> temp > à-trier > fly-through-a-nebula-163-000-light-years-away-it-s-okay-to-be-smart

Fly Through a Nebula 163,000 Light Years Away (Celebrating 30 Years of the Hubble Space Telescope)

It's Okay To Be Smart - 2020-04-25

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Celebrate the Hubble Space Telescope’s 30th Birthday with us: https://hubblesite.org/hubble-30th-anniversary
Disorientation” by Dr. Katie Mack https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wT1-bRj9wI

Special thanks:
Dr. Katie Mack (@AstroKatie on Twitter)
Dr. Frank Summers (STScI)
Dr. Joel Green (STScI)
Dr. Alex Lockwood (STScI)
European Space Agency
Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)
Special thanks to our Brain Trust Patrons:
Diego Lombeida
Ernesto Silva
George Gladding
Marcus Tuepker
Megan K Bradshaw
Ron Kakar

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It's Okay To Be Smart - 2020-04-25

Space makes me happy. Thanks for 30 great years exploring the cosmos, Hubble! Here's to many more 🥳
I'm on Twitter and Instagram: @DrJoeHanson @okaytobesmart

Anchit Jain - 2020-05-10

@jack benson its more colored out there, it's just our eyes and brain can't process it

milan ilic - 2020-05-17

Hello smart people! Beautiful video. Thanks for this informative video for a broader public. Nonetheless, I can’t help but ask, aren’t you incorrectly implying that red shift is being used to determine distance to the stars in our galaxy? Thanks.

Andrew Hoskins - 2020-05-21

So basically what you're telling me is that all of the pictures we have of massive areas of space, like the Andromeda galaxy are...fake, digital copies. Huh. Really makes you wonder hoe accurate these advanced computers are. I'm a man of science, but using programs to fill in or cut out detail doesn't give us accuracy, nor authenticity.

Orenziox Brind in me - 2020-05-28


Vilhelm - 2020-09-18

Hey vsauce Michael here

Everything Science - 2020-04-25

This is the type of content that made me fall in love with science. Hoping I can make something of similar caliber one day to inspire the next generation of scientists

Everything Science - 2020-04-25

@Matt Prentiss Definitely true. It's especially crazy considering how the hubble showed us so many galaxies we didn't even realize were there before

Adeeba Akram - 2020-05-01

Plz subscribe to my educational channel for the kids stuck in lockdown.

Flat Earth - 2020-05-08

You have fallen in love with a beautiful illusion. The whole of modern astronomy will have to wipe the entire slate clean and start all over again. Hubble is fake cgi imagery and it does not exist.

PanoRose - 2020-06-18

@Flat Earth whatever you want to believe boo

TrueAidooo - 2021-04-24

@Flat Earth why are you a flat earther? Did it come from your religion? The internet? General belief that your perspective is better/more complete than basically all scientist?

Question Everything — Thought Provoking Ideas - 2020-04-25

“The universe is a pretty big place. If it's just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”
― Carl Sagan

s kiran - 2020-05-30

@Josh Its not story. There are lot of proofs Krishna existed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btug5bcVVpc

Anthony G - 2020-11-22

Do you doubt this because it doesn't go well with your opinion or have you actually disproven this.

Mahmood Khan - 2020-12-08

Says a spec of dust, who only vaguely knows what laws the observable Universe is following and don't have any idea what is going on. Carl Sagan should not have act like he understands the Universe.

⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ - 2021-05-01

@Alexandra Pfeiffer no the universe is finite and its expanding

Qube Pig - 2021-06-12

@Josh a lot of animals can speak too btw

Iron Butterfly - 2020-04-25

I wish we could have these kind space travels documentaries in movie theatres. Imagine seeing this on a HUGE screen!
NASA needs to come up with something like this.

Random Girl - 2020-05-03

@𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝕳𝖎𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖊𝖗 Around the world planetariums aren't as common or close by as a theater
It would have been awesome and maybe people who aren't normally into astronomy would have been opened to it

𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝕳𝖎𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖊𝖗 - 2020-05-03

@Random Girl Most definitely! People would open their eyes alot more to the subject forsure 🙌

ZZM - 2020-05-05

@𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝕳𝖎𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖊𝖗 Unfortunately 'cause of Coronavirus it was closed at the beginning of March, my friend has two tickets... wainting for the reopening. I'm sure it will be worth visiting. Btw. do you have your NASA birthday photo? I have 2!

𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝕳𝖎𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖊𝖗 - 2020-05-06

@ZZM which planetarium? If you dont mind me asking. I'm sure it'll definitely be worth it 🙌 also, what's a nasa birthday photo?🤔

ZZM - 2020-05-06

@𝕾𝖔𝖒𝖊𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖊𝕳𝖎𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖊𝖗 I don't mind, I'm proud my friend works there: European Southern Observatory and:
https://www.nasa.gov/content/goddard/what-did-hubble-see-on-your-birthday - one of mine is spiral galaxy NGC 3982. Enjoy yours!

Futurology - 2020-04-25

We are truly miniscule. Yet we can observe the universe. Because of Hubble......and our eyes.

Qube Pig - 2021-06-13

@joeythehat9 well then it not about us cause some other mammals, birds, and even some octopuses have consciousness

joeythehat9 - 2021-06-13

@Qube Pig Yes

Will - 2021-06-14

@Qube Pig If we could travel faster than the speed of light, depending on how much faster, we could still reach other galaxies. Actually we could still reach other galaxies without going faster than the speed of light because not every galaxy is moving away from us and others arn't moving away faster than the speed of light yet

Qube Pig - 2021-06-14

@Will whatever I don't feel like arguing right now

Will - 2021-06-15

@Qube Pig cool

Red V - 2020-04-25

Hubble was really one of humanities great accomplishments and gave us the greatest and most profound image humanity has ever produced. Its amazing what we've learned using Hubble!

Just Some Bigfoot With Internet Access - 2020-04-25

Y'all ever just like, you know... Fly through a nebula

M Adil - 2020-04-26

@John this was actually good. 😊

The Empire State • 69 Years ago - 2020-04-26

This man is just everywhere

Nd Zd - 2020-04-29

Faster then light

Jesse Jia - 2020-06-23

i’m so high, i’m flying through one right mow

RynocerosRex - 2020-08-05

Just Some Bigfoot With Internet Access WHY DO I SEE YOU EVERYWHERE??

Pushkar Godbole - 2020-04-25

This was so beautiful! Reminded me of your Carl Sagan video and made me tear up a bit. Thank you Joe! 🙂

kelvaviation - 2020-04-25

Photons: Travelled hundreds of thousands of light years away from their home to our galaxy
Me quarantined at home: Travelled from my bed to my couch

Robert T - 2020-04-26

kelvaviation , ya, but you use more an energy.

marija-m špan - 2020-04-26

@Robert T geni energy,,spletna stran pdf

Kaizoku Jimbei - 2020-12-14

The Sun is moving at 200Km/sec around the Galactic core. Also, our Galaxy is moving at around 112Km/sec towards the Andromeda Galaxy. The Earth is spinning around its axis of rotation and it is in orbit around the Sun. Conclusion: you are still moving even when you think that you don't. ^~^

Smith Kuenne - 2021-02-04

Don't forget to exercise.

TrueAidooo - 2021-04-24

Every day you travel all the way around the earth and every year you travel all around the sun

The Suraj Thakur - 2020-04-25

Just a Reminder- this all has happened a long long time ago.

indrek veski - 2020-04-30

No it is not past.timetravel is impossibe.

Josh - 2020-05-01

@indrek veski It's not real time travel, it's light that hasn't reached us yet, if you go there, it may not even exist anymore, it takes over 10 billion years for the light to reach us

The DJ is King, Not the MC. - 2020-05-03

@Mayhem 2.0

No it's not. Humans decided how long time would be is all.

indrek veski - 2020-06-04

@Josh light do not travel.idiotic thinking that we need do travel for exampl distant star.
I can think every edvent happening right now.sry my inglish is bad

Josh - 2020-06-04

indrek veski So you’re saying that there is no such thing as a light year?

Homo Nerdese Stupidicus - 2020-04-25

My passion for astronomy has lit up again!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EMS Jen - 2020-04-25

Breathtaking! My 13 year old has always been fascinated with space and anything to do with the Hubble telescope. We watched this and had a discussion of him entering into astrophysics.

FenkinBu - 2020-04-27

Same, instead of 13 I'm 10, I'm not your typical "give me rgb gaming pc" or "buy me fortnite pillow" child. This is what is interesting to me.
Edit: Thanks for the like, stranger! Also don't think I'm JUST into this stuff, I play games (computer, not much, mainly CS and minecraft. Minecraft is also somewhat educational) I play basketball, not to flex, but I get straight A's, so don't think I'm JUST into this is. I could make up some theories here and there. If anyone wants to talk to me more, discord:master gaming#7277

Aman Padala - 2020-04-28

@FenkinBu Please tell me that was ironic

Josh - 2020-05-02

@Aman Padala lmaooo

Srihari T kumar - 2020-08-05

@FenkinBu hey dude my discord is : Hoen Gaming#9351

Alexander Thompson - 2021-03-23

Tell him he can enjoy the results of the James Webb Telescope when he as a 13 year old

Socks With Sandals - 2020-04-29

We are the mirror in which the universe looks at herself and declares
"I'm beautiful"

Patrick C - 2020-04-25

Don’t mind me I’m just here to laugh at flat earthers

Wa Greatimes - 2020-04-28

i mean look what you're missing if you believe things like a flat earth... a shame really

somedeveloperblokey - 2020-04-30

@Ssatem_ Bollocks.

