> temp > à-trier > pokemon-red-blue-virus-2-0-and-the-mew-that-was-hiding-under-the-truck-all-along-mrcheeze

Pokemon Red/Blue Virus 2.0, and the Mew that was hiding under the truck all along.

MrCheeze - 2017-02-27

I rebuilt the "virus" for Pokemon Red and Blue with far more powerful capabilities this time. And in the spirit of completely blowing the mind of a kid from 1998, I used it to bring one of their rumors to life.

To convert your save file to one containing the virus, use the following Python program.
Be sure to use it ONLY on the sav file for the English language release of Pokemon Red or Blue (not Yellow).
To extract your sav.dat on 3DS Virtual Console, you need to use the homebrew software "svdt" or "JKSM".

If you want a version of the virus that also includes the Pokemon editor shown in the previous video, use this Python program instead. To trigger the editor, simply press B+Select anywhere in a Poke Center. Note also that the virus is a bit slower to transfer between games in this version.

Previous videos on the Pokemon virus:

Other Arbitrary Code Execution stuff:

There is a glitch to revisit the S.S. Anne even if the ship has already departed. You may find it useful.

Source code is here, if you want to attempt to make any sense of it:

AlphaetusPrime - 2017-02-27

This tops every other exploit in video gaming history. My god.

Cain Prescott - 2017-02-27

AlphaetusPrime Mind... blown...

RichConnerGMN - 2018-07-14

what about that one pokemon yellow tas tho. with, you know, spongebob and stuff

JacienV - 2017-05-31

You know what'd be a funny Virus? If it made holding Down+A when a Poké Ball is tossed a 100% catch rate.

KaMa2 - 2018-10-20

@雞仔(劉繼生) for the reasons it works it wouldn't stop this use

Videogamer256 - 2019-06-26

A+Start would be better

Sexy Toaster - 2019-07-30

Up+B far superior odds.

Cameron Voller - 2019-08-23

A+X would be insanely good

TayoEXE - 2019-08-23

It was always pressing A + B multiple times for me. Haha

BoomerBoxer - 2017-03-22

Marty, look! I've invented a virus that brings life to the Mew under the truck!
Marty, let's go back in time and implement the virus!
C'mon Marty! We could change history!

Michael Dimitri Richard - 2018-03-29

BoomerBoxer , cronenburg ruined Jessica.

natnew32 - 2017-07-10

A: Hey, friend!
B: Hello, what is it?
A: I read about this thing where if you trade a pokemon with cut, you can skip the S. S. Anne, come back with surf, and start surfing around the S. S. Anne!
B: Sounds cool!
A: Wanna try it?
B: Sure, I'm close to that point in the game anyway.
A: I'll get my game ready. Meet back tomorrow?
B: Sure, see you then.

The Next Day

B: Hey, ready to go?
A: Yep!

Trade Starts

B: ...what was that?
A: ...weird. Oh well, seems to be working normally now, I guess.
B: I guess so.

Trade goes through

B: cool, now I just gotta get a pokemon with surf

Time passes, B gets a pokemon with surf, then finds A

B: OK, got my surfer! ready?
A: yeah, I'm ready!

It works. B looks around, and finds a truck.

B: ...why is there a truck here?
A: idk. weird.
B: Wait, wasn't this the truck that was rumored to have mew under it if you use strength?
A: I think so. It's just a rumor, but let's try it just for laughs.

uses strength

B: uhh... wait... is that...

battle starts

Both: MEW!!!!!!!!

EpicMiner256 - 2018-07-06

Long but good

Paiphu - 2019-03-13

Golden 👍

Metabloxer - 2019-05-16

RED: ...

PikaEeveeMew The Unknown Strong Pokèmon - 2019-10-04

Me:*masterball gun*

Crystal_ - 2017-02-27

in before viral

2xsaiko - 2017-04-11

No, because this uses actual processor instructions that will only work if there is some sort of Z80 CPU running in there. I don't even know if you can trade with other players since there is only one Gameboy. But yeah, testing the easier ACE glitches like 8F first might be worth a try. It would blow my mind if it worked

argancyamat - 2017-09-04

Great Duck the GB doesn't have virtual memory and Minecraft Red Version is a rewrite/port. My guess is the parts of the engine this relies on don't even exist in it, and even if they did they'd be structured completely differently.

nameless rando - 2017-09-22

Hey MrCheeze! Now that Gen 2 is out, could you see if it's possible to make self-replecating arbitrary code in Gen 2?

