> temp > à-trier > filming-inside-a-slow-motion-vortex-the-slow-mo-guys

Filming Inside a Slow Motion Vortex - The Slow Mo Guys

The Slow Mo Guys - 2019-05-21

Gav and Dan cobble together an interesting (and wobbly) camera rig to film the most British thing they can think of... Inside a cup of tea. 
Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/gavinfree/

Filmed at 1000fps with a Phantom Flex 4K
Filming Inside a Slow Motion Vortex - The Slow Mo Guys

The Slow Mo Guys - 2019-05-21

To view with less compression, select 4K even if you don't have a 4K screen. You'll get a higher bit rate. Slow mo pro-tip. - Gav

Peepsil GamePlayer - 2020-04-25

I watched it in 144p got em

Kris Man - 2020-05-05

Next time use a Turkey Baster with milk so you can control the amount better without throwing it all over :P

Lily James - 2020-05-18

@[BTA] You See Me that's actually kinda funny, you seconded his thanks with a pun and absolutely nobody got it because it the best worst pun ever xD

Kajen Park - 2020-06-16

Yeah, tried...MX WIFI... Still waiting 1H 39M minutes to start...

matias macias - 2020-10-10

The Slow Mo Guy’s🌪🌪🌪

Marques Brownlee - 2019-05-21

That probe lens 😍

Alex Ibanez - 2019-08-28


Vishepu Zhimomi - 2019-09-14


Adi Abdillah - 2019-06-27

Pouring milk into tea, and record the mixing in slow mo

This is the most british thing i've ever seen

Phetorics - 2019-08-29


Gregory Päck - 2019-09-14

Milk first.

SilentGuy - 2020-01-09

And then complaining that it’s cold.

ShadowLucario7 - 2020-08-10

no wonder he gets zapped by american plugs

Infinity Master - 2020-09-12

@Gregory Päck I used to do that before, but then I learned it is better to pour the tea first, followed by the sugar (so the sugar can quickly melt in the hot tea) and THEN pour the milk at the end (in the old days, I used to have sugar leftovers at the bottom of the cup, but after changing to tea first milk last, I don't get that as much anymore).

KeimaChi - 2019-05-30

"The Sun's not bright enough"

God: Excuse me?!?

Matthew 999 - 2020-02-29

Starts global warming

Choppy - 2020-04-27

@RandomName Last Name ur woooosh doesn't make sense

BlaCkToXin - 2020-05-13

@RandomName Last Name are you dumb it means you don't get the joke he was explaining it

EG G - 2020-05-14

sun in 3 billion years: ight ama head out

MrTaunks - 2020-10-25

@merlinthegray good thing*

Just.Peachy - 2019-06-26

7 years later and they still use that iconic music

Nick Beliveau - 2020-05-24

Hokora Yinphine MPP indeeeeeeed

0 0 0 1 - 2020-07-02

@Joshua Moore uh ok can't take a joke?

0 0 0 1 - 2020-07-02

@Declan no, at such slow speeds you can't hear it it's such a low frequency. Also it gets quieter not louder

loib - 2020-07-05

@Declan no, its very clearly edited in. Gav also said he occasionally edits in his own sound effects

Dablord 456 - 2020-07-10

Now 8

Billy Bob Joe Brown - 2020-01-03

you should do this again, but with the sugar into water, so we could possibly see the sugar being pulled off the cube and dissolving into the water.

Agent S - 2020-05-19


Seducci - 2020-06-10


legofanman06 - 2020-06-26


Barrel Ferret - 2020-07-01

too late

The Logician - 2020-09-27

Get this guy max likes so they see this comment

anthonymax63 - 2019-05-25

You can totally take all this footage and make your own tea commercial.

Indulge yourself with a cup of SMG tea...

SMG tea....I’d drink that...just not cold.

CameronWilletts - 2019-06-29

When I read it all I can think of is SMEG tea, and I’m not enjoying it

add account - 2019-07-23

i never thought submachineguns need tea.

Wolfox - 2019-12-08

Why Not R Tea, the official Rooster teeth tea branch?

M Tull - 2020-06-23

not cold? you're in TEXAS how else would you drink tea when it's summer?

Jonathan Meyer - 2020-07-13

Mr Unlucky Kitten just copied and pasted the comment above

Chei TACO - 2019-06-05

" I always get zapped by American plugs.." " yea, me too."

