> temp > à-trier > is-your-red-the-same-as-my-red-vsauce

Is Your Red The Same as My Red?

Vsauce - 2013-02-17

Subscribe to Vsauce: http://bit.ly/POIaN7

Follow Michael Stevens: http://www.twitter.com/tweetsauce
All music by Jake Chudnow: http://www.youtube.com/jakechudnow

Tommy Edison (Blind guy on YouTube): http://bit.ly/rjyX7q

Color Blindness:


Qualia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia

We experiences are subjective: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjective_character_of_experience

Explanatory Gap: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Explanatory_gap

Mary's Room and the Knowledge Argument: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_argument

Who Asked the First Question? [PDF]: http://www.polyphony.ge/uploads/whoaskthefirst.pdf

Theory of Mind and Sally-Anne Task: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theory_of_mind

Koko the talking gorilla [VIDEO]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pmuu8UEi2ko

Questioning Behaviour: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question

Synesthesia coupled with color blindness: http://www.scholarpedia.org/article/Synesthesia#A_color_blind_synesthete.3B_.22Martian_colors.22

Do blind people DREAM images? http://www2.ucsc.edu/dreams/Library/kerr_2004.html

Elizabeth Williams - 2016-02-07

What if we all have the same favorite color and all call it something different

Matthew Martinez - 2020-02-19

Bruh............... Wtf your hurting my brain more I should stop reading these comments holy shrimp

Daniel Carlyle - 2020-03-05

CryptoNite that’s not how it works. Did you watch the video.

Maisie Quinn - 2020-03-13

I don't know if that would work, mainly because in my experience, favorite colors change quite often. For me, it was red, then purple, then pink, then blue, then literally every color except for pink, then orange, then blue again, and right now it mostly flip-flops between purple and blue. I used to love orange, now I don't. I used to hate pink, now I don't. My point is that most people's favorite color changes at least once in their lifetimes.

Salty Bonsai - 2020-03-18

That was what I was gonna say! N

Take me a 100% seriously - 2020-03-21

But we won't. Think it this way. If i say My favorite color is red. And you say too. And i show you My red. you will still see what would Be My green. But i would see whats my red.
And i would see My red as My red and your red as my red.
While you would see your red as your red and My red as your red

Maitoparta - 2019-12-21

Video title: Is your red same as mine

Michael: aliens from far away from our solar system do not feel pain

YO MAMA - 2020-03-10

I See Sauce

LAYNE TheDragonRider - 2020-03-11

@Kokiri Kid or something like it

Charla Kahler - 2020-03-14

It's used as an example.
You can't explain pain to someone who has never felt it,

Nor can you explain a color to a blind person

Maitoparta - 2020-03-17


ionisator - 2020-03-20

@RPC008 r/woooosh

Skate Raptor 1 - 2020-01-03

“We can all agree that red is warm and blue is cold.” But what if my warm is different from your warm?

Uros Mihajlovic - 2020-03-09

Or is it? Kill me

No u - 2020-03-12

Keon's Corner yeah that’s what I thought maybe someone else’s warm is purple and they call it red and maybe their blue is green and they call it blue

ionisator - 2020-03-20

red fire and blue fire lmao

Skate Raptor 1 - 2020-03-21

Ima Not Toxic that isn’t possible? If it was like that, and they were told to draw a picture of their surroundings, they would also draw everything upside down

Vincenzo Gargano - 2020-01-07

You can't experience color

LSD: let me introduce myself

MyNameJeff - 2020-03-13

@thegrandfinale2 watch it its goodz

MyNameJeff - 2020-03-14

@thegrandfinale2 btw you can see what someone has commented on just by clicking their name, its not very out of the way or hard

thegrandfinale2 - 2020-03-14

MyNameJeff - not in the mobile app, apparently

Conall Geo - 2020-03-14

MyNameJeff everyone’s such a sheltered f*ck on this thread they clearly haven’t done any research on drugs or LSD, which doesn’t flush lives away

Dale Johnson - 2020-03-15

DMT: Here is what they sound like

Nobody - 2020-02-18

Roses are grey
Violets are grey
Everything’s grey
I’m colourblind

Kowalsky - 2020-03-16

@Nobody How do you know what grey looks like if every color is the same to you?