Abdega - 2018-05-31

Would it be possible to write a program that transfers both a red/blue payload and a yellow payload to each game and then uses a wrapper function that detects if the game has “Gameboy Printer functionality” or not on startup?
Since Pokemon Yellow has Gameboy printer functionality on it, if it is detected by the wrapper it knows it is on Pokémon Yellow and can choose the payload accordingly (or at least I would think)

justdontlovemyself - 2018-06-18

it would not be available in some rom hacks then, because a few dropped gbprinter support =/ that'd be a letdown

its a secret to everypony - 2017-02-27

i think we have finally hit the pinaccle of gen 1 glitches. it cant get any better than this

TheN64man - 2017-04-30

DanielWS424 gee, you put reasearch into it?

Great Duck - 2017-04-30

The reason why there weren't many of them though is because gpu's are hard to produce and doing the linear algebra with the processor is far too inefficient.

Sato - 2017-06-18

@TheN64Man actually, I knew that too. I just watch a lot of gaming/trivia videos as a hobby though. ^^

TheN64man - 2017-06-18

Sato i pretend to know who you are and slowly knod my head

Ross Long - 2017-12-29

What about a blank virus where the arbitrary code can be programmed from the inside, or through remote code execution?

DSHC224 - 2017-02-27

You're making dreams come true.

mamesushi136 - 2017-05-07

This is one hell of a hobby.

bank blanshee - 2017-02-27

This is easily the coolest thing I've seen some with ACE, even counting the minigames in Super Mario World. Great work.

qe_ - 2019-05-28

I did this to my friend.
He was shocked at how he found Mew.
I laughed a lot.

EpicZantetsuken - 2017-02-27

This is one of the coolest exploits I've ever seen. This really makes me wish I had a time machine!

Xander - 2017-02-27

I think beating the game removing the virus is pretty cool in itself

Harmony - 2017-11-16

If anything, it would add a new level to the rumors.

Ahnaf Abdullah - 2019-04-09

@Harmony yeah, imagine a legendary pokémon that can only be caught before reaching the elite 4

Bottinator22 - 2019-07-16

@Ahnaf Abdullah that as soon as you traded with someone who was able to catch them, became catchable again

s0sk0 - 2017-02-27

Besides skipping the HM01 get on S.S. Anne, there's another way to get in that room after the ship leaves. You can do this by facing the guard, then holding right and without releasing it, go through the menu and save. Reset the console (you can release right now) and load the save. You will be facing right and as soon as you try to surf you will go through the guard :)

Want - Diverse Content - 2017-03-05

And then there's B1F too.

Miles Swindle - 2017-03-28

But B1F is used for ACE, right? That might mess up the ACE that's running the event in the first place.

Want - Diverse Content - 2017-04-21

Savannah Swindle
Only if the code run is based on SRAM.

Kataclysm - 2017-02-27

Where were you back in 1998 and I needed this trick to work? :D

Seriously though, kudos for bringing this to life in a "vanilla" copy of the game.

- recrudescence - - 2017-02-27

Kataclysm He used a strawberry version

aaay aaay - 2017-03-18


Fábio Aguiar - 2017-04-12

That code is literally a DLC! GENIOUS!

Leemyy - 2017-02-27

After seeing 7:36 I now know why this isn't getting as much attention as I deserves.
Oh yeah, I know what you're all up to, you cheeky bunch. I really hope to see someone actually pull this off on one of their friends. That would be hilarious.

Oreole1 - 2017-02-27


MrCheeze - 2017-02-27

By popular request, I've updated the description with a version of the virus that also includes the in-game Pokemon editor shown in the previous video. Download link and instructions are in the description.

Great Duck - 2017-04-11

Is there any way to make the save corrupt the hall of fame so that it can no longer purge the virus?

Also, are there any definable memory spaces that can be manipulated, such as the heap space?

