alexander - 2021-05-12

Up the wippa snippa

Lee Greer - 2021-05-24

String trimmer is correct. WeeD eater is a brand name.

George ツ - 2021-05-24

@Lee Greer strimmer

JBGaming - 2021-07-13

I would’ve never imagined it could be called that if you came up to me and called it that I would’ve thought you would be talking about a bull whip

mindkiller76 - 2021-07-25

We call it moto(rized) scythe

Derikku Desu - 2020-12-15

As a weed eater, I am amazed by this video

suzz - 2021-05-02

very funny. lol

Steven Melchin - 2021-05-08

Which one or both

GreenSphinx - 2021-07-13

@David wrong kind of weed

Walter Shanks - 2021-07-13

As a video, I am amazed by this weed eater

Luther Wallingford - 2021-07-16

I am also a weed eater in that I'm the guy on the truck in charge of weeds at the properties each day at my landscaping job. If you were joking I got the joke. If you're the weed person at your job then Hello and our avatars wear matching badass uniforms. Yeah

Drakonus - 2020-11-24

Why did the chicken cross the road?


Matthew Ømega • 12 years ago - 2021-04-04

In the future, humor will be randomly generated

Jayden Destroyer0 - 2021-04-15

Whipper Snippers

Joseph Joestar - 2021-05-09

In the future,humor will be randomly generated

Nentendope Twitch - 2021-06-04

Only ppl in the south get it

Nate J - 2020-06-01

Am I the only one who calls it a “weed wacker” rather than a “weed eater”

drew45footballskater - 2020-09-15

Weedwacker represent here in southeast PA

The Lenny Show - 2020-09-15

Ya fuggin hick

Luke Gogolin - 2020-09-22

Ur not alone

NJwastaken - 2021-08-14


Danny M - 2021-08-22


Savage Novelist - 2020-09-21

The neighbors: "What idiot tries to cut a wire fence like that?-"
Also the Neighbors: "Oh, it's Destin. That makes a lot more sense."

jamcdonald120 - 2021-04-06

"That man is out weed eating with a high speed camera"
"Oh its Destin again"

Chris .M - 2021-01-01

"The perfect username doesnt exi-"


BILLSTMAXX - 2021-08-17

Should call it a "string trimmer" not a weed eater.. Weed eater is a brand

Basketball 13 - 2020-09-10

Is anybody going to appreciate the sound design for the slow motion parts?

elPOOB - 2020-11-30

When you watch that one video from the slow mo guys about their slow no sound and think youre in the “know” about editing and slow mo

David Nunes - 2020-12-02

Isn't the sound real?

KosViik - 2020-12-26

Well it is, but even with good equipment you have to play with gains and filters a bit before you get a crisp, life-like sound that is not making your ears bleed at the same time.

Engi Here - 2021-08-09

No thas dumb

Joshua Salem - 2020-05-31

I’ve never heard anyone call it a “weed eater”. I call it a “weed whacker”, what do you guys call it?

Edit: I’m from Connecticut, USA, as it seems this is a regional dialect thing

Forrest Gump - 2020-11-08

@chris jones yeah yall are weird.

Beto Gray - 2020-11-12


Dave Silvia - 2020-11-28

two stroke goat

Weather Tracker - 2021-04-30

i called it a weed whacked for my whole life, and i was born and raised in colorado

Mace Marier - 2021-08-24

Weed whipper

Jake - 2021-04-30

This went from a great one-off video, to the start of a legendary trilogy

asoom - 2021-05-05

everything's a legendary trilogy if you do it long enuf

Jeffrey Williams - 2020-09-21

When you run in slow motion like that, I find myself feeling really sad for the grass.

Flooters - 2021-05-05

you gonna be a plant rights activist?

Alexander Qwarfordt - 2021-07-04

@Flooters grass rights activist, even.

JBGaming - 2021-07-13

Do you know how a lawn smells after you cut the grass?, that’s the smell of your lawn weeping in pain

draxx Sklounst - 2020-09-06

Imagine seeing your neighbor weed wacking his yard with a motorcycle helmet on

Oliver Kurzweg - 2021-01-19

well... better than using no protectional gear like the braindead interns I had to monitor last week.

Franciscoo - 2021-06-11


Anshel Ahmad - 2020-12-17

"How high is that weed eater"

-- Annoying Sibling

Nor Hadi - 2021-01-06

Okay this one made me laugh

Kaiserland111 - 2020-06-14

I just spent 20 minutes watching a man cut grass with a slow-motion camera, and somehow I feel smarter. Thanks Destin!

Kolten McDonald - 2020-11-26

I feel smarter watching a man cutting grass

- m7k0z7 - - 2020-11-28

The "SmarterEveryDay" effect

artiplax - 2020-12-19


Borivoje Travica - 2021-01-04

Nobody concern about that mount of plastic disposal, very small fragments.... In very short time that and up in us in many ways. This is must be band.

