> temp > à-trier > how-to-cope-with-panic-attacks-the-school-of-life

How To Cope With Panic Attacks

The School of Life - 2019-06-26

Panic Attacks - feelings of overwhelming worry - are a hugely normal and highly survivable feature of being an ordinary human being. What we need is simply a few rules as to how to handle them when they wash over us.
How to cope with Panic Attacks
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“During a panic attack, the pervasive worry that we normally carry within us and that is typically content merely gently to corrode away our lives promptly changes tack and decides it might be better to try to kill us off instead – preferably very soon.We’re meant to give an hour-long speech in a couple of minutes but we stand petrified in the wings of the theatre, our mouth entirely dry, our heart racing and our mind unable to remember so much as the first letters of the alphabet, let alone what our name is.”


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Produced in collaboration with:

Julia Marchowska

Title animation produced in collaboration with

Vale Productions

The School of Life - 2019-06-26

Have you experienced panic attacks? Share what helped you in the comments below and make sure you do not miss any of our future films by subscribing to our channel and turning on notifications.

Ball Monokuma - 2020-09-01

Shit dude, I recently had one from breaking something glass. It felt like my entire world stopped and I couldn’t breathe. I have a phobia of glass now.

Blue Lady - 2020-09-03

I love the narrator’s voice! It is like bandaids on my broken and shattered soul... your voice feels like the hug I never got as a child... like the smile that I never deserved... your voice is like the perfume of rain on a very heated soil... God bless you! And thank you! ❤️

Stefan Metaxa - 2020-11-27

I used to get panic attacks! Sometimes, when I’m very hungover, I’m still prone to getting them. The worst thing is that I have a very high expectation of myself and so I feel a lot of shame about my anxiety or panic - like I’m not the type of person that should feel it. Getting over this has been a huge challenge but it’s happening slowly. School of life has helped me massively in being kind to myself, recognising that everyone feels anxiety sometimes, and stop taking myself so seriously.

FLIX_ aSaP - 2020-12-03

I just try and find something to get my mind of it

Dorothy Beveridge - 2020-12-28

@Morris Colenbrander hi . I’m a 72 year old woman and suffering from anxiety and panic attacks. My meds aren’t helping. Iv been on them for 12weeks . Can you help me please. Thankyou

Victoria ` - 2019-09-20

Hey random person reading this, calm down it’s all gonna be alright I love you and I hope you have a great night or day. Much love smile 💕

Victoria ` - 2020-11-24

@ledwig RC Wait what?! 😂

FLIX_ aSaP - 2020-12-03

Thank you I needed this😁

Hayden Cote - 2020-12-03

Thank you. Seriously.

Visual Panik - 2021-02-05

This helped somehow , going through a 12hr panic attack, first attack ever, felt like my heart was
Going to explode ,

Victoria ` - 2021-02-05

@Visual Panik Happy I could help, stay safe and healthy, much love! :)

Authentic Mental Health - 2019-06-30

If you are reading this you are NOT alone❤️ You are NOT crazy✅ Thank you for creating a video which helps people understand panic attacks better❤️✅

Hatem BenZakour - 2020-06-05

The thing I hated about panic attacks was that I felt like I was going crazy.

Nurul Syuhada - 2020-07-15


ぱ夏 - 2020-10-10

@Hatem BenZakour I used to think that too, but then I did my research, and it's been a little better, but still, sometimes a scary feeling overcomes me. I'm trying really hard, but everything gives me anxiety, and I wish I could give some advice but I'm a mess myself lol

Hatem BenZakour - 2020-10-10

@ぱ夏 I hope everything gets better for you.

MAGICAL-MOONY - 2019-06-27

Panic attacks for me are like the feeling I'm going to die like my body is going to self destruct, I just hate they come out of nowhere, it's good to know I'm not alone though.

Alyn - 2020-11-24

We can do it together! (: ❤️❤️❤️

Esme Tatum - 2020-11-25


Eda Nar - 2021-01-10


Arabella Cabazor - 2021-02-07

@Peter Piper Me too you arent alone!

Zer0chill93 - 2021-02-11

That's exactly what is happening to me as well. My heart starts pumping like crazy and I get the feeling I'm shutting down completely. If course, nothing happens. It's all in the head...

ricepudding - 2019-06-26

During a panic attack our mind behaves like there's a lion in front of us. Remember, there is no lion.