Lelouch Vi Britannia - 2017-12-29

Four things.
1. Once the virus is injected, is the arbitrary code programmable from the inside?
2. Do you have a setup for this? If not, do you at least have the setup for the Mew, without the virus? Or just the virus, with the arbitrary code ready to be set up? (Depending on the first point)
3. Is there any address noticeably changed by this that isn't changed by anything else? That is, could I write a program that reliably checks for this virus on the console its trading with?
4. Brilliant job with this man! You are a legend. I will tell my grandkids about you.

azzarox6661 - 2018-03-12

Hey MrCheeze how about a version of this with offgao's memory editor instead of just the pokemon editor?

kryspin013 - 2018-06-09

I've one problem with this virus. Every time when you return to S.S.Anne you can catch Mew again. Are you planning to add autoremove function of virus after you have caught mew?

EpicMiner256 - 2018-07-06

Can you make this virus for Pokemon load rom hacks at any chance?

piplup2009 - 2017-02-27

verlisify vid in 3..2...1

Eldar Iskanderov - 2017-03-24

Luco 42
3 weeks later... still nothing.

Mr. Hydrogen - 2017-08-06

5 months later, never anything.

Mr. KrustyKrust - 2018-01-14

Eldar Iskanderov WelCOmE baCK WolF PaCK! VeRLiS HeRE!

Baked Potato - 2018-05-31

and a year later, still nothing (i think)

Soup Soup - 2018-06-07

Someone needs to show him this tho

TrifuryB - 2017-11-13

did the virus to one of my friends as a prank
then i wondered...

where did my mewtwo go?

Tommy Reddick - 2019-10-13

He got it, oof

MitFlake Productions - 2019-11-08

RED (you) traded MEWTWO

Take good care of MAGIKARP!

Senen - 2017-03-02

That's literally the exact thing I proposed (both on Reddit and Youtube) when you posted your first virus. I'm glad you did it and amazed you figured out in just a few days how to do it. You rule.

MrCheeze - 2017-03-02

Yeah, it was a good idea. Heard it from a few people although they probably got the idea from you.

Senen - 2017-03-02

I'm sure other people may have come up with the same idea. I'm just happy you managed to make it do exactly like I imagined. I wasn't convinced it was possible at all tbh, but you did it in a brillant way. :)
Now we just need a time machine to make it perfect. :D

ฬ0คђร๓єค - 2018-07-12

Jimmy: Charizard is my favorite Pokemon! What's yours Billy?
Billy: My favorite is MIaSINaNO.

Andrew Blechinger - 2017-03-23

Posting this on the 21st anniversary of Pokemon Red and Green's release in Japan. You sly dog. :)

Dave, Granite Valley Projects - 2017-02-27

This is incredible mate. I'm so impressed with how clean and undetectable the virus is now! Great work :)

MrCheeze - 2017-02-27

Ah, I should mention... transferring the data is somewhat slower on 3DS than how it was shown here, something like 20 seconds. But "emulation issues" is a more realistic explanation for that than "my friend just hid code for an entirely new event inside my game", isn't it? :D

jfb-1337 - 2017-03-12

MrCheeze Problem is my friends know that I'm into glitching and I've talked about ACE before... so they might start to suspect something

Miles Swindle - 2017-03-28

LOL, yeah, just say trading's sometime's wonky on VC and you're covered, haha.

· 0xFFF1 - 2017-04-08

5:18 Catching mechanics work differently in Gen1 than in later games in the main series. Great Balls are:
More effective vs high catch-rate (common) pokemon, and should only be used against such pokemon
Applying a status effects affords negligible gains
You don't have to lower HP below half, any more than that doesn't do anything
Ultra Balls are:
More effective vs low catch-rate (rare) pokemon. Use them against Snorlax, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo and Mew
Applying status effects significantly helps
You don't have to lower HP below one-third, any more than that doesn't do anything

Source: https://www.dragonflycave.com/mechanics/gen-i-capturing

EvilGamerX - 2017-02-27

Does this new virus contain the F8 that was in the original virus?

MrCheeze - 2017-02-27

Nah, this one's meant to be more of a stealth thing, so no putting glitch items in your inventory this time around. (And the Pokemon editor from the first virus is absent, so that the payload can transfer faster.)