You're just a wannabe edgelord child.

wacky_Dy_is_Ty - 2020-05-01

earth is empty and the people living underground , the entrence is in antarctica!

somedeveloperblokey - 2020-05-01

@wacky_Dy_is_Ty Be quiet, hobbit.

Paul R - 2020-06-10

@Bee Whistler I love how that simple experiment shows curvature of the Earth.

TheGFeather - 2020-04-27

Just remember you're a tiny little person on a planet, in a universe expanding and immense.

Miss Anne Thrope - 2020-04-26

Some of my family ask me, as an atheist, if I miss that feeling of being part of something bigger than myself. Well, I might just share this video with them. 😊

Xander - 2020-05-02

lol ok rib.

lurategh - 2020-06-09

To OP, wow, regardless of religious belief or lack thereof, we're all already objectively part of something way bigger than we could even comprehend. I'd consider myself agnostic, but all my immediate family is religious too so I kinda relate.

Tom Loy - 2020-10-16

@Josh Technically atheism is not the belief that there are no gods but the rejection of the claim that they do exist. If a theist claims that a god exists then that person is making a positive claim to knowledge. That person would then have to show proof that such a god
does indeed exist. Now without them being able to prove a god does exist we as atheist are rational in rejecting their claim. On the other hand if as a atheist we say that no gods exist the we too are making a claim to knowledge that cannot be confirmed either way. Also theism / atheism have to do with " belief". Gnostism / Agnostism have to do with "knowledge". A person can be a gnostic atheist, an agnosic theist, a gnostic theist, or the only reasonable postion to hold which is agnostic atheist. An agnostic atheist stance would be I don't know if a god exists but also I will not believe a god exist without evidence.

Kaizoku Jimbei - 2020-12-14

@Miss Anne Throne
I bestowed thee with the 69. Flaunt it wisely.

Yuya kyoto - 2021-05-07

This is exactly what I feel as well, the universe itself gives me such a sense of wonder and interconnectivity, no need to bog it down with religion which pretends to have all the answers.

Beenadd Sebhat - 2020-04-25

We are all connected
To each other biologically
To the earth, chemically
To the universe, atomically

-Neil Degrasse Tyson

369 - 2020-04-27

Beenadd Sebhat, I wouldn't put much of my focus on a boxer who grew a mustache and became
(or he thinks he became) a "scientist".
And a rather bad one.

Robert Pickguard - 2020-04-27

@Keshav Garodiya You know him personally I gather?

Josh - 2020-05-01

@Shadow God Humans see the worst in other people and the best in themselves, its just life lmao

Velzz - 2020-06-26

@Who is the most influential person of all time? too bad, god doesn't exist lmao

Peyton Pendley - 2020-11-16

Isn’t atomically still chemical?

M3P - 2020-04-30

I can only hope that when we die, our soul some how will fly throughout space and we can truly see its vastness / entirety

Renzo Guibu - 2020-11-26

@Dortia Pewpew no religión in there. I would say spirituality.

Vashti Perry - 2021-01-01

I don't want to do that. 😆 just want to come back

Vashti Perry - 2021-01-01

@Dortia Pewpew they can do whatever they want.

M3P - 2021-01-02

@Renzo Guibu thank you for that, some just don’t get it.

John Chestnut - 2021-08-12

What if your soul is limited to the speed of light? What if the photons we are capturing are souls trying to explore the Universe?

EmmaAnimates - 2020-05-19

Hubble: " did I do you proud?"
NASA: " you made more than just us proud

cfltheman - 2020-04-26

I'm still waiting for the James Webb. Like everyone else.

SH2 - 136 - 2020-04-30

Yes, hopefully everything goes smoothly.

Alex Marian - 2020-04-25

For everyone wondering why they learn that kind of math in highschool, here is your proof. What you learn in highschool is completed in college, and perfected into this work of art

Silver Tongue - 2020-04-28

Dont talk nonsense. I study computer engineering and i found that what I had been learning in school is crap. It is probably useful for physicist. but you see where im going? School and college mostly school generalize us and made us go through crap.