Ball Monokuma - 2020-09-01

What if you have a panic attack because there actually is a lion behind you 🧐

Jeffrey Kaufmann - 2020-11-30

@Ball Monokuma A panic attack is normal if there's a lion near you. Some Blood from the extremities goes to the major muscles to give you extra strength. blood leaves the brain also for the same reason. That's why you will feel dizzy. Pupils will dilate to give you better vision if you're facing a predator at night. Conclusion: The symptoms of a panic attack is to protect you and not kill you.

Eda Nar - 2021-01-10


•Star Girl• - 2021-01-24

But I need my lion my line is what keeps me safe

ricepudding - 2021-01-25

@•Star Girl• I don't understand what you're saying. The whole point is that your nervous system is overreacting by assuming your life is in danger. It isn't.

Life Progress - 2019-06-26

Did anyone start to feel anxious when he went into detail about a panic attack example?? I love the unique style of your drawings! You inspire me to become just as good one day :)

Tobi K - 2019-08-17

I really needed to stop the video when he described the airplane situation. In the beginning i was already close to panic and this triggered me more.

namya - 2019-09-03

God damn it, Y E S

xXcl0ve_fallacyXx - 2019-09-26

i did

Brendon Vail - 2020-01-22

Rahul Chhetri that’s exactly what happens to me

Hi 61 - 2020-03-28


The Art of Happiness - 2019-06-26

Thank You, There is so much to learn on your channel.

Suzana Valenca - 2019-06-26

"You have every right to exist and draw pleasure from this life"

Carl Ranger - 2019-07-02

I know. That was a shot in the arm!

Yamerooo - 2019-07-03

I was trying my best no to cry and after hearing that i let it all out

Victor P. - 2019-07-03

@*love & Peace is never guaranteed You kind of have to start somewhere or else you'll be in the pessimistic dump forever.

*love & Peace is never guaranteed - 2019-07-03

@Victor P. Well said.

Ball Monokuma - 2020-09-01

I’m so lost, I have ADHD and autism and I’m scared of pursuing what I sort of want. I get hobbies, but I tire of them fairly quickly. Chronic boredom is a bitch...

laura giles - 2019-06-26

If you’re not sure if you’ve had a panic attack you definitely haven’t
Best advice is to name:
5 things you can see
4 things you can touch
3 things you can hear
2 things you ate today
1 thing you like about yourself
I find it helps when my thoughts get carried away by themselves

Laiskadu - 2019-12-05

Tbh i cant even speak during panic attacks

Felicia Queen - 2019-12-09

Laiskaduma same, i try to speak but it sounds like i’m gurgling

Adagio Borntrager - 2020-02-12

I would politely disagree. Not with the coping device, I have head that do be helpful for some people, but with your first comment. Shortly before I graduated high school I would have these episodes of intense emotions followed by troubled breathing and concern of death. I was always told that I was really dramatic and emotional growing up and thought these episodes were exactly that, drama and emotions. But once I learned that this was indeed panic attacks I was able to learn how to control them. They began in private but once I would be in the middle or class, or at work, I realized something was wrong. IF YOU ARE UNSURE, there is indeed something wrong. Maybe it isn’t an actual panic attack, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t important. Seek help from those you trust and professionals.

KC Fang - 2020-09-23

Thank you, this is a good idea. I was thinking of memorizing a paragraph or a short prayer, what you shared will be among my weapons to fight it.

Jeffrey Kaufmann - 2020-11-30

Take deep breaths through your Stomach and it will stop a Panic Attack.

Joel Joung - 2019-06-26

For the people who’ve never experienced a panic attack, just know that it feels terrible

Jazmin Mccoy - 2019-11-23

@jhim P you know the part that I feel is painful, after a panic attack the body seems to get stiff and moving around hurts the part of having a panic attack I don't feel painful and I even get seizures on my hands '_'

a Bear - 2020-03-01

Severe panic attacks are one of the most traumating and worst things a human can experience during their lifetime in my opinion.

I hate it when people think "panic attacks" are when you feel a bit anxious or get in a fight or something and get angry. And trust me I wish it was those things.