If there's high demand I can make another version that includes that feature.

Rena Kunisaki - 2017-02-27

Alright, which one of you went back in time...

Is this version still self-replicating?

reshiram202 - 2017-02-27

pannenoek: pokemon edition

Sato - 2017-06-18

that title belongs to theZZAZZglitch (and somewhat missingnoxpert but not as accurately)

Dman - 2017-11-04

missingnoxpert is the simpleflips of pokemon

woobin the scrub - 2018-01-28

In this video, I'll be showing you how to catch mew in .5 A presses

Smegma Lasagna - 2018-03-28

reshiram202 Yes I could use some pannenkoeken right now

Alice Collins - 2018-06-12


MasterXG - 2017-02-27

Imagine if someone managed to do this when RBY was still new xD

hotdogturtle - 2017-02-27

I want a full video of that corrupted/slowed Trade Center music from virus 1.0.

Sauraen - 2017-02-27

Amazing. Using ACE to recreate what "should have been" in the game is one of the best things to do with it IMHO. I'm just waiting for ACE in Ocarina of Time so we can program in a cutscene where Link gets the Triforce, and put two decades of rumors to rest.

MarioKart7z - 2017-09-04

Actually it wasn't 2017. I don't remember exactly what the number was but it must've been around 2040 or 2050

EpicSpeedrunning - 2018-03-09

2042, I think

Triple Steve - 2018-11-18

@EpicSpeedrunning 2401*

EpicSpeedrunning - 2018-11-18

@Triple Steve OUCH I was corrected 8 months after my original post

libjet - 2020-02-23

Looks like your wish has been granted!

thiefrules - 2017-02-27

I can't believe you've done this

Don't watch my undertale videos - 2017-02-27

Very clever... i want there to be lots of variants of this virus all spreading around...
imagine ppl using this 'virus' to share rom hacks.. i love it..

minenice - 2017-03-08

This is basically patching in GB games. Now imagine finding even more unused RAM space!

MarioKart7z - 2017-04-07

But to do that youd have to install a bigger SRAM in the cartridges which'd require hardmodding the carts themselfes, potentially causing permanent damage to the EPROM which contains the game. And after that you'd have to somehow fit a SRAM bankswitching program into the main part of SRAM and then organize things around so that the new code triggers on the fly to make sure that the right SRAM bank is mapped when you write more things to it, but to do that you'd have to find a way to pause the trading machine startup completely and then resume it, etc.

Lord Krythic - 2018-02-18

Imagine going to a pokemon event back then, and infecting everyone's game, but not with the Mew Truck. Instead, you infect it to shut down their game and softlock them forever, after they go to say, the pokemon league, which is a place that every person goes, even after having beaten the game. With an event like that, infecting one gameboy game, will be like infecting fifty, because people would be trading left and right. It would have been an epidemic.

Indigofrost - 2017-02-27

kinda wish you didnt release the save file. spread the virus at events ( like ADGQ )

Silica - 2018-01-14

Indigofrost people might modify it to do evil things

Da1337Man - 2018-01-17

Yeah no, Nintendo would have a field day with this guy and tear him apart in a court room.

Izanagi The Legend - 2018-02-22

Silica fancy seeing the vita hacker here

Robert Miles - 2018-05-27

Not really. As long as he was using a real Gen 1 cart, Nintendo couldn't do anything.

Dawg - 2018-06-11

Nintendo/ the pokemon company couldn't really do anything, stuff like this isn't infringing on their copyright if they are not using their code specifically, it's also not misusing any of their online services. They could still send out C&Ds or sue to get him to stop even though eventually they might lose- they have a lot more resources to waste on lawsuits, but I doubt they'd bother with much for something that can only be spread in person.

If anyone could do anything about it it would be the people whose games got infected, and even then it would be hard to convince a court that the modifying someone else's save file is a crime (maybe vandalism or some kind of tampering?)

Artur Quaglio - 2017-03-03

Now there's something I would do if time travel were possible

Tornado9797 - 2017-02-27

This would've been sick to show off back in the day, fantastic job as always!
Also, what was the music you used at the end?

