> temp > à-trier > precious-metal-from-catalytic-converter-cody-s-lab

Precious Metal From Catalytic Converter

Cody'sLab - 2019-07-04

I fumble my way through a complicated chemical extraction.

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Hi Ellen!

0Calvin - 2019-07-04

On the bright side, you can now claim to have a platinum-coated garage floor.

Joseph Larios - 2019-09-22

Was thinking this 😂

Kelly Capps - 2019-09-23


Beeblaine - 2020-05-26

In that regard it means my basement lab has cobalt infused concrete floors

YOOP - 2020-06-04

We clean out cats every day the most come out the fabric stuff

mark Stephens - 2021-02-13

Ne yo

Warped Perception - 2019-12-27

Funny, I just finished an episode on a "see thru catalytic converter" yesterday, then I ran into you video ! Great timing.

Xeluc - 2020-04-17

Same here. odd. I am a Cody's Lab fan though.

Santiago M. Ferreiro - 2020-05-11

I saw your video a couple of months ago... and now I came here after another youtuber's video, using your footage, recommended it.

Pyanchu - 2020-07-17

It's called the algorithm sir.

Ämself - 2020-09-30

Its called fishing watchers

oshay keyes - 2021-01-29

@netizen a q1 q q

S Konstas - 2019-08-10

And this is why someone stole the catalytic converter off my car at the train station...

Joe Eoj - 2021-01-12

It’s be easier to collect aluminum cans.

spicy spice - 2021-01-12

@Joe Eoj not even close to the same reward, and state limit is typically $25, power visit.
Catalytic converter is $200+ per piece

Chad Smith - 2021-01-15

breaking bad

Lee Dave - 2021-01-21

When I was 12/13 I stayed in a rough rough council estate, we were payed £100 a day each to get as many as we could at night. Not proud at all and it’s a scumbag move I was none the wiser but they people we were giving them to were making a good grand a day just of me and my friend. this was 11 year ago or so and this wasn’t really common and a lot done about people doing it but the money that was being made was ridiculous to us just for abit of an exhaust. I never knew what they wanted with them until recent, and now I see why. In the Uk it’s much more common for your cat to get chopped off in the night than you would expect.

Ed Wilko - 2021-02-03

alot cut them off with the clamps attached so can unbolt later than sell the £500 plus cats for half price or less on facebook, ebay etc....as a bargin replacement

George Austers - 2019-09-13

At least when you sell your house, you can list the garage floor as "containing precious metals" and increase the value by $10k.

well as an expert I'd say - 2020-02-22

@Tony Samson thanks Tony. We thought he was serious. Fuckin idiot

Nik 1312 - 2020-03-29

well as an expert I'd say that you’re gay

St. Beter - 2020-04-28

well as an expert I'd say 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣love your comment

Nehmo Sergheyev - 2019-11-12

1:39 For some reason, people who get ripped off frequently protect the person who did them wrong by keeping them anonymous. Why not expose the bad eBay seller, Cody?
Ebay even has a feedback system just for that purpose. Did you give unfavorable feedback, Cody? And, also, did you try to return the wrongly-described item?

timothy myers - 2021-01-01

All that work for that amount. NOT WORTH THE TIME

KvAT - 2021-01-05

@timothy myers its people like you that let them run wild. If it's unsatisfactory, report the damn seller

Nothing To See Here - 2019-07-04

"I'm going to move this inside so it doesn't get knocked over by an animal."
Gets knocked over by cat.

Tttttttrrrreeerr - 2020-09-08

@ABQSentinel If a cat was 100lbs it'd eat you

Rurne - 2020-09-14

@mobilemarshall Depends. My cat loves me but I socialized her from a baby. She went through her bratty phase but she generally knows when I come home from work and cries for Daddy cuddles when I get in. But she also can tell how long I can hold her from my posture and will ask to be let down... and when I sit down, she knows whether or not to approach me and either sit on my lap, nuzzle me, just sit there, or GTFO and leave me be for a bit.

The German Shepherds and chihuahua, however? Can’t read the mood for shit. DADDADDADSLOBBERING OMG DAD IS HOME and trample the shit out of me. No amount of socialization turns off that ingrained Williams Syndrome and they can’t read cues for shit.