Hi 61 - 2020-03-28

I feel like passing out and panicked at the same time

J. Bae - 2020-10-04

It feels like you're going to die imminently and the fear from that just fuels your panic attack more. It's absolutely horrible.

Eda Nar - 2021-01-10


Mic Mon - 2019-06-26

this could not have come at a more perfect time. thank u

abdelkaderelbrazi - 2019-06-26

@A Priori S. Knowledge But it won't last forever :) What helped my girlfriend is setting boundaries, talking openly about what she dislikes instead of hiding her fears and opinions. She sometimes has worse moments but the panic attacks don't come anymore. She's the boss now, not the panick attacks :) She recently discovered yoga and, as reluctant as she initially was, now she loves it. Who knows, it may help you too :)

A Priori S. Knowledge - 2019-06-26

@abdelkaderelbrazi mine mostly comes from health anxiety. I habent panicked in a while but i woke up from a nightmare the other day and it almost put me back in the same cycle.

IISocratesII - 2019-06-27

@Tom Johnson I'm a weightlifter, get more b12 in my diet than 4 normal people put together.

yen xion - 2019-07-01


Babylon - 2019-07-01

Mic Mon i literally saw this in my recommendations when I was having one

Palak Sharma - 2019-06-26

This made me cry. I've been having panic attacks recently. I am unable to think clearly, my thoughts get cloudy and I just sit there in fear. I haven't been able to pin point the reasons but your video has made a lot of sense to me.

Looks like it's time to meet my therapist again.

Brandon Sly - 2019-12-04

Mine wants me to quit smoking weed. I quit smomibg sativa and it made it better. But i still get it once in a while

Andra 23 - 2019-12-26

@Fjord tell me more about the stages you went through.I am going through a similar thing rn

Fjord - 2019-12-26

@Quod Deus Avertat man I'm so glad You did it! This is heartwarming!
I'm proud of You, my boy! I can tell You more, from now on, You can become greater, than your oldself! This is a path up, and taking it step by step, You will overcompensate those years of fear and anxiety!

I'm off meds for half a year already, I have zero anxiety, no panic attacks, and what is cool - I'm more confident then I was before the illness. I can flirt with any woman, I can negotiate with my boss, I feel like I'm taking my life back, and getting control over it, step by step.

I'm so glad You find the right meds, because what I know, is the formula of those is different for everyone. And this fine-tuning of meds brings You back to life, but in order to make it right You need a good doctor.

I'm still visiting my psychiatrist by the way, just for thank her. We just chat casually, once a month or so, even I don't need any prescriptions now, and everytime I'm telling her that she saved my life.

I'm gonna work my way up now, for financial freedom, careers, and I hope to compensate those years I've lost.
Best to You to m8, and marry Christmas btw 😆🙆🎄

Fjord - 2019-12-26

@Andra 23 hey Andra, if You want I can spare You some of my time in messenger of any sort. Because it's a lot of information if You want to dig in. While I was anxious, I dig through a tons of literature and researches on anxiety and panic attacks, so to write it down here it would be half of a book probably.

I've studied it from possible origins, up to every known on Earth cure for it.

In terms of stages, what You need to clearly distinguish, is where You are going. Is your situation becoming better or worse.
It is pretty easy if You will write down when You had anxiety or panic attacks, and what possibly caused it.
In the same time You should make a scale of panic triggers, from best to worst. For example - worst trigger - You are on the plane, that's going to crush and You need to jump out to save your life. Or police came to arrest You. Or You stuck in the mountains in small cabin, phone dead, road is frozen and no one knows You are there.
That's pretty horrible things I could come up with 😂
On the other end smallest things that give You some chills, but not more - like cashier didn't gave You change, or taxi driver missed a turn and dropped You one block forward. Or too many people in the subway around You at rush hour.
Notice your feelings on these ones.
After, You keep writing the other small triggers You noticed, and compare those to the triggers You already had. If they are becoming smaller, and more insignificant, yet gives You the same feelings - that mean You are going down. In this case the faster You find a good psychiatrist, the better. Because at some point You may become afraid to go out at all, so You will not be able to even visit a doctor. Circle closed.