Tornado9797 - 2017-02-27

I thought that sounded familiar, it's really well done.

Lotaxi - 2017-04-04

MrCheeze please upload separately so I can download it. I love it.

Zgueg Fin - 2019-04-10

@MrCheeze Hey buddy, even if it was two year ago, i would like to know if it's still possible to get this song version ! She is awesome !
And a great thanks for all your great work ! You are awesome :)

MrCheeze - 2019-04-10

@Zgueg Fin The link is in another video on the channel :)

Zgueg Fin - 2019-04-10

Holy cow, i'm blind... thank you a lot MrCheeze :D

Triple Steve - 2018-11-18

Music when mew loads in: Mr.Stark I don't feel so good.

Yuki Taiyō - 2017-06-25

NEXT : Pikablue in Glitch City and Togepi in the Safari Zone.

Preston Graff - 2020-02-14

And nidogod in pokemon heaven after you beat the elite four 100 times

Minecraftplayer129 - 2017-02-27

Is 8F still in this?

Grapz224 - 2017-02-27

That was a large reason people were interested in this, IMO. It allowed a pokemon-spawner in non-Homebrew/cracked 3DS's, albeit for only the first 151, but still. All you need was someone who had the virus...

In all seriousness, good job man. going from "Blockable, Unplayable, and obvious" to nearly invisible and unblockable in INSANE progress.

MrCheeze - 2017-02-27

Alright, I put together a version with the Pokemon editor. Now you can actually rename your Pokemon since you're not trapped in the poke center, too. :-P

Fro Zen - 2017-02-27

is there a way to put this new version (or at least the oldest) in the game using exploits? i don't want to hack, but i want mew.

Indigofrost - 2017-02-28

thank you ^.^

MrCheeze - 2017-03-05

It is possible, but there is no setup for the moment.

Compass Man - 2017-04-02

I just love how that your player character gets so strong after the save file is infected, that he can punch a truck and have it sent flying backwards to finally reveal the rumored mew under the truck... And apparently also make the music sound weird.
Helpful viruses???

Ahnaf Abdullah - 2019-04-09

It speeds up the music, it's an amazing touch, a suspenseful moment as if you're about to see something incredible

xyzzy51273 - 2019-08-14

it's the Kingler that pushes the truck, not the player

Trey Keown - 2017-02-27

You're an absolute madman. I love this.

Abdega - 2017-02-28

Dang you work fast!
Soooo… is this possible to do on the 3DS virtual console?
Edit: Got to the end and read the description! Holy cow it is!

FBI - 2018-08-07

Wtf, i did not expect that truck to move

Let alone mew to be there

Zithia - 2017-03-04

hah, 151 comments listed

but anyway, what happens if two games with different versions ("payloads") of this trade? does one overwrite the other, do they switch, crash, nothing happens, etc.?

MrCheeze - 2017-03-04

Good question. The answer is that any game with any version of the payload will draw its own party list before drawing the other player's party list. By conequence, both games will attempt to send the virus to the other.

What happen next depends on whether the quantity of data that each game tries to send the other is the same. If the answer is no, one game will get stuck forever waiting for the other game to receive more data. If the answer is yes, both games will assume the other game was successfully infected, and continue normally.

Ꮆ0ͮͩͦ̑D̶L̶e̶ᎦᎦ - 2017-02-27

I think i already said this at one of your previous videos but.... T H I S I S A M A Z I N G! Also; TIME TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD! Our goal shall be to infect every copy of the game in existence.

xyzzy51273 - 2019-08-14

That would be insanely hard, considering the virus can be removed by beating the game or starting a new game

Mosaic Slime - 2018-05-31

Ah, a virus exclusively for games, not operating systems. That's a first.

Schrabidium - 2018-03-18

0:41 when you find a missingno land

L9M2 - 2017-03-09

"I call complete bull-"
friends mind is blown

Cosmic Lightning - 2019-03-26

Noted. When time machine is complete, I'll be bringing you & your virus back to infect the games & giving the ultimate scare.

Wrydryn - 2017-03-04

The way I remember the glitch is by using cut on the trucks front tire. Either way this is amazing!