> philo > time-travel-in-fiction-rundown-minutephysics

Time Travel in Fiction Rundown

minutephysics - 2017-10-26

Thanks to YouTube RED’s new original series, LIFELINE, for sponsoring this video. Watch the first episode for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ru4zkxNuJ_I
And thanks to my friends Sam and Niko (and all the rest) at the Corridor Digital channel for making awesome videos.

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For ages I’ve been thinking about doing a video analyzing time travel in fiction and doing a comparison of different fictional time travels – some do use wormholes, some relativistic/faster than light travel with time dilation, some closed timelike curves, some have essentially “magic” or no consistent rules that make any sense, or TARDIS's, or whatever. This video is an explanation of how time travel functions in different popular movies, books, & shows – not how it works “under the hood", but how it causally affects the perspective of characters’ timelines (who has free will? can you change things by going back to the past or forwards into the future?). In particular, I explain Ender's Game, Planet of the Apes, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Primer, Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, Looper, the video game “Braid”, and Lifeline.

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Minute Physics provides an energetic and entertaining view of old and new problems in physics -- all in a minute!

Created by Henry Reich

C Smith - 2017-10-27

An entire video on time travel without using the word 'paradox'. Congratulations.

0011thhour - 2020-02-02

I'm pretty sure that what that means is that the second harry and gang went back in time was the first part in that timeline and always remained. Like that's a second timeline that just so happens to be parallel to the present timeline. That's the pitfall with time travel.

Larry Kuenning - 2020-02-10

@@The Unread Comment: To your question "how did the first version of themselves get past that moment without the help?" -- Simple. There is no "first version" without the help. There is only one version. Someone arrives from the future, helps someone in the present, and later turns out to be the future self of the person who was helped. There NEVER WAS a version where they didn't get the help, didn't survive, and so couldn't later go back in time.

The whole idea of a "first version" of an event at a particular time is weird in itself. If all versions happen at the same moment of time, how is one version "first"? First on what time scale?? This is one of the things that have always bugged me about stories where time travelers "change the past."

Suschi - 2020-02-17

Thomas Kolb but if so, wouldn't it be an even bigger paradox withlut worldlines?

TARDIS. cz - 2020-02-18

And without using "wibbley wobbley timey wimey" stuff.

Pav Tyler - 2020-02-20

Congration you done it

Drunken Gypsy - 2019-12-22

Ah yes, Harry Potter. And then the official fanfiction The Cursed Child was published and f*ucked up everything. Although we don't consider it canon. Hm.

Mark Cameron - 2020-02-21

@Eyes Of A Puppet She provided the outline as it was going to be a story she wanted to work on... these events were going to more or less be what she wanted in the story with only the details differing.

GAMING LEGEND - 2020-02-21

@Eyes Of A Puppet dUmbLeDoRe gAy

CodeNameZ - 2020-02-22

The problem with Harry Potter is many things are just explained as "it is magic dont question it", that was cool as a child but now I think it is a huge problem.

Saying things are the way it is because of magic why cannot we say The Curse Child time travel does not work the same as in Potter 3 because the magic used is no the same.

InsaneTacoz - 2020-02-24

So everybody’s just gonna ignore how OP fucked up the censorship?

Affan Afrizal Gani - 2020-03-07

I don't consider it canon

Chandler Morris - 2020-01-03

minutephysics: Harry Potter time travel makes sense!

The Cursed Child: Hold my butterbeer

galfisk - 2020-01-06

Depends on the timeline

Jess C - 2020-01-07

We do not accept the cursed child in this household

Tom chubby - 2020-02-17


IronAmerica9000 - 2020-02-21

I will NOT allow the time to be changed in Harry Potter!!..........unlesssssss your erasing the cursed child.

Ch Fam - 2020-02-21


Kutori Kyoyoku - 2020-01-04

Everyone else is talking about different forms of time travel in media and I'm just here to point out he drew a tail on the apes at 1:00

AfterMyReawakening - 2020-02-04

Harrys hair is gay - girl who wrote Harry potter

Diego Mertens - 2020-02-08


MajorYard - 2020-02-15

@AfterMyReawakening ...