If You notice that same situations, that gave You anxiety earlier, not touching You anymore - that's a good sign You are going up. However again, with proper prescriptions You can "climb" faster, then by yourself.
However even my doctor told me that there were people, very rare cases, that fought themselves out from clinical anxiety cases. But it's really rare.

I hope You are getting better. Feel free to ask me anything, because at some point time can be your enemy, and the faster You react - the better.

Brooklyn Tortellini - 2020-09-27

Hope everyone here is finding their peace :)

Kelsie Puskas - 2019-06-26

Hearing that everyone is allowed to fail very often was so soothing (I'm currently dealing with a stressful situation that's brought on panic attacks)

Ste Gabriel - 2019-07-01

It really is. I tend to put way too much pressure upon myself, so it's really comforting to hear I'm allowed to fail... i'm not perfect and that's all right

S H - 2019-07-15

Remember you're not in charge of final outcomes. Your job's only to try the best you can.
And if you think you've maybe tried well enough before - worrying now wont change that. Just start today.

Pete - 2019-08-07

Me too

Joe Chang - 2019-06-30

I discovered that my panic attacks were caused by my hypersensitivity to caffeine. After my switch to decaf drinks, no more attacks, ever.

captain redBeard710 - 2019-11-08

Lucky...I actually had less panic attacks with daily caffeine, but now have ibsd and can't even have a sip of coffee without consequences.

Andrea López Delgado - 2019-12-21

Me too. I'm sooo sensitive to coffee. Maybe it was the beginning of my panic disease (abuse of caffeine every morning for at least seven months in one year); I used to lunch coffee and nothing else, really. That fucked me up, I guess.
But now I must learn to accept fear and face it to get into myself much more deeply. It's difficult, but not impossible; it's rough, but necessary. I will survive!

Bomi Kim - 2019-12-22

Joe Chang any sugary drinks gives me so much anxiety my heart rates goes through the roof

Susana Kotsampasi - 2020-04-12

Same happened to me. I quit coffee and colas and no more panic/anxiety attacks. Now I'm on the process of quitting sugar so I hope that will evanish the panic attacks for ever.

Nia siva - 2020-12-03

Really? I am happy for you cuz you are cured!!!!!

adarsh gaurav - 2019-06-27

You you beautiful crazy worrying human...

You are worthy and deserve to exist ❤️

brawl troll - 2019-11-07

right on that point, i cried

Benjamin CJ Holmes - 2019-06-26

A panic attack is not just a realisation that you are feeling high levels of anxiety or worry. Your brain/mind is so possessed by the feelings of anxiety and its biochemical counterparts (adrenaline, cortisol etc) to where one starts to feel that they are detaching from reality into true and genuine madness. This is a terrifying even horrifying episode that can leave you with symptoms of PTSD after the first few panic attacks if they are overwhelming enough. I started having them at age 27 and my life has never been the same, I've even mourned for my life before I started having panic attacks. For the last few years I have lived in a near constant state of heightened body awareness where even a stomache rumble or a slight headache, a strange thought, the sleepiness that comes after a big meal, can cause me heightened anxiety and an irrational idea that they signal my end. When you live with the kind of anxiety disorder that I have you face death multiple times every single day.

Day Dreaming - 2019-08-03

Mine represents itself the same way, maybe not as severe, but the thought of dead is always around the corner every day. And because of that I'm always hyper concious about my body reactions.
Everything changed after the first panic attack. I haven't lived the same since, and although it's kinda sad, I'm doing really good right now, so I'm just trying to take it a day at a time.
Wish you the best!!

brawl troll - 2019-11-07

i realized that I have ocd and that made me panic about everything

captain redBeard710 - 2019-11-08

I've never seen someone put into words so accurately how I feel constantly.

I'm terribly sorry that you struggle in the same way as me. 💜 Hope you find relief someday.

Richard Snyder - 2020-02-06

Benjamin CJ Holmes : You have the real thing. The term Panic attack today has become a generic term for a shitty day. Most people have never had a real one. When you see someone having a real one you want to call a priest. Most doctors are useless. My wife suffered and hospitalized all her life because of them.