Rodolf - 2020-03-21

Nobody is colorblind

gamer_25677 - 2020-03-22

@Verx XD

gamer_25677 - 2020-03-22

@Rodolf no some people are collorblind

Rodolf - 2020-03-22

@gamer_25677 Yeah I know. I'm just saying that Nobody is colorblind

Robotic_Llama - 2017-09-10

A person studying atoms is just a bunch of atoms trying to understand themselves.

Uber Man - 2020-03-01

Robotic_Llama meta

Daymein Vines - 2020-03-04

The brain named itself

Dark Side - 2020-03-04

"Oh this is big brain time"

thpeacemaker - 2020-03-06

All of physics is the universe studying itself

Soupy - 2020-03-12

That’s a wuote

Abigail Amenson - 2020-02-07

It’s weird how I’ve been wondering if colors look different to everyone and then this shows up in my recommended...

*X Files theme intensifies*

Lil juice - 2020-03-02

Not only colors but everything the way you see dogs could be completely different from how I see them you might not even be real you could be a brain in a jar receiving electrical signals in just the right way to make you feel see hear etc and you could be hallucinating everything

Darius Jones - 2020-03-03

Bruh same!

William Steele - 2020-03-15

@Kevin Cornellius I know! My friend, who is super smart doesn't understand me when I explain this.

Ahoora Movassaghi - 2020-03-16


Yapflip The Grunt - 2020-03-22


Random Chicken - 2019-12-30

whenever i tried to explain this concept to people my age, (10 years old, at the time... haha.)
they would always say "what? you're colorblind??" or something like that and it started getting extremely infuriating as i tried to explain this and everyone thought i was stupid.

Random Chicken - 2020-03-13

@Stephen Holtom
thank you...

Wesley Mercer - 2020-03-16

I have had similar experiences, it seems that most people don't get what I was trying to say.

qccrrt 020 - 2020-03-18

how old are ya now? 11?

Random Chicken - 2020-03-18

@qccrrt 020
16, why?

gapple * - 2020-03-19

@qccrrt 020 did you forget this was made in 2013? Lol

ERROR_Anything - 2019-12-31

Vsauce: blah blah

Me: accidentally skips to a random part of the video

Vsauce: "Anne put the cookie into the basket"

Don Shrek - 2020-02-27

@Luis P. big fact woah

Luis P. - 2020-02-27

@Don Shrek wot

Verx - 2020-02-27


gapple * - 2020-03-19

I love how he goes totally off topic just to go back to it. Sometimes in the middle of his videos I think I'm watching another video then he goes like: "ha that was just an analogy, we are not actually gonna talk about alien races. Now back to the topic..."

MOHD SALEEM MALIK - 2020-03-21

@Luis P. rjlgi

Alexandra Harris - 2020-02-17

I’ll take “concepts that terrorized me endlessly as a child” for 500, Alex.

Troy Ounce - 2016-06-09

My red is better than yours.

A person u found Gamer - 2020-03-16

1v1 me my red is level 100 and has 700 attack damage

Aeli Maxwell - 2020-03-16

Nuh uh. Mines better. get off my DiCk

fan2rang1 - 2020-03-17

My red is the best

Kerm!t - 2020-03-19

AHAHAHHAA you amateurs I don't even have a RED

NightLizard7386 Earrape - 2020-03-21

Troy Ounce what do you think you’re better than me?

dragonblood - 2019-12-21

vsauce: you're colorblind now

Solomon Boward - 2020-02-15

What if I was colorblind before

dragonblood - 2020-02-15

@Solomon Boward are you fine now?

Solomon Boward - 2020-02-15

@dragonblood oh thank god

Suhaib Ahmed - 2020-02-06

Cool way to propose:
"Is your bed same as my bed?"

rofl lmao - 2020-02-16


"But there's something that no signing ape has ever done."