AfterMyReawakening - 2020-02-22

@MajorYard Indeed

Reese Ebersole - 2020-02-23

We he isn’t a biologist after all

Matthew Brehm - 2020-01-03

I wish this video could have been made later and included Avengers: Endgame

Cas Cas - 2020-02-17

@Ron DeFrain but this is already a alternative Timeline so a captain america of a same Timeline traveled to the past and created the timeline wich is known as Mcu

MrSuperselenio - 2020-02-18

Well in endgame, you have the main original timeline that we know up until the end of Infinity War, then they figured out how to travel back in time through the quantum realm to get the infinity stones, each year they traveled to, created an alternated timeline so about 3 or 4 alternated timelines besides the one we already know. The thing is which is where Tony Stark comes in, he creates a quantum GPS which essentially allows them to go back to their original timeline, bringing back all the stones from the alternate timelines in which the plan was to use it and take it back to the same time they took them from, avoiding the timelines from ever being created which was Cap's job at the end but he decided to stay in that timeline to live and only came back to the original once he was old.

Carol Huang - 2020-02-19

Yessss the hulk scene w the time stone!!!

Abi shek - 2020-02-24

He actually told that in grandfather paradox before infinity war even released

Vishwesh Chandramohan - 2020-02-26

Need to add Dark and Steins;Gate also

FJdaman - 2019-07-06

Can’t wait to see “Time Travel in Non-Fiction”

FortNikitaBullion - 2019-12-18

It's already happened. Neil Armstrong traveled a small fraction of a second into the future.

Blue 64 - 2019-12-28

@Xeno Bardock
Weight is not a property of anything, as it doesn't exist. You are thinking about Force & Gravity. Gravity is a property of Mass, however Force is Explicitly a property of Gravity, but not a property of Mass. So whilst you are right, you are also wrong.

Xeno Bardock - 2019-12-28

@Blue 64 Check Theoria Apophasis youtube channel on it.
Gravity is not actually a property of mass, its property of space/ether. Check video Aether Gravity and Time. Force of gravity is caused by the ether accelerating earthwards at 9.8 m/s2. Also check channels Distinti and SteamPunkPhysics on ether. Also google this book "Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism".

varan619 - 2019-12-30

@Marcelelias11 Does happen.

Zixon - 2020-03-07

You time travel 1 second into the future per second

Mario Luigi - 2020-01-09

Stein's Gate has one of the most interesting time-travel concepts.

Mostly Harmless - 2020-02-09

I don't really like the fact that Mayuri dies no matter what he does, because that doesn't make sense to me, but I still enjoyed the anime

Die-go - 2020-02-10

@Mostly Harmless her death is a convergence, a fated event of the universe. unavoidable.

The Iron Melon - 2020-02-13

@Mostly Harmless everything has a cause and an effect. The show explained her repeated deaths could've been caused by the very fact that she was born if that makes sense. It's engraved into every worldline (that's why Okabe needed to go back to the original worldline)

Technoloid GMD - 2020-02-18

Just WAITING for someone to mention this

7th Archangel - 2020-02-22

@Mostly Harmless Mayuri dies no matter what in Alpha worldline because :

1. If mayuri not die, okabe will give up on time travel and everything and choose to life happily with mayuri, thus denying he will create the resistance
2. If okabe doesnt create the resistance, suzuha's time machine wont exist, thus suzuha travel back to 2010 and 1975 wont exist.
3. Since suzuha is already exist, okabe not creating the resistance will cause paradox and the convergence wont allow it, so mayuri's death is unavoidable

Saxony Mapping - 2019-12-24

Steins;Gate: um... yeah.

Pra Baj - 2019-12-24

Notable omissions: Doctor Who, Steins; gate, Predestination.