Špela Lausegger - 2020-02-18

My first panic attack was last year in the summer... I wasn't aware exactly of what was happening to me. And then I had a terrible episode on 13th January this year. I almost died due to choking on my breath, my heart was pounding like crazy and then almost stoped. My bf was there with me scared shitless. We lied down chest to chest and my heart slowed down, but I got tunnel vision and began to feel like like the most calming kind of cold surrounded my heart and spread through my chest to my left arm. I started to hallucinate and the only thought that went through my mind was that that must be what dying is like. My heart almost stopped then. I even told my bf that I loved him. What's scary is that the physical emotion at that exact time was a kind of calm I've never felt before. Almost a soothing kind of calm. I am quite used to being in control, even when dealing with psychedelic substances - bad trips don't get me lose my shit. But sober, and hallucinating after a panic attack... fuck. I didn't give in to what I was sinking into and I took a deep breath and punched myself on the chest three times. And then went straight into a panic attack again. It was fucking terrifiying. We went towards the hospital and I fell into shock infront of it, I was shaking from head to toe, not able to respond for 10 minutes. I started crying histerically after. And I know that shaking actualy helped to keep me alive. Cold and shaking... It's like all the stress you shut down in the past decade suddenly attacks you at once. I thought panic attacks happen to hysterical people and I know now I knew shit. Yesterday another panic attack started and again I felt like nothing is real, but I started conscious shaking of my body and after 15minutes it went away. What scares me the most is the fact that only now I know what true fear is... it is overwhealming. It's like you get a sort of muscle memory that when you get to caught up in your thoughts you feep like it might start again... It's just surreal.

she's on top - 2019-06-26

I suffered from panic attacks in my 20's. One of the most frustrating comments I got when I told people was, "But you seem so normal." There's nothing abnormal about getting panic attacks. Some of the most successful "together" people in the world have suffered from panic attacks. George Stephanopolous and his wife Ali talk about how they bonded through discussing their panic attacks on their first date. I don't have panic attacks anymore and I now consider them a gift. I got help and I understand them now. I learned a lot about myself. If you are having panic attacks go talk to someone about them and get help. You are normal:)

she's on top - 2019-06-27

@Politeboy And what is "normal" anyway. What does that look like these days? This for me was 30 years ago so I think we've come a long way when discussing mental health. Hopefully. I was on medication for a year and then I just carried it around in my purse as a kind of safety net for a year. I also know people who have been on a mild dose of zoloft all their lives. Whatever works for you:)

Politeboy - 2019-06-29

@she's on top I hope u are doing well !!!!

Novelyn Gomez - 2019-06-30

How did you exactly got help? Or more detailed tips please, did you took medications? been suffering with this lately and on my mid 20's and I'm very confuse about this new anxiety. Thank you.

Osaka System - 2019-06-30

@she's on top It's also helpful sometimes to think that nothing is "normal". Sometimes our experiences are so out there, that you can't just say "this is normal". But it's okay to be abnormal. Normal doesn't exist. It's just a concept based on average experience. And no one person will fit all those average experiences. Nobody is normal and that's okay.

Andra 23 - 2019-12-26

how old are you?

Liam Moore - 2019-06-26

I have that phrase tattooed on my arm "This too shall come to pass." I was told it's morbid to think about death everyday. I've never felt freer thinking about it every day.

trexpaddock - 2019-07-04

The line is "This too shall pass", that is to say, it (whatever 'it' is,) will be gone one day.

By phrase 'This to shall come to pass', means that it (whatever 'it' is,) will happen one day.

You seem to have gotten it backwards and inside-out.

Liam Moore - 2019-07-04

@trexpaddock I see it like, it will come, and it will then go. So accept the downs that will come, because they'll go, and enjoy the ups when they come, because they will then go too.

trexpaddock - 2019-07-04

@Liam Moore
yes. that.

Some would describe that as 'non-attachment'.

Liam Moore - 2019-07-04

@trexpaddock I like that phrasing "non attachment" thank you :)

S H - 2019-07-15

Very nice. There's a whole school of philosophy based on this simple awareness, called the stoics. The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius is very good reading.

DMAN BEE - 2019-07-08

I got over the fear that I was going to die, by saying “fine. Then I’ll die.”

No more panic attacks.

Hunter Forsythe - 2020-10-02

Something I read over ten years ago when I was first experiencing them was that being unafraid of panic attacks make them lose their power. I hadn't had one in years until 2017. Since then, I was mostly okay until June. Delving deep into figuring it all out now. Your comment reiterated that original sentiment. So did you basically just stop being afraid?