Paisley Anderson - 2021-06-24

Actually you spent 19:06

Sebastian - 2020-12-07

Hey Destin, love your videos! Kudos for the physics analysis on so much everyday stuff, I can't get enough of your videos.
I was wondering if you can please make a video where you're analyzing the physics of a scythe compared to a weed eater. My grandpa taught me how to scythe, and while the learning curve is very tough, the efficiency and speed of a scythe is way better than a weed eater. I was just wondering how it looks from a physicist's point of view.

colorado841 - 2021-05-03

"It is like a spaghettification of the weedeater line...." I like your technical terms there Dustin.

Oh, hello there my good sir - 2021-08-06

Spaghettification refers to light bending in a black hole because the strands of light elongate to look like spaghetti

Lorenzo Mezzetti - 2020-12-12

I loved the stickers on the rotor and the curiosity test! Always an amazing job. Thanks

Shane Bat - 2020-11-05

“Guess what?”


Airz - 2020-05-31

"In the future, humor will be randomly generated"


James Harris - 2020-12-21

I clicked on this video just for this comment

Airz - 2020-12-21

@James Harris you got what you wanted

seronymus - 2021-02-01

Entertainment *

glottal stop - 2021-05-11

wee deater😭😭😭

smegovito8 smegovito8 - 2021-05-12


Studio23 Media - 2021-05-01

That slo-mo footage of the thinnest fence is incredible!!

Cloud Snipe - 2020-11-18

I live how something like weed eater wire effectively turns into cooked spaghetti at high speeds

Cobra.1. Kai - 2020-08-26

For anxiety and depression this channel just does the trick. Thank you

Morten Nielsen - 2020-11-08

So, I was just starting the video thinking I could do other stuff while it was running in the background - I mean, weed eaters how interesting can that be?! Apparently I was wrong - I will now look at my own weed eater with renewed interest (and I want a high speed camera too).
Keep up the good work Destin.

Chanh John Nguyen - 2020-05-31

“In the future, humor will be randomly generated”


GrowingDownUnder - 2020-05-31

I used to eat 10 edibles every day
I am the human weedeater

David Stevens - 2020-05-31

@ΞGerraffΞ There was a brand sold in Australia maaaany years ago called Weed Eater. The brand is still around apparently, but I haven't seen them myself. I used to call them weed eater's as a kid.

Uropig - 2020-05-31

Beat me to it

GrowingDownUnder - 2020-05-31

@David Stevens in australia it's called a whipper snipper

Brian Baber - 2020-06-03

Im a welder by trade,downtown Nashville, i find myself wondering what certain processes look like in slow motion such as, angle grinder with a cut off wheel, angle grinder with a rock wheel and an angle grinder with a flap disc. Also cutting steel with a band saw, ect.ect... Just a thought..! Cool videos as always..

sadMod - 2020-08-30

can we just appreciate the folly sounds during the slo mo that they edited in? If you didn't notice it, they did it right. Great detail.

Carson Watson - 2020-10-19

Everything is so peaceful in slow motion.

Aspire Fitness - 2020-12-16

Honestly love the randomness sir keep it up.. physics in slow mo is all I need

Jay- Rus - 2021-01-03

This channel is so awesome. We get to see things that we would otherwise never have the opportunity, but also because it is presented in a professional way as opposed to just a couple guys playing around.

Gustavo Nomegrande - 2020-06-01

"In the future, entertainment will be randomly generated"
"Weed eater"

Rupert Murdoch - 2020-06-01

Anyone who supports Donald Trump is brainwashed at no fault of their own. I have all the necessary facts to fix it, please give me the opportunity.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ - 2020-06-01

wehere in australia call them whipper snippers

James Roshe - 2020-06-01

@latur maku um idk there's like millions of veiws so I'm guessing no

latur maku - 2020-06-02

oh for me its infotainment maybe? its like an funny teacher so i even dont think about annoy my table neighbour.

Shiba - 2020-06-05

@Rupert Murdoch Politics? Poggers

Science Matters - 2021-07-07

Awesome video!
I just had an idea while checking out some knives online. It would be awesome if you could make a video similar to this comparing different knife sharpening techniques (wet stone, pull through, honing steel, etc) with some close-ups of the knife blades after sharpening to help settle the debacle around pull-through sharpeners causing damage to knives and which steels chip more often, are harder to sharpen, etc

Dragon1320 J - 2021-05-02

Destin these videos are great. I’m enjoying the landscaping videos you’ve done as of late. I’ve landscape for years and there some things that happen I’d love to see you be able to do. We use to have guys run over ground stakes in the ground with push mowers and I’d love to see what happens to the blade and the mower as it strikes the stake. Thanks for all your hard work on all your videos Destin

Rund ums Fliegen - 2021-06-02

"Thanks for reading this yo."
No problem. I love your content. To be honest, i actually tried some of the "do at home stuff" Im curious in pretty much every single way there is with Airplanes. I do Model Airplane flying, which is the perfect way to try things. Aerodynamics, weight distribution, Center of gravity, all that good plane stuff.