GippyHappy - 2020-03-19

They get zapped because they’re plugging things in while the power is on

Akuno G - 2020-04-09

@Notpoop I don't even own an iPhone, and normally i'm plugging in power tools for shaping wood.

crusty wifi - 2020-04-21

british or un have little electric bumper so you can’t zap yourself on them, america’s just let kids zap themselves

Nomster Dude - 2020-05-07


PersonNamedWD - 2020-06-22

british people be like "lemme touch the metal part :D"

BiRDiE - 2019-06-30

"It looks like Willy Wonka's An-" music stops (9:02)

Azuralis - 2020-01-09

@Desperadox23 Pretty sure they like to keep their content semi-family friendly

Neubulae - 2020-01-14

That's literally the most unholy statement I have ever heard in my life.

Healthy Acid Elemental - 2020-02-16

How do they know?

AmThrow - 2020-07-24

Desperadox23 I mean they don’t upload that often I’m sure they want to make money on the ones they do make

The Super Spowart - 2020-10-06

The question is, how does he know what it looks like.

Alexander Haaf - 2020-02-18

The normal conversations they have while doing they completely unique task is probably the reason they're so popular and not just a gimmick channel with no personality

MrBread - 2019-12-28

now slap a cgi tardis in there and you've got yourself a Dw intro

876 productions - 2020-08-11

Exactly my thought

It’s Mr Lone Wolf - 2019-07-27

“A colonoscopy with an endoscope, it’s quite satisfying actually”

Gavin free ~ 2019

Iris Mabanta - 2019-06-20

Can you film a precipitation reaction?
>Silver nitrate + sodium chloride
>Silver nitrate + potassium chromate
>Copper sulfate + sodium hydroxide
As a chemist I've always wanted to see this up close and in slow mo

Spamspam Gringo - 2020-09-27

@Kendall Johnson We are all pseudo-intellectuals on this blessed day.

william kl - 2019-06-22

You guys should try to capture Triboluminescence By chrushing Lifesavers Mint Wint O Green would look very cool.

Jackie Johnson - 2019-09-03


CaffeinatedTech - 2020-10-13

Might as well use Destin's camera for it too.

Sera Tulk - 2019-05-22

Gav: I got tea on my lab coat!

Dan: oH nO aRe yoU GoNnA bE alRiGHt?!?!

Daisy - 2019-05-22

Can't waste a good cup of tea! 🇬🇧☕

Sydney Wolfe - 2019-06-02

I was the 1k like

Palletlover - 2019-12-30

Does Dan still have that massive blood stain on his coat or was that on the sleeve that was torn off? Or was that a different coat?

Royal Regt - 2020-05-03

Very Army of him

Infinity Master - 2020-09-12

Dan gets hit/injured in the worst way possible and Gav always complains about the smallest things behind the camera. xD

Vince Dolciato - 2019-07-09

"Drink it"
"It's cold"

Obviously they haven't been introduced to iced tea.

Sveinbjörn V - 2020-01-08

@Dinner-fork tongue tea is meant to be drunk hot lol

Dinner-fork tongue - 2020-01-08

@Sveinbjörn V
Not yerba mate tea. Obviously you've never had it with ice and lemon.

Sveinbjörn V - 2020-01-08

@Dinner-fork tongue that's not tea as its not made with tea leaves.

Dinner-fork tongue - 2020-01-08

@Sveinbjörn V
Yeah yeah, whatever. If you have to resort to technicalities to try and refute my argument, we are done here.

BNack - 2020-07-23

Ever heard of iced coffee 🤣🤣

twistedbabyrose - 2019-08-26

When the lens dipped into the tea following the sugar cube I felt like I was the second sugar cube falling in and it was some kind of satisfying that I was not expecting...

Mateja Đedović - 2019-08-23

"Dan gets a colonoscopy with a probe lens at 1000fps" - Make it so!

Joshua Stover - 2020-08-18

“I always get zapped by American plugs”
Never before have I been so offended by something that I 100% agree with

Deltakilo321 - 2020-09-05

Still haven't been zapped by an American plug. Not sure what you people are doing wrong

Joshua M. - 2019-05-21

backyard gav and dan will always be my favorite form of the slow mo guys.