Emmy jaj - 2020-10-07

This helps but how did you really get rid of the fear?

Evelin - 2019-06-29

Well.. Panic attack for me feels more like.. You can't cotroll your body..heart racing and not being able to control your breath, or understanding why this is happening... What is going on am I having a heart attack or panic attack.
It's not always a thought that triggers a panic attack. It can happen at night before bedtime when you might be calm and ready to go to sleep.. The worst and most frightening thing about panic attacks and anxiety attacks are how fast they go 0-100.Calming techniques that I use that work for me is tapping,breathing exercises, and if it's a mild anxiety attack I force myself for a walk or a run. It helps But tapping is my favorite.

daisychains - 2019-10-06

it's exactly like that for me as well. I always ask myself, am I having a heart attack or is it just a panic attack. I can never tell if it's actually something physical that's wrong or not. my panic attacks come out of the blue; I have them in all sorts of situations and they're just..there suddenly.it really sucks. do you mean tapping your fingers or..?

winta shumalem - 2020-01-28

@daisychains yes tapping your finger and count numbers i do this all the time it also helps me try it

Sacrificial Lamb - 2020-06-18

Every fucking night

Flor Serna - 2019-07-22

"Let the light of public playful confession chase away the shadows of shame."

brawl troll - 2019-11-07

i couldn't quite understand that, what's public playful confession

Kayla Fleetwood - 2019-06-26

Insecurities: I will proceed to kill you
Me: and I oop

Fluffy puff - 2019-06-26

0:41 they feel like your about to have a heart attack, but your still alive...

Edit: This video is amazing :O

Turin - 2019-06-28

you're* you're*

Fluffy puff - 2019-06-28

@Turin Thanks dude

Bridget Magdoline - 2019-06-28

@Fluffy puff 😂 what would we do without the grammar Nazis?

Penny Draws - 2020-09-17

Heart attack simulator lol

tatu123100 - 2019-07-01

I've had panic disorder since I was 9. I'm currently 22 and I still suffer from panic attacks occasionally. The trigger for my attacks is stomach aches and nauseous feelings. No matter how I try to convince myself that I have been through these hundred of times, every stomach ache still feels like the one which is going to kill me.

Jess Joy - 2019-07-02

tatu123100 I have had the same thing baaaaaad since 9 years! It has thankfully gradually gotten so much better in the past 2 years though (I’m 25) so I hope that happens for you too :)

brawl troll - 2019-11-07

unprocessed emotions

Nova Bandico - 2020-06-29

i feel you :$

Jawsh - 2020-07-08

Sending some hug we can fight this 🤗

Celeste Celestial - 2020-07-26

I have the same triggers.

Jerry Wiese - 2019-06-26

Common causes of panic attacks are hyperventilation and or vision defects .
What often alleviates a panic attack is to hold your breath for a few moments and or close one eye .
Then laugh at the panic attack , as fear of having a panic attack can cause panic attacks .
Low blood sugar or dehydration can also trigger them .
Please let me know if this advice has helped you .

Onei-3 - 2019-09-21

When you say laugh at the panic attack, you mean not fearing it? From what I understand, anxiety and panic attacks happened because there are synapses in the brain that have been strengthened because of the episodes. So if you want to control it you just basically have to treat the panic/anxiety attack like it's no big deal and to just joke around with it.

Of course I'm not saying that such attacks should be treated less seriously by you or others but that having the mindset will take away the power that the anxiety/panic has.

Andrea López Delgado - 2019-12-06

Yeah, I triggered most of my attacks for being low weight and for stayin most of the morning without having luchtime. I still must work on having all my meals at time every day.

Cheikh Hmayadi - 2019-06-26

Waiting for an episode about attention seeking and neediness as well as the anxiety that's associated with the fear of not being loved.

Camelia is A-ok - 2019-06-26

I think there is one. Or something similar.

Ste Gabriel - 2019-07-01

I need that

Stigma - 2019-10-03

Sounds like borderline symptoms?

daisychains - 2019-10-06

@Stigma I was thinking that as well.

StudyMe - Self Taught Life - 2019-06-26

BREATHE. Life is control by the breath.