Tom R - 2020-02-13

@RX7Ronin +1 great movie

Königstiger - 2020-02-15


Une Pintade - 2020-02-16

Interstellar in the same way as HP

Enka Svenka - 2020-02-17

Umm... Dark, anyone? Also Life is Strange

José Ivan - 2020-02-24

Happy Death Day, obviously

Zekeram12 - 2019-12-23

Doctor who: a big, scribbled in circle
Homestuck: Red Miles on paper

Gino Aranda - 2019-12-28

They both share a similar theory of time. They both describe time as "wobbly timey wimy stuff". Although the shenanigans in Homestuck are much more confusing

Ga Tech Company - 2020-01-02

Don't forget the angels either

K - 2020-02-16


Pearange Productions - 2020-01-03

Doctor Who: "I'll admit. The Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, better known as the TARDIS, is probably too complex to actually write down. I mean, there's just too many possibilities for even my mind to comprehend, and I've had Gallifreyan tech surrounding me for a long time now!"

beebs - 2020-01-01

Draws the timeline for Homestuck
“Ah. I appear to have created a spirograph.”

K - 2020-02-16


Shelby G. - 2019-12-25

Endgame: Well, yes, but actually, no.

MaximusAlcarinque - 2020-01-29

This was actually probably suggested at some point, but because they only had a limited number of Pym Particles with which to time travel, they couldn't afford to go to such a dangerous point in time, where the odds of them losing somehow in the fight to get the stones from Thanos would be unacceptably high. Hence the 'Time Heist', where they steal the stones from different points in time where they were known to be and most vulnerable, which all in all has a much lower risk of failing as a mission.

Sir Bobo - 2020-02-20

Doing that would require them to fight Thanos for his stones and the Avengers for Visions soul stone which they couldn’t do since they’d be outnumbered and they couldn’t be secretive about it both of which means they couldn’t just replace the stones to the original time line.

Abi shek - 2020-02-24

@Sir Bobo they could have taken after Thor stabbed thanos

Sir Bobo - 2020-02-26

The whole point was to get the stones in secrecy though so they didn’t have to worry about Thanos coming after them, that didn’t work but still

Bhavyam Dhand - 2020-02-29

@The 5th King frick that other timeline

AmazingAmatzu - 2019-12-20

"Thats not how time travel works" -Prof. Hulk 2019

Loyd Gaudia - 2020-02-17

Hahaha, that's what I've been thinking all this time

Abi shek - 2020-02-24

Harry potter one is more realistic than endgame

AmazingAmatzu - 2020-02-24

Depends if parallel universes exist

Tiffany Heath - 2020-02-24

Time's not even linear, it exists on a coil. This video is way off

Austin ‘Danger’ Powers - 2019-06-23

Logical consistency in Harry Potter: exists
Cursed Child: I’m about to end this man’s whole career

No Name-inspiration - 2020-01-07

@Sam Clayton I see what you mean, but he has a point: something must have initiated the loop and it couldn't have been Harry himself. This would naturally mean that another timeline gets created, which seems to be impossible according to the universe. In other words: there is no possible explanation for this loop to be ever created. Unless, you assume that the timeline itself doesn't get created over time, but spawns instantaneously and time is just a feeling the humans, animals and creatures in general experience. In that case, this scenario makes sense, because then the past doesn't come before the future and thus Harry Potter doesn't need to be saved to be able to save himself.

Sam Clayton - 2020-01-07

@No Name-inspiration Well, that time is linear is an assumption that relies entirely on our limited perception. On a cosmic time scale, time might be one big loop where there is no "first cause" and a finite number of events (a similar idea from general relativity is how there's actually no spatial center to the universe--even if it's finite).
The HP universe is one where time appears to be linear or cyclical depending on the observer.

Shiro Neko - 2020-01-25

@joemann Thanks, finally some realized the problem. It's like the Uroboros, where does the loop starts/ends? Basically it doesn't exists as the beginning and the end overlap

RebornV3 - 2020-02-10

I have this whole thing but with the Terminator film series. There has to be some unaltered timeline where Kyle Resse doesn't go to the past no any terminators eith just because the future hasn't happened yet where someone else is John Connors father

64kingarthur - 2020-02-14

@joemann I can only advise you to imagine of a 4d object in a 5th dimension. The object is the time, and place and is stretched in front of you. The object is basically a record of your history. Past, Present, and Future all happening simultaneously, as you observe them. If you time traveled without going to a parallel universe, do not expect that something would change because the events already happened. Causality wouldn't matter because it was already determined in your perspective, because you have seen of what is to happen in that history you are looking at.

TBums - 2019-12-26

Every Potterhead knows that Harry didn't save him and bis friends, he saved himself and Sirius...