Throw gangsigns?

"No ape has ever asked a question."

Ah yeah that's true either

Brain Dead - 2020-02-18

Everybody gangsta until the ape start asking

Robert Clark - 2020-03-03

Koko looking down from heaven: "Am I joke to you?"

Albond - 2020-03-08

rofl lmao *as well (not "either")

Igor - 2020-02-24

I experienced the “Sally-Anne” test in my life. My cousin was about 5 years old. And she kept asking me questions such as “Remember when we went to * insert any place * ?” But she was the only one who has been there. She assumed that I know everything she knows and that I experienced the exact same things she did.

JSFin - 2020-03-15

But if she remembers doesn't she think you remember too? So why did she ask?

Igor - 2020-03-15

JSFin, she was not expecting an answer, her questions were more like this “Remember when we did this/went there? Ahh, that was a good time”. Those were a sort of rhetorical questions

Sysonic - 2019-11-18

who had this thought as a child that you were the only real human and everyone was just robots?

Bryson B - 2020-03-14

Thats called solipsism

gose - 2020-03-18

i think we all did

Richard Matthews - 2020-03-21

I always thought I'm the real human and everyone else were hullicinations that come to help and give information. When I'm in one place, I dont know what's going on in the other place. I'm M.I.A from that location so everything there never happened. As far as I know it problem never happened over there. It's odd how you can think of someone and a few minutes to a day later you end up seeing them or talking to them on the phone. Maybe if I never thought of it, I would have never saw or talked to that someone.

Bryson B - 2020-03-22

Y'all have really never heard of Solipsism have you. Read some philosophy. As well as Descartes evil demon though experiment. These concepts have been explored deeply

Bryson B - 2020-03-22

I think therefore I am, the point of that entire phrase is to prove the only thing you can prove exists is your own consciousness. Nothing else, and no one else's consciousness.

M & Artroom - 2019-12-24

Is your red the same red as my red

Me: get ready to be argued to death about maroon and crimson

The waffle dealer - 2020-01-14

I've literally been thinking about this my entire life I thought I was the only one

JUDGE MENTHOL - 2020-03-09


Marcel Amaral - 2020-03-15

Me top. Nice to discover terms like qualia.

Django Groen - 2020-03-15


franek 123 - 2020-03-16


Bon Herbert - 2020-03-21


Elon Musk - 2019-12-25

me: watches a vsauce video that seems interesting
youtube: everything you will see in your recommendations from now on will be vsauce

Jaalan - 2020-01-06

It is as it should be...

Uganda knuckle Knut - 2020-01-04

Now I'm scared that I see colors no one else sees!

Casian - 2020-03-19

Don't worry

Casian - 2020-03-19

this will not affect your health. but its bad... :(

Tanay - 2020-01-19

Vsauce: we are all alone in our minds

Me:well It aint just the mind

Salvlizard - 2020-02-23

I had this same theory when i was a child 10 years ago. It was mind blowing thinking about it. My friends didnt understand what i was meaning at the time i shared my theory with them.

I tought that if i would learn that red is a hot color i would automatically associate this color with the color of for example fire.

But if fire appears green for me, and green is in fact MY red. I would automatically associate green as hot!

But it doesnt matter because i can not describe this color in another way. So the color red can appear for me as green, for my friend as pink and my mother as blue. But we all learned that this is red and we would accept this and wouldnt ask. (Sorry i am german, so if you find some errors im sorry 😅 )

Akim-Youssouf Lachance Zoromé élève - 2019-12-21

What if we actually like the same color but we will not really know
-I like blue
Other person:I like green
Maybe we see the same color but we call it differentially.

ImLavaNdino - 2019-12-31

Black and white

Mike 3 YEET! - 2020-01-21

Change your mind ok!

(does the first brain transplant)

Speedy Astro - 2020-02-02

I changed my favorite color 5 times.
First blue then green then red then white and now black

Robert Lane - 2020-02-26

Most ppl dont keep the same color as their favorite for their whole lives. If what you were suggesting were true then this wouldn't be the case.

