> temp > à-trier > high-voltage-on-blank-perfboard-manhattan-style-path-of-least-resistance-styropyro

Circuit board blasted with 100000 volts gives amazing effect!

Drake Anthony - 2018-08-21

Hitting a blank PCB (perfboard) with 100kV+ from some way overdriven ignition coils gives an amazing effect! I first showed off the effect in my "overclocked bug zapper" vid. I wanted to show the effect in more detail, so I used a much bigger board and upped the juice going into the ignition coils. 

As for all that root 2 business, I'm disappointed that it took me so long to realize that all that garbage simplified to root 2....

Also I apologize for all the loss

littolicce - 2018-09-05

“Most powerful power supply I’ve had”


0.125f - 2018-09-09

@littolicce you are right

genericrandom64 - 2018-09-09

Just turn it on unplugged but connected to the board, the capacitors will run and discharge.

HÆX A. - 2018-09-09

littolicce X3

HÆX A. - 2018-09-09

Brandon Caldwell 0:16

Lauren - 2019-08-13

in a recent wireless power video on his main channel he casually shorts a capacitor to clear it while demonstrating something else

ElectroBOOM - 2018-08-23


-Zman- - 2018-09-09


PyroTronix - 2018-09-09

ElectroBOOM 5

Walkman05 - 2018-11-16


MR_JMAN - 2019-02-03


Rafa del Blanco - 2019-04-04


DrZoo - 2018-08-22

"I put a neon indicator bulb in that circuit and it shows that my protective components aren't quite doing their job." continues to use it

DrZoo - 2018-08-23

That suddenly reminded me of this painful moment lol. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npgzz42IEiE

Teslákova laboratoř - 2018-08-28

That snubber lol

Wolfin - 2018-08-31

The great thing about knowing how to troubleshoot this kind of stuff is that you don't have to be nearly as afraid of breaking things

Oranges for Tropicana - 2018-09-03

It's no fun unless you almost die

intelgen - 2018-09-06

@Drake Anthony mate you'll be dead in a few years. I send my condolences in advance xx

Theu - 2018-08-21

Jesus mate, is that LOSS?

Сталкер Ян Картопля - 2018-09-07

Fuck me, this meme has gone far!

Alkoholwioslaidziwki - 2018-08-22

When you tapped the components with a screwdriver I was expecting an explosion. I guess I should stop watching so much electroboom.

Tom Haflinger - 2018-08-22

"Man, I wish this thing wasn't so lethal, because I would love one for my room."

I know exactly where you're coming from. I was at Target the other day and they had white tigers, two for one. But that hazard ratio... I just couldn't do it.

oLEOresin Capsicum - 2018-09-07

@manictiger lol, is that so......let me tell you now that when a big cat "plays" it's 100% terrifying and deadly, no matter the breed. It can and will kill you if it tries to play with you. Don't wrestle a cheetah.....lmao. And another thing, a person should never own a cheetah. Do you think that an animal that can run 60mph and hunts buffalo should be kept in a cage or a house? And what are you gonna feed it? Live chickens? Baby deer? Cat food?......or cats?......lmao. It'd be extremely expensive.....and the cat would be very miserable.

manictiger - 2018-09-07

Cheetahs are one of the more commonly owned 'exotic' animals, particularly in the Middle East.
And actually, yes, I do have a couple freezers full of deer meat. I literally can't eat them as fast as I can kill them.
Again, the primary issues are: I don't have time for one; it's too cold here.

oLEOresin Capsicum - 2018-09-07

@manictiger https://youtu.be/GPjLb2VUp6I

manictiger - 2018-09-07

Reporters aren't real people.

oLEOresin Capsicum - 2018-09-07

@manictiger lol, I suppose.

mikeselectricstuff - 2018-08-28

Might be interesting to make a di-grid with hexagonal or triangular pads

Kitty Hawk - 2018-08-21

Damnit of course there’s loss

Chris Rose - 2018-09-07

What’s loss, I’ve never heard of it

Jack Winna - 2018-09-08

Kitty Hawk “diagonal is just that thing” Hmmmmmmmmmm...