Eru Ilúvatar - 2020-01-01

@GewoonLeon The Senate (AKA darth sidious, AKA The Emperor) is Rey's grandfather

Langdon Alger - 2020-01-08

@MrHarumakiSensei so we're not allowed to say stuff and everythings a secret because sOmeBOdy MighT WATCH iT? Not even good as an excuse.

MrHarumakiSensei - 2020-01-10

@Langdon Alger I didn't say any of that. But it's still true that there are kids who have yet to watch star wars for the first time. I recommend starting them with iv and v to try and preserve the surprise.

Langdon Alger - 2020-01-10

@MrHarumakiSensei I recommend, if they like the new star wars movies, to not even bother with them.

MrHarumakiSensei - 2020-01-13

@Langdon Alger That sounds like you said 'if your kids like the new star wars movies, you should trade them in for some others.' Perhaps good advice. :)

My nationality doesn't matter - 2019-12-25

Meanwhile on Doctor Who: all hell breaks loose

Gino Aranda - 2019-12-28

@My nationality doesn't matter it's good, but long, like 80,000 pages long. It's a commitment for sure. It's also a webcomic

mew the mew - 2020-01-15

Hell bent is a thing

My nationality doesn't matter - 2020-01-15

mew the mew unfortunately, yes

My nationality doesn't matter - 2020-01-15

mew the mew unfortunately, yes

Luuk - 2020-02-18

Every. Single. Episode.

Rhys Higgon - 2020-01-01

Me: Goes back in time to stop Harry Potter and the Cursed Child releasing

Me: But wait.. if it released before I went back in time, that means my future self already failed!

Me: Shit.

Assasin fire - 2020-02-22

But it might be the first time so....
R/wooosh for myself lol

Emily Martin - 2019-12-30

I highly highly HIGHLY recommend you watch the Netflix show “Dark”. It’s one of the best depictions of time travel I’ve seen in TV. Fantastic video!

MagicalMax - 2020-01-14

@Ted Sheridan Thanks, will do :)

Emily Martin - 2020-01-28

Yes, DEFINITELY worth a rewatch or two. You see a lot that you miss the first time around. Unfortunately I watched the show with the terrible dub but I multitask too much for subtitles loll

Soundwave1900 - 2020-02-12

Well, good job intriguing me who didn't even watch the witcher past the first half despite liking it a lot :)

David Chan - 2020-02-13

Emily Martin thanks to all for the reco... you changed my life forever... are you my future self? :p

Zane Ridgley - 2020-02-20

Immediately after watching this I had to scroll down the comments until I found someone mention Dark. It’s so fucking good

Raj H - 2019-11-17

Doctor Who: giant scribble that takes up the whole page

Neil Campbell - 2020-02-09

Old doctor who was highly understandable .
New doctor who eccleston + big-timey wimey

Wandering Ace Minecraft and More - 2020-02-10

@Christina Kohl wobbly timey wimey stuff

YT WorldWrecker - 2020-02-14

@Christina Kohl A PVZ2 reference I see.

Jonathan Sauceda - 2020-02-17

@DerSteinSpielt softly

TARDIS. cz - 2020-02-18

@Marcelo Mazocco Yes, in S6 all nicely fits together.

TheAsianJason - 2019-12-30

And you’re talking about time travel without bringing up The Flash and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow?

Supper R.E. - 2019-12-28

My only problem with the ‘Prisoner of Azkaban’ model of time travel is that it means we have no free will.

Which makes me kinda sad...

Petr Svoboda - 2019-12-29

Yeah but it made perfect sense

manakin5 - 2020-01-02

No need to feel sad about it. Free will doesn't really exist, yet life goes on.

ImperialQuill69 Shadow - 2020-01-07

Define “free will.”

Ferenc Szabo - 2020-01-27

Do you mean that you don't like not having free will, or that the story was flawed because of this premise?

Eli Stuckart - 2020-01-10


Derek Brown - 2020-02-10


lambsaucevirgin - 2020-03-05

I haven't watched Primer, but I saw Dark. I think they're somewhat similar from how he explained Primer. People going back in time carrying time machines, meeting themselves in different time periods and a lot of "time travel within time travel".