Robert CoLa - 2020-02-08

Thought about this as a young boy.
Family: Cute kid making up stories.

Ali Şevki Şavk - 2019-12-15

Roses are red
Violets are blue

Or are they..?

Random Chicken - 2020-03-04

​@Vickie Brigham​
woah, i used to swear a lot.

Vickie Brigham - 2020-03-04

@Random Chicken i just added on.

Saad Aldhalami - 2020-03-07

Aren't violets purple? So, why do we say "violets are blue" even thought they are purple? Or, I'm just dumb and stupid and don't know that blue is violet

Random Chicken - 2020-03-07

@Saad Aldhalami
violets are violet. there is a difference between purple and violet, and there sure is a damn difference between purple and blue. you are correct.

mesiicapwicornnn • 1000 years ago - 2020-03-08

Roses are black
Violets are black

Reggie with a K - 2020-02-22

1:39 cant see any of them

Beep Neep the Sheep - 2020-03-21

than you're probably color blind. go see an eye doctor

Reggie with a K - 2020-03-21

Beep Neep the Sheep, I’ve known ever since I was in art class at school.

Kenieva :D - 2019-12-24

Why did you change the thumbnail? :(

The other one is alot better

Edit: Oh he changed it back... he must've seem my comment lmao

Bernard Vixen - 2020-01-03

I've actually though about this a few times, surprised it's a legit thing

NEGATIVE minecraft - 2020-02-21

Bernard Vixen Same

aniruddha patil - 2020-02-22

We're more interested to know- how did you figure it out that you're in the this situation?

iman - 2020-03-14

it isn’t a « legit thing » it’s just that someone made a word for it, it’s always been a thought, i get u tho

NEGATIVE minecraft - 2020-03-15

aniruddha patil it was when I learned how your eyes get the light and then the *brain* decides the color.

The youtube lizard - 2020-03-21

Sometimes I think about this and tell my brother: hey, the blue you see might be the purple I see

Ew - 2019-11-04

Someone: “that’s red”

Vsauce: o r i s i t . . .

pizza hut crusader - 2019-12-07

Im vsauce OR EM I

Česká pošta - 2019-12-09

I thought abot this when i was 5 🤔 it is really weird

PRO GAMER - 2019-12-27


Ginger Kitty Project - 2020-01-04

Ginger mate 😸

Rosa Davila - 2020-02-20

Creepy Peppa Pig. Ew!

Risto D. - 2019-12-26

Anyone else feeling uncomfortable listening to this at 2am, especially with that cursed music?

Kruker Studios - 2019-12-28


No Subscribers With no Video’s - 2020-01-19

Nice profile pic

hJ4’sTwisted - 2020-02-18

Me: is your red the same as my red?

Vsauce: we are all alone in our minds

Rosa Davila - 2020-02-20

WTH is Vascuence? It’s called VSauce.

Brazen Predator298 YT - 2020-02-24

hJ4’sTwisted I read this as he said it lol

gapple * - 2020-03-19

When I was young I thought that everyone else had a third person perspective and I was the only one viewing the world in first person (honestly still idk about this)

This happened because I happen to have a very cultured uncle, he had shown me the world of games and internet, which probably made me perceive things differently (just like in a game has third person and first person).

Kenny Childers - 2019-12-24

I have had this exact thought and discussion with my friend so many times, especially since im colorblind and I always get roasted. 😂

Chiroo - 2019-07-18

So all this time we are just using a texture pack

Zane Meyer - 2019-11-18

Im using the realistico pro texture pack with parallax mapping, cinematic quality shaders, ray tracing, g-sync, and max render distance

Punky Plays - 2019-11-20

Wow 👏👏👏👏👏

Zane Meyer - 2019-11-21

@Punky Plays cuz I got 20-20 vision

Hobé Junper - 2019-12-24

you can change your texture pack by pouring some bleach in your eyes

ImLavaNdino - 2019-12-31

Im using spax resource pack

SquidOnTheSide - 2020-03-12

5:31 Funny that Michael used this image.
It's like he already knew he was going to compete against this chimpanze

J P - 2020-03-02

“Is your red the same as my red”

Me: Perhaps. But there is no way to truly know whether or not we all see colors the same. See, if we are born seeing colors differently, then we assume that everyone sees that color the same. Someone’s purple could be my orange or blue. You never know.