Tylor Councilman - 2019-05-22

Not to say the other forms of the show arent good.

midoctor - 2019-05-22

@Tylor Councilman Not at all... We all root for them to SlowMo the World ! Tokio 2019

Amateur MadHatter - 2019-05-31

me too

KingQwertzlbrmpf - 2019-07-27

Definitly. Some of the stuff they produced with the big sponsored things is pretty cool as well, but most of it just seems like "Well we have to produce something but we don't have a good idea"

star boy - 2019-07-27

Favorite for everyone Bro

Dearly Departed - 2019-06-04

Could you do an ice cube in boiling oil. Should either blowup or create a cool bubble effect.

Felipe Perrella - 2019-11-15

I think you should drop two colors, one on each side of the lens

Seth Hutchinson - 2019-09-18

"Got cow juice on it" - Dan Gruchy, 2019

Razburri - 2019-06-23

Could it be a possibility of a slow-mo video of just blowout speakers? Taking the speakers past their boundaries. Then seeing what happens before they become deformed 😂

derfy - 2020-07-23

“I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be milk.”

- Gavin Free

asd sda - 2020-04-27

It's looks like a some fancy sci-fi weapon

Doughnut boy - 2020-07-25

How come I can’t remember anything I lear in class but I can remember the song the use while it’s in slow motion

Cat-Becca DesuDesu - 2019-06-25

Someone needs to make these angles into live desktop wallpapers because this is so awesome and pretty

Olli3B3ar - 2019-08-26

“we blew up our c stands with a russian cannon” was what i was expecting

santiago - 2019-05-29

+and how much ASMR do you want in this video

dlinemusic - 2019-06-02

Film a Hairy Frogfishes bite (fastest in the animal kingdom)

pmackni - 2020-10-13

Dan: "I can't imagine tasting it would be very nice. All that sugar in the bottom, and it's cold as well."

Near Future - 2019-05-21

6:20 That transition was unexpected but very satisfying.

Troggie42 - 2019-05-22

That was some top tier editing right there.

Reese Babuder - 2019-05-22

I paused the video to like it for the editing alone.

Shannon Gerry - 2019-05-22

I didn't expect it, I stopped, rewound and watched it again. It was very pleasing.

Scottie224 - 2019-05-25

A transition to be sure, but a welcome one.

Aizen Sosuke - 2019-06-25

I am your 900 like

Garrett Myers - 2019-05-27

"I always get zapped by American plugs" xD does that not happen usually for you?

adi - 2019-06-03

remember beatles help movie

Edward Brown - 2019-06-27

@adi lmao deep cut

Play It Drunk - 2019-07-31

G e t t i n g z a p p e d i s n t n o r m a l, I feel like maybe he was touching the lil prong but it doesn't look like it. For sure European plugs are safer than American plugs though so I feel like this has something to do with it.

CaramelHorse - 2020-04-28

"That's got to be one of the most mental setups we've had"
Slow-mo drone flashbacks intensify

Aiden Howe - 2019-06-14

You should do rubber band slow mo and what a rubber band look like hitting someone in slow mo slow

Marco - 2019-06-03

Hey guys,
I'd love to see the frogfish attack in slowmotion

S. M. Henderson - 2020-04-16

"Looks like a colonoscopy, it's quite satisfying, really!"
- Gav

Kniifu - 2020-02-13

This is how the Rick and Morty portal was thought of


That EXACTLY what I was thinking, and I dont even like rick and morty

Joey Walsh - 2020-07-02


mbntr - 2019-07-26

The spiffing Brit will be proud of you

LENING - 2020-08-14

This was so relaxing, from the slo mo music to the water making me feel like I’m surfing

WhisperAudios ASMR - 2019-05-22

The thumbnail is giving me major Rick and Morty Vibes

Celeste Greene - 2019-07-27

i never thought 4k was that different from 1080p until i watched a video in 4k, I'm not sure this was he best video for making that discovery

Christopher Junkins - 2020-04-26

can we give some love to the Foley Artist(s) on this show, especially for the liquid sound fx?

Krystian Kaczmarek - 2019-06-27

Should spin sunflower oil <3 or something thicker than water.

TehDrummaBoi - 2020-04-26

7:43 I feel as though dan may have made a pun there about muller yogurt that went right over gave head, the way he looks back at him after to see if he got it haha

Infinity Master - 2020-09-12

6:30 Looks like one of those Mortal Kombat fatality traps.

SpamReciever420 - 2020-07-10

This is deadass one of the most visually impressive things to ever come out on this channel

EnerJetix - 2020-09-06

4:09 this is really satisfying to me for some reason

jungshook - 2019-06-07

7:27 "An absolute glob!" Me