I love them all, and as my first cat, I was surprised to how well she’s learned as everyone else’s cats had been mean to me and my dogs growing up were always loyal companions, but it helped me to understand bratty cats are like that either through being left to fend for themselves/poor socialization, or I just gave off an aggressive, intrusive vibe without realizing it... neither of which is really a cat’s fault.

winterwood Cottage - 2020-10-11

Cat's off snickering in the bushes !

ccv jd - 2021-01-09

@ABQSentinel dogs are filthy animals that do not bathe themsleves. They also have to be taken care of like children. Cats are a much more low maintenance pet and won't stink up your house

ABQSentinel - 2021-01-09

@ccv jd You are fucking delusional if you think cats don't stink up your house! You can instantly tell a cat owner when you walk in their house and catch a whiff of the unmistakable smell of cat piss.

PioneerPauly - 2020-08-15

Hey Cody, me big fan long time. Can I send you a gold nugget for you to keep? You can do what you want with it 🙃

Landon Poindexter - 2020-11-05

Is buy one from you buddy

Anthony Cassidy - 2020-11-29

This is pioneer Pauly Cody bro your cool he is cool together make great videos answer the god damn man he is a great Canadian man

millionair person - 2020-12-03

Hey send it to me i turn it in to paper money on video promising i video ,i bet it will wow you.

Brandon Lucas - 2021-01-17

@deathbydevice welcome to YouTube lol

6BT_ Str86 - 2021-02-09

"Knock! knock!knock! Knock!"

(Who Is It??)

"The EPA! We Watched Your Video, then Narrowed down the one white Guy East Of The Mississippi With A Dead Siamese Cat!"

Dan - 2019-08-09

The fluid had a Cat-alytic reaction with your floor

Mac Doctor - 2019-08-10

Dan , Most intelligent comment for this thread!

Mr. Wizard - 2019-09-10


Stuart Wilson - 2020-02-03

Hahahaha that's a good one dad!

General Tech - 2020-12-21

There is the cheese comment I was looking for. Seriously, you stole my idea... :)

WrathMachine - 2021-01-13

Badum tch

Teej 1000 - 2020-05-06

The old ‘cat knocked over my fluids’ excuse. We’ve all been there

not Available - 2021-01-18

we need a 2021 update since the price of these have skyrocketed

cryptocoinscafe - 2019-08-01

This guys incredible. Perfect example of someone who loves what he's doing. If we were all so lucky.

Q is legit. Don't trust the media. - 2019-08-07

He's a great guy

Edward Drost - 2020-11-04

Do you think Ted Kaczynski hated what he was doing?

cryptocoinscafe - 2020-11-04

@Edward Drost I'm confused by your QUESTION.

Edward Drost - 2020-11-04

@cryptocoinscafe I suppose that the Unabomber was doing what he thought was necessary, not what he loved to do. We're lucky not everyone does that.

cryptocoinscafe - 2020-11-05

@Edward Drost Nope, he looked at it as a purpose. and reading his manifes6o in a sick way he makes sense.

Bulłdøg - 2021-02-10

We’re gonna leave this sit for a couple days.

Alright guys it’s been 3 weeks. Time for the next step

Nicholas McNew - 2021-01-03

that "comb" looks like a Minecraft mountain

C.O.G. Forevermore - 2021-01-01

I don't know why I watched this. I will never do anything like this. I think I was just curious, because I've heard that catalytic converters have platinum in them.

Maxwell's Silver Hammer - 2019-07-04

I have been waiting on this video for 3 years now. I am finally fulfilled.

DC Blais - 2019-07-04

@x9x9x9x9x9 I can see how someone would blame the cat but really the cat didn't ruin it. An irresponsible cat caretaker left what I'm assuming was a caustic experiment precariously situated in an area that the cat had access to. I really like Cody and his videos but sometimes I wonder about his process. If that was the only place, I would have stacked so many things around it that the cat could have taken naps on top of the upside down bottle and never knocked it over. I actually came to the comments to see if anyone had asked they obvious yet... How's the cat? Did that liquid get all over it's paws? If so, I'm sure the cat went right into cleaning mode and started licking. My mind is reeling thinking about it. Call me a crazy cat dude, which I am, but the whole scenario blows my mind.

Simon Tay - 2019-07-05

Waiting FOR it, not on.