—francine— - 2019-06-26

and what if you have difficulty breathing

trapez77 - 2019-06-26

What if you are hyperventilating

Paul Andrew - 2019-06-29


brawl troll - 2019-11-07

bruh.. breathlessness is a symptom of panic attacks

Freedommjw - 2019-06-26

My favorite saying..."This too shall pass." Love it!

Tengai - 2019-06-26

I'll remember that.

MrJustyoutubing - 2019-06-26

Is a panic attack where you tense up in places, and then start trembling uncontrollably... sometimes with a feeling of hopelessness or a feeling dying?

Michael Jones - 2019-11-02

100 percent

Fa Ba - 2019-06-26

I wish people stop make banal, commonplace something like anxiety or panic attack. These two things are specific to persons diagnosed with mental / anxiety disorder. Stop presenting those like it's common, like everyone has it, like it's normal to have anxiety during the day lol.
I don't really liked this video, describing anxiety like it affects everyone. Then everyone will identify with this. That way of presenting things just explains how people nowadays can't make the difference between just be stressed and having anxiety disorder, hence discrediting people who really struggle with mental disorder.

Having a panic attack is not just being stressed about your competence, your worthiness in front of people or just fear to fail. It's waking up in the middle of the night, alone, with difficulties to breathe, with a heart that beats so hard you think it's gonna explode. It's calling 911 'cause you think you are going to die, and you can. Anxiety causes physical pain on the long term (for example I have more and more difficulties to walk for more than 10 minutes, my muscles are contracting too much everywhere, I have daily heart cramps with prevents me to breathe for some seconds), if you don't treat it with therapy or personal experience, you can have serious problems that can weaken your body, your vital organs, you know the rest.

As a psychology student, I really don't understand this video. It gives a wrong definition of anxiety and panic attack, and provide inadequate advice. The video doesn't give any advice which contributes to the management / control of an anxiety attack (which leads to respiratory complications or else if not calmed fast). I have followed this channel for a while now, and I find that the videos are less and less correctly responding to the problematic it asks. It's more and more abstract, giving generic sentences and advice. It's not very consistent and never answer concretely at the question. I am always disappointed by your last videos, and I think this one is nearly the worst...

People who have anxiety disorder ABSOLUTELY need to see a person, a therapist who can help manage their PERSONAL and deep issues. Making a video giving advice like "say to yourself you worth it" just doesn't help, and gives me the impression that this is completely out of subject, and that you are, again, someone who just don't understand what panic attack is about. Don't talk about it if you don't know about it.

Hello - 2021-01-08

hey i had a panic attack, but like the kind you describe, but it was triggered by a certain thought

O'SSÉIN - 2019-06-26

When the world is crumbling, when you see monsters instead of people - remember:
All you got is BREATH. Breathe like it was your last moment, let it go and think about the best memories experienced.

Erika Ayala - 2019-06-27

Thank you for this statement. It made me realize (along with this video) how trauma warps your view on people and the world. I will keep this in mind.

O'SSÉIN - 2019-06-27

@Erika Ayala Take care Erika

Sweet Choko Milk - 2019-06-27

I have asthma and when I had my first panic attacks it triggered my asthma too. A vicious circle in which my attacks could last 40 minutes or 2 hours. 4 times everyday.
Now I drink some tea or smoke a cigarette (it helps so my doctor said it was fine) and I'm done in 20 minutes.
I don't think too much bc it always pass.

Renate vd Bent - 2019-06-27

Actually when I have a panic attack I find it almost impossible to breathe.

onedimensionalchess - 2019-06-26

Don’t underestimate slow breathing.

cowboxe - 2019-07-07

Panic attacks make me feel as though impending doom is just around the next corner, watching and waiting.

Varun Mehra - 2019-06-26

This too shall pass ☺

Stephanie Pavitt - 2019-06-26

I’ve had agoraphobia for 30 years. I missed holidays with my family, friends special birthdays, weddings, I missed my grandmothers funeral and this week I missed my sons graduation. Next month I will miss my daughters graduation. Panic attacks are cruel.

Elle H - 2020-03-20

Stephanie Pavitt I'm so sorry. I totally understand this. I've missed so many important things and people get so mad at me for it. Its double the pain because people are mad at me.