Elijah Dunn - 2018-09-08

@Chris Rose incredinly long story

Chris Rose - 2018-09-08

It’s a joke cause my profile picture is loss

Ordici - 2018-09-09

+Chris Rose lost balls, also nice profile pic

Kingi - 2018-09-04

"Dont do this at home, this could definetely kill you" so your at your friends house?

legoladplaywell - 2018-08-21

0:16, 3:02, 3:16
There's something about these parts of the video that remind me of something, but I'm at a loss of what it could be

Jonne - 2018-09-05

came here to post this

Anders Skorstengaard - 2018-09-05

wow just WOW

SĦȺĐɆ - 2018-10-13

pmpbar This guy is an imposter, the guys real channel is named styropyro. I could be wrong though this could just be his second account.

Drew Hurst - 2019-01-15

@juju2143 I would argue Genius not madman :)

Drew Hurst - 2019-01-15

You're an imposter! LOL
Yep It's his second channel,
BigBrother is trying to silence him.

The King of Random - 2018-08-23


hawkdesign - 2018-09-08

Hi grant

-Zman- - 2018-09-09

So many science channels in this comment section. Wtf?

Nagito Komaeda - 2018-12-25

LOL y u here

Sukhoi Su-57 - 2019-09-17


D K - 2019-12-27

Rip grant

Cade Schumacher - 2018-08-21

Is loss signifying the slight chance of demonitization? Dang it YouTube

Za Warudo Oba Hebun - 2018-08-22

world record etch-a-sketch speedrun any%

Cade Schumacher - 2018-08-21

YAAAAAY ANOTHER VIDEO!!! Keep er going Drake! And LOSS!?😂😂

Arman? _ - 2018-08-22


Mr. Pewpy But-Whole - 2018-08-28

the diaganal = loss meme

Gus Garrison - 2018-08-21

Is this Lost

Alejandro Ferrari - 2018-08-22

1:34 I swear you have the most mischievous smirk ever, like you're always ready to cause trouble (In a good way) Love it!

ThatGuy255 - 2018-08-22

You and ElectroBoom should collab :D

Jack - 2018-08-30

than electroBOOM would die. or get blind. or burn his hand. or blow up or something like that

juju2143 - 2018-08-30

Sometimes I wonder how electroBOOM is still alive.

IIGrayfoxII - 2018-08-31

Fuck ElectroBOOM.

Photonic Indction.
Two nut jobs that play around with high voltage is what we really need.

-Zman- - 2018-09-09

He's in Canada...

I'm sure they'll think up something

Pugduddly - 2018-08-21

This is unlisted for some reason lmao

JoraForever - 2018-08-22

you can make it less lethal (i think)
seal the pcb inside an glass enclosure and make an inert medium with some noble gas that is easier to ionize than air and maybe pull a vacuum inside the enclosure
and with that you don't need such a beefy circuit to power it, i think an circuit less powerful than your bug zapper would be enough also make it high frequency so it doesn't scream in the audible range

D. Gaming Assoc. - 2018-09-05

the scream in the audible range is what makes it so beautiful

Ion Ymous - 2018-08-21

what's that symbol on the piece of wood at 0:37 and again in the formula for Diagonal at 3:32?

Ion Ymous - 2018-08-22

Erwin thanks! I see it now:

Jasper Dickson - 2018-08-29

Its called ligma

Blood Bath and Beyond - Pop Goes Metal Covers - 2018-09-05

Darude - Sandstorm

Bryan Keller - 2018-09-05

@Jasper Dickson what's ligna

Bryan Keller - 2018-09-06

@[ Soviet Maverick ] no u

〈Clex〉 - 2018-08-22

So if you submerged it in a liquid (or gas) with a different value would it take the diagonal path? Also what if it was half submerged?

Kirk Claybrook - 2018-08-22

Yes please. And a vacuum.

Vidduley - 2018-08-24

NO, please not you Styro! When someone says that 1 kV = 1 mm of spark, a small part of me dies, but when someone says 30 kV = 1 cm, I just become furious! Please consider the following: 30 kV/cm (3 MV/m) is the Townscend threshold for air ionization, you can only convert this into spark length in extremely homogenious electric field, for example a pair of spheres which diameters are more than 2.5 times bigger than the gap between them! In your needle-needle air gap the electric field is highly-nonuniform, so the ionization happens at the needles, and then streamers create the breakdown in much lower average electric field, 10 kV/cm *at best*. This is exactly why my 150 kV voltage multiplier can create a spark not 5 cm long, but 30 cm long, and I'm not even started with long air gaps physics yet. Please, you seem reasonable man, and if you are smart enough to operate with Maxwell equations level physics, which you certainly are, this stuff should be piece of cake for you.