J P - 2020-03-02

I haven’t watched the video yet so if this is the reasoning then d*ng

Luke Brown - 2020-02-27

I remember sitting in 1st grade art class and it hit me for the first time that everyone could see color completely differently and we'd have no way of knowing and it blew my little 5 year old mind

Nicholas Ambrose - 2020-02-25

Maybe Red is the memories we made along the way...

Kim Kardashian Un - 2019-07-12

Traffic Police : Sir u jumped the red light
Vsauce: Or did i? 🤔

Tmjon - 2020-01-03

Did you just steal 2 top comments and merged them into one?

TSG-Froak-Brawl-Stars - 2020-02-11


Tino van de Pino - 2020-02-12

@TSG-Froak-Brawl-Stars what are you trying to obtain

LordNikon - 2020-02-14

intro plays

Itz Perkz - 2020-02-18

Change it to Kim kardash un

HazbinJoy - 2020-03-16

Vsauce: is your red my red?

Comment section: argues about LSD

cityraildude - 2020-03-03

I asked this when I was about 5 years old, and my parents thought I was insane

ElectricFlame22 - 2020-02-16

If Sally knows Anne well enough that she would trust her with a cookie, then Sally should also know Anne's general tendency to be comedic and act in ways the correspond with that tendency, such as switching the cookie's position, as a joke. If Sally knows Anne as well as this, she would know exactly where to cookie is, because she knows that Anne is the kind of person to move it, therefore ascending the Theory of Mind. I have a hunch that the 3 year olds put under this test knew this fact, and are indeed much smarter than we could imagine them to be. Their theory of mind's are so advanced, they knew what Sally knew without knowing she knew it.

Prepare for a toddler uprising ladies and gentlemen. We can only hope they will spare us.

doodruff the legend - 2019-12-24

Vsauce makes me question every thing, It makes me really depressed.

Made In China - 2019-12-10

Vsauce: But is your red the same as my red?

Colorblind people: wait, you guys are seeing red?

Aidan Hart - 2020-02-20

Not how color blindness works

Tim Drake - 2020-02-22

"seeing red"
Very poor choice of words

babatunde fc - 2020-02-22

Blind people:wait yous can see?

Tinu Jijo - 2020-02-25

Blind people:You guys can see?

Don Shrek - 2020-02-27

@Alex Metaxotos bruh

seth olsen - 2020-01-27


Michael: this alien shall know true pain.

CatPeeTacos - 2020-02-25

this video is totally accurate to where my brain goes when I’m trying to sleep.

Python is Love - 2020-02-21

8:16, they actually lack the sense of virtual space or what you can imaginary world!
They think everything is real...
correct me if am wrong

Louise Robin - 2020-01-16

6:44 Oh my God it's Carlton from fresh Prince!

fcE300 - 2019-03-23

“We are all alone in our minds”

Me: woah thats deep

“Let’s say I met an alien”

Verdii Sykes - 2019-04-27

that was really fun when I heard it lol

Mr stark I dont Feel so good - 2019-05-13


True Christian - 2019-05-25

vsauce is a propagandist for Satan and his followers believe the anti-biblical lies he tell. Unless you all repent of your evil ways and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and his proxy payment for your sin debts, then one day you won't be alone...you will be together for eternity, in Hell.

*.ʚ iwuvkittenz 𖧧 ɞ .* - 2019-05-26

@Edward Berryman lmao same

Dehydrated Water - 2019-11-18

@True Christian Jesus is my Lord and Savior, that doesn't disallow science