Oh, and Subscribed 👍

Игорь - 2021-07-10

Thanks, now with measurements it really looks like science 😂👍

Jowsh - 2020-06-01

Anyone else know it as “Weed Whacker?”

kreeperfrm559 - 2020-08-15

@Cooper W weed eater is a popular brand

Cody Ratliff - 2020-09-14

Weedeater is what most people here call it, but then again the bag man down at our local grocery store calls it a sod sucker! Haha to each is own I guess although it would be kinda weird to ask someone what they would charge to suck your sod! Lol

Cody Ratliff - 2020-09-14

Cory Goodman They should give this guy a badge so he can patrol the comment sections on YouTube. Haha

Matthew Richards - 2020-09-18


Savage Novelist - 2020-09-21


PVDH - 2020-11-25

"Slow Motion Weed Eater"

A.k.a. me having my third vegetable browny.

Zackary Westmoland - 2021-05-20

Not my first time watching this, still amazed at the "spring back" speed of the grass

CrashedMC713 - 2020-11-13

I think its impressive that in slow motion the grass straightens back up pretty quick

x cc - 2020-10-26

Amazing stuff. I love your videos. I would definitely watch them more if youtube would still be watchable. I had 6 comercial breaks in the 16 minutes i watched until i couldn’t take it anymore

the bois - 2020-05-31

"In the future humor will be randomly generated!"

ZelTheWeavile - 2020-06-01

What did one sea say to the other sea?

leak - 2020-06-01


ZelTheWeavile - 2020-06-01


a - 2020-06-01

well this kinda was; he got the idea sorta randomly

Rainbow Flower - 2020-06-04

@ZelTheWeavile I don't know.... what?

Casey Hoyt - 2020-12-11

Great video. Could you do a comparison to one of the rigid pre-loaded trimmer heads? Those last so much longer against chain link and after watching this I bet it's because they don't wrap around the fencing

Gideon Basden - 2021-01-01

Wow I love when the weed eater matched up with the frame rate so satisfying

TTV Dxrk_Rain7230 - 2020-11-27

OHHH that’s a real weed eater in my neighborhood we have literal weed eaters

Dylan Furtado - 2020-11-03

It sounds like a 2 step rev limiter with the longer line when he revs it up

Benjamin Pendley - 2020-05-31

My favorite thing about these tools is that in the south the name “weed eater” just becomes “weedeeder”

yercle - 2020-05-31

Had no idea what this video was about until I saw the "weed eater". Never even heard that term in the UK. Here it's known as a "strimmer"

Reagan Harder - 2020-05-31

@Ender huh, so the technical name is the one i've never heard...
Whipper snipper could be a fairly localized term. I live in Saskatchewan (western Canadian Prairies), and i've only heard that term from my dad, who is from Manitoba (roughly 500 miles east), so quite possibly it's from around there.

Ender - 2020-05-31

@Reagan Harder Perhaps? I saw someone from Australia say they call it a 'whippa snippah' so maybe it originated there?

Jake Walker - 2020-05-31

We call it a strimmer in England

Joshua Boulee - 2020-06-06

Weed Eater is a trademark or brand name for a string trimmer, similar to how Kleenex is a brand name for tissue, and both ended up being used more broadly than the specific product they were trademarked for.

Al - 2020-10-18

I have all those fences on my property. The last one, rabbit fence, gives me the biggest issue and I use around my entire garden. Thanks for the help

Justin Cipriani - 2020-11-04

Hello sir, i have watched a number of your videos and have an insane amount of respect for the quality of content you make, but also for how diligent you are with everything you do. Everything is done top notch and it’s so very admirable. I have seen those raycon earbuds advertised on a few channels now and my Fiancé is needing some earbuds, so i finally went and checked them out. I figured if you are vouching for them that means they must be top shelf. After reading reviews for them there’s no way I can make myself order a pair because of several negative reviews. The quality of sound, connectivity issues, range, and just overall quality is what lots of people consistently complain about. I know that having a sponsor for videos is probably an amazing blessing and allows you to continue doing more and more videos, but don’t sell out and jeopardize the integrity of your brand by advertising a product that might not be up to the standards of your brand. With that being said, my point of sending this was to tell you that your channel is badass and I love your work. You + Mark Rober + Colin Furze + Stuff made here = Makers of the most amazing things anyone can think of. Lol You should collaborate with some of those guys. Take care!

Matt D - 2020-10-25

Yet another excellent video, thanks
Are the sounds genuine from vid or fx added afterwards? They sound really cool.
Also, in the UK they are generally known as strimmers although I believe that that is a brand name. Cheers