Ethan Ramirez - 2019-12-28

“In order to care about characters, then we need to believe that actions have consequences. If everything is just a series of meaningless events, then we almost don’t have a story,” - My largest issue with Endgame.

Ryan Kelly - 2019-12-30

i disagree about endgame

CaptHayfever - 2019-12-30

But the actions did have consequences. Losing to Thanos at the end would not only doom the "prime" timeline, but also all the others that they'd taken Infinity Stones from, since they wouldn't be able to return those stones.

Ethan Ramirez - 2019-12-31

CaptHayfever But even if they failed against Thanos in the future any survivors could theoretically travel back to the events of Endgame and alter them to save the day. As long as time travel is existent, its hard for me to believe that any real stakes exist for our characters. There’s always a way out, and theres also always a way for the villain to persist in theory.

CaptHayfever - 2019-12-31

@Ethan Ramirez: No, because there wouldn't have BEEN any future survivors. Endgame Thanos's snap would've wiped out the ENTIRE universe & created a new one where nobody remembered what happened before.

Mark Cameron - 2020-02-21

@Ethan Ramirez Thanos would have rewritten the entire universe. Those were the stakes. All of space and time would have been erased and shaped by Thanos' will alone in the instant he snaps.

Meraknight - 2019-04-16

Okay but where’s Steins;Gate? Easily the best fictional story that involves time travel.

Dev Sharma - 2019-06-21

I see, you're a man of culture as well.

4444 1414 - 2020-03-02


Franco Dallago - 2020-01-08


domainlol - 2020-01-25

Steins;Gate fans be like: We knew this already!

Project Sketch Official - 2020-01-08

That awkward feeling when you know Google listens to your conversations and recommends this video when you were talking about time travel today.

Thebes - 2019-12-30

This could work with many series but just the Spongebob scene with the,

“We’re not talking about this, or this. We are talking about thiiiiiissss!”

DeAndre Jordan - 2019-04-28

I love how this gets recommended to me after watching Endgame.

The Finkie - 2019-11-02

Mr Rugby Then why was Steve Rogers there at the end of the film? There were other issues, too, but my memory is blurry right now, I’ll have to remind myself what else happened.

The Finkie - 2019-11-02

And there were more issues than logical ones: first, if they took themselves out of alternate timelines, then aren’t those timelines now missing those characters? And the thing that bothers me the most is why did they even bother making Infinity War (one of the best and most original superhero films ever made) when they were just going to literally undo everything that made it so great and unique and turn the story into the typical cliched “the baddie dies after a big final battle and the goodies live happily ever after hooray god bless america”. It seems like a cop-out to used flawed time travel logic just to undo an entire 2.5 hour $400 billion movie. It still baffles me how so many people enjoy it so much.

Cool Story Bro - 2019-11-02

The Finkie look up alternate timeline then come back

Catherine Aensland - 2019-11-18

Recommendations, and ads, are getting so crazy. Shivers

TLcool - 2019-12-26

@DeAndre Jordan ubm I know this is long after but i on purpose only watched the first trailer

Fabian Z - 2020-01-03

I recommend watching the Netflix series Dark if you want a complex time traveling story

Robert Simon - 2020-01-02

Time travel in The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water: unnecessary.

Weareafteryou - 2019-12-26

The tv show milo Murphy’s law... some people can change the past but some people also can’t which is completely messed up. One time they went to the future, and almost got caught but just time travelled a few minutes earlier and the same thing happened as the prisoners of Azkaban but other times it isn’t like that and every time they time travel to one time and place they just keep adding and adding how many of them there are in that new time and space. There are also people that do end up changing the past like them saying oh we stopped ww5 and they ask what happened to 3, and 4? And they just say your welcome. I mean it is a children’s show but really, are you that lazy to completely change up the time travel every episode?

César Córdova - 2020-01-04

The girl who leapt through time is a great time travel movie.

