> chemistry > explosifs > nitrotetrazoles > guanidine-nitrate-preparation-allchemystery

Guanidine Nitrate preparation

AllChemystery - 2017-05-08

in this video we prepare guanidine nitrate from ammonium nitrate,urea and silica gel.
the three chemicals are dried,mixed and heated for several hours with the resultant cake of solids extracted with water and crystallized. we then filtered with some difficulty  after spending the night in the fridge.
we recrystallized the crude product ready for the next step.
we will turn this into Nitroguanidine and then use zinc metal in glacial acetic acid in a reduction process to Aminoguanidine.

J W - 2018-11-02


realedna - 2018-01-19

Have you tested the product somehow? (e.g. melting point)
What is your source of information for this procedure? (SM, patent, paper, ...)

AllChemystery - 2018-01-20

realedna there’s a patent here: http://www.google.com/patents/US4390726
And a thread from an SM member which was eventually put in the prepublication section. :I http://www.sciencemadness.org/talk/viewthread.php?tid=12938#pid184212
followed these as a guide so my product had to be The guanidine nitrate. The only test was that it was dehydrated to nitroguanidine later which was easily identified by its crystal structure and a M.P test on that product which came very close to a pure product.

Science is Kind of Cool - 2017-05-08

Awesome job

cannagorilla - 2017-08-29

I thought you needed sulfonic acid?

Cobalt - 2018-07-14

But wouldn't it be possible to use other ammonium salts like ammonium chloride to avoid the risk of explosion? Wouldn't you get guanadinium chloride then?

I need a better username - 2019-05-02

There is no other ammonium salt which melts instead of sublimating or decomposing.

I need a better username - 2017-05-08

Will silica cat litter work?

AllChemystery - 2017-05-08

I need a better username this is what I used. Works well.

I need a better username - 2017-05-10

Question: Did you ever filmed TNT synthesis? I remember a video with pretty white crystals.

AllChemystery - 2017-05-10

I need a better username yes. It's on my Vimeo channel.

Michael F - 2017-05-13

What is your thermocouple probe in?

AllChemystery - 2017-05-13

Michael F an easy ld glass pipettes which I sealed at one end with a blow torch.

Michael F - 2017-05-14

Good idea!

Space Marine - 2017-07-02

I prefer the Oxydation of dicyandiamid with HNO3 and HCL. You only Need 50 % nitric acid and ist much safer than melting an explosive.

AllChemystery - 2017-07-02

Ulrich Hager the point of making this was a precursor to aminoguanidine bicarbonate. This is further reacted to make 5-amino tetrazole. If I had dicyandiamide I would just use this with NaN3 instead.

Space Marine - 2017-07-03

You ve made in an other Video calciumcyanamid. You can make your Dicyandiamide from it. :)

cannagorilla - 2017-08-29

Can you use silica gel from dsilicate that you get with new shoes.

AllChemystery - 2017-08-29

cannagorilla sodium silicate- water glass. If you add sulfuric acid to this you will get silica which needs to be dried. I used crystals of silica cat litter. It's cheaper.

cannagorilla - 2017-08-31

AllChemystery Thank you!

AstreliousRx666 - 2017-08-23

i have tryed this pretty much , but everytime was no satisfacting yield

namenlose Held - 2019-04-07

Is Guanidine Nitrate hygroskopic?

AllChemystery - 2019-04-07

No. Not noticeably anyway.

namenlose Held - 2019-04-07

Cool, so it would be a good AN replacement perfect for Ammonal or in a molten OB Amatol mixture with Picric Acid... @AllChemystery

Gerald Meier - 2020-03-16

thanks for sharing. the problem with this method is yield sucks, 20-30% of theoretical because large amounts of NH3 and CO2 (potential product) is wasted/evolved in the heating process a better method is US patent 3,009,949 (1961) which describes heating ammonium metaphosphate (DAP) with urea (1 to 1.2 ratio) at 250-280C for approximately an hour. the residue is a moiety of guanidine ortho&pyro phosphates that is extracted in hot water, filtered-then filtrate is reacted with the corresponding mineral acid to produce the desired guanidine salt. Cheers

maham imran - 2019-09-27

It is the sweetest substance in the world that 300,000 times sweeter than sucrose.

Marcia Osullivan - 2020-01-24

No it fucking isn't

Брюс Ли - 2017-05-10

Try to make nitroguanidine nitrate

Ok - 2017-10-20

Брюс Ли are you fucking stupid?

Chemical Engineer - 2017-11-07

Will ammonium sulfate work instead of ammonium nitrate?

AllChemystery - 2017-11-08

Yes it should. You will get guanidine sulfate instead of nitrate though.

Chemical Engineer - 2017-11-08

Well, I mainly need a guanidine source, not a specific salt of it.

cannagorilla - 2018-01-28

Chemical Engineer check out NerdRage's channel. I got my Guanidine Carbonate his way. 4$ for 20g

LionOfAllah - 2019-12-27

How to convert guanidine sulphate into nitroguanidine?

Laboratory of Liptakov - 2017-07-01

Is possible use instead silica gel for example glass microballoons, or white pure sand ? Are some a next variants for this physically inert catalyseur ? Thanks.:-)

Accipiter Nisus - 2019-05-28

Treat water glass with sulfuric acid