Gordon Chin - 2019-07-05

@x9x9x9x9x9 What's the worst thing you ever did to a cat?

x9x9x9x9x9 - 2019-07-05

@Gordon Chin Nothing. I don't abuse animals. I just don't like cats as I have been scratched across the face multiple times, had them break multiple belongings of mine, and piss on my clothes. I have dated women with cats and thats how i've had these problems. Also cats are emotionless pricks compared to my dog who seems to have actual emotions and sympathy.

Smile More - 2021-02-13

@ODST Republic Kevin??? Do you watch CallMeKevin on here??? He is also a Irish ginger.

darthspeaks - 2019-10-13

12:05 If my cat did that I would have used him as the CATalyst...

Frank Hutchings - 2020-10-06

So $1000 in chemicals and equipment to make $5 in metal. Can't wait to get started

Renee Henderson - 2020-11-23

No you would not. If your well- not careful enough to keep the cat away from toxic chemicals, toxic gas and water,... you deserve what you get.

Jeffstone17 - 2019-08-06

I believe you can scrub the excess chlorine gas with a simple sodium hydroxide trap. Regardless, keep Schrodinger's cat out of your lab.

Eric - 2019-08-23

I work at Johnson Matthey. Its amazing to see this in smaller form.

Richard Mauto - 2020-07-28

This made my afternoon. I'm glad some still enjoying their chemistry outside of college.

Master Therion - 2019-07-04

A lot of work, extracting these metals from catalytic converters.
I bet you're... exhausted ;)

The Drunk Koala - 2019-07-05

only one CAT belongs in this house

Screamin'440 - 2019-07-05

@Titan Uranus damn good one

Tofran Bohk - 2019-07-05

ay HAAAAY! 😁

SilverFox S197 - 2020-09-27

Bring me the horizon

Joe Velazquez - 2020-12-28

I see what you did there...

Bob Barker - 2020-09-03

If that was my cat he'd have used up at least 8 of his lives by now.

Jason Kotler - 2019-08-14

A few dollars. This man is what I called "Dedicated"

Mike Schaap - 2019-09-03

Give this guy a lump of coal and you'll have a pellet in a week.

Carbz - 2021-02-12

13:03 ahh yes, the sound of my morning urine hitting the toilet water, same color too. Funny

Fossil Draws - 2019-07-05

"The only way to recover it would be to chisel up the floor"

I half expected a cut to cody with a jackhammer.

Thjeok Thjeok - 2019-07-11

@Fossil Draws , You did know what i was saying ! but i think one part of it upset you , are you religious ??

Thjeok Thjeok - 2019-07-11

@LilJbm1 Another one that doesn't like what i said ! Ill leave it . , Because it has nothing to do with being Concise or Constructive .

Billy Corners - 2019-07-27

would have cost way more to repair the floor. A couple grams of precious metal is probably not worth the labor and materials

Fossil Draws - 2019-08-07

@Billy Corners none of his "refining precious metals" series are profitable in any way. He just does this stuff to show the science.

Steve W - 2020-12-30

@Thjeok Thjeok he didn't seem upset at all. You just came in here with a weird comment that had nothing to do with anything that anyone was talking about, so naturally he was confused.

Jared Chinchello - 2019-10-26

Chlorine gas: appears
French Soldier: chuckles I'm in danger.

ToaFeron - 2020-12-11

So glad I'm not the only one who thought this 😂

mstng _boi - 2019-08-18

Spent way more on chemicals than what came out of that damn cat.

Jason Falzarano - 2019-11-13

"Shove your rod up my catalytic converter"

OrgyAtMyPlaceNOW - 2020-10-07

Its amazing how interesting it can be to watch someone pour liquids into other liquids for 20min, all the while anxious to see the result.

Entenkommando - 2019-07-04

Just out of curiosity did you do an XRay analysis of the concrete floor afterwards?

Noah G - 2019-07-05

I'd actually really like to see that

Albert Jurkowski - 2019-07-05

Agreed. I wonder what the resale value of Cody's shed is now

Bernardo B - 2019-07-05

@Albert Jurkowski with all the radiation and busted garden? very low i guess lol.