Nerd Herd - 2019-07-08

[paraphrasing] “in Harry Potter time travel, what you do doesn’t change the timeline, it just results in what already happened”
cries in Cursed Child

hey guys its me - 2019-12-08

Damn it

DimondAngel Yo - 2019-12-09

It’s not cannon it’s not cannon it’s not cannon it’s not cannon (cries in corner)

Andrew Clarke - 2019-12-11


ravey23 - 2019-12-16

@marco de stefano technically if real life time travel is ever made that one is actually the most realistic one to happen

Gibil Gasser - 2019-12-20

Cursee Child didnt make sense at all, it even changed the whole thing how this time turning thingy worked

Broke Joke - 2020-01-11

A few of these concepts are explained in the two short stories "A Sound of Thunder" and "Sorry, Right Number"

Mistralist - 2020-02-22

While others clicked in hope of seeing Steins;Gate, I clicked in hope of seeing SB-129

ThePoc50 - 2020-01-08

I hightly advice you to watch Steins;Gate, an anime with message from present to past, time travel ( physical or only memories ), so it is really complete about time travels.

Blue Miaou - 2019-12-25

6:23 this sort of time travel actually reminds me of my premonitory dreams. "Oh wait, this happened!"

Mr.Bumblebee - 2019-11-06

MCU: Do whatever tf u want with the timeline.

juan vicuña - 2020-01-03

TheWhiteWolfFang MCU fk it up with cap america staying in the same timeline after he had gone to the past.

James Wohltman - 2020-01-09

D33Y4 precisely. I do believe that we may be able to travel backwards in time, but because the past already happened, the very thing you go back in time to change may have actually been due to time travel, and can’t be undone. I’m also religious, believing that we all have souls that aren’t bound by time, so they existence of another timeline would contradict my beliefs anyway

Dubb06 - 2020-01-09

...and the writers and directors of Endgame don't agree among themselves how time travel works within the MCU.

OnlineCitizen 32 - 2020-01-09

The time travel shenanigans in MCU didn't actually annoy me as much as Tony just conveniently figuring out time travel while he was doing the dishes. At that point I had an "Oh f*** off movie" moment =/ The first of several in Endgame.

mew the mew - 2020-01-15

@D33Y4 but it throws the comic book rules of infinity gems where there is one per universe and time travel can't counter the time gems and vice versa with other gems
These infinity gems arr the most powerful artifacts in marvel nıt with the most range but most powerful

Irok 121 - 2019-12-24

1:55 that's a weird way to say DAISAN NO BAKUDAN BITES ZA DUSTO

I've been to this video a lot of times, only now have I commented this

Christian Lee - 2019-12-26

Ahhh there's always room for jojo

Kimberly Stringer - 2020-01-07

Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure had my favorite time-travel logic.

GaunletofDestruction - 2020-02-11

Kimberly Stringer Mine too.

no life - 2019-12-29

Please explain "butterfly effect" movie time travel concept!!

5paceship's channel - 2019-12-23

Terminator( 1 and 2) is the best time travel movie IMO. It functions similar to harry potter but there is still free will. Im sad you didnt cover this one.

ahmad febrian - 2019-12-23


Bill Cipher - 2019-08-13

>Talks about time travel in fiction
>Doesn't mention Steins; Gate.

Shwag Scoper - 2020-01-14

i need help Erased is a good Anime up until the very end when the entire story gets a phat meat log splattered atop it

Happy bug - 2020-01-14

@Shwag Scoper also no explain of his time travel power

Shwag Scoper - 2020-01-14

Pitou yeah that’s big part of it, but watching someone get cucked is like being cucked yourself.

It’d definitely be more popular if it didn’t end that way. Shame.

Die-go - 2020-01-15

Photon Wolfsky especially the VN.

Die-go - 2020-01-15

Such a big disservice. A beautiful masterpiece skimmed over.

yyea - 2019-12-28

recursion by blake crouch: im about to end this man’s whole career

JosephBoooy - 2019-12-22

I would like to see you take on the time travel part Kingdom Hearts.

Elementia Studios - 2019-12-25

And in the Good Place, it’s Jeremy Bearimy

MagicalMax - 2020-01-14

Braid is a magnificent game, cannot recommend enough! The ending is genius!!

KatiePlays - 2020-02-10

"ah yes, it is time to invent a time machine..."

Lmao this honestly reminds me of "meet the robinsons"....
Yes a cartoon movie about time travel that I liked then when I was younger :]