There is a movie called, "Sparrows Dance". It helped me alot. To see things differently. I really hope you can get some help. Life can be good. The first times out are the scariest. But it gets easier as your confidence grows. ❤️strength.

Kirky - 2019-06-27

I get a panic attack every time I fly. That feeling of being out of control is unbearable!

uccinelli uccinelli - 2019-06-26

this just saved my life

greymatter - 2019-06-26

Almost killed myself in an episode of panic attack while being high on weed, a few years ago. It was almost like my psyche split up and they were in direct conflict. One told me to kill myself, another told me to survive the night and everything will be okay tomorrow(I used to live alone). I didn't listen to both of them and sought help immediately as I couldn't trust myself with my own safety. It was the best decision I ever took. Never be ashamed to reach out.

minimalista12 - 2019-06-26

that was brave, i hope you are in a better place now 👍

greymatter - 2019-06-27

@minimalista12 I'm still here lol. You made it sound like I've passed away lol.

Rosie C - 2019-12-02

@greymatter They meant, they hoped that psychologically speaking, mentally your mindset is in a better place now.

Cherry Cake - 2019-06-26

Leaving yourself flow with the chaos really helps, some weeks ago i needed to go to a medical apointment to get into highschool, it wasn't a big deal but i was feeling like i was about to die!!

While i was on the way, my legs where shaking without control, my belly was about to throw all my breakfast and my heart was beating like crazy, i felt trapped and powerless but i wanted to get the control back so i started fighting with all my straight to keep my legs quiet, i was trying to breath deep but everything seemed to make the situation worst so i remembered that advice one teacher once give me and i leave myself go, after some time everything seemed to be normal with my body again, i was still nervous but i told myself "dO iT bItCh!" And even tought i am really shy i get to the apointment and everything went just fine!

Hhanahua Hahaaaiia - 2019-06-26

This is probably the 5th time that you’ve posted a video on the exact time that I need them.

Qi Lin - 2020-01-31

“You don’t have to be competent all the time” this helps me feel less pressure, thank you for the reminder

maria fhrh - 2019-06-26

The description of the flights experience at the beginning makes me never wanna fly again. Good luck getting that out of my head next time I fly

Talat Anand - 2019-09-20

Lol exactly! I've never had fear of flying. But I hope to god I forget this video by the next time I catch a flight.

Eli Prenten - 2019-06-29

Every 30 seconds in this video there's a "Woah that's me"-moment.
Great stuff, and so compact!

Ray Rockman - 2019-06-27

Before I watched this video I was thinking “when I die it’ll be like I never existed” and then this video says the same thing but somehow it uplifted me

Allegorist Luke - 2019-06-26

Not long ago I went to the gym for the first time in six years, I had a couple of people with me who knew I have Social anxiety (I can't leave the house alone - it sucks) and in the first ten minutes of being there I had a panic attack.

I popped into the toilet and covered my mouth with my hoodie to catch my breath.

All the time my nephew tried to take my mind off of things by talking about the new FF7 trailer.

As I listened I thought about why I put myself in the position I was in and realized I was there to improve and make myself healthy, happy and improve my life - and sure enough after about ten minutes I was back out there lifting weights a d doing squats.

Having a logical answer and someone to talk to got me through it and I now feel pride about my actions.

Good luck to everybody fighting this unseen battle. Never stop fighting.

trapez77 - 2019-06-26

You have an awesome nephew

Yuurei-tan - 2019-06-26

I really needed this today :)

Truly, deeply needed this

BlueRose Green - 2019-06-30

These thoughts doesn’t only help with panic attacks but also with every day anxiety

LAZ - 2019-09-02

The ONLY way to conquer anxiety/panic attacks, is to welcome that feeling of dread instead of fearing it, and when it does randomly come about, challenge it, eventually you become the master and control IT and not let IT control you.

Confront your fear.

brawl troll - 2019-11-07


Marianne - 2019-06-28

"This happens to be one of your well earned fiascos, welcome to being human." I'm calm now.

Thurga Manimaran - 2019-07-03

Oh my God.. You have no idea how much this video means to me 😭I am 26 and I am just facing all these things that I have never heard from anyone else.. I am even scared to take an elevators or go to a parking basement, I feel like I'll just die there.. Thank you so much for giving me an idea on what's the real situation is like.