Alessandro D'Alterio - 2019-07-05

Next video "Extracting precious metal from my floor"

Dragan Bocevski - 2021-01-17

@Alessandro D'Alterio Episode 3: Extracting 'em out of cat's fur

Carol Ogihara - 2019-11-27

Great to watch the chemistry lesson. What were you doing at the end- neutralising the liquid?

goemon9378 - 2021-02-13

Oh, so that's where my catalytic converter went to. Enjoy my platinum.

wadde faq - 2019-08-02

I got great feeling this guy knew how to make an atom bomb.

Randomzebra123 - 2019-08-09

The cat sabotaging your catalytic converter experiment. Some kind of poetry could be found there. Mint video keep it up Cody! :)

Pyro Falcon - 2019-07-04

Dont worry Cody, swimming pools release a lot more chlorine into the atmosphere (yours is negligible in comparison)

perfect problem - 2019-09-05

@Magnus Dagbro Hey Koolaid!

It's the fox! - 2020-07-20

it's good to reduce still.
As an analogy, not killing 100000 people doesnt make killing 1 peachy.

It's the fox! - 2020-07-20

@Magnus Dagbro agree 1000000%

It's the fox! - 2020-07-20

@Grandfather_Din_Racket 😩

Aeroscience - 2020-12-02

Grandfather_Din_Racket Bjorn Llomborg is a moron or a greedy bastard (or both). Watch Potholer54’s videos debunking him

Stefan Molnapor - 2019-08-16

Awesome vid! My first time watching. Keep up the Great work

No Name - 2019-08-13

this guy must be a science exbert dam he lost me in all that wow

metalikobject - 2020-10-11

I guess this is why catalytic converters are being stolen from cars in my SIL’s neighborhood.

Chadwick Borawski - 2019-10-05

@ 19:19 "Thats what she said!"

Duke Corbin - 2019-07-04

Cody: I'm going to take this inside so an animal doesn't knock it over.

Cody's cat: $_$

Bernardo B - 2019-07-05

that was hilarious

Max Pracht - 2019-07-07

Cody: spends days working to make a video
Cody’s cat: I’m about to end this man’s whole career

James Bond - 2021-02-13

When the video started I thought I was watching a brown powder heroin video 🤣

Eric's Grey Hair Wisdom - 2019-10-22

cough chemicals have cough had no cough effect on cough me.

Jeff Walker - 2020-04-17

Such a shame about the accident - but glad you carried on to show the rest of the process. Thank you.

Frank Da Tank - 2019-09-06

I'm glad you dicided to put the mask on , cause I would like to see more cool videos okay

Ruben Kelevra - 2019-07-04

So your cat just increased the resell value of your house.
Slaps on the floor »This bad boy is full of precious metals«

graham Bins - 2019-07-06

Ruben Kelevra remember when Cody slapped his kitchen floor with his body😂

Avapire - 2019-07-06

@graham Bins falls on floor this bad boy is full of precious metals

ellipsis-truncate theresistance. video - 2019-07-06

and "cough" mercury "cough"

hamsteerio - 2019-07-08

Ruben Kelevra it probably sniffed it and tried to sit on it

Jim hov - 2021-01-07

After watching this

- starts building arc reactor

Joshjnickel Gaming - 2019-11-01

Make a Ruby gemstone. Plz Cody.

Literally watched Rulof the YouTuber ruby making video.

Luis Montalvo - 2020-02-07

Thanx for the good laugh 😂 dude!

Ky Wildcat Scratch Fever - 2019-09-11

For some odd reason this video reminds me of TV series "breaking bad"

Philip Repp - 2019-07-04

You should have protection through paypal on ebay to get a refund for what you got ripped off for.

James Mcguire - 2020-09-08

@SpydersByte they definitely will, buyer is always right. All you have to say is not as described

James Mcguire - 2020-09-08

@Dimes On His Eyes your a idiot, buyer is alway right. The guy qaited 2 years.

FullMetal Atheist - 2020-09-20

@Nakatsu Megami well who knows what one could do with time. Switch it out for some entirely different material and claim it was bad. Although that can be done without a lot of time but the longer something has been the higher the chance something could go wrong.

george lahmon - 2020-09-30

Actually every converter is different in its make-up of precious metals so he would have to check the specs from the manufacturer because he did say platinum was in the material.

Haidowa Kumka - 2020-10-29

Not all cats are reach in the PGMs, some are worthless.