PS I would say knowing the gap type and voltage waveform of yours that your power supply did gave out about 80 kV at that needle-needle air gap.

Best regards, stay safe and happy lasing!

ChuggyNation - 2018-09-03

who goes to party's anymore except for birthday party's its so boring literally only drink booze and talk that's it .

ishootstuff - 2018-09-04

A party is defined as a social gathering where people typically eat and drink. WTF would you expect? A roller coaster?

Deception Ception - 2018-09-04

@ishootstuff i was with you untill your second reply , you just seem to be an ass with everybody.
"What do you expect , a roller coaster" lol shut the fuck up , just reading that triggers me.
Why would you even tell him that , of course he doesn't expect a fucking roller coaster , as he said it's "literally only booze and talk".
Stop being a douchebag and trying to be an edgy kid.

Oh anyways parties can and do occur in amusement parks.

Smug Anime Girl - 2018-09-08

Can't you just use a multimeter to actually measure the voltage at once?

Matthew Holevinski - 2018-09-08

You obviously can't hold your liquor, and/or don't know how to properly drink son. You're doing it wrong.

Adevid Linares - 2018-08-24

I wonder if the electrical current follows a mathematical distribution on the board? Maybe even related to Pascal triangle by following the probability of possible paths as you can see that the density of "i" is much higher towards the center...

Hero Slippy - 2018-08-22

0:02 that is my "robotics class"

Fluttershy - 2018-09-01

Looks like an electric etch-asketch

Alam Khokhar - 2018-08-22


Renchie Yang - 2018-09-10

1:30 i love how casual he is about saying someone could die doing that lol

muhammad galuh elfiky - 2019-02-24

"Im afraid we need to use *MATH*"

physx nathan - 2018-09-07

"I wish this thing wasent so lethal i would love one for my room" i say the SAME thing about atomic bombs

Zeff - 2018-09-07

lol giving you a like for the life of achilles line, never heard that one

the rougemillenial - 2018-08-22

“I wish this thing wasn’t so lethal as I’d really like one for my room”. Exactly my thought as well

hisanimations - 2018-08-31


Yea i caught that

l o s s

Chris Hutchinson - 2018-08-23

That was exceptionally cool. Not something I ever thought to try with my high voltage stuff.

Warmer - 2018-09-04

I am thoroughly amazed you still have hair on your head given the absurd levels of voltage you play with on a regular basis.

Dank Meme - 2018-08-21

I bet this would look even more amazing if my potato internet could load the video better than 360p. Drake, you should post some vlog type videos about the stuff you’re doing on a day to day basis. Everything you do is so cool and would be nice to see everything in the process of being made and the science and math behind it all.

Nelson Green - 2018-08-22

love this face and words.

RealRuler2112 - 2018-08-22

Absolutely love stuff like this! =)

You could almost certainly write something quite easily to simulate this effect on an LCD panel if you really do want one for your room.

fox 420 - 2018-09-06

You: Definitly die

Me: quickly try this

Drew Hurst - 2019-01-15

That pattern is intriguing.
Would love to see a few 3D grids of different geometries including some copies of natural crystal lattices and stuff.

nullr1 - 2018-09-01

I've seen a lot of sketchy stuff on YT but you take the cake.

Digital Wojtyła - 2018-08-31


Brett DiMichele Studios - 2018-09-03

When I was your age I was still eating paste! said with a mouth full of paste Brilliant video! Spectacular even! :)

João Machado - 2018-09-08

"Man I wish this thing wasn't so letal bc I would love one for my room" ROFL

CCole RC - 2018-08-28

you should use that as a room decoration

Ethereal Forest - 2018-09-06

0:19 is that loss?

3:35 is that loss again?

The Ultimate Demon rat - 2018-08-23

I love how hilarious the math part was

Mr. Bishops - 2018-09-03



Nico daCosta - 2018-09-04

0:38 loss meme?

Rivality - 2018-09-06


Jack Duno - 2018-08-31

Hey look, it's the lines meme