And what i realized now is that the basic math and science is good enough for higher studies. the question the board used to ask us in exam are stupid.....
Testing student if he remember this specific problem with unique solution

David Barnett - 2020-04-28

It certainly speaks a lot to the level of education necessary for a trivial profession like computer engineering. Most engineers and scientist require the mathematics and physics we learned at university.

Silver Tongue - 2020-04-30

@David Barnett I'm not the brightest student so i might be speaking idiotic things on a deeper level .But I think trigonometry/calculus is overrated.
There are lots of useful simple math (like probability,interest,median) we can use in our day to day life.... but no!! Our math focus on integration / differentiation since hss till college.
We still haven't got the practical usage for it

Tau Viduržiemis - 2020-09-13

@Silver Tongue Its not only about "everyday usage", "usefulness in practicality"... Its also about exercising your mind and training your logical-racional-methodical thinking. Every time you solve a math problem - your neurons do an exercise. Simple as that.

Ms Maybe - 2020-04-25

We are the universe experiencing itself ❤️
I’m going to design my nursery after the cosmos.

Mitchell Denham - 2020-06-18

It's stuff like this that's as close as I get to having a 'spiritual' experience. Absolutely beautiful.

The Darren Hunter Show - 2020-04-30

"Keep looking up!" This was great and ended with a poem and a nice tribute to Dr. Jack Horkheimer.

Gerald Kramer - 2020-04-25

With such a huge amount of galaxies, there can be no way in that there arn't life somewhere else out there... I just hope we will some day see it with our own eyes. Or the eyes we build.

Ashok Singh - 2020-04-27

The problem right now is that even if we were able to observe some planet that is very far away it will still show us the past of the planet and to be honest I don't think we will be able to notice any thing in a few generations but miracle happens. And I hope one does.
Also I want to die in a black hole.................... when it is my age to die ofcourse

CarBENbased - 2020-04-25

This is one of the reasons I enjoy the game Elite: Dangerous. Not only is it a beautiful simulation, if you look at the numbers and pay attention, even when you can move faster than the speed of light in a fictional universe it gives you some perspective of the vastness and beauty of space.

Maruchan Nuudle - 2020-04-26

CarBENbased just landing on a planet takes forever, and on small planets. The magnitude of the galaxy map is incredibly accurate and incomprehensible. Thought about playing again but I keep getting lost and stranded in a sea of brown dwarves after traveling like a couple weeks in real-life time, just to explore a nebula. I need to learn about proper routes to take between stars😅

CarBENbased - 2020-04-26

@Maruchan Nuudle big one is getting a scoop if you don't have one and learning to filter your map for the scoopable star types.

Maruchan Nuudle - 2020-04-30

CarBENbased oh I forgot about that!! I do have one from what I remember. I ended up in areas that I couldn’t do that’s what happened now that I remember. Funny thing though I ran into someone out there in the vast nothingness and we just circled each other trying to find out if the other was gonna attack. Then we just flew around together and then departed

master shooter64 - 2020-04-25

5:00 man if that image of the Andromeda galaxy is a composite of 7398 images imagine how precise one control moment gyro on the Hubble space telescope has to be to take those pictures and all 3 of them should be working in perfect coordination!

Nikkal - 2020-04-25

To think that the telescope moves through space. Imagine the Complexity

Miro Stanimirov - 2020-04-25

Such a dumm "scientists"! I can do a selfie even with my left hand. Hubble-shlubble bull sh*t - can't make one Foto If it's o.ooooo5o μm aside

Felixx96 - 2020-04-26

It orbits earth at some 100+kmh speed (i don't know the exact numbers) so yea VERY precise. extremely precise.

Just Some Guy with a Full Beard - 2020-04-26

@Felixx96 it's more like ~28100 km/h. It's ludicrously fast! The precision that we can achieve is insane!

Felixx96 - 2020-04-26

@Just Some Guy with a Full Beard Well technically that is 100+ 😂 But okay, as I said, I didn't really now the exact number. Yea I heard the System pauses everytime it's "behind" Earth, and then immediately locks on the target again, when it's in sight again. Pretty fascinating.

Shreya - 2020-04-25

This video is absolutely beautiful!

Dominic - 2020-06-20

I know this is like so extra but when I think about the universe and just how small we are in comparison to what’s out there, I get emotional and cry. We were all given a shot for some reason and I hope each of us can make the impact we want to make while living through this crazy life. So absolutely mind-boggling

Cyphermunk - 2020-04-25

6:01 🤯 Wow! Now that I know I almost can't unsee it! Orion looks 3 dimensional and Sirius is just closer! OMGosh! Wow!

Michael J. O’Neill - 2020-04-25

Absolutely mind blowing!

New Message - 2020-04-25

Found in a Second Life profile:

We are, all of us... motes of stardust. And we shine for so very brief a time.

And... we only ever really live in the memories of those who happen to set eyes upon us... in that brief, singular moment...

When we streak across the sky and burn...
...Into the cinders we become.

So be nice. Share. Smile and dance.

Tomorrow, it will all be dust.

Ceo - 2020-04-25

New Message ....sir this is a McDs Drive Thru.

Miro Stanimirov - 2020-04-25

@Ceo wahahahaha..man, you have no mercy....hahahahaha

Sin Bad - 2020-04-26


Peyton Pendley - 2020-11-16

Wow very beautiful quote.

SparrowHawk183 - 2020-04-26

This is honestly some of the best content on YouTube. Thanks for the hard work and deep dives! It means a lot.

Silvia Valentine - 2020-04-26

Thank you soo much!!! This beautifully explains what I studied and why I love it soo much! 💕

Noukz - 2020-04-27

Wow, truly amazing topic and video execution! Thanks Joe and the team! <3

Houdini111 - 2020-04-25

I need access to those 3D model recreations of those star formations. Imagine how sweet that's be to see that in VR.

Abhishek Vankit - 2020-04-25

This may well be the most beautiful video ever created 😊

Roy - 2020-04-25

Had to watch this video multiple times just to appreciate the beauty of it all. Also, for a second I thought the end of this was a Sagan poem. Very well written!

Fraser Henderson - 2020-04-25

I remember Hubble going up. The first Hubble "rescue" mission was a gripping adventure. The name "Story Musgrave" is associated in my mind with the first full coverage (with adequate cameras) space technology mission.

Dani Jan - 2020-04-26

one of the things that makes me sad and kinda depressed sometimes even tho we can try to imagine, make a picture, we will never see or comprehend the hugeness of the universe and how thing really are out there, our senses cannot do it and will never be able to

Tau Viduržiemis - 2020-09-13

We could use " internal solutions" to help us comprehend just a little more. More than If for example we looked at a screen or at a sky. I mean in the future it could be possible to inject or to connect an external force/device/whatever which would helpt to create a "world" representing spherical or whatever Universe where our mind traverls in light speed and insta hops to another side of the Universe faster than light. It would be a "process of experience" where your mind doesnt get overloaded by "jumping" and "flying" in that "world" for too long but you could theoretically visit the "world" many times over a course of a year (example). And ofcourse that "spherical world" which would be generated as a representation of the Universe will contain real data from telescopes/computers etc.. The key to all of this is that your brain as a whole has much more "horse power " and potential than we think, so the concious mind WHEN you stand outside and look in the night sky with your physical eyes and you try to "comprehend" the vastness of space wont be enough for the process. Because there are various biases, "tunnel focus/" and other problems to our thinking, the psychology of ours gets in away. We function and think to fit our Earths rules/laws and our psychology.

So, what I have been trying to say is that our minds when we are awake and thinking doesnt show the potential which our brains as a whole has. Of course even in my future scenario (and the methods) you wont comprehend all of it BUT potentially you could understand , "feel" and grasp much more of it. Maybe.

Just a possibility.

Calin Tudor Matasaru - 2020-04-27

I cried at the end. OMG! That was incredibly beautiful! Thanks Joe!

Pedro Figueira - 2020-04-25

E eu vos direi: "Amai para entendê-las!
Pois só quem ama pode ter ouvido
Capaz de ouvir e e de entender estrelas".

Gaurab Bhattarai - 2020-05-17

Somewhere along the way, the universe decided to create something which would study itself. It's just, amazing. There isn't even a word to describe how beautiful everything is.

Charmaigne Chin - 2020-05-05

This is the best episode ever! Im glad it popped on my recommendations 😁

valeria fernandez - 2020-04-25

Hermoso! y muy emocionante! Gracias!

Teletubby Po - 2020-04-28

This is genuinely an amazing piece of technology

Joey Klu - 2020-04-25

.... I didn't want to cry today, guys.....

Zack Davis - 2021-03-21

Yeah this episode caused me choke up a bit

Love Sherlock - 2020-06-24

It's the most beautiful video I've ever seen and the poem you suggested made me cry my eyes out..! Thank You..! 💖💖💖💖

Florence Walz - 2020-04-29

Dude watching the constellation of Orion done 3D like that literally blew my mind 😯

Mexan X - 2020-04-26

Just to get a sense of the scale: what would be the speed of the "camera" in the first few seconds, when it moves through the clouds?

I'm expecting the answer would be in lightyears/sec, isn't it? Just how much though?